What?! The Gamemaster And The Top Player Are Dating?!

Chapter 84 - Mastermo Has A Suspicious Partner

Alvi was a bot, her job was to look over things and help the players. 

If Li Ling wanted her to keep a secret from Mastermo, she would do it without question and this was a feature of Alvi that not many players were aware of. 

Li Ling opened the worn-down wooden door of the house that creaked as it opened and the hinges of the door were near to falling apart. If he had been a bit more rough when dealing with them, they really would have fallen off. 

The sky rumbled and it was dark with no light inside the small hut. Alvi followed after Li Ling. The insides were no different than the outside. It was just as broken down and shabby as it seemed from the outside. With no light, it was questionable to see if they were stepping on the floor or some random rat. 

Li Ling took a minute to stand so that his eyes could adjust to the dim light within. He looked around and analyzed the small details such as the broken porcelain kept on the three-legged table and the curtains that were completely chewed up by the almighty rodents who couldn't find anything else decent for them to dig their teeth into.. 

On the floor was a half-eaten apple that had rotten away with time, but it looked only to be a day or two old. 

"Ah." Li Ling understood who had eaten this apple. He looked around and finally found a person lying on the broken-down bed that had no mattress and had one of its legs missing and being replaced by a stick. 

This person was the girl he was here to find. 

Hasumi was sleeping like snow white who had eaten a poison apple and slept forever waiting for true love's kiss, however, that was far from reality. 

This apple was given to her by Kazan when she felt hungry and was begging him for food. 

It was something to wonder that the Kazan, who hated humans would look after a human like this. It wasn't much, but because it was Kazan, it was touching. 

Maybe somewhere inside, somewhere deep, deep inside, maybe, just maybe, there was a small heart there somewhere, even if it was just a small pea-sized heart.

Maybe he secretly had a big heart, considering the fact that he had wholeheartedly loved Taki but nobody could see it. 

Whatever it was, it was shocking to see that Kazan had given this girl an apple that wasn't poisoned. 

Li Ling kicked the apple and it rolled all the way over to the three-legged table and when the two objects came in contact, one of the legs of the table gave out, resulting in the fall of the table and the porcelain that was already broken was now shattered to pieces. 

"Your fault," Alvi commented as she looked down at the shattered pieces of the porcelain, like a little child that was blaming her older brother for breaking their mother's favorite vase. 

"I'll admit." Li Ling responded as he tried to laugh it off. 

It wasn't like anyone was going to come after him just because he shattered an already broken vase. 

Li Ling, "Is she just sleeping?"

"She is," Alvi nodded, "I guess she got tired from everything."

She probably did. 

Hasumi was going home from work when everything happened, even if she was a super strong person, she should have still felt the tiredness kicking in unless she was an immortal. 

Li Ling tiptoed closer to the bed, careful not to break anything else. He got ready to shake Hasumi in order to wake her up, but before he could do so, the floor underneath him, gave up and his right leg got stuck inside the newly-formed hole on the wooden floor. 

Li Ling didn't see this coming. He made sure that he didn't knock into something and break it, but no matter how careful he was, he still ended up breaking something and it was the freaking floor!

Hasumi seemed to have heard the noise and woke up. She opened her eyes and looked around, her eyes had already adapted to the darkness of the room. She remembered being here alone and she had only met one person who was kind enough to bring her here, give her food and a place to sleep, she didn't know when she had fallen asleep. 

When she woke up, she was greeted by the sight of these two intruders and she was immediately taken back, it came as no shock that she screamed at the sight. 

Hasumi's hands patted around trying to find something that she could grasp which just so happened to be a stick that was kept on the side, she grabbed it and got ready to beat this intruder. 

Li Ling tried to move back, but his leg was stuck inside the hole, he couldn't move so he raised his hands up and started screaming back in return. 

Hasumi and Li Ling had a yelling competition, none of the two seemed to give up. 

When Hasumi's hand came down ready to strike Li Ling's head, he was sure that his head would not remain safe anymore and he almost regretted his decision to come here alone. If he had come with Zhihao, the man would have most certainly not let his partner die here like this in the hands of a girl who was too scared to differentiate right from left. 

He closed his eyes and waited for the impact, but it never came and over his yelling voice, he didn't notice that the girl had stopped screaming. 

"It's... You?" Hasumi's sweet voice was heard, but it was overpowered by Li Ling's scream. 

Alvi rolled her eyes and stepped forward, smacking the head of this player who was getting ready for a 'rebirth'. 

