In the Xingle company, the president's office, there was a thunderous voice,

"Oh! Su Chenyu! You actually, you dare to eat Laozi's sister like this!"

Long Huiguang's face was awkwardly listening to the ghost crying **** inside, and at the same time he reached out to stop coming out of the elevator and was trying to get documents to the president's manager.

"Wait, there is something about the president now, you're waiting."

"Huh? But it was this time in the past ..." The manager looked at Long Huiguang in confusion. From previous time to now, every week, it is necessary to submit the report to the president at this time. This is a major event for the company. For one, the president never had any excuses. How could this happen today?

Unfortunately, before the manager's words were finished, he was pushed into the elevator by the slightly distorted long glow.

"You don't care about this. I'll tell the president later, wait for him to deal with things, and come to you, rest assured, the president will not blame you, right, by the way, tell me other people, the president is not convenient to see customers Wait for half an hour ... no one hour I'm informing you. "Long Huiguang tried to persuade each other, and hoped to retain the precarious image of the president.

"Oh ..." Everyone has been pushed by the manager of the elevator, watching the door is about to close and Long Huiguang waving his hand, can't say anything, can only go down the elevator in a dull way, how is it so today? Somehow, Xiaoguang couldn't possibly take the wrong medicine, or did the CEO really have something to deal with?

Watching the elevator open, the manager scratched his head,

"Let's notify the others, Xiaoguang looks anxious."

No one came up in the past ten minutes. It seemed that the manager was very efficient and Long Huiguang was relieved. He looked at the door and thought about hanging a "Thank you" sign on the outside. Came forward and knocked on the office door,

"Come in." After a while, a response came from the office.

Long Huiguang opened the door cautiously, fearing that the current angry president would throw something with excitement, and then hit him with another miss. It was scary to think about it, um, except for the documents scattered on the floor, and then finishing, Everything else looks fine.

"Why do you look like a ghost? Why, am I scary?" Wen Linshu said angrily.

"Cough ... Of course not ..." Long Huiguang pulled the door open, sorted his clothes, and coughed dryly.

"Let's say something as soon as possible. I'm going out." Wen Linshu said, took the drinking glass on the table and took a big sip. His frowning brows showed his discomfort, and he picked up his coat. There are accessories such as mobile phone keys, etc., one of them is the posture to leave the company.

"But president, this time is the time when the financial statements will be reported to you. Just because the president is ... something, I have invited the manager down, and then come up again." Long Huiguang wiped his forehead. The sweat oozing from the top said that he didn't know what Wen Linshu saw. He actually had to leave the company like this, but the report still had to be processed. He couldn't work overtime because of private affairs, just to wait for the president to come back!

"Let someone put it on my desk, and I will deal with it tomorrow." Wen Linshu said slightly, pursing his lips. After all, there is nothing more important than his sister. Su Chenyu's bastard, don't think that you will be afraid if you have a family. He can bear it if he wants to get engaged with Xiaoxi. In the meantime, he can find a better one and let Xiaoxi make a choice, but ... she actually ate Xiaoxi while everyone was not watching! This wicked sinner!

Long Huiguang: I rely on, president, did you have an outbreak of the second disease, such an evil sinner? Is it too far-fetched?

When Wen Linshu was all ready, at this time the phone suddenly rang and looked at the caller's display. Wen Linshu's face was stiff,

"Hey, mom, what's wrong?"

"Ah, Lin Shu, Xiaoxi and Xiaoyu are finally together. My parents are so happy. It seems that the engagement banquet can be changed to a wedding ceremony." Tan Yashi's cheerful voice came from the other side.

"Mom, will this be too fast." Wen Linshu's face paled slightly, and he wanted to swear and say, "How can Xiaoxi marry someone so quickly? Before, he was not well, and he couldn't do well." He and Xiaoxi went out to play together. Now that he is healthy, he is immediately taken away by a bad-tailed wolf.

