"He is really pitiful..." Huang Zhen sighed as he muttered, "He no longer smiles and when I look at him, it's like I'm looking at a complete stranger." 

Zhihao nodded his head in agreement as he heard this. He had also met the man a handful of times when he came here to visit Li Ling and at all those times, he had never seen Wang GuiYing smile. 

It was as if there was a dark cloud of worry hanging over his head. As if the sun hadn't risen for him after Zhou Xinyi went missing. 

The man was a mess and Zhihao could understand why. This was also the exact reason why Zhihao felt so bad for the man. 

"How do you plan on helping him?" Zhihao asked as he looked at his brother. 

"I don't know," Huang Zhen sighed as he looked down at his hands, "There is not much I can do and I know that but... I still want to try and help him. I think I'm going to start asking around first." 

Zhihao smiled as he heard this and nodded his head as he approved of this idea, "You can start small. It might not be of much help but trying is still good enough." 

Huang Zhen nodded his head as he heard this, "You're right." 

Zhihao sighed as he added, "Be sure to look after him for a bit. I'm sure you guys would be able to find Zhou Xinyi soon." 

"Two pair of hands are better than one," Huang Zhen beamed as he responded, "We can find him, I'm confident! And Big bro, you don't need to worry about him." 


Huang Zhen glanced at Li Ling and continued, "You already have a lot on your plate so let me be the one to worry about Wang GuiYing for you" 

Zhihao nodded his head with a chuckle as he heard this and commented, "It almost sounds as if you're trying to woo him." 

Huang Zhen laughed together with the man as he heard this, "I dare not. I don't want to be killed by brother Zhou Xinyi." 

"And you'll also be killed by Li Ying," Zhihao added playfully with a chuckle. 

"That's also a possibility," Huang Zhen played along as he spoke.

Although the two brothers had said they would soon be able to find Zhou Xinyi, another two years passed and Zhou Xinyi was still missing. 

It had been three years since Li Ling started lying on this bed motionlessly and even after three years, Zhihao stayed by the man's side. 

Zhou Xinyi was still missing and Zhihao had also joined in on the search party that was constantly looking for the man. 

Huang Zhi Juan was saddened to see her son staying at the hospital all day long so she tried to persuade him into working at his father's company.

Zhihao was never a person who liked to work in a company so it was only natural that he was against it in the beginning, however, he soon realized that he could help Omelas in this way so without thinking too much about it, he started working. 

It had been over a year since Zhihao had made the decision to start working for his father and so far, he was really able to help Omelas a lot. It wasn't much but it was still something. 

It was 2nd august 2036 and like any other day, Zhihao decided to finish up early so that he could pay a visit to the hospital. 

This had been a daily routine for him and it was one that he was certainly not going to break. 

Although everyone had told him not to lose hope, after three years, Zhihao was really not that hopeful anymore. 

At first, he knew that Li Ling was going to wake up one day but after waiting every single day for those three years, it was only natural that he was no longer confident to say the same. 

Life was unpredictable and Zhihao had learned to accept this fact. 

If Li Ling were to see him today, he would surely comment on how much Zhihao had changed in these three years. 

The man had somehow become busier and along the way, he seemed to have forgotten how to smile and laugh genuinely from the heart. 

Today as well, he bought a single flower from the shop and headed towards the hospital with no particular hope to see the man waking up, however, it seemed that the unpredictable life had decided to play a joke on him once again. 

When Zhihao entered Li Ling's room, he found it to be empty. 

The man's eyes widened and a deep sense of fear rooted in his heart as he saw the empty bed. 

The man was confused, shocked, and scared. His entire body went still and he dare not say a word. 

"It's you...!" A nurse opened the door and looked at Zhihao in surprise as she spoke up, snapping the man out of his thoughts. 

Zhihao gulped as he turned around and looked at the nurse as he asked, "Where is the patient?" 

The nurse slowly smiled as she heard this question and for some reason, she looked to be a bit happy as he responded, "Follow me."

Zhihao was still confused and had no idea what was going on so he simply nodded his head and followed after the nurse who took him towards another room. 

"It's a miracle," The nurse commented when she reached to open the door and glanced back at Zhihao with a small smile on her face. 

When Zhihao heard this, he was still confused, however, the fear seemed to have suddenly changed into another feeling. A feeling that Zhihao hadn't felt for a long time now and it was hope.

His heartbeat quickened and he was filled with hope. 

The nurse let Zhihao enter the room first and as soon as the man entered the room, he saw Li Ling sitting up on the bed with the help of the raised headrest. The man was covered with nurses and doctors who seemed to be asking him some questions. 

Zhihao's eyes widened and his head went blank. 

In these last three years, he had dreamt of this moment a lot. The moment when he would finally see the man waking up, however, he had never considered how to react to such a situation.

Tears started brimming in Zhihao's eyes and his emotions seemed to be all over the place. 

At this exact moment, Li Ling turned and noticed Zhihao's presence. 

The man looked to be surprised and the first question he asked with his parched voice was, "Who are you?" 

Zhihao felt his heart shattering into a million pieces as he heard this and he looked at the man with his eyes wide open in shock.

This wasn't some sort of shitty movie or drama!! 

How can he wake up after three years and ask such a question?! 

Zhihao gulped as he realized that he never would have expected to hear this question in his wildest dreams. 

The tears soon started flowing down and stained his cheeks. The man could no longer control his emotions and he started crying without caring about anything. 

Li Ling chuckled as he saw this and spoke, "I was just kidding... A-Zhi." 

Zhihao cried even more as he heard this and he dare not move from his place as he felt a little angry at the man for trying to pull such a joke on him. 

"We'll give you some space," The doctor spoke up with a smile as he looked at Li Ling, "It has been a long time since you've talked. If anything happens, make sure to call us." 

Li Ling nodded his head as he looked at the Doctor, "Thank you, Doc." 

The two Doctors and the nurses who were inside the room soon left and closed the door after them, leaving Zhihao and Li Ling alone in the room. 

"I hate you..." Zhihao muttered loud enough for Li Ling to hear and these were the very first words that Zhihao had said to Li Ling after these excruciating three years. 

Li Ling was a bit stunned and hurt to hear this but he nodded his head in understanding as he spoke, "Fair enough." 

Zhihao sniffled back his tears and rushed over towards the man before pulling him in a tight hug, "I hate you a lot!" 

"..." Li Ling didn't know if he wanted to laugh or cry as he heard the man repeating those words. 

"You're an asshole!" Zhihao cried out and Li Ling once again nodded his head as his own eyes started getting moist with tears. 

"I hate you for making me suffer! I hate you for lying to me! I hate you for making me love you so much!" 

Li Ling also started crying as he silently nodded his head and simply accepted and listened to everything Zhihao had to say. 

"I hate you so damn much!" 

"I know... A-Zhi, I know..." Li Ling muttered under his breath as he patted the man's back in a comforting manner.

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