A. A .... As the footsteps got closer and the nerves became more tense, everyone held the iron rod tightly, their eyes stared straight ahead.

The footsteps stopped near the door, and then I heard a sound of friction and a slight collision. There is no doubt that it is not humans but animals outside. Is it true that monsters really exist?

Everyone was afraid to breathe, and even breathed very lightly.

Bumping ... It seems that there is a small impact sound, and finally the footsteps are getting farther and farther, and finally disappear.

"Huh ... go, are you gone?" Shi Junmao hanged down as if he was free from his body, and sat down on the ground regardless of whether the ground was dirty or dirty.

"My hands are sweaty." Lan Yuyan wiped her hands with a bitter smile.

"It's really thrilling, what is it outside?" Wen Ting said, panicking.

"Calm down. If we are in a panic, we will only be self-defeating. Now we are temporarily safe. What we need to do now is how to avoid that thing and go outside the house." Chu Heling said calmly.

"We are now looking for something that can be used, and see if we can use some props to make some small traps and the like." Li Lingqing also agreed.

"But ... it's disgusting ..." Shi Junmao scowled at those old clothes with a disgusting look, and the smell of musty that had been silent for decades, plus dust, really made people feel " revel"...

"Don't let it go. It's good to have something to do. The traps we need are small, and we can't dig anything." Mu Du said with a twisted face covering his nose and nose, he felt his nose. It's almost gone.

"What kind of trap do you want to do?" Wen Jiexi's mouth and nose were covered by Su Chenyu, who stood aside, so that she could quickly do things, and the fragrance coming from the tip of the nose, so no matter where People are intoxicated.

"I think we can use that trap in the maze." Wen Ting looked at the clothes and proposed,

"Although this dress doesn't feel very strong, it can make the road a bit obstructive. I think it is very good, and all of it is not a good rope."

Everyone's eyes are on Wen Jiexi. Although these fabrics are indeed not so strong to the touch, they are not the kind of material that is torn and torn, and this kind of thing should be left to Wen Jiexi. There are no scissors here, only torn by hand.

"Leave it to me, and you are responsible for rubbing the rope." Wen Jie nodded, accepting the heavy responsibility without hesitation.

The slight sound of tearing and tearing the fabric sounded in the space. For Wen Jiexi, there was no pressure on this matter, and the fabric was easily torn into strips, and then handed to everyone.

In the case of limited materials, they can only entangle several pieces of fabric continuously and want to twist them into twist braids. In order to increase the toughness, they added several, then tightened, and finally knotted a few knots.

For an hour of effort, everyone's forehead was covered with sweat, but everyone's expression was serious and abnormal. There was no way. This was a matter of life and death. Even if the time was getting late, tiredness continued to rise, and everyone also I can only bite my teeth.

Finally, a dozen rough ropes were finally made.

"We left two on the body, we may need to use them later, and then take the remaining ropes, some tied to where we must pass from here, as barricades, remember not to be too conspicuous, and then use the other to do that Trap. "Chu Heling gathered everyone and whispered to discuss the plan.

"But who wants to go out and tie it? I don't know if that thing will appear at any time." Shi Junmao said, looking subconsciously at Wen Jie Xi, but quickly lowered his head and squeezed his cheek severely. What are you thinking? Even if they are strong in combat, they are girls, how can they hide behind them?

Everyone was silent on this issue, and then Wen Jiexi slowly spoke,

"I saw a slight shadow when I came in just now, the reflection on the wall, I think that's the thing."

Wen Jiexi's words made other people's eyes wide. I didn't expect anyone to see it.

"Do you see what it looks like?" Lan Yuyan asked.

"There is very little moonlight here, so the shadows are blurry, and I can't see what it is, but the only thing I can be sure of is that the thing is an animal because he walks on four feet, and there is a lot, at least ... you should go to Yu Yan's chin .... I'm not sure about the height ... because the shadow always stretches. "

Yu Yan's chin ... You must know that Lan Yuyan's height is around 180. His chin ... is it 160 cm? Although not higher than people, but definitely stronger than people! After all, except for wisdom and creativity, no one is better than animals, especially ... offensive power!

