What?! The Gamemaster And The Top Player Are Dating?!

Chapter 42 - Mastermo Should Not Be Called A Cheater

Zhou XinYi noticed the unpleasant expression on Mastermo's face and smacked Wang GuiYing's head, scolding him as he did, "Stop being disrespectful."

Wang GuiYing rubbed his head, although it didn't actually hurt, "What the hell? I'm just playing around, don't take me seriously. Even I don't take myself seriously."

Zhou XinYi couldn't help but shake his head in return, thinking in his mind how he was always supposed to save such a troublesome ass.

Li Ling glared at Wang GuiYing, not wanting to let the man just get away with it that easily. After all, this was a live stream and there were millions of fans watching and camouflaged with those millions of fans were a lot of haters, who were just here to watch over whatever they do in hopes of finding a scandalous bone like this on which they could chew on. A single careless sentence from Wang GuiYing would have the ability to cause a storm, after all, in the end, nobody liked cheaters. They were despised, the lowest of the low.

"BBtrash, with the amount of help you have provided us, I also question how you got into the pro-gamers list, but you don't see me asking, do you?" Li Ling spoke offensively with a frown.

Zhou XinYi stepped in between the two before a fight could even start to bud, "He's insensitive.. I'll apologize on his behalf."

Li Ling was nowhere near done insulting BBtrash but when Zhou XinYi came forward with such a submissive manner, if Li Ling still dared to criticize the two, it would only seem like he was bulling the two. If it was Zhihao who bullied BBtrash, it would've been understandable and the fans would just laugh it off as a joke between friends but Li Ling was different. He was still considered an outsider in the fandom and not many fans had accepted him and the ones that did, only did it because he was Zhihao's partner and received the man's trust. For Li Ling to seriously offend BBtrash was equal to a newbie pointing fingers at his seniors and BBtrash's fans would eat him alive for it. 

Li Ling only humphed and turned away, altogether avoiding further problems. 

Zhihao, "Trash, somethings must not be said as even a joke. I can tolerate this one mistake but make sure you don't let your tongue slip again" 

Wang GuiYing looked into the man's eyes and he could clearly see the seriousness behind them, the man was not joking around in the least. He was warning him, making it clear that he will not tolerate such jokes. Wang GuiYing had always loved to tease Zhihao by calling him names and the reactions the man gave him were always amusing to him but right now, Wang GuiYing had really done it, even he, didn't like the serious reaction he got. When he looked into Zhihao's eyes he could see clear hate written all over it and Wang GuiYing had never wanted to be hated by the man.

Wang GuiYing liked Zhihao—not in a way that involved romantic feelings but in a way that he wanted to become friends with Zhihao. But sadly enough, he had never succeeded, but although he had never become Zhihao's friend—when the fans commented about BBtrash being the closest player to Zhihao, it really brought a smile to his face. He liked it. This was also the reason why Wang GuiYing didn't like Li Ling. Wang GuiYing had been trying for years to become friends with the top player but Li Ling had become his best friend in a matter of days, some could even say that Wang GuiYing was jealous.

Wang GuiYing suddenly laughed, "I'm just joking with you, darling. If you don't like it, I won't dare say it again. Promise!"

Zhihao only spared a glance at Wang GuiYing, he had no other choice but to forgive the man, this was because he was used to Wang GuiYing's loose mouth.

Zhihao, "Let us retreat and blow it up."

The players receded into the forest, keeping enough distance from them and the stone plate so that when the explosives finally blew up, it would not be able to hurt them.

Zhihao equipped his gun and took an aim at one of the bombs. The bullet left the barrel and hit a bullseye. The explosives blew up together one by one as if they were a dominos. The reaction was big—big enough to catch the attention of the treasure beasts, just as Zhihao had planned. The explosion was large and reached towards the sky, it was no surprise that the stone plate was shaken by it and even cracked from certain areas that took most of the damage.

Zhihao called back his pet, Cricro who had recovered, and climbed on its back as he flew close to the stone plate and hovered right above it. RoRo glared at the crying eagle and the player riding on its back. Zhihao had succeeded in catching its attention and like expected, even such a big explosion was not enough to break the barrier that protected the inner circle of the treasure beasts.

Li Ling who was riding his spiritual sword, Huo followed Zhihao and hovered over the scene by his side.

Li Ling, "Do you think it will come out?"

Zhihao, "Of course it will"

Not a minute passed and all the treasure beasts looked up in unison, the players had only wanted one or two of them to step out but the treasure beasts decided to step out together like a united force that was ready to crush the players. The power each of the treasure beast emitted was beyond compare, even more powerful than when they were in their soul bodies.

Li Ling, "So... They stepped out."

Zhihao, "Hmm..."

Li Ling, "What do we do now?"

Zhihao, "We catch them."

Li Ling, "How?"

