"Not happy at all." Wen Jie grinned and grinned, and at the same time was very alert to the man.

"Do you know?" White Snake frowned slightly.

"One of the people who wanted to kidnap me last time ... is terrible." Wen Jie said with a quiver, then reluctantly spit out the last three words. She did not want her companion to be overcast because of her incomplete information .

"Well ..." White Snake squinted his eyes slightly and said unwillingly. After all, in their experience of fighting almost every day, the words of Shang Wenjie Xi's fight are still to be verified, but they will be vigilant. Already.

"Wen Jie Xi? Dear Xiao Xi, my name is Mad Monkey ~ Although we only met for the second time, the first time, I was deeply hooked by you, I really want to ... "Catch you and dissect it ~" The mad monkey licked his lips without hiding his longing in his eyes, his eyes turning around Wen Jiexi's body, as if looking at his most interested experiment.

Alas, it's disgusting. It turned out to be a neuropathy. I actually wanted to catch myself and dissect. Wen Jie rubbed her arms. The whole person got goosebumps and shivered. People think that a neurosis not only hits you The person who wanted to catch you for anatomy did not erupt or escape, Wen Jiexi thought that he was calm enough.

"Please make way." The leading man pointed the gun at the person in front of him. Others also took out the gun, brushed it, and aimed at the enemy in front of a dozen guns.

"Ah, you're so anxious, how can you be so anxious?" Mad monkey with his cheek held up, facing the black gunheads that mostly aimed at himself, without any tension, but yawned leisurely, Then I pressed the button on my hand.

Hissing ... countless thunders came out of the wires under his chair, and that was ... high voltage electricity! Wen Jie just flashed the thought in her mind, and she was thrown to the ground by the white snake and rolled out several times.

Wen Jiexi looked at the ground and didn't know when it was slowly filled with liquid. The place where they are staying now is the water that has not yet spread, and it is still a safe place to raise their heads again. The scorching smell comes, most of them A person's body is scorched black, large or small, and the body also trembles on the ground, which is obviously paralyzed by electric shock.

As for the strong Jiaowei, those people beside the mad monkey in the market actually turned into corpses one by one, and were kicked to the ground by the mad monkey who did not know when to stand up.

"Well, these people who are not beautiful at all have muscular tattoos and can't be my collectibles at all, but you and I are quite satisfied, so I will leave you with a little life ~" The mad monkey put a black object in his hand Throwing it aside, Wen Jiexi took a closer look. That was a high voltage. How did people make people look like this, it was not scientific at all!

"Huh? Is it weird?" As if the mad monkey felt Wen Jiexi's thought, he spread his hands and pointed to the scorched corpse on the ground.

"Although my clicks are not fatal, they all have some small conductive items that I specifically installed on them. It seems that my experiment was very successful ~ Although I prefer blood splashing, but this way kills It's a good feeling to die alone. "

Wen Jiexi hugged the white snake carefully, only to notice that the white snake was shaking slightly. Although she was out of the water, she had a calf in it, and the whole leg was shaking, her face was a little bit Slightly pale.

"Come on ... you go quickly." White Snake frowned and said to Wen Jiexi, still struggling to reach out and push Wen Jiexi, this girl was bold and daring, but with them those who live in the dark Differently, neither her identity nor her future should die here.

"So many of you are paralyzed here, how could I go alone." What if these people were dissected out when she left? Besides, Sister Su is still on it! How can anyone retreat without being rescued?

"Huh? Is Xiaoxi going to run? How can this be? If you dare to run, I will throw these people's anatomy and photos on the Internet for everyone to watch ~" The mad monkey grinned and said chillingly.

"What do you think of human life!" Wen Jie glared at the man incredulously, apparently looking normal, why thought so vicious and vicious.

"I didn't say I was going to kill them?" The mad monkey tilted his head, as if Wen Jie said something strange, then shrugged and continued.

"You have to believe that I have practiced the technique for more than ten years, but I have been experimenting with many small animals since I was a child ~ Now the experimental subjects are getting bigger and bigger, I am really happy, this represents the growth of my level, and I I can guarantee that even if I am dissected, those people will not die, at most, it hurts, but if they die after dissection, they are too weak. The mouse I dissected before lasted for nearly a day. Well, I didn't expect that human simulation mice are much weaker. "

Wen Jiexi has a large Tic-tac-toe on his forehead. This person is simply unreasonable.

