Giggle ... the roar of chickens rang through the open space, accompanied by the sound of flapping wings.

Wen Jie hurled away the chicken who wanted to take a photo of his face with his wings, and his feet shrank away from the chicken mouth that wanted to take a chance to peck his feet. I always felt that these chickens were particularly good in combat, and the attack was too Scary, isn't it that chickens don't fly? How can I take a picture of my face?

In order to gain time for Su Chenyu, Wen Jiexi can be said to be running around the fence with a group of chickens, and from time to time to go to the egg nest to lead away the hens who want to protect the eggs. If there weren't many people around now, this scene would probably be watched.

"Oh, this is so annoying." Wen Jiexi dodged, the whole person jumped around like this, sneezing a few times from time to time, waving away the feathers covering her eyes, while choosing which two chickens they wanted, I watched Su Chenyu's action of picking eggs, and he used it with all his heart ... Dozens of chickens came together, and I was really afraid of stepping on it or accidentally breaking it, etc. After all, they would all be crowded together, and we should pick our feet. Need to judge quickly.

"Giggle!" Just then a few hens noticed Su Chenyu, who was picking eggs, yelling and rushing there, because of their barking, almost all the chickens looked at Su Chen In the direction of the language, Wen Jiexi seemed to see a big flame of flames burning behind the chicken.

"Sister Su, go out first!" Wen Jie yelled, and Su Chenyu's response was quick. She hadn't been too nostalgic for picking up a dozen eggs, and the henhouse was just two more in the fence. At the three-step distance, the chicken couldn't be faster than Su Chenyu's footsteps, and straight out of the waist fence, the chicken behind him could only yell at her but could not help it.

At the same time, Wen Jiexi jumped to the rear of the flock, reached out and caught the two fattest chickens that had long been seen, and jumped out from the other end before the flock responded.

"Giggle!" The two chickens struggled in Wen Jiexi's hands, but they were caught by their fragile necks, and they couldn't do anything about it, their feet and mouth couldn't hook! What's the use of flapping your wings.

Uh ... what should we do next? You ca n’t make Sister Su knock out. For yourself, the two chickens died as soon as they pinched, but this picture seems a bit cruel, and they have to be brought back alive!

After hesitating for a while, Wen Jiexi bumped the two struggling chickens head to head, and knocked the two chickens out without being really injured. Of course, there was no concussion. Wen Jiexi could ignore it, and Chickens that have not moved are placed on the grass and **** with a rope to prevent them from running carelessly.

"Sister Su, what's your harvest?" Wen Jie tied him, and Su Chenyu had already come to her.

"12 eggs." Su Chenyu said looking at the basket.

"Huan, yes! At least one of them!" Wen Jiexi sighed. I did not expect Su Chenyu to move so fast. I just swept it up and down, it should be ten, but I didn't expect 12.

"Have you been hurt?" Su Chenyu gently twisted Wen Jie's chicken feathers on her head and body.

"It's okay, but to chase me, the loss of the chicken is relatively heavy." Wen Jie said helplessly.

It's not that she's joking. She has tried not to step on it and hurt them, but she can't avoid stepping on it a few times, but the biggest injury is probably the chicken constantly hitting her. This kind of scene is really ridiculous. In other words, look at the ground that was originally clean, but now it ’s full of chicken feathers. Many chicken feathers are bald in some places. Is it used by Wen Jiexi? No, it is the misery caused by chickens pecking at each other.

"Tie it up!" Wen Jie clapped her hands, wiped the sweat from her head, lifted the two chickens and said,

"Are we going back now?"

The two are still here. In view of the incident just now, the chicken keeps staring at the two, giggling, and it seems that they have a bit of revenge, and a little ... noisy ...

"Take the chicken and eggs back first." Su Chenyu said naturally, ignoring the chicken's sight.

"Okay, I didn't expect it to be quite fast, we probably spent less than half an hour." Wen Jie said with a smile.

Ordinary people ca n’t catch chickens, unless they have a painful price, and some of them ca n’t catch the pecked blood, Su Chenyu rubbed Wen Jiexi ’s head helplessly.

"Let's go."


Not as anxious as the beginning, the two walked slowly on the grass,

"Always feel that although there are few people here, it is very relaxing. It is not bad to have time to come to this place." Wen Jiexi sighed.


"Right, right, although it is convenient in big cities, but the smoke is suffocating, of course, you still have to live there, but it feels smoky, but it is better to live in a big city." Wen Jiexi said with a stroke of her head.

On the way to chat with the two, I soon came to the original place. I did not expect that the table and gas stove had been set up just now. It looks like an outdoor kitchen. How much do you want them to go into the kitchen?

