What to Do at Night

Chapter 2 - The Three Years of Heartbreak

Chapter 2: The Three Years of Heartbreak

The rumor spread fast and far. Every day at Ariel’s house, all kinds of party invitations arrived to see if she would attend in order to confirm it for themselves.

Ariel, who had been returning the incoming letters that arrived each day with a reply of refusal, paused and sighed when she encountered an envelope with a gold seal.

The golden seal belonged to the royal family. It was obvious who had sent her the invitation.

“I cannot refuse Her Highness’ invitation…….”

Ever since her debut to society, the crown princess constantly requested for Ariel’s company by her side. People suspected that her actions were to indicate Ariel’s title as the future duchess. Of course, Ariel realized that as well.

People said that the crown princess had a strange personality. In fact, Ariel couldn’t bring herself to say she’s eccentric, so she didn’t.

The crown princess seldom summoned the same people to her side once she got bored of their company. In addition, people rarely approached her due to her unpredictable tempers.

No one dared voice their true opinions. Her intelligence and perceptiveness made the princess a formidable enemy to those who opposed her and that frightened those around her half to death. A very particular person indeed.

Ariel knew that their relationship was not supported by her status. The baron’s daughter, worth next to nothing, should not have the privilege of standing next to the crown princess.

Yet she called Ariel every time she held an event. In Arsion’s absence, she paid extra attention to Ariel. As if she refused to lose to Arsion, the Princess gave Ariel gifts more lavish than the ones Arsion had given to her.

Ariel once refused to accept the Princess’ gifts out of embarrassment, but had no choice except to receive them with tears in her eyes because Her Highness threatened, somewhat seriously, “How dare you decline gifts from the Crown Princess and send them back?”

It was a widely-spread, false rumor and there’s no way that the crown princess herself wouldn’t have heard…

‘She probably wants to confirm them herself.’

The surest way to confirm would surely be to call in Ariel rather than to believe in false rumors. Ariel sighed and grabbed the pen.

“Maybe this is the last time.”

‘If I break up with Arsion, I will no longer be invited by the crown princess. This will also be the last time I visit the royal family.’

Ariel sighed again after writing a ‘thank you’ on the reply letter that indicated her attendance. She had already been stressed, thinking about what kind of expression she should wear when meeting the crown princess, but what’s worse was that the other young girls attending would no doubt whisper about her and Arsion.

‘But what am I supposed to say to them?’

She didn’t know much about Arsion either. Suddenly, resentment towards Arsion flared up. If he was planning to be a holy knight, he could have at least sent her a letter.

‘That’s right…… Come to think of it, he left in a hurry last time too.’

Ariel shed tears as she recalled Arsion’s departure. There was a reason why Ariel thought he wanted to be a holy knight to break up with her.

Three years ago, Ariel was seriously ill. At first, she thought it was a cold, but the next day, she had a fever and struggled to even open her eyes and she coughed nonstop. The next day, Ariel’s father found her unmoving on the bed, unconscious.

When she opened her eyes again, Ariel found herself face to face with a hardened-faced Arsion. Ariel, who noticed Arsion’s tense mood, reached out in welcome, but Arsion did not hold her hand. Instead, he just muttered something with a serious expression, one that she had never seen before.

“I’m sorry, Riel.”

It was so sad to see Arsion, who was usually sweet and gentle, look so disappointed in himself. Just like last time, Ariel was out of her mind, crying hysterically.

Then a few days later, when Ariel came to her senses, her fever, which had been tormenting her ruthlessly, quickly dropped. When Ariel entered the bathroom to wash up and go have a meal properly for the first time in a few days, she screamed.

“What is this……?”

Not only her body, but also her face were full of blotches like heat hives. Ariel, who was surprised by the horrendous appearance herself, suddenly remembered the expression Arsion made when he visited her earlier.

Then, Ariel went to see the Duke of Hastings. It was then she would find out that Arsion had suddenly left for the temple without stating when he would return.

That day, Arsion was told that he had to attend the temple for mandatory service. But Ariel couldn’t understand why any member of the aristocracy would go to the most dangerous city, the capital, to work on the temples when they were already donating money.

Ariel couldn’t get the look on Arsion’s face out of her head. His expression was hardened and serious, as if he was looking at something scary. And with Arsion’s departure to the capital, Ariel couldn’t help but think that he was trying to avoid her.

