Wang Anyi hung up the phone with a cold face, walked out of the police station, and rubbed his temple with a headache.

Just now when Lin Yunxi received a phone call and was about to be chased, suddenly a large group of fans of Xiaosu came out. I do n’t know where the news came from. They knew they were here and there, which she suspected. The illegitimate meal was made, but if they did not respond quickly, they would be surrounded. If they were seen as Xiao Su ’s nanny car, they would only have their own agent and driver. I ’m afraid it would cause riots nearby. Things like road searches, troubles will follow.

Wang Anyi thought about it, and lost a school photo using Su Chen's official Weibo, stating that it was a rare trip back to school and it was nostalgic.

The moment she sent the message, there were countless comments immediately, but Wang Anyi did not read it. After all, this was the case every time, and it was Xiao Su ’s job to watch the fans, and it was also her and her insistence. She can be inspired by talking about some fans' words, so unless there are sunspots, Wang Anyi will not care about these things.

After making a few laps outside, I only entered an alley. The bodyguards had **** and arrested them. Wang Anyi didn't respond, but just beckoned the bodyguards to put the people in the car and drove directly to the police station. Boxes of "evidence" were moved into the police station.

However, when the police confirmed the identity of the man, he found that the thin and tall boy was only 17 years old and was not yet an adult. He could not think that he was an adult man because he had covered his face but was not short.

Underage, not only can the sentence be commuted, but this matter may not be held accountable, but she clearly remembers that this person's letter gift has been sent for six years, and it may have begun when he was 11 years old. Think about it Impossible, looking at the drowsy and scornful understanding of the boy just waking up, Wang Anyi couldn't, and he could only hand it over to the police.

Regarding all the strange situations, Wang Anyi could only helplessly return, and she couldn't stay here for too long. Who knew if anyone would take a photo.

Sitting in the car, I was slightly annoyed that Lin Yunxi didn't talk to them after they were okay. After asking, I realized that they actually hid in the university dormitory. When they heard the news, they got angry again.

Where is the school? If you find yourself in a **** place, the consequences will be unthinkable, and there are many fans of Xiaosu in it, ten of them are caught, and the typical ones that ca n’t go in and out are actually hiding there. go with!

Standing in front of the downstairs, the school's access control seems to be eleven o'clock. Now there are not many students who have come in and out at ten o'clock. Wang Anyi puts on a mask, walks to the aunt's lounge, and speaks to the window.

"Sorry, I'm going to room 366."

"Go and go." Aunt just looked up at Wang Anyi and waved her hand and said.

Uh ... so easy? !! This management is too loose? Wang Anyi was a little stunned, but the next second she saw her aunt's eyes sharp, slammed the table, picked up the loud dude on the side, yelling loudly at the boys who wanted to sneak in from the bushes, roaring,

"A few of you, come here to make trouble, so if you want to go in, do you need to send you to Thailand! Every day a few people want to sneak in, it's boring, you guys! Don't think of me I don't know who you are, write a thousand-word review book for me tomorrow! "Aunt sighed at the students who fled the desert,

"Well, when I was older, I did n’t have any presbyopia, and my old woman had a vision of 2.0. I have n’t been in a male for 30 years here. Really, my old woman is Bai Dang in recent years." I looked at my Wang Anyi, raised an eyebrow,

"Sister, what's wrong with you, aren't you going in?"

"Ah? Yeah ... Yeah ..." Wang Anyi nodded, put away the ques- tions just now, disrespectful, disrespectful, and violated the taboo of brokers.

When I walked to the room that Lin Yunxi said, I met a lot of people along the way, but Wang Anyi didn't attract much attention. As an agent, how to reduce the attention around her, but a high-end knowledge, she knows that low-key is king. .

Knocked gently on the door,

"Which one?" Li Lingmeng, who just came out of the toilet, opened the door, and when she saw a fascinating Royal Sister with a mask standing outside the door, she knew for a moment, who she was.

"Please come in."

"Thank you." Wang Anyi nodded and walked in.

"Hahahaha ..." laughter came, Lin Yunxi was eating skewers, not paying any attention to the image, pointing at the funny variety artist on TV and laughing, they had piled many empty plates beside them, and food was gathered together, Looking at the many types, Wang Anyi didn't need to smell the taste of the food to know that it must be the amount of n person's portion, could not help but care, Xiaosu, did you find a fellow? So edible.

Then look around and see Su Chenyu stroking a girl's head, her eyes are really leaking out, Su Chenyu doesn't like to contact with strangers, why do you like this girl so much? What did you miss while you were away?

"Cough ... Sister Wang ..." Lin Yunxi laughed and turned around to see that there was an extra person in the room. She almost got choked by the meat in her mouth and coughed vigorously with her chest.