Chu Heling and Huo Liner are kneading the dough, Yan Haocheng is on the face, and it looks like the results are pretty good, while Li Lingqing is holding a small pot while waiting,

"Jie Xi ... Sister Su, you are back." Chu Heling looked up and saw Su Chenyu and Wen Jiexi.

"Happy, the harvest is not bad! Hey, this chicken is really fat." Li Lingqing also came over and groaned as he felt his chin.

"You have flour on your hands." Chu Heling reluctantly pulled Li Lingqing back, took out a wet tissue and wiped Li Lingqing with flour on his chin.

"Brother Yan, this chicken is over to you!" Wen Jiexi laid the chicken on the ground.

"You killed?" Yan Haocheng looked at the chicken that did not move and raised an eyebrow.

"No, I just collided head to head and passed out." Wen Jie laughed dryly.

Head to head? !! So cruel? !! The people present sighed in their hearts, and then thought about it, Wen Jiexi just knocked the chicken out, but they were going to kill the chicken. It seemed worse?

"I'll deal with it first." Yan Haocheng mentioned the chicken to the temporary faucet, took a large pot and a chicken killing knife, Wen Jiexi and they saw Yan Haocheng sitting on the small bench and started ... sharpening the knife ...

Brushing ... It's grinding very seriously. The two chickens didn't know if they woke up when they came into the water, or what kind of thing. They were faint and waited for death. They just woke up and watched more and more flash Liang's knife was close at hand, only giggling, and his body was struggling madly, but unfortunately Wen Wenxi was tied tightly, except for the head and neck, they were all moving.

It's terrible ... the five women standing decided not to look at it, so they should study the dough well.

"Sister He Ling, what are you doing?" Wen Jiexi asked.

"It's easy to make home-made noodles," said Chu Heling, touching the dough wrapped in plastic wrap.

"Do you need to do more?" Wen Jiexi asked, looking at the dough that was so big on her face.

"Should be enough ... I'll do a little more when I'm done." Chu Heling was about to say no, but she looked at Wen Jie and looked at Su Chenyu, and thought of going out to fish. Someone changed his mouth immediately and felt that it was better to do more.

Five people gathered around the table and helped to knead the dough. Soon after, sweaty Mu Du and Shi Junmao returned.

"Ah ... Ah ... sisters, we are back! We picked a lot!" Mu Du put down the basket on his back and said pantingly.

"The vegetable garden here is still quite large. We reluctantly picked some common vegetables, such as Korean cabbage, etc. By the way, we also found onions, garlic and peppers. There is even a small mushroom cultivation room here. We got some shiitake mushrooms and enoki mushrooms there. "Shi Junmao put their one-hour harvest in front of everyone.

"Huanhuan, everyone is back!" As soon as Shi Junmao's words fell, Wen Ting's voice came. The clothes on both of them were wet in several places, and two buckets were lifted in each hand. There should be a lot of fish in the splash.

"There are really a lot of fish here. There are three ponds, big and small. We will catch one each, three big ones, five of them, and a dozen of them." Lan Yuyan put down the bucket and said.

"It seems that we have a very rich lunch today!" Wen Ting licked his mouth, looked at the rich materials, and said with a smile.

"Then I'll handle the fish, sister He Ling, can the noodles be handed to you?" Huo Liner put down her dough and asked.

"No problem." Chu Heling nodded.

"We'll help too." Wen Jiexi nodded in agreement.

"Then let's help wash the vegetables!" Wen Ting ran to the place where the vegetables were piled up and suddenly heard the chicken scream.

Everyone turned around and saw Yan Haocheng holding the chicken's neck on the cutting board, and then lifted it with his hand. The whole movement was without any hesitation. The chicken was chopped off the neck, the chicken's legs glared, and the whole body. It softened, and Yan Haocheng lifted the chicken and began to bleed after taking the prepared bowl.

It's bloody. Everyone glanced and turned their heads. They just ate, just don't care too much about the process.

Everyone divided the work like this and started the process of preparing lunch. Washing vegetables, kneading the noodles, and making noodles were more laborious. So half of them went to handle the noodles. Wen Jiexi waited for them with a kitchen knife. Start chopping vegetables.

I saw Wen Ting chopping vegetables with one hand as if holding a kitchen knife, as if she was chopping meat. Then she saw Su Chen almost chopped her hands, cat's claws, and cat's claws. Lan Yuyan was even more bold, and she actually wanted to fold the dish in half, saying that it was faster, Wen Jie couldn't bear to look directly, or she came, otherwise there may be a lot of disability, there are incomplete Vegetables and the like ...