A few weeks later, her face returned to its original state, but Ariel had not raised her head since then. She kept thinking about her reflection when she looked in the mirror that day. Bloated eyes and patchy skin.

Ariel had a hunch. That Arsion was horrified by her appearance.

* * *

Despite Ariel’s prayers for rain to postpone the event, the day of the tea party was vibrant with plenty of sunlight. Ariel got out of the carriage, looking begrudgingly at the beautiful sky and the little white cloud drifting amongst the sea of blue.

“Lady Ariel has arrived.”

Sure enough, as soon as Ariel got off, all eyes fell on her. Ariel bowed her head and her skin prickled under their gazes.

As she hurried inside, the crown princess was still welcoming the participants and sponsors of the party.

“Ariel, thank you for coming.”

“It’s an honor to attend, Your Highness.”

“I’ve been waiting since morning. I have a lot to say.”


Ariel bowed her head, embarrassed by the words. She knew that the princess would be curious about the rumors surrounding Arsion, but she didn’t expect to be asked so soon.

‘What do I do?’

She should also say that she had not heard from Arsion. Ariel’s face turned red at the thought. Somehow, it must be embarrassing for the crown princess to find out that Ariel, the irrelevant bride-to-be, had not received word that her fiancé left abruptly to become a holy knight and will soon take a vow of chastity.

“As for Arsion… I’d better talk about him later.”

The crown princess tried to continue speaking to Ariel a little longer, but the line of newly arrived guests still waiting to greet her only grew longer. She sent Ariel a helpless and apologetic look.

Ariel, who stepped down, was about to sit next to the crown princess as usual, but instead chose the seat in the corner. Someone who saw Ariel muttered beside her,

“Now you’re in the right seat.”

(PR/N: As in “You finally know your place.”)


Ariel almost replied with, ‘I know, I know’.

It was obvious who had spoken. They were the same people who adored Arsion and loved to gossip about his fiancée.

Ariel turned her head as if she hadn’t heard. This time, another opponent appeared.

‘…Of all people-’

For the three years Arsion had been gone, this girl believed that it was an honor to pick a fight with Ariel every time she saw her face. Sure enough, the girl joined the ladies chattering near Ariel.

“Will Arsion really be a holy knight?”

“Yes, but I knew he’d volunteer one day. He’s never missed holy temple events and he’s always been very religious. It’s probably only natural for him to be a holy knight.”

“Indeed. But… What will happen to his engagement?”

Ariel almost said out loud in a curt manner, ‘I’d like to know as well.’ Such a perfect coincidence that Ariel could hear them so clearly.

“A holy knight cannot embrace a woman of this world. Of course they’ll break up.”

“Oh… What a shame. Poor thing.”

At this point, Ariel shrugged and complemplated if talking to them would make a difference.  She wanted to cut into the conversation, but she knew they would ignore her and keep glaring at the back of her head.

“But honestly, why is he in such an unbecoming engagement, regardless of how much that girl must’ve begged him?”

“You know…… I’ve heard something recently. A long time ago, my cousin asked Arsion. ‘Why did you get engaged at such a young age?’ And then Arsion gave him a surprising answer.”

‘Oh? I’ve never heard of this before.’

Ariel unwittingly listened to the voices behind her. What on earth did Arsion say to cause such a reaction?

“What did he say?”

“That’s… He replied, ‘Because I was lazy.’”

“What? Because he was lazy?”

Ariel’s head spun as she heard that. What did he mean? Did he settle on Ariel because he was too lazy to find another partner?

“Oh, did we bother him?”

It was a question Ariel wanted to ask. Who wouldn’t find it irritating? Would it bother you if people were gossiping about your engagement?

“Well, he said he didn’t say anything else. So I thought about it… Arsion has been proposed to by many families since the moment he was born.”

The story had been told by Duchess Arildo’s maids countless times.

As soon as the news spread that the Hastings’ household had a baby boy, letters came flooding in and the pile eventually surpassed the height of a grown man since all noble families with a daughter sent a marriage proposal.

The Duchess of Arildo even wrote that she believed their soon-to-be-born child would be a girl, so she asked the Duke of Hastings to consider her unbirthed baby as a candidate for Arsion.

