The first act of Wen Jiexi was received by the demon leader, and was appointed to destroy a small and medium sect of the fairyland. As for the reason? The character of the demon cult leader is always cloudy. Compared with the right protection method, the action is clear and clean. The leader just looks at the mood, the mood is bad, and the things that he clearly liked in the last second are immediately destroyed, the means are extremely cruel.

So in a way, it ’s a pity that the leader is in a bad mood and will be destroyed, but it ’s fortunate that he came to the right to protect the national interests. At least it won't be painful before death ...

Only Lan Yuyan and Wen Jiexi are in this scene. Wen Jiexi is standing below, while Lan Yuyan is sitting on a chair a few steps above. It is said that this place will be turned into a palace with special effects, and Lan The ordinary chair under Yu Yan's **** will also become the throne, and I lamented the development of the computer a little.

"Well, everyone, let's start now!" Director Xie shouted.

Wen Jie is not, at this time it is the right protection method, she walked slowly to the stairs and a few steps away (after the center of the palace.), Stopped, looked at the leader sitting above her head, no respect on her face , There is no fluctuation in his eyes, still a look of indifference,

Kneeling down on one knee, holding your right hand in front of your chest, and bowing your head slightly to the leader.

The leader played with slender hair, his red eyes looked at the people underneath, and after a while, a weird smile appeared, his lips opened slightly, and he slowly said,

"It's so boring ... it's calm ... let's have some fun ... you need blood for baptism at this time, right?"

There is no response below, but the leader has become accustomed to the silence of the first hand, not to mention that people cannot speak, and continues to say,

"The Wenjian faction can disappear. You know the old rules." The leader said, a stone emerged from the hand and flew to the right protection method. This is a very rare video stone. Its function is to retain the image. If the right protection method is used every time Or other people will even be asked to wear it when they go out. As for what to record, it is not a beauty, or a secret among immortals, but a killing picture.

After recording, the teacher mainly appreciates it. If it is not done well, or if it is not recorded, the leader is in a good mood at the time. If it is not good, congratulations on your chance to move your head.

Oh, of course, this kind of things that humans can't do, they just do things and then supplement them with special effects, but there should still be some action.

Right protector nodded to the leader, stood up and disappeared in place.

The leader dragged his chin and continued playing with hair, watching the empty hall muttering to himself,

"This boring world has power at your fingertips, but you can't do whatever you want. What fun is it?"

"Card, okay, pass!" Director Xie said.

"Huh ..." Wen Jie was relieved, but she passed it by. The voice of a few pounds was heard in her ears, but there was more luck in her heart than that. There was no way. The protagonist Bacheng Chengdu is Lan Yuyan. She also has many lenses that are facing away from each other, just to highlight Lan Yuyan. So I really want to say that I haven't played much of my acting skills.

"Xiao Xi, it's a good performance!" Lan Yu came to Wen Jiexi with a smile and patted her shoulder.

"... Thank you ..." Wen Jiexi looked at Mingming while she was still on the chair, playing with her hair, and her eyes showed a little bloodthirsty and coldness. She was just young and had to sigh. This person seemed really acting Talent is getting better and better.

"I only have this scene today, the next one seems to be your play, right? I also saw the live-action version for the first time, come on!" Lan Yuyan smiled and patted Wen Jiexi's shoulder, just I stepped aside and didn't go in to change clothes. It seems that I want to go in and change clothes after watching it.

"Right to protect the law, come here." Director Xie shouted.

"Teacher Xie." Wen Jiexi quickly retracted her eyes and ran to the core area of ​​the crew.

"Right protection method ...... right?" Xie Dao looked up and down Wen Jie Xi, a little flash of surprise in his eyes.

"Lao Xie, this is the right protection method that I have specifically chosen, and I have a good hand!" Wang Hao took the lead to talk to Xie, and shouted at Xiulan.

"Xiao Lanzi, I'm right!"

"Just tell you, don't call me Xiao Lanzi, be my eunuch." Xiu Lan gave Wang Hao a violent tremor, and said to Xie,

"Jie Xi is really good, at least it can defeat the best three of us at the time. You have seen the video, there is nothing to doubt."

"Also." Director Xie touched his chin, beckoned in one direction, and in the distance came a group of twenty people dressed in exactly the same dress, male and female, old and young.

"These are the people who will meet you later. Some necessary building materials will be prepared there. You will be familiar with it later, and we can start shooting."

"I see." Wen Jie nodded, watching the crew holding many large and small (pseudo) stones, forming pillars, walls and the like.