Wen Jiexi grabbed the washed leaves neatly and began to cut them. Some **** was cut into **** slices, some were cut into shredded ginger, and peppers were cut into pieces. All the cuts were divided into a small plate and a small one. Disk.

Li Lingqing took the dough, watching Wen Jiexi's back, and whispered to Su Chenyu next to him,

"Well, your family is so smart ~"

Su Chenyu glanced at her. Although she didn't know what Jie Xi's cooking was, in her current state, it would be better to look at Chu Heling's cooking.

Seeing that Su Chen was ignoring herself, Li Lingqing didn't mind. She went to Chu Heling and whispered inquiring about her achievements.

All the materials were prepared for an hour, except for the dishes, everything else was rushed away in case they helped.

The aroma of food permeated the prairie, and the dishes were served one by one. At twelve o'clock, the meal was served on time.

Cooked noodles are placed on the table, depending on whether it is served with chicken or vegetable broth, five stir-fried vegetables, a large plate of fried eggs, braised fish, sweet and sour fish, steamed fish, three sizes of fish made three flavors There is also a roast chicken that sells very well. This is the scene that Lao Zhan came to see. His eyes widened instantly.

"Wow, did you do that?"

"Why? Envy?" Mu Du sandwiched the noodles and scented chicken soup, and ate at Old Zhan like a demonstration. At the same time, he sighed that Yan Haocheng's cooking was really good! This chicken soup is delicious, the soup is not too greasy, but it has a sweet and sweet feeling, and the chicken will not grow old. I do n’t know what method is used. The taste of the firewood without parts is soft and tender, just right.

Lao Zhan swallowed, and suddenly felt that his decision not to play was very wrong. See how good the dish was, but he didn't eat it.

"Lao Zhan, wouldn't you want to grab food? It's immoral for you to do this. If some of us don't have enough food, it's your fault." Lan Yu grinned and fry the fish. Fragrant.

"How could I do this kind of thing!" Lao Zhan said with his hips, and then thought that God was unaware of the ghost, and walked along with a fried fish, in a contemptuous glance, eating the fried fish safely and left.

If he hadn't looked over when he reached out, he still wanted to take a plate of fish. Anyway, they couldn't finish it anymore. The shamelessness of Lao Zhan could not be imagined.

As a result, for half an hour, Lao Zhan faced those clean plates that were eaten, and regretted inwardly, why did he not have this cheeky just now? !!

In the afternoon, Lao Zhan saw ten people full of food chatting on the grassland. This is different from what he imagined. What fun is this variety! He absolutely didn't admit it was because they didn't invite themselves to eat and were unhappy!

So he cleared his throat with no intention and said with a smile,

"Okay! Now that everyone is full, let's start the activity now! Come, follow me!"

Lao Zhan took a few people to a fence. Wen Jie is very familiar. Although the directions are different, they are all places where small animals are kept. When you take a closer look, the grass here is especially lush, and there are many furry little ones in it. Rabbits, sheep, and even puppies and cats are lazily lying on the ground and basking in the sun. They are not afraid of people when they see them, they just look at them curiously.

"These animals are people on the ranch for guests to watch. They are not aggressive, so they can also be fed and touched. Then let's announce the content of this game." Lao Zhan pointed to the table with fresh carrots on it. , Tender grass, funny cat sticks, bones, anyway, something that attracts small animals,

"In an hour, you can do whatever you can to attract small animals. You can use the things on the table freely, of course, attract them ... It doesn't matter if you approach yourself. After one hour, the crew will do it for you. Count how many you have attracted in total. As for the standard, as long as the animals are close to you within a radius of one meter, the total number here is sixty, and you can repeat the calculation, so come on! "

Everyone looked at each other, and then Old Zhan stepped back again,

"The least attracted people have to accept the punishment. The last three will have delicious drinks for you to taste ..." Lao Zhan pointed to another small table, three cups, one light red and one light Green, a liquid that looks the same, is almost the same as water,

"There is a cup of hot pepper water, bitter gourd juice, and sugar water. The last three come to draw lots to see if you are lucky to have a special drink ~ Ah, yes, two people with mysterious guests, if the mysterious guests are attracted The animals are also counted on your head, but in contrast, if they fall into the last three, both of them will be punished ~ one drink per person ~ "

Wen Jiexi: "..." Is this good or bad? Should she trust Su Chenyu's affinity? Wen Jie looked at Su Chen, who was still indifferent, is this okay ...?

"Are we going to take it?" Wen Jiexi looked at many feeds, toys, etc. on the table, or did she take a funny cat stick or something?