“Yes, but why is it that he didn’t he seek any of the candidates?”

“What Arsion said was that it’s annoying… Aren’t the stories of marriage just stories? Think about it. Ever since he got engaged, there have been no more proposals for fear of appearing rude.”


For a moment, everyone shut up.

“Okay, wait a minute. But Arsion wouldn’t have gotten engaged solely for that reason….”

“At first, I didn’t think he’d do that either. But think about it carefully. Do you think Arsion would just simply break up? Given his personality, I’m sure he’ll be very sorry and compensate her however she wants. The partner is a young girl from a low aristocratic family, and considering Lord Arsion’s personality, everyone can guess that they did not develop a deep relationship prematurely during the engagement period. Then… It’s not a huge loss for the girl. She can take the money and step down quietly without dishonor. No, Lord Arsion might even feel sorry for her and find her a replacement.”


With her mouth shut, Ariel prepared to stand up. This all happened because Arsion decided to become a holy knight.

Thud. As Ariel stood up abruptly, the chair she was sitting on fell back. She turned around and made eye contact with the people who were gossiping a little while ago.

Normally, they would have pretended otherwise, saying, “Oh, the weather is nice today,” but everyone was silent when they saw Ariel’s sheet-white face.

“I apologize… Please tell Her Highness that I felt ill and had no choice but to head back first.”

“Oh, well, I’ll do that.”

Upon hearing the reply, Ariel quickly turned away.

‘I’m exhausted,’ she thought to herself.

‘……I just want Arsion to hurry back and end things with me.’ Ariel twisted the edges of her dress anxiously.

Then, she could simply clean herself up and be stuck in the countryside with her relatives, far away from Arsion and his family. Then, after Arsion becomes a holy knight, people will just forget about Ariel.

No, it won’t matter if people don’t forget. Outside of the capital, who would even recognize her from afar?

Ariel looked back on the past 14 years of her life. After coming to the duke’s residence and meeting Arsion, she spent every moment with him. To the point where she couldn’t picture a life without him next to her. The past three years have felt unbelievably empty after Arsion’s abrupt decision to leave.

‘Maybe this is a good thing.’

Maybe the last three years have just been practice for the break up. Either way, the last three years were incredibly lonely and Ariel couldn’t stand it anymore. She didn’t know if she could forget Arsion even after moving far away.

‘Should I send a letter…?’

She remembered a relative who came to visit once and told Ariel to visit her villa in the countryside. Ariel heard that it had great scenery.

‘Let’s try applying as a housekeeper there.’

It was time for Ariel to move on with plans for her future, however sudden they might be. Some people passed by, glancing at Ariel and whispering.

She couldn’t wait to get out of here. Her ears were still ringing from what the young ladies had said behind her back just moments ago.

Was that what Arsion was really thinking all along? Was he only friendly to her all because he planned to break up from the start? Did he think that it would be okay if he cared for her before ending things and looking for other marriage partners?

The more she thought about Arsion, the more dazed she became. Ariel lowered her head and tears threatened to fall.

At that moment, someone blocked her path.

She tried to step aside and pass, but the person standing in front of her didn’t move at all. Ariel was forced onto the soil of the flower beds, but the person who stopped only moved closer towards Ariel, as if to block her.

Ariel, now worried, moved to the other side of the path, only to be blocked again.

Only then did Ariel realize that this man was deliberately blocking her way. Who on earth would be so rude?

“Please step aside.”

Out of annoyance, a curt voice came out of Ariel’s mouth. Then the person standing in front of her opened his mouth.

“Riel, I haven’t seen you in a while… And you won’t even show me your face?”


Ariel’s heart dropped when she heard her name. There’s only one person in the world who calls her Riel.


Arsion was the only one who called Ariel, Riel, and Ariel was the only one who called Arsion, Sion.

Ariel looked up slowly, embarrassed.

Strange. She thought she’d see Arsion’s face when she looked up, but what greeted her instead was the chest of a man. A chest tightly fitted under a white robe.


Arsion was only a little taller than Ariel. Their eyes were even if Ariel tiptoed a little. So who was this man looming over her?

‘Even your voice…’

Come to think of it, even the voice that called Riel was too low and husky to be Arsion’s. She wanted to raise her head to check, but the tears around her eyes still threatened to fall.