"What's too fast, I see that they really like each other. Since they really like each other, what's the matter? Hurry, and ah, the whisper is such a good child, no matter how good it is Xi. "Tan Yashi vowed swearingly.

"They have been dating for more than a month ..." He remembered that the engagement banquet was scheduled two months later. Now that it is changed to a wedding ceremony, it will take two months for his sister to really become someone else's home!

"Oh, you haven't talked about love so much about any of them. Don't think that I don't know that you are going to rush to find someone now. Don't hear it, just give me a good stay at the company! Otherwise Have your kid look good and dare to break down Xiaoxi ’s emotional path. The old lady will let you go on five blind dates every day, and then share your "life photo" with each blind date. "Tan Yashi said intimidating, and at the same time Wen Shan's voice came around,

"Wife, Su family called."

"Ah, okay, I'll be right there, Lin Shu, remember to roar, give me a good stay at the company, otherwise, hum!"

"Wait ... wait, mom ..." Wen Linshu tried to struggle, but the other side hung up the phone.

Wen Big Spitfire Lin Lin: Ga ah ah.

Life photos, my mother ’s life photos were previously worn by women! And now that he is only a few years old, as a golden bachelor, he has countless beautiful women showing love to him every day, and now he actually needs to arrange five blind dates for himself every day. Thinking about the future, Wen Linshu couldn't help but wipe it out. With bitter tears, his status in this home is getting lower and lower. In the end, even Dahei may be more favored than himself!

"President, now ..." Long Huiguang asked dryly. When he saw Wen Linshu's dark face, he knew that he was in a bad mood, but there was no way. As an assistant, he still had to fulfill his duties.

"Call the manager now." Throw the coat on the sofa aside, and place the key phone on the table at random, looking at a wolf on the table and on the ground.

"Forget it, sort this out before calling people up."

Long Huiguang, who was still waxing for the manager who was waiting, looked at the current situation with a face, hum, the manager asks for happiness!

Manager: Why am I injured? QAQ

I didn't know that Xingle was in depression because of a few photos. No, everyone from the president's office wanted to cry without tears, because today the president did not take medicine!

Wen Jiexi was sitting beside the bed excitedly at this moment, holding the script, and she was going to play against Su Chenyu. Her role of Li Ying, because she was the heroine's guard, had more plays with the heroine's opponents, which accounted for her total drama. One-third of them were able to play against Su Chenyu, and Wen Jiexi was very excited.

"Sister Su, come on!" Wen Jie patted the place beside her and said with a smile.

Alas, if this is an invitation for myself ... Suddenly the urge to throw all these scripts out, Su Chenyu sighed and sat next to Wen Jiexi. Anyway, the little guy wants to do it now Whatever she wants to satisfy.

"How about an earlier clip?" Su Chenyu opened the script and asked.

"Okay, okay!" Wen Jiexi's eyes were bright and full of energy, and she seemed very passionate about work, making Su Chenyu feel guilty about her own thoughts just now, uh, the little guy likes acting, so please stay with him That's it, but you can't be hated because you deprive the little guy of pleasure, and you're not worth it.

However, Su Chenyu never expected that Wen Jiexi was so keen to reach a very high level. The two were so immersed in the play, but at six o'clock in the evening, it was because Li Lingmeng knocked on the door that they realized it was too late.

"Ah ... it's so late ..." Wen Jie drank a saliva, and by the way poured a cup for Su Chenyu. I did not expect that Su Chenyu picked up the cup she used and returned it inside. The remaining half of the water was dried in one sip, and Wen Jie looked at it with a slump.

"The water here is delicious." Su Chenyu licked his lips and smiled at Wen Jie.

"This ... I drank it!" Wen Jie blushed, took the cup still in Su Chenyu's hand, and whispered.

"It doesn't matter, I don't mind." Su Chenyu rubbed Wen Jiexi's cheek and said.