"Since you like experiments so much, do your own experiments, always dissect others, do you have the consent of others?"

"Why get the consent of others, I dissect them is their glory, they should be grateful to me for giving them a chance, and I am a man, can you be sure to find someone as high as my skill to serve me? The righteous words of the mad monkey said the truth of his strange theory.

Well, it doesn't work to reason with neuropathy. Wen Jiexi raised the hammer in her hand and pointed at the crazy monkey.

"Let me go, I'm going to save people."

"Rescuing? Yes, I'll do it." The mad monkey said with a smile, his hands turning the knife eagerly.

Tuanzi, you support me at any time. In an emergency, you have to buy something for me. I will tell you what to buy. Wen Jiexi whispered.

"Ok, wrap it on me, and quickly destroy the neurosis in front of me!" Tuanzi patted his chest and said that if he heard the long story of this human called a crazy monkey, it was simply refreshing whether there are three views, enough narcissism, arrogance, enough disease!

Touch ... Wen Jie lifted the hammer and smashed into the belly of the mad monkey, but was shunned by the mad monkey and smashed on the pillar next to him. The blow fell directly into the pillar, and Wen Jiexi pulled it out with force, and also produced a lot of gravel and cracks. Looking at the pit, it was impossible to imagine how powerful the young girl was.

"Oh, oh! Awesome, awesome! It's the person I fancy, this power, the power beyond description, hehehe, I really want to dissect you now!" Mad monkey's eyes flickered With a light of excitement, he drew another knife from somewhere around his waist and rushed towards Wen Jiexi.

Mission, check how many weapons this man has! Wen Jiexi was not nervous about the mad monkey rushing over, but calmly took her own hammer to welcome him.

"Good! Give it to me!" The regiment immediately flew in the direction of the mad monkey.

Looking at the movement of the dumplings in the corner of his eyes, Wen Jiexi raised his hammer and waved it towards the mad monkey. When the mad monkey jumped away, he took advantage of the chase. The things that are tired under her hands, the tigers playing with her hands, absolutely suppress the attack of the mad monkey.

No way, I was hit by this whining hammer, no matter how I look at it, I will be seriously injured in the end, or even my hands and feet may be broken, or even my ribs may be broken.

Bumping ... the sound of the hammer smashing into the glass pillars of the wall is endless. There are gravel and potholes full of cracks around the potholes. As for those who are barely able to move, they drag some of them back. The companions who were unable to move slowly broke away from this terrible battle zone. They were afraid of being injured by accident. It was okay to be hurt by the other party. They were seriously injured by their own. Imagine the possibility of being laughed at.

The mad monkey holding two small knives is obviously as flexible as a monkey, and the skill of using a knife is very superb. He can forcibly change the hammer that Wen Jiexi swung over and then fight back.

Alas, dodging the mad monkey ’s hidden weapon again, Wen Jie poked his lips. I really do n’t know how the mad monkey hid his weapon. Listening to the report of the regiment, he had a dozen knives and a thick black finger. Needle, used as a hidden weapon, is there a gun at the waist, a mobile arsenal? How many black needles have been lost?

"Woohoo ... you are more powerful than I thought." The mad monkey panted, and now he was all embarrassed, but apart from abrasions, there were no serious injuries, and he threw the broken knife at his disposal. The mad monkey looked at his more serious hands, and the tiger's mouth could be said to be blurred in flesh and blood, but the mad monkey didn't care, and even licked his wound with intoxication on his face, and made a swallowing sound.

"I'm so disgusting!" Said the regiment shivering.

"Let me pass." Wen Jiexi also breathed in a deep breath, and she also had a lot of blood on her body. There was no way. The black needle of the mad monkey seemed to be much easier to use than the knife. The speed was unexpected. People are inadvertently guarded. If Wen Jie wasn't fast, she had already inserted several black needles on her body, instead of rubbing it tightly like now, leaving a slight blood mark.

"I miss it, too, but the young master upstairs said that I must block you here and not disturb his pleasure." The mad monkey shrugged.

Disturbing fun, the thought of Feng Xiaoliang walking towards sister Su with a scalpel, Wen Jiexi's eyes are red, this neurosis even dare to mention!

Turning anger into strength, Wen Jiexi hit the hammer with a more violent force and smashed the mad monkey fiercely.

"Huan, it's still so hot ~" said the mad monkey helplessly not far from Wen Jiexi's various places.