As she went to quickly wipe them with the back of her hand before raising her head, the man standing in front of Ariel stepped forward and brushed her cheeks gently.

“Riel, are you crying?”

The hand that grabbed her face lifted her chin hastily, but gently. Only then, could Ariel look at the face of the man in front of her.


She saw an image of heavenly perfection.


The only problem was that he wasn’t the young, angelic boy she remembered.

The Arsion in her memories was a very beautiful man. The person in front of her now was also beautiful. However, Arsion’s beauty used to match that of a flower’s, whereas now, the person in front of her had a piercing appearance, much like a blade.

Strangely, She could see Arsion’s face clearly, yet the person standing there was different.


Ariel inhaled sharply.

Before he left, his hair had been a little long, now it was cut short like any other knight. In addition, the soft jawline of a young, graceful boy, now elegantly framed dark eyebrows, big eyes, and a patrician nose.

His face wasn’t the only thing that changed. Arsion used to be on the thin side. The man draped in a robe had a wider, well-structured chest, evident through just a glance.

The body standing in front of her reminded her of the chiseled sculptures around the palace. In addition, before he left, all she needed to do was raise her face slightly to meet his eyes, now she had to crane her neck to the point where it hurt to see his face.

Ariel closed her mouth without realizing. It was definitely Arsion, but it wasn’t the Arsion she remembered.


Was Ariel worried? Was that why she didn’t say anything? Arsion bowed his head and gazed into her eyes. His voice had gotten much deeper, but Ariel could recognize the familiar tenderness with which he said her name.


At this moment, they were interrupted.

“Lord Arsion?”

“What? Arsion is here? Where? Where?”

“Oh my goodness, Arsion!”

The moment word spread of his return, the tea party went berserk. People rushed and flocked around Arsion, trying to get in a word or so congratulating him on his return. In the meantime, exclamations of surprise, excitement, and delight came from all over the tables.

The appearance of a large and masculine body might be a bit unfortunate compared to his beautiful appearance in the past, but Arsion was still very much attractive.

The small scar on his face that he received while fighting an evil monster did not diminish his handsomeness, instead it added to his dangerous charm.

It was only until the crown princess stepped in that the disturbance at the tea party calmed down a little.

“That’s why nothing’s going to be sorted out. Let’s go inside the palace, Arsion.”

She heard lamentations from all over the place at the order of the crown princess.

Arsion replied, “I see,” and came to Ariel’s side and whispered.

“I have a lot of work to do here and there, so I think I’ll be back home in a few days. Let’s have a long conversation when I get back. See you later, Riel.”

Arsion, who said so, kissed Ariel slightly on the forehead. Then he turned and escorted the crown princess into the palace.

Ariel stood there dumbfounded, staring blankly at Arsion’s broad back as he retreated. Soon, people like her who were absent-minded came to their senses and began to babble. But Ariel couldn’t hear anything.

She raised her hand slowly and touched her forehead. Arsion’s body temperature seemed to still remain on her forehead. Soon Ariel’s face turned bright red as if it would burst.

Oh, my God.

Ariel lowered her hand from her forehead and covered her mouth.

Indeed, Arsion is back.

* * *

A week had passed since Arsion returned, but he had yet to return to the duke’s estate. Ariel, who visited the main house just in case she could hear the news of Arsion, turned away after hearing that the little duke was not returning from the palace either.

As she was walking in the hallway near his office, Ariel heard the voices from the duke’s vassals gathering and talking.

“As for what reason Arsion hasn’t come back yet, there must be some complicated issues.”

“What’s the matter with the Duke’s successor being held in the palace?”

“You know……if the Little Duke really wants to be a holy knight, then there’s a problem. Because you are the Duke with no other family, you have to set up another successor, but as you know, it’s a matter of interfering with the royal family.”

“What, so he’s really going to be a holy knight?”

“No, nothing is known yet, but there’s nothing else that I suspect he’s up to.”

Listening to them, Ariel cautiously walked down the hall without making any sound.

‘I shouldn’t come to the main house anymore.’

People here wouldn’t give looks of contempt like the people outside the duke’s estate. No, rather, they’d feel sorry and sympathize with her. Ariel, however, found it more difficult to bear those gazes.

