What To Do If The Heroine Ran Out Of The Book? Chapter 233


Chapter 233 Who is the hunter

Chu Ge and the others over there didn't even wait for any battle situation to be involved, it was already Actively weakened the guard force.

Because they moved Du Qi and the duo to a place, they are no longer in the hospital.

The reason is very simple. Everyone can think that with the arrival of Chu Ge Qiu Wuji, the other party is worried that Du Lianfeng and Qi Chengtai will be cured, and they are likely to kill at any cost. It's time. If the battlefield is really placed in Dr. Zheng's hospital, it is likely to cause accidental injury to ordinary nurses and patients, and even implicate the surrounding people.

So Qiu Wuji's first reaction was "move the place first".

Zhong Yi also didn't want Dr. Zheng to get involved too deeply. When he was really red-eyed, the other party might aim at Dr. Zheng's family. It's good for everyone to transfer before it's hot.

In fact, with the arrival of the Chu Ge Qiu Wuji and Blackroom tour groups, the strength not only did not weaken, but became stronger...

Dr. Zheng did not stop the transfer, but rather laughed at himself He sighed: "So I don't have anything to 'trust' most."

Zhong Yi smiled: "It's not when I was a teenager, why bother."

"You're still a teenager."

"I'm alone, it's different. I'm gone, I wish you good health."

Zhong Yi's place is in a very remote remodeled factory , Sand and gravel waste everywhere, and even the lights are temporary lighting. Apparently, he had long since planned to prepare for the "decisive battle".

Chu Ge Qiu Wuji is nodded, this is Dao Idol, the thinking angle of Mi Xiaolin's people is completely another line.

Pan Da Wan Zijun and the others sat playing cards in the dim light, one or two were about to cry, but they didn't even have the strength to say hello to Chu Ge.

Is there a worse tour group in the world than us?

We don't have any money or what to do, anyway, the lights are a little brighter, we can't see the cards clearly!

Zhong Yi greeted everyone and didn't give Du Qi any good treatment. He threw it on the sand and asked Qiu Wuji, "How do I treat it?"

Qiu Wuji stretched out a small hand to Chu Ge: "Three souls and five aggregates pills, two pills."

Chu Ge reached out and turned over, and two medicine pills appeared in his hand like a conjuration.

This is the pill that Xiao Huo Miao gave them to stabilize the body and soul. Both of them have benefited a lot, but eating too much is useless, and the rest is all in Chu Ge's pocket , Now it happens to be extremely symptomatic of the situation of these two.

They are nothing more than the Divine Soul being shaken away, "Leaving the Soul" and "Lost Soul" are all like this. After a long time, the soul will be dissipated, and the person will die. First of all, the body and soul must be firmly combined, and Qiu Wuji also applies magical techniques to help them re-solidify their Divine Soul and that's it.

Qiu Wuji fed each of them a pill, checked the Divine Soul status of the two, said with a smile: "Fortunately, we got the show mercy at the beginning, and it is not difficult to cure, But I think they will lose their abilities when they wake up."

Zhong Yi was stunned, and his whole body suddenly tensed up: "You... can make people lose their abilities?"

"Because their supernatural energy comes from spirit strength, which is Divine Soul, Divine Soul has been broken up and rebuilt, and their previous abilities will naturally be lost." Qiu Wuji seemed to know what he wanted to ask, and shook his head and smiled: "It is impossible to generalize It is suitable for promotion."

Zhong Yi hesitated for a while, then sighed, and then asked, "How long will your treatment last?"

Qiu Wuji thought for a while: "Divine Soul remodeling should not be neglected, the slightest error will turn into an idiot... and after their medicine efficacy is digested, I will also sort out samples first, so that I have a bottom line, and I will start formal treatment when I am sure, in short, not at the latest. After 90 hours... oh, it's dawn."

Zhong Yi said with a smile: "I thought I would stay here for a few days, but I didn't expect it would only take one night. Then I'll go out to buy something to eat and come back, everyone can come. Directly, I didn't bring anything."

Chu Ge stood up: "I'll go."

Qiu Wuji looked at him for a while, then nods. Although on the surface it seems that going out to buy some supplies is nothing, but this is "wartime", it is not very good for anyone to place an order, it is best to be cautious. Among all the people except himself, only Chu Ge has the ability to stealth, and if something is wrong, he can still run stealthily.

When the young couple looked at each other, they could see each other's thoughts - in fact, the so-called shopping, if you were really cautious, you could not go. But it doesn't seem to be a bad thing, "sweep the flies to death and go home early".

dark and windy night Killing night.

