What?! The Gamemaster And The Top Player Are Dating?!

Chapter 46 - Mastermo Posts Something Shocking

When Wang GuiYing was having the time of his life—interacting with his fans in the live stream, talking with them, and doing a QnA.

The traffic on his live stream could not be considered small in the least, even with more than half of the fans leaving after the game was over, the rest that remained still made up a whopping total of 867k fans. This was a large number even for Wang GuiYing but he knew the reason behind it, hence it did not come as a shock to him. 

What really came as a shock to him was when the comment section suddenly went berserk and he received a ping. 

Wang GuiYing read the comments first, wondering what scandal, he had caused this time, almost afraid to see the ping first. 

[Trash... You're about to be robbed]


[Wtf?! OMG trash.... You have my condolences]

[Hubby is asking for money kekeke]

[Pay up! We have water guns lol]

[Somebody is in for a shock]

[Oh Lord, look at his face]

[Stop bulling him!]

[What are you guys talking about??]

[I'm laughing... I shouldn't be but I am]

[@BBtrash Don't check the ping! Pack your suitcase and make a run for it]

[I agree with the person above]

[Trash, run as far as you can and don't turn back.]

[Hulk0_0 is about to get his ass whipped]



[Check the T-points trading center]

[R.I.P. BBtrash... You will be remembered... At least for a few days lol]

Reading the comment section made him even more clueless about the situation, but he was a curious little cat, and just like curiosity killed the cat—this cat named BBtrash was going to get his wallet killed.

Wang GuiYing clicked on the ping notification he got and was transported to the T-points trading server where Hulk0_0 was also tagged together with him. When the two players had arrived at the server, Zhou XinYi who knew exactly what this was about left a single message behind for Wang GuiYing to read.

"I'm sorry"

The next thing that showed up on the screen was a T-point trading notification on which it showed that Zhou XinYi had given Li Ling 2660 T-points. Wang GuiYing was shocked to see this because he knew what that number was, that was the total number of T-points Hulk0_0 had. BBtrash knew this because he was his partner and the two shared an identical total number of T-points.

The smile on Wang GuiYing's face had long ago disappeared from his face and at this moment there was confusion and shock written all over his face.

Another notification popped up on screen.

[Devilmagiclover is asking for a T-point trade]

Under the notification there were two options, one was 'accept' and on the right was 'decline'. Wang GuiYing immediately pressed decline and not a second later, the same message popped up again. He pressed decline and got another replicated notification. He was slowly getting angry at the stupid system which did not understand the meaning of a decline. The process repeated itself, where the notification kept popping up and Wang GUI Ying kept on declining it continuously.

Suddenly the decline button stopped working and on Wang GuiYing's screen, nothing could be seen except for the endless amounts of notifications that popped up together and crowded his screen.

Wang GuiYing was suddenly angry at this and picked up his phone in order to call the perpetrator, however, he didn't have Li Ling's number saved so he called Li Ling's partner instead.

The phone was picked on the first ring itself and the delighted voice of Zhihao came through with a sweet "Hello"

"Mo, What the hell?! What is your partner doing?! Has he gone crazy?!"

This was the first time Wang GuiYing had got mad at Zhihao and when Zhihao heard the angry voice, he felt oddly satisfied with it, so satisfied that he didn't care if he took away BBtrash's T-points or not, he would just be satisfied with the man angry at him like this.

Zhihao had always been the guy who was annoyed by Wang GuiYing, who would love to make Zhihao angry, and now that the tables had turned, Zhihao was so satisfied that he felt like the saying 'revenge is sweet' wasn't made for no reason at all.

Revenge was indeed sweet, so sweet like honey that Zhihao could even get dental cavity by all the excessive sugar.

"What are you talking about, Trash?" the delighted tone in Zhihao's voice could not be hidden and it was only natural that Wang GuiYing had also noticed it hence his rage only grew bigger.

"Don't play around with me! Tell him to stop or I'll really go to his house and make him stop!"

"Are you threatening me now?"

"You're the one that started it first, do not mind me using a bit of force."

Wang GuiYing suddenly heard a string of chuckles coming from the other side of the phone, "Trash, threatening us is cool and all, but you should do it off camera."

Wang GuiYing suddenly realized that in the heat of the confusion and anger, he had forgotten to turn off his camera, hence all his expressions, actions, and words were watched by those 867k fans who had suddenly increased in number and evolved into 1.03m fans currently watching. The reason for the sudden increase in numbers was self apparent. Everybody was here for a good show—they wanted the tea and they got the tea.

Wang GuiYing looked at the comment section that was going crazy and he was stunned on the spot, not a muscle moving and not a word coming out of his mouth. He sat there like a stone and looked at all the comments flowing in like a tidal wave.

One of the comments stood out the most.

[Lol he's so dumb. Why go around threatening people on camera in front of millions of fans? He can be sued for this!]

A shiver went down Wang GuiYing's spine and he immediately reacted by saying a single sentence and abruptly cut off the live stream.