"No need, go ahead, wait and see." Su Chenyu watched as Wen Ting had pulled Huo Liner into the fence, Chu Heling and Li Lingqing also entered, and thought about it and decided.

"Okay! Then let's go in!" Standing there didn't know what to take, it might as well go in, Wen Jie jumped over the fence and then helped Su Chenyu come in.

The other men saw nothing from the women. Except Mu Du took some toys, everyone jumped into the fence.

"Sister Su sit here!" Wen Jie patted the ground and said, yawning, and said lazily, just after getting full, take a nap ...

"Relax, don't worry if you lose, so sleepy ..."

"Just take a moment." Su Chenyu touched Wen Jiexi's head and put Wen Jiexi's head on her thigh.

Oh oh! Wen Jiexi was stiff, and hesitant to get up, but she was gently pressed back by Su Chenyu.

"Well, aren't you tired?"

"Woomm ..." Wen Jiexi nodded slightly, lying on her side, her cheeks could feel the soft and elastic touch below through the animal costume worn by Su Chenyu, and her ears were a little hot ...

Li Lingqing: Wow! Did you know? !!

Chu Heling: Hey? Is the relationship between the two?

Everyone: What do we seem to know? !!

Wen Jiexi didn't know the other people's psychological activities. Even if she saw it, she couldn't see what was wrong. The tip of his nose was full of Su Chen's unique fragrance, which made him drowsy.

The sound of even breathing came from the thighs, which was a little itchy, but still within the acceptable range, Su Chenyu rubbed Wen Jiexi's hair and rubbed her eyes, thinking deeply.

The little guy is too unconscious, maybe he should find a chance to learn more about her and send someone to check the little guy's housework?

But Su Chenyu's contemplation was interrupted. I saw rabbits gathered around them, and then a cat walked around, so that she went directly to Wen Jie, and her side was slightly bent. Place, and then trembled, stretched, and slept on Wen Jie Xi.

Because of the action of this cat, other small animals seemed to turn on some switches. The little rabbit surrounded Wen Jiexi's body. The dog's head was put on Wen Jiexi's body and began to sham. Finally, even the sheep came. In a circle, piled up.

Su Chenyu is okay, but Wen Jiexi is almost covered by animals.

Su Chenyu couldn't see a person's thigh in the blink of an eye: ...

There were still small animals, but now there are only two or three kittens. Looking at Wen Jiexi's situation, everyone has opened their mouths. What is going on? Is it possible to attract animals by lying down and sleeping?

In order to verify, Shi Junmao lay down quickly, he doesn't want to be the last one! As a result, he closed his eyes, and suddenly felt a shadow on his head, ecstatic in his heart, opened his eyes quietly, his mouth almost sprayed out, because he saw a dog actually opened his legs to his handsome face, it was clearly Stance to pee!

He quickly rolled away to avoid this terrible "attack" and patted his chest. Fortunately, he hid fast, otherwise he would wash his face with a showy taste.


"Haha ..."

Everyone saw Shi Junmao ’s actions. They also wanted to confirm whether this was really the case. But when they saw Shi Junmao's end, they still touched their noses and grasped the current situation. Nope.

An hour later, when old Zhan came, he saw a peculiar situation. The others only had a few animals beside them. What happened to the animal pile next to Su Chenyu? Could it be that animals will follow the flow like humans, huh? How do you feel missing one person?

"How is one less? Jie Xi?" Lao Zhan looked around holding the fence, Su Chenyu only glanced at him slightly, and everyone else looked at Lao Zhan lazily, and continued to yawn. .

Old Zhan: You will lose me like this! !! !!

"... wow ..." A small muffled hum was especially noticeable on the quiet grassland.

Then in the sight of everyone, the animal moved.

Su Chenyu slightly pursed her lips, although she could not see clearly, but she felt Wen Jie was slightly pinching her thighs. Those nostalgic movements made her satisfied, and her numb legs did not feel uncomfortable.

The small hill piled up slowly because of Wen Jiexi's movements, and the animal slid down Wen Jiexi's body. Looking around in a bit confused, I felt that I hadn't reacted to the current state.

"Good afternoon, Sister Su ..." Yawned, Wen Jie said confused.

".. Good afternoon .." Su Chenyu looked at Wen Jiexi's current state, only feeling that his heart was beating, Wen Jiexi's hair was a bit messy, and there was a yawn on his head. Cat, with a rabbit hanging on his right shoulder, with watery eyes, cute! !! !!

Mu Du reached Lao Zhan, who was about to fall to the ground, and patted him on the shoulder.

"It's not just you who are shocked."

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