"Noisy!" Wen Jie said with gritted teeth, and waved the hammer again.

Bumping ... The battle has begun again, but this time is completely different from the previous situation. Wen Jiexi ’s attack is more rapid and fierce due to the blessing of anger, and the mad monkey seems to consume most of its physical strength and is getting slower and slower. The action of dodging is getting more and more embarrassing, and sometimes in order to dodge, he rolls away from the ground to attack, regardless of the image.

The members of the bomb disposal team standing by on the stairs saw this scene: we seemed to see a strange girl who had the strange power of a female King Kong, and the hammer bumped it, so domineering!

Mad monkey: What kind of monster is this person? Are you tired? Tired baby!

Finally, at the last moment, the mad monkey was hit in the stomach by the hammer, and the whole person was blown out by this huge force and hit the wall heavily.

"Huh ... huh ..." Wen Jiexi thought that the mad monkey should not be able to stand up, because she had clearly felt the crispness of the fractured bone just now, just don't know if it is serious or not.

"Cough cough ..." The mad monkey covered his abdomen, coughed a few mouthfuls of blood, his face seemed painful and white, and his forehead was exuding cold sweat, and it looked very painful.

"I didn't expect it ... I lost, but it's worth it, it's worth it! It's such a fun thing that someone will never meet in a lifetime, I'm lucky ~"

Wen Jiexi ignored the inexplicable mad monkey who was there, told the regiment to stare for himself, and then pulled out the small communication machine hidden in his pocket.

"That's it. You can come up."

"Ah, we see it."

See? Wen Jie froze, turned her head, and saw the bomb disposal team standing on the stairs not far away. The one standing in front was holding the walkie-talkie, waving a little awkwardly at herself.

Wen Jiexi: Are you so close to me? !!

Bomb Squad: I felt the fight just now watching the girl desperately, guilty of conscience!

"It's up to you, I'll go up first." Wen Jie Xi pointed at the mad monkey that fell to the ground.

"Okay, Miss Wen, leave it to us." The leader nodded and said, a few people behind him came over with a rope to tie the hands and feet of the mad monkey. They just saw it, this The man is very good, and if he does not control his actions, he may have an unexpected counterattack.

Unfortunately, an accident happened before they **** the person. Wen Jiexi pulled the person who was closest to the mad monkey and holding the rope in his hand and was about to bend over, and dragged the person to the ground. The person was still at a loss. Raising his head, he saw that the hand of the mad monkey did not know when it was lifted, and the long black needle exuding the white cold light was held in his hand, and the position of the needle was exactly his artery.

If it weren't for Wen Jiexi's pull, the person who was stabbed might have to explain here. The person could not help but flash a little fear in the eyes. After all, it was the first time that death was encountered in such a close contact.

Instead, the mad monkey looked at all the angry eyes, but just dismissed his lips, completely without the fear of being disabled and surrounded by the enemy, looking at these bomb disposal groups as if they were looking at trash.

"Well, don't try to touch me, you garbage, only the people I approve." Then, looking at Wen Jiexi with a certain meaning, his eyes were full of righteousness.

Wen Jie jumped with blue tendons on his forehead, his grandma's neurosis!

"Jie Xi, hit him, he's so annoying, he doesn't take people seriously, what kind of thing is he? I don't think even those in the top family are more proud of him!" Said the regiment, waving his fist, dissatisfied. .

I agree with this ... Wen Jie Xi gritted her teeth and slaps him on the back of the mad monkey with one punch before, stuns the person directly, holds the rope around, and throws it in front of the bomb disposal team.

"I leave it to you."

"Oh ... oh ..."

The bomb disposal team was stunned: this, this ... this so ruthless girl, maybe only the young lady can take it away, the young lady is really amazing!

I just wanted to suggest that Wen Jiexi ’s regiment also opened his mouth wide. He originally thought that Wen Jiexi ’s character would not do such a thing, but looking at this clean way, the regiment gave a thumbs up: you cow!

After Wen Jiexi and no problem, I ran to the stairs upstairs, looked at the gate that was entangled with iron chains, pushed and pushed, it was obvious that it was locked from the back, and then someone was deliberately outside the door Wrapping the iron chain, it was really iron-hearted that he wanted to pull people to be buried. Wen Jie's eyes narrowed slightly, he lifted the hammer, and smashed into the gap in the door without mercy.

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