"J-just joking among friends. No need to take it seriously guys."

The live stream ended and Wang GuiYing heard Zhihao laughing at him from the other side of the call.

"You should call Hulk0_0 instead of me."

The call ended when Zhihao hung up on the dumbstruck man.

BBtrash could now only pray that this blows over and if he's lucky, he can keep his career and his title as a pro-gamer.

Wang GuiYing looked at his gaming screen which was filled with that T-points trading message and in the next moment, his phone started ringing. It was Zhou XinYi.

Seeing that the caller ID belonged to his best friend and gaming partner, Wang GuiYing picked it up without much thought and before the caller could say anything, BBtrash cut him off and exclaimed, "I know I'm dumb. Should have been more careful. I'm nagging myself so... You don't need to."

It was silent on the other side as Zhou XinYi registered the words he had just heard.

"Click on accept." The response was short but Wang GuiYing was even more confused after hearing it.

"What do you mean? XinYi, what did you do?"

"I'm sorry." Zhou XinYi didn't explain any further, he just apologized.

A minute of silence followed once again and suddenly Wang GuiYing laughed, "I'm going to kill you, bastard. You better give me an explanation."

Before the man could reply, Wang GuiYing had already hung up the phone and looked at his screen.

[Devilmagiclover is asking for a T-point trade]

BBtrash didn't think much after this and readily clicked on the 'accept' button. Now that Zhou XinYi had told him to do so, even if it hurt him, Wang GuiYing would still do it with a heavy heart.

[BBtrash has given 2660 T-points to Devilmagiclover]

And just like that, the hard earned T-points were emptied out from his wallet. Wang GuiYing felt his heart drop a few floors as he saw the pitiful zero dancing where there used to be a rich four digit number of T-points.

In just under an hour, Wang GuiYing had got himself in trouble with a leaked live stream and his T-points were emptied out. He wanted to laugh at himself and cry at his misery, but he could do neither. He felt his heart crack a little and the world suddenly turned empty. Maybe he'd be fine tomorrow, or so he thought, but a day passed and Wang GuiYing was still lying on his bed with a blank expression on his face.

He'd didn't look at the news, not even daring to know what scandals had he caused with one mistake of a live stream.

Zhou XinYi had tried to call him several times, but Wang GuiYing's phone was switched off and so whatever Zhou XinYi had wanted to tell him was never heard by Wang GuiYing.

If Wang GuiYing had actually come out of his stunned state and mustered up the courage to turn on the TV or maybe charged his phone, he wouldn't have been in such a misery.

Cause right after the entire thing went down and the fans started raging in on BBtrash's account, something more exciting took place.

Mastermo updated a whole paragraph dedicated to BBtrash on his social media.

[I can understand how some fan's are mad at BBtrash's behavior on his live stream, but as a pro-gamer and his friends, I'd like to ask you guys to stop sending him so much hate. He had just forgotten to turn off his live stream, it happens. He's also a human and humans make a mistake sometimes. Regarding the fans who were upset with his threat, please remember to note that he was threatening me not you and I didn't take it seriously so why would you? Please refrain from sending him hate. We are all working hard and are always trying to please our fans. It's hard to climb up the ladder, but falling from it is as easy as a leaked conversation between friends. Please do not mind it. It doesn't matter if you call yourself my fan or his, both the fandoms should take it as a joke between friends and ignore it. There is no bad blood between us.]

The long paragraph gained a lot of attention.

It was the first time Huang Zhihao had openly referred to Wang GuiYing as his friend. It was so shocking that the fans wanted to investigate if Mastermo's account was hacked. The news went viral and the shippers of the two went crazy as they saw their favorite ship showing some progress.

Li Ling questioned why Zhihao had done such a thing, but Zhihao only smiled and said, "He gave us so much money. It would be unfair to see his whole career ruined because of me."

At the end of the day, nobody could know if Zhihao actually meant it or not. Were they friends? This would remain being a mystery among the fans.

After Li Ling had received the T-points from both the players, he immediately transferred half of it over to Zhihao's account.

When Zhihao looked at his new T-points total, he was so happy that he felt like he was on cloud nine.

[Total T-points: 5353]

Zhihao was at the top of the T-points list and was the richest player in the game. Of course, this list excluded the Gamemaster who was probably much richer than him. Li Ling came in second position and to everybody's shock, the player on the third number was actually the newcomer who had ranked second in the T.I.A.D top players list. Yingli was third and following closely behind was Jiangshi, another newcomer and two more pro-gamers ranked behind them. In the seventh position came Loudbitchnextdoor followed by Kaoru and Andy.

Zhihao had heard about it, Yingli's team had actually ended up on a A-ranked level and earned a lot from that level.

Zhihao didn't have much impression on this newcomer's team because he simply could not be bothered by knowing them. It wasn't any of his business and it wasn't like these newbies had cheated their way up the list. They had worked hard for it as well and if anything, Zhihao was actually proud of them.

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