Huo Zheng couldn’t believe why he rushed out of the house immediately after He Yunzhou—

Maybe it was just because He Yunzhou’s eyes were so sad at that moment? The proud reason didn’t have time to work at that moment, and his body moved on its own. When he reacted, Huo Zheng realized that he had followed He Yunzhou to the elevator.

[“… I haven’t succeeded yet, and now I’m still trying to pursue him. After all, he’s such a handsome person, so it’s hard to chase him.”]

It was also at this time that he heard that confession from He Yunzhou.

His heart was beating fast.

Huo Zheng pressed his hand against his chest, desperately trying to control his emotions, but that kind of joyful mood still exploded, surging and swelling deep in his body.

Especially when he heard He Yunzhou personally say, “After all, he’s such a handsome person”, a smile hung uncontrollably on the corners of Huo Zheng’s mouth.

The moment he heard He Yunzhou’s confession, all the small questions that made Huo Zheng feel slightly troubled and irritable before had been answered.

Should it be said that He Yunzhou is beyond his own power?

That guy didn’t intend to become his bed partner, but rather attempted to become…

His lover.

He Yunzhou, this person, who looked slow1wooden and slow of speechand clumsy, was so greedy deep down his heart: More than mere flesh,2physical body He Yunzhou wanted him to be Huo Zheng’s whole person?

Recalling the scenes of getting along during this time, Huo Zheng couldn’t help but sigh deeply.

Really very silly.

He couldn’t help but sigh in a low voice from the bottom of his heart.

What should I say? Huo Zheng was in a complicated mood, not knowing what mood to deal with all this.

For so many days, he has been gentle, considerate, and caring, but he hasn’t even reached out his hand—just because an ordinary man like He Yunzhou unexpectedly wanted to use such a reserved, clumsy, bashful, and outdated way to pursue him…

In the end, you still blame me for being too hard to chase?!

Huo Zheng’s mind was fluctuating, and he was obviously happy. But thinking of He Yunzhou’s last complaint, he couldn’t help but be a bit angry and curse silently.

That is, he treated He Yunzhou too well these days, which made that person have this misconception.

In the past few years, how many people lined up to get in front of Huo Zheng? Even if they could get a look from Huo Zheng was a record worth showing off. But now, Huo Zheng has to take time out every few days to accompany He Yunzhou—before, I’m afraid that even Huo Zheng himself wouldn’t believe that he would be such a kind and considerate person.

Of course, Huo Zheng has to admit that in a sense, he is indeed not a good target for He Yunzhou.

He never thought about having a so-called real love partner.

[It’s a bit troublesome ah…]

After calming down a bit, Huo Zheng’s mood was like a roller coaster. In an instant, he fell from exultation to an unbearable dilemma.3no room to advance or to retreat

Huo Zheng knew that he doesn’t hate He Yunzhou, but he also knew that he would never be able to fulfill that person’s expectations of him.

Never ever.

After all, he had vowed a long time ago that he would never let himself fall into that pathetic and despicable so-called “love” in his life…

When he thought of the word “lover”, there are two distorted faces as well as fragments of two people tormenting each other uncontrollably that flashed through Huo Zheng’s mind, making him shudder like falling into an ice cellar.

That is the “love” in Huo Zheng’s understanding.

“Love” that is so bad that the mere memory of it can cause physiological nausea.

Just as Huo Zheng was hiding in a dark corner, along with sudden joy and sudden irritation, his complexion was changing at the same time; the conversation between the other three still continued.

He Yunzhou’s words made the drunk Shu Ran let out a cheer of great joy—

“You can definitely do it! You are so good… that Be Good ah… it’s impossible not to like you… How can someone not love… you… If he doesn’t obey you, I’ll help you beat him up, ok…”

The drunkard’s hazy voice likewise reached Huo Zheng’s ears not far away. Caught off guard, Huo Zheng almost choked on his own saliva.

Then, Huo Zheng heard He Yunzhou say—

“It’s ok, I don’t really care if that person loves me or not. I just know that I love that person4”that person” in this context can also mean ‘the person you’ve been looking for’ or ‘Mr. Right’.which is just fine.”

He Yunzhou’s voice sounded as if it trembled a bit.