"You too?" Hasumi muttered with a confused expression as she saw the face of the little ten-year-old girl who had stepped up from the shadows. 

"Nice to meet you again." Alvi beamed. 

Li Ling stopped yelling and rubbed his head with a small "ouch" while Hasumi looked at the two with a blank expression. She was almost sure that she would never be meeting these two people again. 

When the initial shock was over, a tear traced down Hasumi's face as she looked at Alvi. 

Li Ling saw the change of mood and glanced over at the woman who had silently started crying. 

"Why...?" Hasumi muttered as she blinked, but the tears seemed to be a never-ending saga, "Why did you tell me to run?"

She sounded heartbroken and it was aimed at the little Alvi who didn't look surprised when she saw this reaction. 

Li Ling also followed the girl's eyesight and looked at Alvi, his face also didn't seem to be shocked at the revelations. 

"Aren't you still alive?" Alvi asked as she smiled. 

When Hasumi heard this, it seemed that even her last wall of control was broken down and she started crying like a newborn baby, "You... You told me that I... Why...? Why did you lie to me?!"

Alvi looked away as she answered, "I didn't lie to you."

"You told me to run for my life when the lights go out!" Hasumi screamed as if she had been wronged by this seemingly innocent child, "You told me that I'll be safe if I did that!"

"You lied to me! I believed you!" Hasumi screamed at the girl and what she wanted to see was a single guilty expression yet she got nothing. 

Alvi wasn't guilty or at least she wasn't feeling guilty after having tricked the girl, "Are you going to blame me for everything? It's not like you were so innocent."

"What do you mean?! I am innocent! I was pushed to this godforsaken place because of you!"

Li Ling stood up and after having struggled for a bit, he finally got his leg out of the hole. He moved his feet around and made sure that his bones hadn't been broken or anything. 

Alvi was still persistent about defending herself, "Didn't I tell you to make a choice?"

"What type of person gives that kind of choice?"

Li Ling suddenly started wondering about the answer and it seemed that this girl had something wrong. Even if no type of human would give such choices, Alvi wasn't exactly a human. She was a bot so could Hasumi really ask her this question?

Alvi sighed, "I told you to run and save your life or stay and give up your life for saving three people that included me and two dumb guys." 

"Hey!" Li Ling was a bit offended to hear the bot refer to him and Zhihao as two dumb guys. 

"You're a human so it's natural for you to choose your own life over others. That's the human greed that rules your world." Alvi continued, "It's not like I lied about anything. You choose the first option and you were able to survive, were you not?"

Hasumi didn't speak for a whole minute. She didn't know how she was supposed to react to something like this. This ten-year-old made it seem like it was Hasumi who was at fault. As if it was her own greed that got her here. 

Li Ling stepped in between the two and stopped the bot and the NPC from fighting against each other. 

"Now, now. Let's keep our catfights aside and talk about business." Li Ling spoke with a commercial smile as if it would calm the two girls down, "We are here to get you out of here Hasumi." 

Hasumi glanced up at the man and instantly looked away. She felt guilty. She knew full well that if she chose to run away, this man would have died, or at least that was what she was told and yet even without blinking an eye, she still chose the option to run away. She wasn't a fool. Why the hell must she sacrifice her own life to save a bunch of random people she just met? 

She thought she would never get to see them again and so naturally she felt no remorse towards her reaction, but now here he was, this man who was supposed to die, standing in front of her with a friendly smile. 

How could she not feel guilty?

But this guilt did not mean that if she were to be given another chance she would have chosen differently. She would have still ended up choosing her life over the others since that was the most important thing for her. 

Li Ling knew what this girl was thinking about. He could see through the guilt, but he really did not care. For this NPC to feel such emotions towards them, it was laughable since she couldn't do anything to them even if she wanted. 

Li Ling, "Let's get you out of here, shall we?" 

Hasumi looked back at the man and reluctantly nodded. 

It was her fault from the beginning. Why the hell did she believe a ten-year-old in the first place? 

It was because she was coded to do so, but she would never know this since she was just a bunch of codes whose job wasn't to find the meaning to her life. 

Hasumi reluctantly got off from the bed and followed after Li Ling. 

The three made their way back to the ghost festival. 

"What are you planning to do?" Alvi whispered so that Hasumi who was following behind them couldn't hear it. 

"What do you think I'm trying to do?" Li Ling smirked. 

"I would say you are trying to sacrifice her and get the festival to move on the right track." 

Li Ling side glanced at the bot and the smile on his face didn't go down, "Now, why would I do that?"

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