And some of those people stood by the pillars to guard the door, and some walked around the wall to patrol. This is the right protection method will be removed in the scene, but this scene only reached the front of the school ’s main hall, which is the right protection method from the main door. Killed directly in the martial arts hall, everywhere she went, but of course she had less than 30% strength, the reason is naturally that these martial arts disciples can send a message back before death. In her opinion, let these people because of welcome Enemies gathered together, and it was more convenient for her to gather around than the entire martial art, and it also saved a lot of time.

Because of this, a lot of extras will be needed next time. It is said that there will be a large number of extras coming to stand here tomorrow, so the two scenes are separated, but these should not be concerned by Wen Jie, she only needs to act her own The role is just fine.

She stood on the spot and looked at her tendons. She didn't want to wait because the nervous muscles were too tight, causing cramps and so on.

"Almost okay, everyone is standing still!" Ten minutes later, Xie Dao announced loudly that he looked around,

"This scene begins!"

In front of the mountain's immortal sect, the grand gate is erected with the aura of the mountain sect named "Wen Jianpai". In the eyes of ordinary people or lower monks, this may be a highly admired monk Characterization, but in the eyes of the few right opponents in the world, this is just a ridiculous stereotype, not worth mentioning.

Fluttering in the air, he obviously did not step on the sword, and there was no land on the ground, but the right protector stepped very invisiblely.

"Who's coming ?!" Four disciples of Wenjian sent out of the door took out the weapon of the waist sword and looked at the shadowy woman who slowly fell in front of them. With indifferent eyes, it seemed that there was no goodwill at all, and there was no goodwill, that was to come with malicious intent.

"A man in black, without a face that can make him move, without a sword, always has a weird body that can walk in the air, you are ... the right guardian of magic teaching!" The disciple disciple looks the oldest disciple , Looking at the face of Right Guardian, his eyes contracted for a while, and he screamed in horror,

"Come on, send a signal!" He knew that they, the goalkeepers, could not escape, but they had to report to the people in Zongmen!

With their skill, even if Yu Jian can't escape the attack of the right protector, they can only get the flares on their disciples. Less than the flares that will never be used in case, the time now is actually at the door of his family. The mood is really complicated.

"Oh .. oh!" The young disciple's hand reached out to the belt, and he took out a red singular sphere from the belt, but before the sudden detonation, he fell down softly, and the neck facing the ground exuded. A lot of blood came out, and the hand that originally held the sphere rolled down weakly.

The disciple headed by "You ..." covered his neck, because he said a word, and the blood dripping from the gap between the fingers was constantly flowing,

"Cough ..." Coughing blood in his mouth, trembling out his blood-stained hand, pointing to the right protection method,

"You'll have retribution ..." The words fell down softly.

Right protection law just glanced at her without any change in the eyes. These people are too weak. For her, they are like ants. They can easily wipe out their lives and have no qualifications to use weapons.

As soon as the hand was stretched out, the sphere held by the disciple flew to the right guardian, and was hidden by him, as well as those of the other three disciples, and a total of ten spheres were suspended in the air. Since there is such a thing, Then you do n’t need to let people go. With your right hand guard pointing up, a red sphere immediately flew into the air, because of the extreme speed, it even made a sound of breaking air.

Hit ... the red fireworks exploded extremely conspicuously in the air.

"Card!" Suddenly Xie shouted,

"Don't lie on the ground!" He cried, pointing at a few "corpses" on the ground. The four disciples who wanted to stand up because of Xie Da's shouting card immediately recovered, but fortunately they were not too big. Although the action is slightly different from the original position, they are not the protagonists in this scene, and Xie Dao did not ask for so much.

"Is there anything wrong with Director Xie?" Wen Jiexi turned and asked, and she was a little disturbed at the same time.

"No, it's not a big problem, wait a minute ..." Xie Dao signaled Wen Jie to be calm and calm, and whispered something to the others beside her.

Wen Jie was relieved, and she didn't seem to be performing badly. Looking at the core members of the crew who were discussing in a low voice, she stood in place and shook her head silently to refuse Li Lingmeng who wanted to bring water to her. The extra actor who is a "corpse" is still very dedicated to lying there, but it takes only a few minutes to rest and drink water. He is not so delicate.

Five minutes later, Xiulan walked quickly to Wen Jiexi,

"Jie Xi, Director Xie hopes that you changed the previous upward gesture to a flicking finger. The right protection method can be invisible to kill people, and you need to point up to fire a signal bullet. It's a bit counterintuitive. The random crew decided to modify it slightly."

