What?! The Gamemaster And The Top Player Are Dating?!

Chapter 68 - Mastermo Knows How To Agitate Demons

"You figured it out faster than I expected you to." Kazan sneered.

Zhihao, "And I got to see your needy face faster than I wanted to."

Li Ling was once again trapped inside the moon goddess spellbook and the book was safely kept with Alvi who again moved to the side, not wanting to get involved in the drama.

Demon Kazan seemed to have subdued his anger this time as he was no longer bursting out at Taki's little provocative replies.

"Aw~ You wanted to see my face?" Kazan smirked.


Zhihao chuckled mockingly, "I really wouldn't, not even if it was the only option left in this world."

"It would soon be."

"Are you threatening me?"

"Why? Are you scared of me now?" The annoying smirk on his face was asking Zhihao to help wipe it off.

"Scared of you? Keep on dreaming."

Alvi was once again left shocked at how perfectly Zhihao played Taki's character. For a moment, she even had the thought if the two were actually related to each other. It was impossible, but she couldn't help but wonder about the what-ifs.

Demon Kazan had a scary smile on his face as he took a step forward. Zhihao didn't step back and the two were once again just a few inches away from each other.

"Don't try to come close to me," Zhihao growled.

"You hate me that much?"

Zhihao smiled, but it was not at all welcoming or happy, "I don't even bother wasting my hate on you."

That was a critical hit to the demon who looked to be taken back once he heard this.

Zhihao looked at the demon's expression that had dropped and he felt a bit guilty about it, but he was still not willing to take it back. He was really not the real Taki so why would he bother hating this demon whom he hardly knew?

Demon Kazan tried his best to hide his expression, he was not successful, but he still tried to. His face, which had failed him and shown his dejected feelings, once again, went back to the facade of playing the big guy.

This time, Zhihao was really not intimidated by the demon. Why would he be if he already knew the special power he had now? Zhihao had the upper hand, which was Kazan's feelings for the original Taki.

Zhihao didn't want to use someone's feelings like this, but he was in a game, and did it really matter what happened in a game? It wasn't like he was really hurting someone.

"Taki" Demon Kazan had a fierce expression on his face as he spoke, "I'll make sure that you eat back those words."

"Threatening me again?" Zhihao was not ready to back down yet, "Is that really all you can do? What a pathetic waste."

Demon Kazan, who was ready to go back after threatening the man was once again agitated, "What did you just say?!"

"Now even your ears are a waste?"

Alvi had her mouth hanging open as she heard all the fierce drama, she didn't know who'd be winning this fight, but it really seemed like she wanted to root for Zhihao, and yet, she was more of a fan of Kazan.

If she had a bucket of popcorn in her hand, it really would have been perfect.

Kazan, who had retreated a few steps back, stopped, stepped forward and they were once again standing inches apart. If Alvi hadn't known the situation between the two, she would have mistaken all this intense atmosphere as sexual tension.

"Did you just call me a waste?" Kazan had a really deep hoarse voice that sounded like he hadn't drunk water for the last few months.

Zhihao met his eyes and didn't stutter nor faltered, "Am I wrong?"

Alvi wanted to warn Zhihao. She really wanted to tell him not to agitate this demon too much.

Kazan might have been in love with Taki and might have gone easy on him when the two fought but that was all in the past. If Zhihao was acting so confident because of that, he was really going to get his ass whipped.

Alvi wanted to warn him of the dangers his words could cause but she was too immersed in enjoying the show and didn't want to ruin the drama that was going on. If she were to tell him about this later, it would certainly be much more fun.

"Taki, you are really cold to me." Kazan's smile faltered.

"You're wrong."

"I'm wrong?"

"You make it sound like I'm intentionally being cold towards you when I can't even be bothered to put up that emotion in front of you. You are just not worth my time."

Alvi had expected Kazan to beat the man, a good punch was well expected but the demon didn't harm him. She had never seen such a tamed demon, he was really a loyal dog to the real Taki. For the first time, Zhihao and Alvi were sharing the same thoughts.

This demon was really too loyal to the real Taki. This was what Zhihao wanted to know. He wanted to test the demon's feelings, he needed to know where his limit was and hence he needed to agitate the demon. He was a bit scared of finding that limit, but so far, he hadn't hit the limit, so he could keep on going with his provocations.

Zhihao was testing the real character of Taki. If the demon in front of him did not give him a shocked expression, it meant Zhihao had said something that Taki would have said. The more Zhihao communicated with this demon, the more he'd know about the original personality of Taki. He was hitting two birds with one stone.

Zhihao expected to drive the man angry but what happened next really shocked him. Demon Kazan chuckled. His voice was deep and low so his chuckle was really not something pleasant to the ears, it was much alike a monster's—a monster chuckling before devouring his victims.

