"Aunty Huang...?!" When Wang GuiYing's vision cleared up, he could see the familiar face of the woman whom he recognized as Zhihao's mother. 

"Oh, thank god you're awake," Huang Zhi Juan sighed in relief as she saw the man waking up with no visible problems. 

"What...?!" Wang GuiYing's face looked to be shocked and confused and this was naturally to be expected considering the fact that he had no idea why he was here or why Zhihao's mother was here dressed in a white coat. 

"Don't be alarmed and lie down," Huang Zhi Juan smiled as she spoke, trying to reassure him that he was now safe, "Let us run some tests on you first just in case." 


Wang GuiYing didn't dare say anything to that as he simply lay on the white bed and looked around only to notice that he wasn't the only one lying here. 

There were other beds here as well and on those beds, there were people that he was clearly able to recognize. 

It seemed that their initial guess had been right. Everything that they went through was indeed not true. They were actually in a virtual simulation. A full dive VR. 

If that were the case then Wang GuiYing only had one question that he importantly needed to ask. 

"When did it start?" The man gulped as he asked with a chuckle. 

All the players were busy with their own lives when they were suddenly thrown inside the final level. There had to be a key. There had to be a point when they travelled from reality to the virtual game. 

Wang GuiYing looked around to see the other players still sleeping with some medical equipment connected to them, but he couldn't see any virtual gear so he was a bit confused and amazed as he wondered how this final level was made possible. 

"It happened when you entered the first competition of the final level," Huang Zhi Juan sighed as she answered his question, "I'm sure you didn't notice anything wrong with it." 

"Eh?" Wang GuiYing blinked in confusion as he thought back to the first competition that they were given at the starting of the final level. 

"You all headed to the same building and gathered up," Huang Zhi Juan continued as she explained patiently, "There was smoke that covered the building and it was no ordinary smoke, it was a type of drug." 

"Someone drugged us?!" Wang GuiYing couldn't help but be shocked as he cried out. 

Huang Zhi Juan nodded her head as she confirmed it, "You all lost consciousness and then you were injected with a specific chip right behind your neck." 

Wang GuiYing didn't look to be thrilled as he heard something that he found to be so horrifying. 

"What chip?!" 

"The chip that was used to help you hallucinate. It was connected directly to your brain and you were unable to distinguish between reality and the virtual game." 

"Who in the world was crazy enough to inject anything on us without our permission?!" Wang GuiYing's eyebrows creased together as he asked angrily. 

Wang GuiYing wasn't really a man who would get angry easily but when he did manage to get angry at someone or something, the anger he was ready to display was certainly not something to joke about. 

"We are still searching for the culprit," Huang Zhi Juan sighed as she replied, "But you can rest assured that we would be able to find them soon enough." 

"Them?" Wang GuiYing repeated as he questioned, "So it wasn't a single person?" 

Huang Zhi Juan nodded her head as she informed him, "We are not sure but there is no way a single person could have managed to do all this. It must be the work of a group." 

"What about the rest of the players?" Wang GuiYing asked as he looked around in search of a particular person named Zhou Xinyi. 

"They can't wake up unless they win or lose the game," Huang Zhi Juan replied as she looked over at her son who was also one of the players that were still inside the game. 

"You can't force them to wake up?" 

"No, that's dangerous." 

"And Zhou Xinyi, why can't I see him?" Wang GuiYing frowned as he questioned. 

Huang Zhi Juan pursed her lips as her muscles tensed up at the question. 

"About that..." The woman gulped as she looked around, trying to come up with a way to make the answer sound a bit less... anger-inducing. 

"Don't tell me you never found him...?" Wang GuiYing chuckled dryly as he looked at the woman in disbelief. 

"How did you know that?" Huang Zhi Juan gulped as she asked back in all seriousness and Wang GuiYing was left speechless. 

"So you really lost him?" Wang GuiYing's eyes widened as he questioned, straightening his back, clearly looking to be worried for the man who was missing. 

"That's not exactly it," Huang Zhi Juan chuckled awkwardly as she spoke, "We never found him to begin with so we can't say that we lost him either." 


"By the time we arrived at the building, there were only the ten of you lying there unconscious. Zhou Xinyi wasn't among you." 

Wang GuiYing immediately stood up and tried to pull out the medical equipment that was connected to his body. 

"What are you trying to do?" Huang Zhi Juan asked anxiously as her eyes widened in worry after seeing the man's actions. 

"What does it look like I'm doing?" Wang GuiYing questioned back, "I'm going to look for him." 

Huang Zhi Juan was a little surprised to hear the man's determination and impulsive behaviour. 

She had certainly never seen this side of Wang GuiYing before. She had only ever seen him as BBtrash, the player who was always playful and joking around with her son and other players. To think that he would be this angry and worried for his friend... It was not that shocking but it was certainly surprising. 

"You're going alone?" Huang Zhi Juan asked as she looked at the man. 

Wang GuiYing nodded his head as he confirmed, "Since you guys were unable to find him, I'm not left with many options." 

"Why don't you wait?" Huang Zhi Juan grabbed onto his arm and stopped him from moving any further as she spoke, "Stay here for now. Get the tests done just to be sure that you're completely okay." 

Wang GuiYing's eyebrows creased together and he didn't look like he wanted to do as she said but before he could say anything as a response to her, the woman continued. 

"If you stay, you can watch the game end. Don't you want to know who wins against the system?" 

Wang GuiYing's eyes narrowed down on the woman as he heard this part, "The game? You can see it?" 

Huang Zhi Juan smiled as she nodded her head and confirmed it, "How else do you think we were able to keep track on you guys?" 

Wang GuiYing would certainly be lying if he said that he was not surprised and although he was still worried about Zhou Xinyi, he was also interested to know who the gamemaster was. 

"Follow me," Huang Zhi Juan smiled as she spoke, "I have a feeling that it would be over soon and once it's over, I can send people to help you look for Zhou Xinyi." 

Wang GuiYing gulped as he heard this and pondered over this offer for a minute. 

"You have nothing to lose so come," Huang Zhi Juan didn't wait for an answer as she turned around and started walking, hoping for Wang GuiYing to follow her. 

At the end of the day, when Wang GuiYing considered the offer calmly, he felt that it would be better to get some help. 

It wasn't like he could find Zhou Xinyi just because he went looking for the man and he was sure that although the woman had said that nobody was able to find him, they were still surely searching for him. 

Huang Zhi Juan slightly smiled as she noticed that the man was quietly following her. 

"Don't worry about it, Dear. We'll find him," Huang Zhi Juan reassured as she kept walking and Wang GuiYing nodded his head but said nothing more to that. 

The woman took him to the main hall where there was a huge brain kept in the middle with a screen right in front of it. 

The screen was divided into sections with each section focusing on an individual player.

"Where are we...?" Wang GuiYing asked as his mouth opened in awe at the sight. 

This was certainly not a normal place...! 

"You are at the headquarters of T.I.A.D.," Huang Zhi Juan informed with a chuckle as she pointed at the huge brain and spoke, "To be more specific, the research facility for that thing. That's Alvi." 


Wang GuiYing gulped and said nothing as he felt speechless at the moment. 

Wang GuiYing's eyes trailed down to the screen and he focused on a particular player who had a different tag displayed on top of his screen. 

"The gamemaster...?!" Wang GuiYing's eyes immediately widened in shock as he saw the man that he would have never guessed to be the gamemaster. 

That lying little devil magic lover!!

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