"I see." Wen Jiexi nodded and said, at the same time relieved, it turned out to be a change.

"Hahaha, take it easy. Calling cards is not necessarily for cursing people. Your performance has been good so far. We are a good newcomer." Xiu Lan patted Wen Jiexi's shoulder and laughed .

"Thank you!"

"Come on well, complete this scene in the same state!" Xiulan said with a fist.


"Now start from behind kill, get ready, start!"

The content is similar, but the movements are slightly changed. The right protector looks at the signals in the air, as if he feels that there is a commotion in it. He walks in slowly, and harvests countless lives with a wave of his hand. Some disciples see the right protector. Pulled out the weapon at the waist and rushed towards the right protection method,

On the strange pace, the disciples' attacks were easily flashed, and no one was able to stand up and lie in a pool of blood all by the side of the right protection law.

Gently rubbed his disciple's neck with his hand, and the person fell down, kicking lightly, surrounded by the disciple who rushed over and immediately fell into the pit. The disciple put a weapon at her footing to perform exercises , But was easily resolved, his feet fell to the ground, passed by, all turned into dust, these people do not have her spiritual powers, simply raising their hands and feet can take their lives.

Within a few steps, the flares next to the right protector will fly upwards, and the flares around the body will not be reduced after use. Instead, they will be more and more, because those disciples will fall or even disappear, and their flare will fly to the right. The guards gathered next to each other, and every flare, as if to remind the people of the Wenjian faction that their enemies were gradually approaching.

Gather together, and continue to gather together, cleaning up once is the best choice.

It is not as cautious as going deep into the enemy camp, but as casual as walking around their own garden. This is the only idea for everyone to see the right protection method, and they are angry, but no matter how they act and how they attack, they are like moths. It was useless to catch fire, and it was useless to watch the companions fall one after another. Gradually no one dared to stop in front of the right guardian, but instead desperately went to the square where the martial arts center usually gathered.

At this time, the Wenjian faction showed a strange phenomenon. A dark shadow slowly moved forward. Not far from her, she had enough strength to run the sword, but not enough strength to use the method of doom. Is it ridiculous to run forward? No, in the face of absolute strength, most people will have this option to seek a place that they think is safe.

Eventually the right-protection method came to the highest place, looking down ...

"Card, pass! Have lunch!" Guide Xie announced at the same time.

"Oh oh!"

"I can finally eat."

"I'm starving."

"... Huh ..." Wen Jie patted her chest and finally succeeded.

"Xiao Xi, aren't you bad!" Li Lingmeng patted Wen Jiexi's shoulder excitedly.

"Hey." Wen Jiexi smiled embarrassed, but also fortunate that the expression of Right Guardian had few expressions apart from indifference. I really want to say that except for her skill, Wen Jiexi felt really lucky to be able to In this role, but skill is also a major feature.

"Jie Xi, Master, take the disciple quickly." Wen Ting said, holding Wen Jie Xi's hands, excitedly and eagerly.

You should know that the extras just waved their swords. Although they are fake, they still hurt when they saw them. Watching Wen Jie moving through various weapons calmly to avoid attacks with minimal movement, there is only one word. To describe, handsome!

"This ... I have no intention of accepting a disciple." Wen Jie said with a smile.

"Hey Huan, Jie Xi, teach me, you see that I'm so weak and need a little self-defense." Wen Ting said and blinked at Wen Jie Xi, throwing a wink.

"Woo ..." Wen Jie shrank her neck and shivered.

"Wen Ting, I told you that I was also called Xiaoxi to teach me before, but you have to know that it is necessary to pay for such a great deal. We ca n’t do anything without exercise." Li Lingmeng patted Wen Ting's shoulder , Helpless sigh.

"I ... I have exercise, thirty minutes a day ..." Wen Ting's eyes moved.

"Don't you know that Xiaoxi exercises at least three hours a day? I can't do it for about an hour." Li Lingmeng shrugged.

"Ha ... so hard ..." Wen Ting's shoulders collapsed, and the two of them "comfort with the same sickness" looked at each other and sighed together.

"Well, those two of you who want but don't work hard, sigh and sigh there less." Xue Moxun said that they were angry.

"Jie Xi, it's a good performance, and I want to keep it afterwards." Chu Heling came to Wen Jiexi. Today, her role is only in the morning and Wen Ting's drama, and in the afternoon, it is mainly the role of male lead Yan Haocheng. No way, semi-performed dramas usually use the male perspective as the theme of the play, so Yan Haocheng's drama will always have more than Chu Heling.