It's the other party's murderous intention, so why can't it be the other way around? Do you really want to play guard Sword Pavilion?

If Chu Ge is attacked, he will be able to sense it immediately, and he can directly flash past to support him. Instead, the initiative in the battle will be in his own hands.

The young couple was in a good mood, Qiu Wuji simply said: "Don't crowd around here, I need quiet, let's help watch the main road outside."


Lei Jiangyong was in pain.

I was thinking that Chu Ge Qiu Wuji was treating people in the hospital, so he should go back to the hotel to rest, right? Just wait until the hospital is on the way back to the hotel.

He shuaa~ pulled a group of people to the outside of the hospital, only to see Zhong Yi lead them away. He didn't dare to openly start a group on the street, and drove all the way to the branch road in the suburbs. He didn't even dare to continue to follow, and pretended to drive off to the other branch road.

Otherwise it is too obvious and will be found and tracked.

Parking the car on the side of the fork, Lei Jiangyong was debating whether to wait here or find another opportunity. .

The subordinate with farsightedness immediately reported: "Master Lei, that Chu Ge, and there is only one person."

Lei Jiangyong was ecstatic: "heaven helps me!"

This is really a godsend. It's even better than the original "waiting to ambush Chu Ge outside the hospital". It's not too fun to kill people silently in the city, but This is actually a godsend to the suburbs, there is no one around, and the lights are dark. There used to be police around the hospital, but neither here!

Isn't this Chu Ge a gift?

He stared at the car lights in the distance for a moment, then showed a grim smile: "Prepare."

Over there, Chu Ge drove Zhong Yi all the way from Nanjiang to the broken Haval. , I think Qiu Wuji's need for a car to be able to take a bad road is more reasonable. Look how easy this Haval is. If you drive a Ferrari, can you go on a bad road?

And I really don't feel bad about anything, Ferrari has to cry when scratched.

Of course, this kind of thought also flashed by, his alertness at this time was unprecedentedly high, his dive sense was unscrupulously opened, and the surrounding air flow was clearly stroked in the heart.

Insects, dust at night, and the trajectory of the breeze blowing, are so clear under the reflection of the dive sense.

In my heart, I even felt a little excited and looking forward to it. I was still thinking about what if the other party didn't come to me, was this fishing in vain?

He knew that this was the factor hidden in the heart "swords and rivers and lakes", and under the traction of various events, it became more and more intense.

I just can't imagine that the stimulation of "knife head licking blood" does not start from the world in the book, but happens again and again in reality.

This is what my parents have been experiencing all the time...

Spiritual Qi revived, the supernatural world.

As soon as I thought of this, there was a very slight whistling of air from far to near.

Chu Ge laughed instead of startled and slammed on the brakes.

Something brushed in front of the car and hit a tree by the road, showing clear scratches.

"Wind Blade?" Chu Ge's thoughts flashed past, and he had already pushed out the door, a roll away from the vehicle.

"pa!" The windows were smashed and the driver's head restraint was shattered.

It really is the wind blade... It's actually very easy to use. Once you want to kill someone, you can't investigate the case at all, and the autopsy report says "the throat was cut by a sharp weapon." What about the sharp weapon? What about people? Anyone who kills someone in front of the surveillance camera can swagger and leave. And at this dark and windy night, you don't even know where the other party is.

"It stands to reason that you have investigated me." Chu Ge stopped flashing, and suddenly stretched out his hand and held it towards the void: "Knowing that I am impervious to sword and spear, what use is this wind blade to me? What?"

There was a "cluck" sound, as if the sharp friction of the blade on the gold and iron sounded, and the wind blade was pinched into a breeze by Chu Ge, which disappeared without a trace. When I opened my palm, I saw no scratches.

There was a rough laughter in the night: "We not only know that you are impervious to sword and spear, we also know that you are agile, and we know that you are strong as an ox...but soon, you will be gone. ."

Chu Ge's heart moved, and he quickly thought of "Ability User Directory".

There are not many people who know the wind blade, and it is impossible to determine who it is. But there is probably only one person who can say "you will be gone soon".

Lei Jiangyong, one of the directors of Tianmu Group.

Abilities: You are a little biscuit - making objects brittle and brittle, acting on people, breaking defenses with one touch.

Gu Ruoyan Note: Most of the good things are not firm, and the colorful clouds are easy to disperse and the glass is brittle.

Yue Ying Note: Defensive power -10000.

(end of this chapter)

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