There existed a word called 'Miracles' because Miracles existed and Zhihao believed that as long as he believed in those miracles, he could manifest them as well. 

Another half a year passed by in the blink of an eye, or at least, that was what Zhihao would have wanted to say, but in reality, it didn't pass in just a blink of an eye. That half a year passed slowly and had managed to both mentally and physically exhaust Zhihao to the point that the man felt as if he was on the verge of insanity. 

Even in that half-year, Li Ling never showed any signs of improvement and everyone except for Zhihao was slowly coming to terms with the fact that the man might just stay like this forever. 

A human brain was amazing and was filled with a lot of potentials, however, that same brain was also too weak. 

The synthetic neurotransmitters that were used in the final level of the game controlled the player's mind directly and this was the reason why everything inside the game had felt so real. 

The system was messing with their minds and tricking their minds. When this was done moderately to simply make the players feel some touch or taste, it would have been okay, however, once this new method of VR was overused, it would become deadly to the human brain. 

Human brains were not made to be tricked and hence when humans tried to trick the brain, the outcome would surely not be the best. 

In Li Ling's case, he had to experience death inside the game and with the help of the synthetic neurotransmitters, that feeling of slowly dying was sent as waves into his brain and his brain was forced to believe that it was the reality. 

What happens when you force your brain to believe that you are actually dead?

The answer to this question was pretty simple and even a person who didn't have much knowledge on the topic would probably be able to answer this question. 

When the brain is forced to believe that it's dead, it accepts it as a fact and decides to shut itself down for some time. 

This was exactly what had happened in Li Ling's case. The man was forced to believe that he is dead and as a result, he was now lying here unconscious with his brain refusing to let him wake up. 

It had been a whole year since Li Ling was lying here in this hospital and in that year, it seemed as if time was stretching itself to the extent with nothing happening. 

Everything was just a mess that looked as if it was not going to be cleared up anytime soon. 

Zhou Xinyi was still missing and Wang GuiYing had been constantly searching for that man. 

Huang Zhi Juan and her husband had sued the creators of LHA but were unfortunately made aware that LHA's original creators and founders had died a few years ago in a fire accident. The company had already gone bankrupt and was sold at a cheap rate to an unknown man who didn't seem like he hoped to revive it. 

The new owner was nowhere to be found and hence the case was still ongoing with no leads whatsoever. 

It had been an entire year since T.I.A.D. had self-destructed and the impact of the game could still be felt in society. Gaming was still a growing industry and there were new games being introduced almost every day, however, none of the new games managed to gain the same success that T.I.A.D. had collected. 

Some games even went as far as to try and copy the marketing strategy used by T.I.A.D. 

They decided to announce a huge cash price but it was not enough to attract players who had already learned their lesson after seeing how T.I.A.D. had ended.

There was even a strict control over how games worked in order to ensure that nothing dangerous would ever happen to the players again. 

The synthetic neurotransmitters that belonged to LHA were on sale for a short while as the person behind it all decided to make some profit while hiding in the dark, but, as said before, it was for a 'short' while only. 

As soon as the product was on the market, the police started to investigate further into it in order to find the person behind it and the person seemed to have gotten intimidated as they stopped and took the product back. 

The players didn't even get to have enough time to buy the synthetic neurotransmitters and hence the sales and profits of LHA were zero. 

In the end, the person was still not found and was never able to once again place the product on sale. 

There was also another person who had gained some fame in this one year and this person was none other than Andyzz. The player who was brutally shot to death inside the final level. Turns out, the man was actually quite lucky and had managed to wake up without any problems. His brain also went through a shock but he didn't end up like Li Ling which made some people believe that perhaps the synthetic neurotransmitters were not all that bad. 

However, the reason why the man suddenly gained some fame was not because of this, and instead, it was because of two completely different factors. 

The first reason why people started being interested in him was because he was the young C.E.O. of another huge gaming company called ZeuZe and he had actually started playing T.I.A.D. because he wanted to find why the game was suddenly so famous, but of course, by the end of it, he actually became a fan of the game.

Unfortunately, This was not all. After the self-destruction of T.I.A.D., the man behind the gaming ID Andyzz, who was actually named Andrew Lee, found himself suing Omelas. He was the first person to sue the company under the accusations of using people for marketing without their prior consent.

Of course, the reason why he sued the company was said to be this but was, in reality, something entirely different. He sued the company because he wanted Omelas to shut down and this was not a shocking move on his part considering the fact that Omelas was an active competitor of ZeuZe and now that Li Ling was unconscious, it was the perfect chance to have this competitor thrown out of the game. 

It was also rumored that Andrew Lee tried to find the broken Alvi so that he could remake the system and use it for his own company, however, the truth behind this rumor was never officially cleared, and hence, this was considered to be nothing more than just a rumor. 

Once the man had sued the company, there were more that followed. 

Although it wasn't Omelas that had arranged the final level, it was still the company name that was dragged through the mud since they were the owners of Alvi and T.I.A.D. 

For people who were not well aware of the whole situation that took place with LHA, Omelas was considered to be the company that was behind it all and since it was their fault, everyone believed that they should be the one to accept the responsibility. 

However, even after being sued by quite a few number of people, Omelas still remained standing strong with its vice-president temporarily taking over the company and managing it to the best of his abilities with the help of Li Ling's personal secretary Xia who seemed to know quite a lot about all the secrets that Li Ling hadn't shared with anyone else. 

Omelas was a new company but it had some strong backing. Even Zhihao's father was there to support the company when it was under fire so it wasn't easy for someone to simply try and bring the company down. 

In the court, it was hard to take action against Omelas and in the end, it was decided that the case would be paused till Li Ling woke up. 

When Zhihao heard about this whole mess of court cases going on, he didn't know if he wanted to laugh or cry and he even joked about it saying that maybe Li Ling already knew how much work was waiting for him and that was probably the reason why the man refused to wake up. 

Among all the accusations that were thrown at Omelas, there was one, in particular, that was going to be extremely troublesome and it was the situation involving the missing player Hulk0_0. 

If the man was still not found by the time Li Ling wakes up, then after discharge, Li Ling would definitely have to go to jail before he gets to go back to his house. 

"There is so much that you have to do," Zhihao muttered as he gently squeezed Li Ling's hand, "Wake up soon or they might just keep on piling up..." 

It had become Zhihao's habit to sit beside Li Ling and talk like this.

The doctors had told him that Li Ling could hear him and so Zhihao made sure that he talked a lot to the man in order for him not to feel lonely.

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