What To Do If The Heroine Ran Out Of The Book? Chapter 198


Chapter 198 Falling For You

"I did it in such an imposing manner, I didn't invite anyone to eat, and I went home I have to take a taxi.”

In the beef noodle shop, Chu Ge complained angrily.

After settling in Zhu Moe Moe's hospital, it was past eight o'clock when the couple went home. The two were hungry and ate noodles at the door. Chu Ge feels that since these things happened, the good days of eating Qiuqiu at home and cooking have been tossed away. The number of takeaways and beef noodles has increased exponentially, and the beef in his mouth has no taste...

This time, things are indeed much more chained together, and the dust has settled when the whole long holiday is over now.

Although Du Lianfeng's group's tail was confiscated, Zhong Yi took it over for the time being, and the two of them also appeared as bottle gourd babies. There is no such direct cause and effect, so let's end it.

I feel very comfortable when all the dust settles down, and the things I hold in my heart are all gone, so I can live a good life... But everyone can't laugh, watching other people's industry competition, the son-in-law kills the husband's husband , Husband and wife turned against each other... always feel a little depressed.

Qiu Wuji, who was supposed to see the world up and down for thousands of years, seemed even more sentimental than Chu Ge.

The moon is still full.

Chu Ge looked at that gesture and remembered Qiu Wuji in the book.

The same legacy and independence.

"What's the matter?" He hugged her from behind and asked in a low voice, "You shouldn't feel too much about these things..."

"Because of me I'm being held in your arms, but there's no resistance at all, I'm glad you came to care about me immediately."

"Huh?" Chu Ge didn't understand for a moment what this had to do with what he asked. relation.

"I'm a woman in love now..." Qiu Wuji looked at the moon and laughed at himself: "It's not the Qiu Wuji whose heart is still like water."

Chu Ge was actually said by this Got lost for a while, a little crazy.

I have fallen into the mortal world for you.

“Chu Ge, I have some words to comfort Moe Moe before, including some of what Moe Moe said was not sincere. Maybe she will taste it when she wakes up.”


"Which ones?"

"Moe Moe said she didn't like Cai Zhijian much, and I also said that Cai Zhijian himself harbored malicious intentions." Qiu Wuji sighed: "But in fact, this is unreasonable."

Chu Ge's former detective's aura has disappeared, but Qiu Wuji's thoughts are still incomprehensible: "Why can't it make sense?"

"Because Moe Moe can see the love line... If two There is no love between people, Moe Moe would have known it for a long time, why would he consider getting back together? Since he would consider it, it means that Moe Moe knows that they have a love line, and it can be said that this love line evokes Moe Moe's relationship. Looking forward to the future."

"Hi..." Chu Ge gasped: "That makes sense."

"Maybe there are shades of lines." Qiu Wuji faintly said: "Moe Moe said that she didn't know why she chose to marry Cai Zhijian in the first place, but the reason is very simple, obviously because the love between the two was strong enough, it was useless for Old Zhu to object... Maybe it was a very good word at that time. This story."

Chu Ge nod: "It's just waiting to change but the old people's hearts will gradually fade away..."

"Damn, I just said this on the Mid-Autumn Festival, and it's only been a few days, and it's here again."

Qiu Wuji just remembered that he had just talked about this topic a few days ago, and his cheeks were a little warm for a while: "I think I'm annoying, right..."

Chu Ge didn't know whether to cry or laugh He kissed her cheek and said in a low voice, "It can only prove that my family Qiuqiu is worried about gains and losses, and I am too late to be happy."

Qiu Wuji relaxed his strength and leaned against his chest lightly: "I I have seen thousands of years, and there are still many couples in the world who will grow old together, but immortal dao, who have been together for thousands of years, have never seen a single one..."

Chu Ge was dumbfounded and hesitated to speak. .

Qiu Wuji said, "What do you want to say?"

"There is no special reason for this, it's a setting factor... Those in the book want to turn themselves into stone. The Sect, not to mention it, even if it is a sentient Sect, because of the long years, I have seen too many things, causing the heart to be like still water and difficult to ripple, such as you. The longer the cultivation, the thinner it becomes, which is logical."

Qiu Wuji's body tensed slightly.

Chu Ge hurriedly said: "Uh, don't worry, it doesn't mean that we will also thin..."