"Maybe we still have to act together, but the best thing is not to be too far away from this room. After all, this is our current hidden stronghold, and I think it ’s better for the boys to tie a rope by themselves and then bring a The spare iron rod, the girls also held one in their hands. For now, the boys must be guarded by the girls when they get traps, and promptly prompt if there is something wrong, then we will retreat and remember, even if the trap It ’s not finished, it does n’t matter. Safety is the most important thing. There are enough clothes here to make a rope. ”Su Chenyu embraced his arms and glanced over everyone. The momentum brought on him could not be refuted. , Subconsciously want to surrender.

"Then listen to Sister Su! Let me take the lead." Wen Jiexi said to the crowd with an iron rod and the doorknob.

"... I'm going to drive."

Everyone watched Wen Jiexi's movements tightly. Wen Jiexi leaned against the wall, holding the iron rod tightly in her hand, and slightly opened the gap. Looking out carefully, she felt that there was no danger, so she opened it slightly. Pointing at the door, half of my body leaned out,

"Nothing, you can come out."

Seeing Wen Jiexi had walked out, everyone came out of the room one after another.

"This is the big footprint. It seems that the first person we met first was the biggest guy." Mu Du squatted on the ground, full of dust and shreds. In fact, the footprints of several people It looks very clear on the top, but it is far less than that big footprint. It may be because of its large size. It feels that the loose dust has been compacted and looks even more horrifying.

"If there is more than one of these things, though the others are smaller than this footprint, but in terms of quantity, we lose." Shi Junmao smiled bitterly.

"You should pray not to meet, but fight." Wen Ting patted Shi Junmao's back and said angrily.

"We're going forward. There doesn't seem to be anything nearby." Wen Jiexi looked at the corridor and looked at the turn again. It felt that there was no difference except that there were more footprints.

"But it's ... weird ..." Huo Liner stammered, holding Wen Ting's hand.

"What's wrong?" Wen Ting asked in amazement.

"It's really strange." Chu Heling nodded frowning,

"Theoretically, the sense of smell of the beasts should be very sensitive, and it is impossible for them to see the footprints, which also means that it is impossible for him not to know that we are in the room, so ... why did he leave?"

Looking silently at the door where they were just now, this small door may have been knocked down a few times, but ... why did you leave?

"Can it be that we are used as spare food?" Mu Du said with a shudder.

"Hey, don't be intimidating!" Shi Junmao jumped up, rubbing his hands and looking around.

"Okay, calm down, I have a bold guess." Su Chen's words calmed the restless people a little bit, and quietly listened to her,

"First, this monster doesn't feel like it will definitely attack people. I think it may be what those people who broke in before did that, so that monster shot. Second, what Mu Du said, he made sure we escaped. Do n’t go out, so let ’s stay alive first. ”

"His ... I can only pray is the first one." Wen Ting said with a smile, but that smile is uglier than crying. For human beings, besides being unable to eat, compatriots, what is not to eat? But never thought they would be the day of food.

"In short, we can be sure that since we didn't hit us for the first time, it means that we are temporarily safe. After all, it is only the biggest here. I think that even if I have a younger brother, I will be obedient. Then we must do our best. Work. "Li Lingqing said shaking the cloth strips in her hands.

"I agree that what we need now is to make a quick decision and then be fully prepared for the second encounter." Chu Heling also nodded.

I heard that the three calmest people all said so, and they no longer hesitated. Wen Jiexi took the lead, Lan Yuyan and Yan Haocheng took the iron bars carefully and walked to the rear, while Shi Junmao and Mu Du left Right, surrounded the girls.

They carefully put snares and tied ropes around the corners outside the room, hoping to trip over the passing things, of course, they should also remember, otherwise they would be funny.

"Huh ... it's sour ..." Wen Ting armed, holding his hand all the time was really tiring.

They walked around a lot, and found that there were no creatures on the first floor. Of course, the spiders and mice didn't mention anything. They went around the first floor, and they really found a lot of things to use, like the kitchen rusty With a few kitchen knives, Mu Du also found the pot, thinking about being a shield. Although it looks ridiculous, at least it can withstand some attacks. Now who cares about the image.

"It all seems to be gathering upstairs, so can we only stay downstairs?" Shi Junmao scratched his head and said.

"Looking at the footprints is indeed going upstairs, yes, there are a total of several floors here." Wen Jie looked at the stairs not far away, and the footprints were indeed going up.