When she hurried out of the main entrance, she saw a carriage rushing in. It was a large carriage pulled by eight horses which could be seen from a distance.

‘The Duke?’

That was a carriage only the Duke of Hastings could ride. Before the carriage could stop and the butler could come out to greet him, the duke opened the door and rushed into the mansion. Then the duke soon came out with something in his hand.


Ariel noticed what the wooden box that the duke had brought out was. It was because the duke had shown it to her when she went to the duke’s office with Arsion one day. What did the duke say back then?

“This is the Duke’s seal. It’s only used for important matters.”

But now the duke had brought it out. She then remembered the words of the vassals that she’d heard in the hallway a while ago. The question of successors. Such a problem would certainly require the duke’s seal.

The duke found Ariel standing in the corner while he tried to get in the carriage as if he had to leave again immediately. Ariel, who was about to bow down immediately under the gaze she encountered, stood frozen at the sight of the duke’s darkened face.

The duke turned to Ariel and said with a sigh.

“I’m so sorry, Ariel. I didn’t expect this to happen…….”

“What? What do you mean by that?”….”

“I’ll tell you when I get back. What a mess Arsion is in…… I’m just sorry for you anyway.”

The duke, who said so, tapped Ariel on the back of the hand, muttering, “Everything will be fine,” and then went back into the carriage. Seeing the back of the carriage, Ariel trudged home.

Now there was no doubt about it. The duke rushed out with a seal. He was sorry that he didn’t expect this to happen. She remembered what she heard at the palace. He’ll end his engagement with her and the duke will find her another marriage partner with a lot of money.

Ariel sat on the bed and bit her lips. Now she had to admit it. Indeed, Arsion is about to become a holy knight.

‘……I don’t want it.’

She didn’t even realize she liked him when she was too young. Until she held Arsion’s hand and danced with him for the first time, she didn’t know what she felt for him. However, after their first dance and her partner changed, when saw him smiling and holding hands with another woman, Ariel, for the first time, discovered that she could hate strangers that she didn’t know.

Since then, she had been able to endure even when she heard harsh words about her because she liked Arsion. So, she put up with shamelessness and ignorance of the subject. Even so, she wanted to be next to Arsion. She thought Arsion wanted it too.

‘But… if Arsion doesn’t want to.’

Then should she just give up?

Ariel was lost in thought on her bed when she heard her mother calling her downstairs.

“Ariel, come down for a second!”

When Ariel went down to see what she was calling for, her mother handed her a coat and said,

“I received them from the country yesterday, so I need you to bring them to your sister.”

From honey to dried herbs on the table. There was a pile of things sent by relatives who came to play last time. Ariel muttered in a small voice when she saw it.

“……If that’s the case, you could just get it delivered.”

At those words, her mother clicked her tongue and said,

“I’m asking you because I want you to go outside. It’s not good if a person is stuck in a room like this. Your head will feel worse and you’ll become sick.”


When Ariel failed to respond, her mother sighed and said.

“I don’t think it’s just rumors. I can see how disturbed your mind is. Since you were a child, you’ve been with the Little Duke……. But let’s just say it’s a good thing. How many mean words you had to listen to. It’ll be noisy for a while, but it’s better in the long run. Besides, the Little Duke didn’t meet another woman, and he said he’d dedicate himself to the Goddess.”

Ariel pouted at the word.

“A goddess is a woman, isn’t she?”

“Hey, Ariel!”

But Ariel didn’t want to hear anymore, so she quickly put on her jacket and put the stuff on the table in the bag next to her.

“I’ll be back!”

She heard her mother calling her from behind, but Ariel quickly left the house with her heavy bag.

* * *

Her sister, who was already married, lived in a quiet place in the capital. Her sister was usually at home whenever she visited, but no matter how many times Ariel knocked on the door, she couldn’t hear any movement inside.

Since her plan to stay at her sister’s house until evening went up in smoke, Ariel was worried about what she could do with her time now.

Since it’s difficult to continue carrying the large bag, she asked the next door neighbour to hold onto the stuff and left a letter in the mailbox. Turning around, she realized there was nowhere to go. Ariel was not without friends. After debuting in society, out of the many faces she had met, there were people who can be called friends. But she couldn’t think of anyone she could turn to, to tell her troubles right now.