"What is that? Will you change the settings?"

"No, this setting doesn't need to be changed at all... Because this is the case in the world, it is just used to reflect the uniqueness of the protagonist group and the preciousness of being able to stay together forever..."

Qiu Wuji: "..."

Is it like Cai Zhijian is used to contrast you?

"So there is always love in the setting, and it's you..."

"It's me, but not you, Chu Ge."

"Why not me?" Chu Ge said calmly: "That is my expectation, my ideal, and everything I want is reflected in it. Some things do not arrive, it is because they are out of power, like a battle Jian Jianghu, it's not that I don't want to, it's that I don't have the environment and opportunity. Once it is given to me, I will seize it and won't give up...like you."

Qiu Wuji tilted his head and looked at his Eye.

Chu Ge whispered: "From this point of view... Qiuqiu, this whole book is my love letter and oath to you."

He bowed his head in Qiu Wuji kissed lightly on the forehead and said softly, "You fell into the world for me, and I ascended the fairyland for you. I will continue to explore the intersection of the two worlds, and I will make you and me forever."

Qiu Wuji felt that his heart began to thump again, and his body began to not obey. His sweet words were like a spell, which could make people's souls dizzy.

She always felt that if Chu Ge wanted to take advantage of this kind of time to climb mountains or the like, she couldn't refuse at all.

But at this moment Chu Ge did nothing, his eyes were clear and gentle.

Qiu Wuji tilted his head and looked at it, and his heart slowly returned to peace.

He is Chu Ge and will never be Cai Zhijian.

"You, you always say something nice." Qiu Wuji gently broke away from his embrace, turned away from the window, and swayed away with his hands behind his back: "Tonight, although the moon Yuan, there are no more rabbits to make medicine... don't dream."

Because Fairy of the Moon Palace is already by your side.

Qiu Wuji went back to the room, the Fairy appearance of the Moon Palace just now disappeared, "Plop" jumped onto the bed, hugged the bear and rolled.

Then he reached out and grabbed the two little pigs' pillows, put the two little pigs mouth-to-mouth together, put them on the pillow, and looked at the big bear with a smile.

One Chu Ge, one Qiuqiu.

Qiuqiu was still lying on Chu Ge, his little feet swaying.

Over there, Chu Ge watched her go back to the room, stood there for a while, and went to take a shower, refreshed, and went back to the room to write and save the manuscript.

A hard-working writer who doesn't have time to flirt with girlfriends around.

Pity I said before that I would save the manuscript for winter, but now it is daylight again, and the manuscript is saved at night for tomorrow morning...

I really envy some idle adults.

"dī dī dī ~" The private chat suddenly rang, Chu Ge took a look away from the manuscript, and it was Zhang Qiren, the long time no see, whose head was flashing and flashing.

Chu Ge was very curious, so he clicked to open it:

Zhang Shi Qiren: "Brother Chu, you can consider opening a Weibo, be careful not to comment on anything, Specializing in selling cuteness, posting photos, posting food, and occasionally posting some good sentences from books, that's fine..."

Chu Ge: "?"

Zhang Shi Qiren: "? "

Chu Ge: "Why can't I understand what you're talking about? New Japanese?"

Zhang Shi Qiren: "Don't you know that you are an internet celebrity now? Absolutely Don't know how to monetize and utilize traffic, are you a pig?"

He added sadly: "Don't patronize girls every day, live like a primordial person, open your eyes and see the world, okay? ...at least you look at your book review section!"

Chu Ge opened the APP book review section with a puzzled look, and people were just dumbfounded.

“Big Chu is so handsome and handsome, keep writing it, I’ll give you a reward, alright (*╯3╰)”

“Qiuqiu is so beautiful! I don’t care It's not Qiuqiu in the book, is there a reward here?"

"This is killing me wu wu wu..."

"Does the author have a Weibo? , wouldn't it be just such a team building location?"

"It seems that there is an Internal Strife, it's full..."

"Wu wu wu I want to take care of him..."

"Chu Ge will be given to you, Qiuqiu ~My Qiuqiu~"

Chu Ge:"???"

What is this and what? ? Isn't early fall love already over? It's been so long, even the TM Mid-Autumn Festival is over, how come the sickness is getting worse?

(end of this chapter)

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