"I remember there are three floors, and then there is a top floor."

"The first floor is the basic amusement facilities, the second floor is a small movie theater, there are lounges and amusement facilities, the third floor is a canteen, and the top floor is some outdoor facilities, such as roller coasters, ferris wheels and the like . "

"So those things will gather on the third floor?" Lan Yuyan wanted to look up and was pulled back by Yan Haocheng.

Slap ... At this time a slight floor sound attracted their attention, they turned their heads and became stiff ...

There are several small figures hiding in the shadows, staring at the crowd, green and blue eyes are staring at them, their eyes turning as they move? !!

"This ... this is ... what?" Shi Junmao swallowed, his body was shaking, they couldn't see exactly what the creature was, but those eyes suddenly appeared in it enough to be amazing.

"This is ... cat, right?" Wen Jiexi has better night vision ability than other people in exchange for effort, and squinting his eyes slightly, he can see that the owners of those eyes are just a few Cats, and all of them are black cats, no wonder they haven't been found. If it hadn't been for the little noise just now, no one would have noticed them.

"Cats? Those little footprints aren't cats, right?" Wen Ting clapped his hands gently, remembering that many of the footprints they saw were small, and they seemed to be cat's footprints.

"Huh ... Fortunately, it's a cat, or it's really scary." Shi Junmao patted his chest and said.

A: A cat with blue eyes slowly walked out of the dark at this time. Unlike the dirty environment, the fur on the whole body was black and shiny, clean and abnormal. Sitting in the moonlit place, she sat down and looked at them, her paws gracefully extended, and her bright red tongue licked her palm.

"It's so cute." Huo Liner's eyes lit up, and in such a thrilling place, there were a few kittens, and he felt a special healing feeling.

Wen Jie grabbed Su Chenyu a little uneasily, I do n’t know why, she always felt a sense of danger when she saw the cats. This is because the tension when encountering that monster is different. There is a kind of ... Uneasy rising from my heart, and ... fear?

These cats ... is there anything different? Wen Jie looked around, as if these cats appeared, more and more eyes appeared from the darkness,

"This ... how many are there?" Lan Yuyan was a little surprised and almost surrounded their eyes. From the visual inspection, there were at least fifty or sixty of these cats.

It didn't show up just now, but now it ran out all at once. This scene is really shocking.

"Is there so many cats here? Where did you hide them just now? It ’s too easy to hide. Those people wouldn't be scared to see the cats." Uncle Mu Du scratched his head and said jokingly. .

"Jie Xi?" Su Chenyu felt a little trembling in the hand she was holding, a little frown with some surprise and worry, and called softly, and her call made Wen Jiexi's body startle, and she was also attracted. Attention everyone.

"Jie Xi, are you okay, and your face is a bit pale?" Wen Ting gathered up and said worriedly.

"Isn't it going to be a fever?" Chu Heling also came over, and reached out and wanted to attach Wen Jiexi's forehead, but one hand covered it earlier than her, making her a little embarrassed, Fortunately, Li Lingqing grabbed her hand and pulled it back.

"Huan, people will see it for you, so don't worry too much." Then, Li Lingqing rolled his eyes at Su Chenyu. Who is this, is the desire to possess so strong? Not a touch?

Su Chenyu didn't care what other people thought, she only felt a cold when she met Wen Jiexi's back.

"Jie Xi, you ..."

"I'm okay, I just think we better go quickly ..." Wen Jiexi watched the cats alertly and said, despite knowing that one of them appeared, the others hid in the dark, staring at their eyes, only let She felt creepy, was she too sensitive, or was the cat itself wrong?

"Leave? Why? It's just a group of cats. I think they can be more reassuring with them. I am an animal insulator. I also saw so many cats for the first time that they did not run away because of me. Could it be me and Jie Xi? Sucking each other, and then the attraction is even higher? "Lan Yuyan stared at the black cat, jokingly.

"I don't know if it will be hugged," Shi Junmao said, rubbing his hands.

"These are all wild cats. If you want to hug them, forget it." Chu Heling looked helplessly at the two people who were eager to try, in fact, it was not just Wen Jiexi, she always felt that these cats ... their eyes had a special cold feeling, The cold feeling is a little goosebumps, but not strong, it is easy to ignore.