It is very hard to be a male and female lead, although the exposure is high, but the drama is the heaviest, the most time is spent, and of course, the rewards are paid, but there are also some, depending on the role. Already.

"This is all thanks to Sister He Ling. I am grateful to Sister He Ling for the reason to accompany me to play, so that I can find all the feelings when actually shooting." Wen Jie touched her head a little embarrassed.

They didn't notice that there was a man looking at this direction with his arms in the distance, and the whole person revealed the momentum of being close.

Su Chenyu was thinking of Xiao Caobao performing today and wanted to see the situation here, so I discussed it with the director early, hoping to mention his drama to the afternoon, but today his drama is very heavy, because he is usually his own It's all over, so the director filled the curtains full, wondering whether she was optimistic about her or wanted to exhaust her.

Therefore, she can only squeeze out an hour at most. When she comes here, Wen Jiexi has already started to play her second act. She has not passed because he knows that he may cause a commotion in the past, which will affect Jie Xi ’s acting. It's not good.

Looking at Jie Xi ’s performance, although I could n’t hear or see the specific expressions, but from other people ’s reactions, Jie Xi performed well. Suddenly I saw that director waving his hand and saying something, everyone stopped. Up the action.

what happened? Su Chenyu raised her eyebrows and got shouted. Although she felt that Wen Jiexi's acting skills still had room for improvement, she didn't make a mistake in her behavior. She wouldn't call shouts, so why? Could it be that the director is picking a bone in the egg?

Director Xie: You are wrong!

"Ah, Xiaosu, haven't you come forward? It will affect Jiexi ..." Lin Yunxi standing beside her quickly called Su Chenyu, the voice in her mouth became smaller and smaller, in fact Xiaosu Enjoying stepping forward, I don't seem to have a position and qualification to stop it ... I have a quick-sanding character, Sister Wang! Why don't you come with us to QAQ

Wang Anyi: Oh, because there is a nasty guy named Xue here!

Su Chenyu bowed his head and watched his subconsciously walk a few steps forward along his emotions. If it wasn't for Lin Yunxi to remind him, he would probably go straight to the crew.

She stopped and turned back to Lin Yunxi. At the same time, she had some doubts in her heart. She seemed to care too much about the girl.

"Oh, it ’s about changing the show." Su Chenyu, who was puzzled in his heart, heard Lin Yunxi's words and looked up in the direction of Wen Jiexi. Sure enough, the play did not start from the beginning, but from the back. Some changes, the reason for shouting cards is undoubtedly the same as what Lin Yunxi said.

"Sister Xiaosu, I didn't expect Jie Xi to play well, super handsome." Lin Yunxi looked at Wen Jiexi who was in the arms of the crowd, her eyes were sparkling.

Su Chenyu didn't respond, but just looked at the figure in the sword light sword, and repeatedly said to herself that these swords were fake, and that they would not be hurt if they were stroked, and that Jie Xi would not be scratched. She stretched out her hands. .

However, even if he continues to do psychological construction, Su Chenyu ’s heart rarely turns around with Wen Jiexi ’s waving hands. Although his footsteps are fluctuating, but compared with the calmness of the past, even small fluctuations are still very obvious. Be aware of yourself.

Looking at my hands, unfamiliar emotions, emotions that I rarely see, I do n’t even have this reaction when I am in danger. This is the emotion of worry and ... anxiety? !!

"It's over! It seems like it can be done." Lin Yunxi clapped her hands happily, then his eyes flashed, hehe smiled,

"Woohoo, Jie Xi is really popular! Sister Xiao Su, you can see that Jie Xi is surrounded by beautiful women. It seems that the crew is very friendly to Xiao Xi! There should be no major problems here. "... Suddenly I felt like I was making a small report, illusion, hee hee!

Su Chenyu squinted slightly, watching Wen Jiexi be surrounded by a lot of people, apparently just beginning to be so restrained and nervous, but this came to the crew in just three days, and mingled with everyone, is he so terrible? ?

Sight was imprinted in Wen Jiexi's "beautiful and shy" talking to a woman who was beautiful and gentle, and about the same size as herself, and she turned around,

"Let's go."

"Well, are you leaving now? It's exactly twelve, don't you have lunch together?" Lin Yunxi quickly caught up with Su Chenyu and whispered.

"No," Su Chen said lightly, inexplicably upset in his heart ... really uncomfortable ...

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