
At this moment Xia seemed to question why he was even working for this man. After much deliberation, he was able to find the answer: It was because the job paid well. A lot more than the other common salary assistant jobs. 

Li Ling smiled as he continued, "If I don't eat well, my brain would not have enough energy to work."

Li Ling wasn't exactly lying as he said this. Without food, his stomach would be crying in hunger, in which case, he won't have any energy to focus on anything other than food. 

Xia sighed, "We can get food on the way." 

Li Ling smiled widely as he heard this, "But you're paying." 

Xia shook his head in disappointment, "You are too rich to be this stingy." 

Li Ling didn't reply and just grinned in response. He wasn't exactly stingy, but he still felt like food tasted better when it was someone else paying. 

"I'll pay for it." Xia gave in as he glared at his boss, "Go get ready." 

Li Ling didn't waste any more words or time on the man and headed straight for his room. He took a quick shower and got dressed in a designer black colored suit that didn't look so amazing on the shelf, but when adorned by this man, it looked like it cost a fortune. It hugged his body just right and made Li Ling look much more attractive than he already was. 

When Li Ling came back to his living room, all dressed and ready to head out, he found Xia still sitting on the sofa, staring at his watch. 

"I'm done. Let's go," Li Ling spoke and as Xia heard this, he immediately stood up. 

"We only have five more minutes so we'll have to skip your breakfast." 

The smile on Li Ling's face dropped as heard this. 

"Let's go," Xia beamed as he looked at the dejected face of the man. It seemed that the smile that was previously on Li Ling's face was transferred to Xia's and the helpless expression of Xia was transferred to Li Ling who looked like he could cry at any moment now. 

Xia didn't wait for Li Ling to respond as he headed for the door and got out of the apartment. Li Ling was still standing on the spot, stunned at the shamelessness of this assistant of his, and only after a minute did he accept it and follow the man with an expression that displayed he had been wronged. 

When a white colored car pulled up in front of the big luxurious building, all eyes that would never even glance up as a person bumped into them were glued to the door of the car. Everyone knew who this car belonged to and nobody was unfamiliar with this scene. They were all waiting in anticipation to see the door to the passenger's seat open. 

Those who were walking had stopped and those who were working had also stopped as they looked at the car with eyes that looked to be excited to catch a glance of the person inside. 

They waited and waited until they saw the door open and were blessed to see the man they were all waiting to catch a glimpse of. The man was dressed in a dark blue suit and looked like a model as he stepped out of the car. 

This man was none other than the well known Xia who was the personal secretary of their boss. 

He was well known for two reasons. The first being his hardworking and professional nature. He was amazing at his work and some would even say that if the boss didn't have such a competent man by his side, he would not have been able to achieve the things he had achieved. Who said that behind every successful man there was a woman? Instead of a woman, it could also be a great secretary. 

The second reason he was famous was much more ridiculous and yet it made a lot more sense as well. It was the main reason why he was the topic of gossip among the female employees at the company. 

He was handsome. That was the second reason why he was so well known. It was hard to find someone with his kind of looks and dedication. If their boss looked anything like this secretary, he would have also been pretty famous but sadly, they had never seen their boss. However, even though they hadn't seen their boss, it didn't mean that he wasn't famous. If people were to compare Mr. Xia with their boss, Mr. Xia, although well known would not be able to hold a candle against the boss's fame. The reason for that was simple. Mr. Xia was handsome but nobody knew what the boss looked like. The mystery of not knowing how the man looked was much more interesting for the people than swooning over a really hot coworker. 

Xia ignored the number of eyes he had caught and kept on walking. He entered the building alone like he always had and when he stood in front of the elevator, the people, who were already in a queue there, all moved away. 

They were all aware that Xia liked to take the elevator alone and if he was inside the elevator, nobody else was allowed to enter. These were direct orders from the boss and they dare not go against it. 

If the man wanted to take the elevator alone, why would they have a problem with it? Compared to angering the boss and taking the stairs, the latter option seemed to be a lot better. 

Xia looked at his watch and sighed. 

Two minutes left. 

He waited for a minute and when the elevator door opened, the people inside saw the man who was waiting outside and instantly got out of the elevator. Xia nodded in appreciation as he always had and got inside the empty elevator. 

Instead of pressing the button to go up to the conference room, he pressed the button to the underground parking floor. 

He scanned his fingerprint for a special button which only a number of people had the access to. It was the lock button that would prevent the elevator from opening unless the person who was inside the elevator wanted it to open. 

When the elevator went down to the underground floor, it opened to greet a smiling Li Ling who was playing something on his phone. 

"We are late," Xia frowned and Li Ling acted like he hadn't heard it as he got inside the elevator. 

The two didn't say anything and the elevator door closed. 

Li Ling pressed the floor number and went back to playing on his phone. Just when Xia had thought that the man would not be bothering him, he heard Li Ling speak up. 

"What is the meeting about?" 

Xia looked at the man in shock as he heard him. It wasn't unexpected since he already knew that this man was always forgetful when it came to work-related things. Make Li Ling remember a thousand gaming codes and he would recite them in a go without making a mistake but ask him what meetings he had in a day, he would not even be able to name one. 

Xia had grown accustomed to this boss of his, but he still received a slight shock whenever he would experience this man's forgetful nature every now and then. 

"We are going to be meeting Mr. Huang," Xia responded with a sigh that seemed to mock Li Ling and show his own helplessness at the same time. 

Li Ling suddenly looked up as he heard this, "Wait... What?!" 

"We are meeting Mr. Huang," Xia repeated himself and it made Li Ling's eyes go wide. 

Li Ling snapped back at the man, "Why didn't you tell me?!" 

Xia frowned as he heard this. He had been reminding this man about this meeting for an entire week and this man had the audacity to say that Xia hadn't told him? 

"Why are you so shocked?" Xia asked. He had never seen his boss worry about a meeting before this so it really did come as a shock that Li Ling had such a strong reaction this time. 

Li Ling looked at the man and didn't say anything for a minute. His mind not knowing which answer he should pick. He was going to be meeting Zhihao's dad, wasn't that reason enough for him to be shocked. In the end, he decided to tell Xia the answer that stood over the other and made him want to reconsider coming here today. 

"That man is... Cold," Li Ling cried out as he thought back to the previous times he had met Zhihao's father. 

Xia looked at the man and didn't know how he was supposed to respond to this, but thankfully he didn't have to as Li Ling continued. 

"He's as cold as ice from Antarctica." 

"Have you went to Antarctica?" 

"... No." 

"Then how do you know?" 

"..." Li Ling looked at the man and asked, "Have you visited the sun?" 

"No. That would be ridiculous." 

"Then how do you know that it is hot?" 


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