"You ... hello ..." Wen Jiexi saw someone come quickly to avoid Su Chenyu's hand, picked up the remote control and turned off the loud TV that was turned on a little, this was like Wang Anyi greeting.

"Hello, thank you for helping Xiao Su and Yunxi." Wang Anyi took off his mask, smiled at Wen Jiexi, and observed the girl by the way, and found that the other party was not worse than Su Chen, no matter his appearance or figure, It's a bit small ...

Wen Jiexi: "..." Suddenly I felt sad ...

"Sister Wang, you're here." Su Chenyu didn't say anything about Wen Jie's dodging action, his face still retracted his hand, and nodded at Wang Anyi.

"I don't come, do you look good here?" Wang Anyi said, rolling her eyes, she was so hard outside, they were eating and drinking here.

"Hahaha, how could sister Wang, we have been waiting for you to pick us up." Lin Yunxi laughed dryly.

"Wait, wait for me? Forgot to call me." Upon hearing of Lin Yunxi's lack of anger, Wang Anyi walked to her side with annoyance and did not politely mess with Lin Yunxi's hair.

Lin Yunxi: Whoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohahable;

"Come and come, Sister Wang, please sit down and eat something. If you do n’t eat enough, there are cookies here." Li Lingmeng said with a smile, while holding the bag that had not been turned over just now, and putting the contents inside Pour out, small biscuits, potato chips, shredded squid, dried meat, spicy sticks and other rations, a total of 20 or 30 packets, and a dozen lollipops, jelly, fudge, this is to buy annual products Right ...

"Uh ... no need, I'll just eat here." Wang Anyi looked at the large portion of the food and waved it, and she didn't dislike to take a bunch of grilled skewers directly. For this matter, she It was bothersome and laborious. I didn't eat dinner at all. I was hungry for a long time, and since Xiao Su eats everything, I have nothing to choose.

Wang Anyi, who is good at communication, quickly sided with Li Lingmeng. The two talked about each other. Originally, Lin Yunxi who was a little disturbed by Wang Anyi also joined them. Wen Jie looked at the three with amusement. I didn't expect to meet the big star today. Seeing the most real scene, I thought that only a distant view and inaccessible figure was now beside them. It was so dramatic that Wen Jie would understand what fate is in the future.

After turning around and looking at Su Daying, who was sitting beside the bed, she did not participate in the lively atmosphere. She was holding a book and wondering whether it was her casual book or the script. She was quietly watching, her breath and the surroundings The atmosphere was strange and there was no conflict, but it was so taken for granted. Wen Jie was a bit stunned. She had never seen such a special person.

"What are you looking at?" A voice sounded, Wen Jie shook her head, and saw Su Chenyu's eyes had no idea when she had shifted to herself. She couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed, and apologized,

"No ... nothing, bother you."

"Really? Are you interested in the script?" Su Chenyu gently closed the book in her hand and shook it in front of Wen Jiexi's eyes. This is the script of the crew she was going to join the day after tomorrow. When she sees it now, she will be more careful. Research again.

"It does n’t matter if you ’re interested, just watching a lot of dramas with Xiaomeng, I feel that the drama is not as boring as you think. The plot and characters can be seen and felt in one play. A very novel experience. "Wen Jiexi thought for a while and smiled.

"Do you want to enter the entertainment industry?" Su Chenyu raised her eyebrows slightly in surprise.

"Enter the showbiz?" Wen Jie froze, then shook her head,

"I haven't thought about it yet."

Although the young people have a star dream, they want to stand on the stage, and the scenes they want to respond to are the goals they desire to achieve, but she does not have this idea. The first is that if there is no good feature, there is good Role, star dream is almost impossible to achieve, how many young and beautiful teenagers want to enter the entertainment circle, but most people fail. Most of the rest are reduced to unknown eighteen-line stars and can only run on the set.

There are accidents in life at all times. Wen Jiexi sees these things very well. She just wants to live down to her own days and does not want to worry her family, even though her skin is very good. But who wants a lot of artists who can fall at any time and have limited activities? Isn't this asking for trouble?

Even because of previous thoughts, even if changed, Wen Jiexi never thought about this, and could only shake his head blankly about Su Chenyu's problem.

"Everyone has a dream to stand on the stage. You don't have it. Sometimes, don't limit yourself to your own ideas. It's also a good choice to see different worlds." Su Chenyu put the script in his bag , Said lightly in his mouth, stood up before Wen Jiexi's response,

"We should say goodbye, thank you very much for your help and hospitality. You can contact us if you have any problems in the future." As he said, Su Chenyu brushed down his personal phone number, taking Wang Anyi and Lin Yunxi go away.

Li Lingmeng sent the three men to the door with a look of reluctance, Wen Jie watched the three men leave, leaving only the words left by Su Chenyu fluttering in his ears,

Hope you can listen to my opinion, maybe we will meet someday.

... will you meet again? Wen Jie is a little dazed.

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