"..." Zhihao hadn't thought about that far ahead. He had originally planned on fighting the treasure beasts when they stepped out but in the case that was in front of them, their mission had been to catch the beasts not fight them so how was he supposed to catch them?

"Let's go down first."

Cricro cried out loudly at the treasure beasts as if it were warning them and dived down with Zhihao on its back and Li Ling following closely behind.

When the crying eagle landed on the floor, Zhihao didn't get off the back of the creature, he just sat there and glared at the treasure beasts who stood in a line in front of them staring back at them with unhidden hostility.

Zhou XinYi, "Do you have a plan, Mastermo?"

"I have a half baked plan. We attack. That's it. That's the half-baked plan."


The players didn't know how to respond to such an elaborate plan.

Li Ling, "Let's attack it. It's the only thing we can do. But remember not to kill it."

Zhihao, "If you kill it, we are never completing the mission."

Wang GuiYing nodded, "Understood."

There were five treasure beasts and seven players, the odds were certainly on their side if one was to only pay attention to the numbers but in reality, if the power between the two opposing parties was considered, the treasure beasts had the upper hand.

The treasure beast who attacked Zhihao was RoRo and the previous cuteness of the little fox had long before disappeared, all that was left was pure killing intent. BBtrash attacked the illusion owl that was rather small considering the size it had tricked them into thinking it was, at the beginning of the level. BBtrash wanted to get even with the beast and Zhou XinYi joined him since he would never want Wang GuiYing to fight alone.

Kaoru was also fast in taking action as he fixed his eyes on the immortal turtle he had previously saved with the help of Mastermo. Andy attacked the deer along with Li Ling by his side and Aunt Su was the only player left out from the party and there was still one treasure beast left.

The fifth treasure beast, who was saved by Li Ling and Zhou XinYi, a white lion.

The white lion approached Aunt Su who screamed as a response but her screams had not affected the lion at all and on the contrary, it seemed that it had provoked it even more. The white lion roared out loud. Aunt Su couldn't help but shiver as she heard the roar overtake her screaming, she stopped, deciding that it was best if she shut her mouth. There were some situations in which one should really refrain from screaming.

Aunt Su equipped her axe and got into her battle-ready position, which was basically just her holding the axe up like a bat in a baseball game. This action didn't affect the approaching white lion in the least. The Lion sprang forth with an open mouth and attacked her but her axe had also swung down with all the force she could muster up and she was saved. Aunt Su took a few steps back and the lion followed after her like a predator teasing its prey.

This was going to be a bloody fight and the blood would not only belong to the treasure beasts.

The illusion owl had only one power and that was to create illusions and so it did but Wang GuiYing and Zhou XinYi had already known the truth behind the illusion so they could not be fooled for the second time hence when they were faced with that hairy big creature that looked much like a yeti, they didn't fall back, they attacked it with their weapons and the illusion dissolved. With its only power being rendered useless, the illusion owls were the first to lose the fight and be captured. And as it was captured by BBtrash and Hulk0_0, their mission was completed, and the two players were thrown out from the level as a number of notifications popped up on their screen, informing them of their wins in this level. Wang GuiYing looked at the rich number of T-points displayed on their screen. Zhou XinYi glanced at the happy face of his partner who was having a party with just seeing the T-points they had won, unaware of the fact that all these T-points would soon be stolen away by Zhihao and Li Ling.

Li Ling who was fighting alongside Andy to defeat the deer also seemed to have it easy as the deer was rather weak compared to the other treasure beasts with almost no special powers. All the deer knew was to run away and that was exactly what it did when it was attacked by the two players and now the two had to follow it into the forest, far away from the main fight area.

Kaoru who was fighting against the immortal turtle showed some amazing fighting skills as it attacked the beast but the outer cover of the turtle was almost impenetrable hence all of his attacks were rendered useless but this did not destroy his motivation or determination. Kaoru kept on attacking the turtle, changing his strategy into only aiming for its head, to be more specific, trying to attack its neck as it was the only area that seemed to be the turtles Achilles heel—unprotected and vulnerable to attacks but the turtle was not named immortal for no reason at all, it was already used to being attacked at its weak points, hence, when Kaoru's sword attacked its neck, the turtle retreated back into its shell and the attack was never successful.

Zhihao was in a much more comfortable position than the rest of the players but also at one of the most difficult positions. His opponent was RoRo, a small fox that seemed to be easy to deal with but in reality, the fox was filled with tricks and traps. It multiplied from one to two and then to another four, it kept on multiplying until the fox encircled around Zhihao and trapped him.

If any other player were to be placed in the same place, they would've surely lost their composure and the fight would have ended up in their defeat, but Mastermo was different. Even when all his attacks never connected and whenever his sword attacked the fox, it had only attacked smoke that dispersed into the air once touched.

The multiple number of foxes started moving around Zhihao in a circle almost as if they were playing around with him and Zhihao was far from happy at this.

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