Li Lingmeng: I mind! Don't come calling if you knew it, you're stuffed with a bunch of dog food, you two starve to death!

In this way, the three people who were already in the restaurant saw Li Lingqing's walking in front, while the latter two held hands intimately, kiss me and me there, it is not difficult to see what Li Lingqing's appearance looks like. But only Lin Yunxi, the same single dog, had deep sympathy and sighing for Li Lingmeng. As for the two people who were also showing affection, they didn't care about it, and the picture was even more eye-breaking.

"Why would you want to eat together suddenly?" Wen Jie asked strangely. She thought that Sister Xue had already released herself and wanted to stay in the room with Sister Wang. She didn't even want to come out for three meals, so she asked the waiter to deliver it. When entering the room, living a world of two people, I have to say that Wen Xiaoyang's guess was very accurate. I saw Xue Moxuan looking at Wang Anyi with a sad look.

"It's not Xiao Yiyi, hiss ..." Before he finished speaking, he took a breath and his face was slightly twisted.

Uh ... this is ...

"Ah, Jie Xi, haven't you passed the audition of Peng Dao? You are probably the actor with the least qualifications except Xiaosu. You can say that to recognize Peng Dao is to gain a foothold in the entertainment industry. I want to say Celebrate it for you. "Wang Anyi gave a disapproval glance to Xue Moxuan and smiled at Wen Jiexi.

"Wow, thank you!" Wen Jiexi said in surprise, there was no celebration party!

"You're welcome. Sit down." Lin Yunxi patted the chair beside him and said.

"Sister Su also sit down!" Wen Jiexi pulled Su Chenyu and said, just like this, six people, two pairs stick together, set me and me, the two single dogs lowered their heads and did not want to lift up, feeling present The state of Three Kingdoms.

People passing by: Is this celebrating? Isn't it full of murderousness?

Then take a closer look, two of them are shining pink bubbles, and even the people passing by have said that their dog's eyes have been severely hit and they are no longer in love!

Lin Yunxi and Li Lingmeng were already quite used to this atmosphere, but before they were in the box, this time in the large court, the two kept receiving sympathetic eyes, and made them crazy, come, hurt each other. !!

This meal, Wen Jiexi is satisfied with all the food she likes, can you not be happy? The belly that ate was swollen, leaned against Su Chenyu's arms, and patted his belly with satisfaction.

"Is it delicious?" Su Chenyu reached out and rubbed Wen Jiexi's belly, and asked softly, but she specially asked someone to investigate the taste the little guy liked, and found someone to make a table out, and looked at the look of the little guy, very satisfied what.

"Well, I have a fight with Mother Wang!" Wen Jiexi said earnestly. She grew up eating her mother's food from a young age. Although her skills are not as good as five-star chefs, she is also very good, at least Wen's family is very satisfied, so Mother Wang can be said to be the oldest man who has stayed at Wen's house for the longest time.

"Is that so?" Su Chenyu reluctantly touched Wen Jiexi's head and knew the weight of Wang's mother in Wen Jiexi's heart. It seems that to marry the little one home, someone needs to learn to cook with Wang's mother. Just in case the little guy often runs home to eat.

"Yes, Director Peng said that the role selection is almost done, so I hope to start tomorrow, what do you think?" Xue Mozhen originally thought that it would be a few days before the rehearsal. I did not expect Director Peng to be so anxious, but also Poor, they originally planned to stay here to guide Peng Dao and bring their luggage, so it doesn't make much difference to open early and late.

"I can do it, anytime. Director Peng is happy." Wen Jie said with a smile, the actors in the director Peng's drama are all big coffees. You can take the opportunity to get to know everyone, maybe there will be something Different harvest.

Su super big coffee morning language saw Wen Jiexi's longing expression, and the jealousy suddenly came up. Even if the other people were older than her, she didn't talk loudly. Need to meet someone else?