"Jie Xi is right. We have to leave here first. It's too close to the stairs. I don't know if our disturbance will lead to the above things. Our traps are set up and we can almost leave." Although Su Chenyu didn't know what happened to Wen Jiexi, she had an inexplicable disgust for these cats. She usually didn't have any of these small animals. Today, the inexplicable is a special disgust.

As if I knew they were leaving, meow ~ crisp meowing, the black cat looked at them, his tongue licked his lips, and his head crooked, his ears were shaking slightly. What should I say, special cute!

The first one who couldn't hold back was Shi Junmao. He rubbed his hands excitedly and took a few steps forward.

"Little Maozi, you are ..." Wen Jiexi asked in amazement.

"I want to feel it. Although the wild cats are a bit fierce, but not every one is fierce." Shi Junmao took a few more steps to reach the black cat about two meters away, squatted down, and Holding out his black cat,

"Dudu, come here, come here, cute, come here to the handsome brother, my brother will give you hair ~"

The cat did not retreat because of Shi Junmao's approach, but raised his head and watched him approaching himself, without even moving his tail around his body. It looked like he was not afraid of people, making Shi Junmao smile. Also expanded for it.

I don't know if it is an illusion. Wen Jiexi always felt that the cat's sight was strange. He seemed to be watching something, looked at Shi Junmao's hand, then looked at his face, and finally stopped at Shi Junmao's neck. Now, there is a swift greed in my eyes ... greed? !!

And Shi Junmao didn't find anything wrong, and he slowly plopped his hand toward the cat's head with a smile. In his opinion, since a cat who hasn't even avoided his approach, shouldn't be afraid of being born.

"Hey, Xiaomaozi left the cat!" Wen Jiexi broke away from Su Chenyu's hand and flung forward, pulling Shi Junmao back and sitting on the ground.

Then at the moment Wen Jiexi opened Shi Junmao, the cat also flew to Shi Junmao's position vigorously, and the sharp claws exudes a creepy cold light under the moonlight.

Meow ~ Unlike the clear and meowing meows, the harsh and meowing meows are now spreading throughout the venue. Now the black cat sees his attack missed, his eyes are filled with dissatisfaction, and with his cry, the owners of those eyes are Slowly came out of the darkness.

There are more cats than expected. Eighty percent of them are black cats. Nearly a hundred of them are bright, whole and neat, two black, one purple, and one gray cat sitting behind the black cat and sitting quietly. , While other cats are not so clean, they have some scars on their bodies, and the place where they are unified is full of bloodthirsty blood.

"What are these cats ... What are these cats ..." Shi Junmao shivered and called in panic. His right cheek had little bloodshots, but Wen Jie had just pulled him He had long ago ... he had long ago ... if he remembered correctly, the place where the cat's claws would attack just now was his neck!

At the moment of life and death, Shi Junmao's forehead was covered with sweat, covering her neck with trembling, Shi Junmao trembled and said to Wen Jiexi,

"Jie ... Jie Xi ... Thank you ..."

"You just said you were leaving now ... it might be difficult to go now ..." Wen Jiexi held the iron rod and sighed, all the traps they just made were in vain, and ... they Can you escape?

She couldn't believe it, she couldn't be sure, she could only hold Su Chenyu's arm and wanted to protect her, and everyone was holding the iron rod tightly. The boys did not shrink back much when they saw this situation, so Surround the girls.

Alas ... at this time there was a sound of footsteps upstairs, and I felt that there was more than one, but a messy feeling,

"Are there any more? Coming again?" Mu Du, who happened to be facing the direction of the stairs, mourned in a low voice. For the current situation, if the things upstairs come down, it will undoubtedly be worse.

"Not necessarily, these cats seem ... very restless?" Chu Heling, who was embraced by Li Lingqing, said solemnly.

As Chu Heling said, many of the cats were disturbed, their claws were constantly scratching the ground, and the cats that looked like leaders were looking at each other, all looking at the direction of the stairs alertly, The black cat frowned slightly, looking at the direction of the stairs and wondering what he was thinking.

At this time, the footsteps stopped, all the people and cats raised their heads, aiming at six pairs of huge blood-red holes.

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