‘I can’t help it.’

Ariel laughed bitterly at the fact that she didn’t have a friend close enough to tell everything. She knew the reason why she didn’t have such a friend the best.

Her best friend since she was a child had always been Arsion. Arsion did not hide anything, he had no reason to. Arsion understood and comforted her to the point where she thought he was her alter ego.

Such Arsion was now leaving her and trying to walk his own path.

Ariel was disappointed by that. Arsion was inseparable to herself, but to Arsion, he could easily abandon her. So she had to understand and support Arsion’s decision, but she only wanted to hold onto him and resent him.

Ariel, who was walking down the street, had to bow in a hurry as she passed by the cake shop she used to go to. Because there were quite a few faces she knew. And then at the hat store. And at the stationery store.

‘Why am I seeing so many people I know today?’

She was going to stay out as long as she could because she was going to be nagged by her mother even if she went back. This was why she wanted to spend her time somewhere.

At that time, Ariel’s eyes, which were teary, saw a familiar store.


Ariel’s eyes caught the secondhand bookstore, which she had visited several times. That place was run by an elderly woman who didn’t pay much attention to the customers who visited.

No one would mind her sitting there reading all day. Thinking so, Ariel opened the door and went inside.

As expected, the owner, who was reading the book at the counter, nodded slightly and welcomed the customer. Ariel stroked the cat, who approached her, and turned inward.

The smell of old books emanating from bookshelves filled with them put Ariel’s mind at ease. In a place like this, no one who knew her would walk by. Thinking so, Ariel sat in a chair in the corner.

Looking around the bookshelf, she saw some books she was curious about. She can pick a suitable number, check them out, and then purchase the decent ones to bring back home.

Thinking so, Ariel took out the books bearing titles that stood out to her from the bookcase and put them on the table in front of the chair where she sat.


Then, her hand slipped and a book fell onto the floor. Ariel bent down and picked up the book that fell.


Then she saw a book stuck in the bottom shelf covered with dust.

“……What kind of book is this?”

The reason why the book stood out among the many books was that it had a purple velvet cover that looked very luxurious. And on top of it, it had a gold pattern that was elegant and delicate enough to match up with the velvet.

At a glance, it was a very expensive book made for a noble’s small collection. But if that was the case, she wouldn’t have been so interested. Because, there were even more luxurious books at the duke’s house.

Ariel reached out and took the book. Her eyes scanned the back and cover of the book.

“……There’s no title?”

The title wasn’t written anywhere in the book. Was it a notebook made to look like a book? But then the owner wouldn’t have allowed this in their store. With a curious look, Ariel looked over the thick cover of the book.

Fortunately, it seemed that it was not a notebook as there were printed letters visible on the inner cover. Ariel unwittingly read the title.

“Things to do at night……?”

It was a title she had never heard of. As soon as Ariel tried to open the book, she heard someone approaching. Ariel hurriedly closed the book and sat in a corner, hiding her presence. It was two young ladies near her age who approached where she hid.

Did they also want to avoid people’s prying eyes like Ariel? The two came into the corner and sat down without giving a glance to the bookshelf. Then they started talking.

“Is that true? Does he want to be a priest?”

“Yes, he said he’s going to the temple next week. So he came to say goodbye for the last time… You know it too. How much I liked him.”

Ariel swallowed her breath upon hearing the story. The woman sniffling across the shelf was in a similar situation to herself.

“Horrible man. If you’re going to be a priest, don’t be interested in me. You confessed that you liked me at the festival, and now you’re a priest!

“Hey, hey. Be quiet.”

The woman who came in with the lady hurriedly stopped her crying friend. Then, as encouragement, she asked her friend.

“You’re not gonna see him become a priest anyway, are you?”

“Of course. I can’t let him go. I’ll never let him go. So help me. There’s got to be a way to stop him from becoming a priest.”

Ariel’s eyes widened at the words. What does she mean, a way to stop him from becoming a priest? Is there such a way? If there is such a way….

Ariel swallowed her breath and listened more to the conversation across from her.

“Yeah, there’s a way. I don’t know if you want to do it.”

“What should I do? I’d do anything to stop him from becoming a priest. What do I need? Money? People?”

When the crying woman asked, her friend answered firmly.

“No, all you need is your body.”

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