Unhappy rubbing Wen Jiexi's cheek, rubbing people inexplicably, looking at Su Chenyu innocently.

Li Lingmeng: Is the goddess Su a vinegar jar? Why does the sense of Goddess Su constantly refresh me every day? Is it the wrong way to get up every day?

Lin Yunxi: Amitabha, Xiao Su, you are lazy!

Xue Moxuan: Xiao Su, are you such a person? If seen by other peers, they may feel broken.

Wang Anyi: I didn't see anything.

"Cough ... Xiao Su ..." Xue Moyu coughed dryly.


"Tomorrow will be filming." Xue Mozhen said with a smile.

"So what?" Su Chen raised her eyebrows, didn't she just talk about it just now? Why specifically identify yourself.

"You need to change your clothes for filming, right?" Xue Moji said, rubbing her hands.

Su Chenyu looked at Xue Moyu like a fool. You do n’t need to change clothes when filming. Why are you filming? Even if it is a modern drama, it is necessary to change clothes!

Xue Moxuan was not angry at someone's scornful eyes. She was in a good mood. She said with great gloat,

"Because I have to change clothes, there may be some necessary places exposed, such as the neck and so on ... so some behaviors need to be restrained ~ otherwise how to shoot movies ~ Hehehe said with a special glance Wen Jie laughed after a day, with a faint mark on the neck.

Touching his neck, Wen Jiexi's heart collapsed. If this thing was filmed in the play, then ... his image is gone! Alas, go find the medicine and smear it!

Looking at the little boy who fled into the wasteland while covering his neck, Su Chenyu took an angry look at Xue Moyu, but received Xue Moyu's smirk expression, and pulled Wang Anyi aside, while she was still unresponsive, she fragrantly I took a sip, then looked at Su Chenyu provocatively, and the look seemed to be saying "Look at me without such care, envy, envy ~"

Su Chenyu watched Xue Mozhen for a while and turned to look at Wang Anyi.

"Sister Wang, I need you to go back and get some things for me, and handle some things. You go directly to my villa, oh, yes, it's a bit late today. You live in my villa these days. Then he took out the key and handed it to Wang Anyi.

"Oh ..." Wang Anyi took it.

"Yes, Sister Xue, Xiaoxi still needs your care, but don't find anyone tomorrow." Su Chenyu ignored Xue Moxu's expression of grinning his teeth instantly when he heard her, and chased the direction of the little guy to leave. Go on.

"Xiao Yiyi, don't go, that little **** is just getting revenge!" Xue Moxie holding her daughter-in-law wronged, her two people's world, and her good life, were mixed by Su Chenyu! unhappy!

"Who told you not to change your bad temper, to bully other daughters-in-law." Wang Anyi said, rolling her eyes, and finally added a sentence,

"Self-receiving and self-receiving." After the words were finished, he released Xue Moxuan's hand and left quickly.

Xue Moxie stretched out Erkang's hand: daughter-in-law, Xiao Yiyi, don't go ~~!

Lin Yunxi & Li Lingmeng: Although we only watched the show, the result was great, enough for me to laugh for three days, and laughed at me. I had no appetite, but now my appetite is wide open, and it really shows affection, and divides quickly.

Seems to feel a ridiculous glance, Xue Mozhen turned his head, narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at the two little assistants, and showed a bad smile.

"It will be hard to start tomorrow. Everyone must be very hard. We are the youngest members in the team. We should prepare something for the seniors. I think about it ... how about donuts and juice? I leave it to you, By the way, Peng Tao and the staff also need a copy. I remember to deliver it tomorrow. I saw tomorrow's weather but it's hot, and the juice should be frozen ~ "After that, I called Xiaoyi and left.

Li Lingmeng & Lin Yunxi: This is revenge, □ naked revenge!

Unfortunately, the two little assistants could only cry and prepare. There was no way. They were bosses. They could n’t resist. Although they knew it was a personal grudge, they had to go to work.

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