It took more than a week for Li Ling to slowly recuperate and even after waiting for a week, doing everything the doctors and physicians told him to do, the man was still not back to his full health, however, he was still looking much better than before and he was discharged from the hospital after two weeks. 

Zhihao would have loved to see Li Ling resting for a while, but it seemed that every issue that had piled up over the span of three years now had a person who was supposed to take responsibility for it all.

The court cases that had paused for a long time finally proceeded and it was a gigantic mess. 

Li Ling gave an official statement to the press, apologizing to everyone who had been directly or indirectly harmed in any manner because of everything that had happened three years ago. 

It seemed that three years was enough to calm the anger of the people but there were still some who were pissed off about it and refused to accept Li Ling's apology. 

To be more exact, these pissed-off people were the ones that had invested in the game and lost a lot of money after the sudden self-destruction of the system. 

Li Ling had recently woken up but that was no excuse for him to live freely. He had a lot of things to do and a lot more places to go. Li Ling had worked hard all his life but he never enjoyed working and so he would never call himself a workaholic, however, when Zhihao looked at the man working so hard after barely regaining his strength and energy, he couldn't help but feel as if Li Ling was a workaholic. 

After giving a statement to the press, Li Ling asked the court to put the case on hold once again and he used his health as the reason to do so although the real reason was different. 

The court was more than happy to listen to Li Ling and hence they gave him some more time. 

Li Ling didn't even have the time to sigh in relief as he immediately got to work and started catching up on the information. From his own situation to what had happened to Zhou Xinyi, he listened to all the major news that he had missed in these three years before watching the last live stream of T.I.A.D. multiple times, trying to find some kind of hint. 

When Huang Zhi Juan saw the man working so much, she became worried for his health and even advised him to take it easy, but even she knew that it would be impossible for Li Ling to rest at such a crucial moment. 

In the past year, Zhihao who had worked with his father had managed to collect quite a bit of information on this LHA and he was more than happy to hand over everything he had collected over to Li Ling who analyzed the information and tried to put together the bigger picture. 

The most important piece of evidence that they had with them at this moment seemed to be the nerve chip that had been injected into the back of their necks. 

After the game was over, the chip was taken out and a lot of research had been done on it, however, nobody was able to find anything on the chip. 

It almost seemed as if this nerve chip had appeared out of nowhere. 

Li Ling felt frustrated as he saw the investigation report that had been presented in front of him. They had investigated for three years and yet there was nothing important that they were able to find. 

It was truly a bit frustrating to know such a thing. 

Just when Li Ling thought he was going to find nothing, Zhihao suddenly gave him a photo. 

"What is this?" Li Ling asked in confusion as he took a closer look at the photo only to find that it was a photo of a man getting out of his car. 

Zhihao smiled as he pointed at the photo and spoke, "This is it."

Li Ling had no idea what the man was trying to say so he took another look at the photo and tried to understand if there was something in it that he was not seeing. 

"You don't remember him?" Zhihao raised his eyebrows as he questioned and Li Ling gulped as he tried to remember the man in the photo. 

Li Ling got ready to shake his head but immediately stopped when he realized who it was.

"It was him?!" Li Ling exclaimed in disbelief as he questioned and Zhihao chuckled as he saw this response that was to be expected. 

"It's shocking, isn't it?" Zhihao asked with a smirk, "It took us three years to find this picture." 

"But what does it mean?" Li Ling questioned as he looked up at Zhihao in confusion. 

"Look at the jacket that he is wearing," Zhihao pointed out and Li Ling once again looked at the photo only to realize that the jacket was oddly familiar. 

"It's the same jacket the people from LHA wore inside the game," Zhihao added as he confirmed what Li Ling was thinking. 

"And you're... Sure about this?" Li Ling gulped as he cautiously asked and Zhihao chuckled as he nodded his head. 

"I wouldn't have bothered telling you if it wasn't true. This picture is the only evidence we have that connects him to the LHA," Zhihao spoke as he informed, "I have already personally confirmed it. It's not edited and it can be trusted." 

"Then he's the one who was behind everything?" Li Ling questioned and Zhihao nodded his head as he calmly replied. 

"That's right. I couldn't find LHA's owners at first through the normal means, however, when I looked into this guy, I found that he has some questionable property and companies under his alias." 

"Let me guess," Li Ling scoffed in disbelief as he spoke, "He's also the owner of the parking maze and the pink house?" 

Zhihao nodded his head with a chuckle as he confirmed it, "Not only that but he's also the owner of the building where we were suddenly drugged and that's also where they put the nerve chip on us." 

Li Ling rubbed his head as he heard this. 

He felt as if he should've already expected this, but at the same time, he also felt shocked that the man would have enough guts to pull something like this. 

Zhihao kissed the man's head as he softly brushed his hand through Li Ling's short hair and asked, "What are you going to do?"

Li Ling turned his head to look back at Zhihao with a small smile as he spoke, "There is no reason for me to be respectful or polite. I'm going to do exactly what he did. I'm going to stab him in the back." 

Zhihao chuckled as he heard this and nodded his head as he supported the idea. 

The time that the court had given Li Ling was up and thankfully enough, Li Ling finally had the answer that could solve this case. 

They were called for another hearing at the court and it was the second time that Li Ling had personally come to this place regarding this case. 

There were a lot of people in the room and most of them were confused. 

Expect for Li Ling, Zhihao, and their lawyers, nobody else in this court knew what was going to happen. They had no idea that they were about to hear some really juicy shocking news and so they simply waited to enjoy the show. 

The court proceedings looked to be completely normal at the beginning and went just as everyone had guessed for it to go, however, everything seemed to have changed when Li Ling pointed at a certain man and decided to call out the real culprit. 

Chen Jiahao's eyes widened as he saw this and it seemed that Li Ling had managed to catch the man off guard. 

Chen Jiahao was a person who was on the list of board members, and he should have naturally been on Li Ling's side, however, it seemed that the man was only in it for profit. 

For some filthy cash, he was ready to do anything. 

Li Ling had never been on good terms with this man but he would have still not expected the man to pull off something like this. 

When the gamemaster tried to convince them that they were sitting on a goldmine named Alvi, it seemed that the whole speech had inspired Chen Jiahao more than it needed to. 

The man got a bit too motivated and took the gaming revolution bullshit too seriously. 

To think that he actually thought he could make more money by pulling off such a stunt... The man had basically tried to sabotage Li Ling's game to give recognition to his own nerve chips that were being prepared to be sold.

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