Zhihao looked at the chuckling demon with an amused expression, "Are you laughing at yourself?"

"Laughing at myself?" Kazan stopped laughing and looked back at Zhihao, "I just realized something."

"You realized? You have a brain to realize? That is funny to hear." Zhihao mocked.

"I realized how much I have made you laugh at me." The demon spat with a constipated expression.


"I really hate you, Taki. I really do." Demon Kazan was not joking around. He had a smile on his face as he said such hostile words. He meant it and Zhihao could see that he did.

"I really don't care what your feelings towards me are... Ah! Sorry, I seem to have forgotten your name." Zhihao wasn't lying, he really did forget Kazan's name. He had been referring to him as a demon in his mind, demon this and demon that. The demon had said Taki's name so he wanted to say his name as well but he forgot it.

Demon Kazan was a bit taken back and infuriated, "Don't play around with me, Taki!"

"You think I should remember your name?" Zhihao was really looking to dig up his own grave.

"You don't remember my name?! Fine!" Zhihao thought the demon was done but in the next second, he was proved wrong, "Let's see you lose your pride today."

[Ding~ New hint!]

"Hint?" Zhihao immediately shut his mouth as he realized he had said it out loud.

Thankfully, demon Kazan was too infuriated to notice it. At this moment, he could only see red and it was all because of this man in front of him who had been testing his limits.

Zhihao immediately covered for himself and made sure the demon hadn't noticed his slip of the tongue, "Are you threatening me?"

Kazan, "You'll see."

Zhihao chuckled mockingly, "And you think anything you do will actually work?"

"Just because you are higher in the ranks doesn't mean you are invincible. If you think I'm a dirty low birth, I'm going to pull you down and drag you on the mud with me."

[Ding~ New hint!]

[Wow! You are on a roll! Good job!]

Zhihao didn't know it was going to be this easy to get hints. He wasn't even trying. This demon in front of him was just ever ready to spout out whatever he wanted, such a generous NPC. He was like the typical villain who'd give out their master plan and still say that it was a secret.

"If you don't come begging to me then, I'll admit that you are really a person worth respecting."

Zhihao didn't seem to appear threatened at all and instead, he had an amused expression on his face. When demon Kazan saw the man's expression, he gulped down his boiling blood. The man wasn't speaking and it angered him even more.

"Just you wait, Taki. I'll make sure you'll see dirt." Kazan spouted and stepped back as he once again retreated from the fight.

"Alvi, are we being affected by anything right now?"

[If you mean Kazan then no]

[Everything is normal right now]

[But you should really hurry]

[The ghost festival is waiting for you]

Zhihao sighed. He didn't know for how long he had been holding that breath in.

Thank God Kazan was gone again without any further trouble, but it was really unsettling how that demon popped up every now and then just to get into an argument with Taki, and then retreat by himself. Did this demon know no shame?

This time, Zhihao wasn't stupid. He followed Kazan from afar. There was enough distance between them that the demon would not realize he was being followed, this was cross-checked with Alvi so that Zhihao could rest assured that he would not be found out.

[You are really sneaky]

"Shut it, bot."


Demon Kazan had something up his sleeves and for now, Zhihao found that it was best to follow this demon. If he were to follow him, he could avoid danger or be alerted prior to it. It was really not a bad idea.

Zhihao wanted to deactivate the moon goddess spellbook, but when he pondered over the pros and cons, he decided against it. Li Ling was with them and was safe so why should he go ruining it? Li Ling wasn't unsatisfied with this. He didn't need to walk anymore so he was more than happy to have Zhihao reduce his workload. It wasn't like this was the only level he was currently playing so he really wanted to thank Zhihao for obliviously helping him out.

Demon Kazan was headed towards the ghost festival but not exactly to the ghost festival. 

Zhihao hid behind the trees as he peeked at the demon who got mixed up with a crowd of ghosts that had lit up torches in their hands and were headed somewhere. It wasn't a silent procession. The ghosts were complaining and bickering with each other nonstop.

Zhihao heard them and felt like he'd be having a headache from this.

"Do we really have to do this every year?"

"I know. I really don't like seeing that bastard come back."

"You should not say that out loud!" The other ghost warned.

"Who cares? No demons are listening."

"You are right. As long as no one hears us"

"Hahahaha... You wanna curse that bastard as well, right? Right?"

"Curse him?! I would break his bones if he had one!"

Zhihao had no idea who they were gossiping about, but as he kept on listening more, he could somewhat get that the ghosts here really hate someone or something. Zhihao could only hope that the one being hated wasn't him.

"If he had bones, hahahaha... If he had a body, I would have personally cut it down!"

"You talk so big. Remember not to pee your pants in front of him."

"Pee my pants? I'd pee in his mouth!"

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