"This is not the center...!" Li Ling exclaimed and Tian Xifeng didn't look to be amused as she heard the man. 

"What do you mean?" 

Li Ling didn't know if he wanted to laugh or cry at this moment as he spoke, "The system tricked us... Damn it!" 

Tian Xifeng's eyebrows creased together in confusion and worry as she heard the man, "Gege, speak clearly. What are you trying to say?" 

Li Ling sighed as he crouched down and sat on the ground leisurely, "The system tricked us into thinking that this maze was shaped like a circle, and because of that, we were forced to believe that this was the center that we were supposed to reach." 

"So it is... Not?" Tian Xifeng carefully asked as she looked at the man. 

Li Ling nodded his head as he confirmed her suspicion, "That's right. We are not the winners because we are at the wrong place." 

Tian Xifeng blinked as she heard this shocking news and the woman was not able to say anything for a whole few minutes, however, just as the shock had sunk in, she shouted at Li Ling as she asked, "Then why the hell are you sitting here?! Shouldn't we be heading to the real goal?!" 

Li Ling pursed his lips as he heard this and looked up at the woman before shrugging his shoulder as he stated, "It's already impossible." 

"What do you mean?!" Tian Xifeng asked as she glared at the man who seemed to have given up. 

Li Ling smiled thinly as he informed, "It's already too late for us to go there. A-Zhi and his brother seem to have already realized it and they probably left for the real center. We were too late." 

"You have got to be kidding me!" Tian Xifeng scoffed as she questioned in annoyance, "How can you give up like that when you don't even know for sure? They could have left just now as well. If we move fast, we can catch up to them!" 

Li Ling nodded his head as he heard her, "That's right. There is a chance that we would be able to catch up to them but... Are you sure that you want to?" 

"Eh?" Tian Xifeng frowned as she looked at the man with an indecipherable expression plastered on her face, "What are you trying to say?" 

"I'm just asking," Li Ling sighed as he responded, "We were never in the game to win it, were we? We were playing to oversee the game." 

"..." The woman was speechless as she heard this and her speechlessness was caused by the fact that Li Ling was right. 

They were the beta players who were supposed to make sure that no other player was put in danger. Their job wasn't to win the game, it was to oversee it instead and make sure that the system doesn't go out of control. 

"Then what do we do now?" Tian Xifeng asked in a volume that was hardly audible. 

"Let's just wait now," Li Ling smiled as he replied, "Let's wait and see who wins." 

Tian Xifeng nodded her head as she heard him and took a seat on the other side of the room before she suddenly chuckled and commented, "It isn't like you to give up this easily." 

"I know right," Li Ling chuckled as he responded, "I'm the competitive type but suddenly... I feel really tired." 

"Tired?" Tian Xifeng tilted her head as she looked at the man's face and spoke up, "I would say you look more guilty than tired." 


"What are you feeling so guilty for?" Tian Xifeng asked with much interest as she looked at the man. 

"Guilty?" Li Ling sighed as he thought about it and nodded his head, accepting it, "That may be right. I do feel a bit guilty." 


"I lied to A-Zhi." 

Tian Xifeng chuckled as she heard this and leaned her head back, resting on the wall as she asked, "You have still not told him the truth yet?" 

"No... I did tell him about that," Li Ling replied honestly and Tian Xifeng's eyes immediately went wide in shock. 

"You did?!" The woman question in shock as she looked at him curiously. 

Li Ling nodded his head as he added, "I did and luckily, he doesn't hate me." 

"Doesn't hate you?" Tian Xifeng repeated in shock, "That's too vague of an answer! Give me details!" 

Li Ling chuckled as he heard the woman and spoke up, giving her the answer that she was demanding, "It was an unexpected confession so it didn't go like you would think it went. He was disappointed in me but he didn't push me away nor did he say that he hated me. He even refused to break up so I think we are good. I'm happy that he is ready to give me another chance to be more honest with him." 

"Wah~ Zhihao Gege is really an angel!" Tian Xifeng exclaimed in awe as she stated, "If it was me, I would have dumped you with a black eye." 


"If you told him everything and he took it nicely, why are you feeling guilty?" Tian Xifeng asked in confusion as she looked at the man curiously. 

"Because I told him that I'd try my best to win," Li Ling chuckled as he informed, "But here I am, completely giving up on the thought of winning." 

"Tch- So he trusted you and you are here breaking his trust again just because you're lazy?" 


"He was clearly giving you a chance to prove that you're trustworthy," Tian Xifeng scolded the man as she informed, "And you... You're really an a**hole, did you know that?" 

Li Ling was speechless as he heard the woman and it was clear that he was speechless because he had nothing to say in defense. 

"Start running before I come over and smack you on your head," Tian Xifeng clicked her tongue as she threatened the man, "Don't be a coward and fulfill your promise!" 

"If you said you're gonna try your best, I better see you trying your damn best!" Tian Xifeng added as she glared at the man, "Stop being a coward already and stand up! If you don't then I'm telling on you! Let's see if Zhihao Gege is still happy to know that you broke your promise again." 

Li Ling was suddenly threatened by the woman and he gulped as he looked at her and tried to understand if she was just saying this for the sake of saying it or was she actually planning to tell on him. 

"Don't you dare think I'm joking," Tian Xifeng added as she glared at the man and this time, Li Ling was sure that the woman was really not joking around. 

She was really threatening him seriously and Li Ling would be lying if he said that he didn't feel threatened. 

"Now get up or do you want me to come over there and kick you?!" 

Li Ling gulped as he heard this and immediately shook his head as he pushed himself off the ground and stood up. 

Tian Xifeng nodded in satisfaction as she saw this and closed her eyes as she took a deep breath in, "Good, you're finally listening. Now go and complete that promise. Although I'm not happy to see you dating my ex-fiance, I would be lying if I said that you guys don't look cute together." 


"Since it's your decision, I'll support you two," Tian Xifeng added as she informed, "So you guys better not break up or lie to each other again. I hope to see a healthy relationship." 

Li Ling chuckled as he heard this and nodded his head in understanding, "I get it." 

"Now go," Tian Xifeng opened her eyes as she spoke and this time, she was not glaring angrily at the man and instead, she had a small genuine smile on her face. 

The woman was serious about every word she said and somehow it managed to make Li Ling feel a little happy. 

The man clearly knew that his chances of winning were slim, however, thanks to a little push given from Tian Xifeng he was able to realize that it wasn't about winning. 

It was about trying.

Zhihao asked him to win but what he wanted to see was Li Ling trying his best to win.

Mastermo was clearly a man who didn't like to win because his opponent let him win and that was why he wanted to seriously challenge Li Ling in this competition. 

"Are you going to stay here?" Li Ling asked as he looked at the woman. 

Tian Xifeng sighed as she heard the man and responded, "I never made any such promises to anyone so I can do whatever I want." 


"And in any case, just like you said, I was never here to win. I was here to enjoy the game and to oversee it as one of the beta players," Tian Xifeng spoke with a warm smile.

"Also~ I don't really want to go out there again and torture myself with those traps," The woman chuckled as she added.

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