It was clearly a calm tone but in Huo Zheng’s ears, he felt that kind of deep feeling as if he(HY) could touch the softest part of his body(HZ).5I just added their names in case it’s confusing, hehe.

He Yunzhou didn’t know how he managed to keep the smile on his face.

It took all his courage to say those words in front of Shu Ran as if a part of his heart had also disappeared into the air of nothingness with the vibration of the sound waves.

There seemed to be a huge hole in his chest, dark and hollow.

“We’ll wait for your good news.”

Liang Mengmeng was slightly stunned, then she nodded at He Yunzhou and softly gave her blessings.

At this time, the elevator the two were waiting for also arrived on the floor. The metal doors slowly slid open on both sides, and Liang Mengmeng strode in with her arms around Shu Ran.

“Then… see you later.”

Liang Mengmeng waved her hand at He Yunzhou.

He Yunzhou wordlessly squeezed out a small smile, raised his hand, and waved.

It’s just at this time, the elevator doors had already closed in front of his eyes.

The floor numbers above the elevator began to jump.

However, He Yunzhou was still staring at the elevator door in a daze.

“But you don’t love me ah.” His lips closed, and he murmured in a soft whisper.

After a long time, He Yunzhou turned around and slowly returned to his home step by step.

It’s just that after opening the door, He Yunzhou was quite surprised to find that the living room was empty.

Only Nangua was lying on the single chair where Huo Zheng sat before. After hearing the door open, it turned its head and meowed twice at He Yunzhou.

Do you think it was too noisy tonight, so he left first?

He Yunzhou stood in the entrance, looking at the empty living room, and thought blankly.

According to Huo Zheng’s previous temperament, this may be the case.

The awkward and complicated situation was finally relieved. The drunken Shu Ran and Liang Mengmeng, who made He Yunzhou so jealous that he couldn’t help himself, also left. Even the somewhat bad-tempered and unpredictable Huo Zheng has gone home.

His home finally returned to its usual calm.

He Yunzhou knew he should’ve felt relieved, but oddly enough, he only felt that his home was so empty and deathly silent that he couldn’t breathe at this moment.

He moved to the sofa and slowly sat down.

Nangua, which seemed to be clueless many times, showed amazing sensitivity at this time. It seems to be able to perceive He Yunzhou’s emotions. It jumped down from the single chair with a thump, then jumped heavily onto the sofa, squatting beside He Yunzhou.

“So good.” He Yunzhou reached out and stroked Nangua’s warm, soft fur.

“You’re still here with me,” He Yunzhou said to Nangua.

Nangua rubbed He Yunzhou’s palm with its forehead, then raised its front paw, licking its fur carefully.

With a warm and messy home and the favorite pet, everything was exactly the same as before. But no matter how He Yunzhou tried to comfort himself, his soul slowly fell into a swamp of negative emotions uncontrollably.

His mind became very empty, his fingers were numb and cold as if his blood had also become as bone-chilling as his mood at this moment.

He Yunzhou seemed to be the only one left in the whole world… The only thing that can bring him a little warmth was the little animal with its leg raised, licking its fur with devotion.

That was He Yunzhou’s only fragile salvation in this cold and empty world.

He Yunzhou slightly lowered his head and covered his face with his hands.

“Bang bang—”

Then he heard a knock on the door.

He Yunzhou opened the door and met a pair of familiar green eyes.

Huo Zheng held two crystal goblets in one hand and a quaint wrapped wine bottle in the other. Just like that, he once again barged into He Yunzhou’s house.

“Huo Zheng? You… I thought you went back?”

“Yeah, otherwise? Stay at your house and chat with that fatty?” Huo Zheng mocked habitually. But the next second, he suddenly choked, and his tone inexplicably somewhat softened as he said again, “… I just went upstairs and took some wine from my own.”

He explained somewhat stiffly.

After Huo Zheng finished, he raised the wine bottle and shook it at He Yunzhou. His handsome face was slightly flushed. He looked complicated, but the aura that lingered around him became particularly soft.

Compared with the man who kept braving the cold outside before, it was like a different person.

He Yunzhou looked at Huo Zheng in confusion.

Could it be because he was too exhausted6both mentally and physically exhaustedat this moment? He Yunzhou has always been keenly aware of the other party’s tender and uncertain thoughts. But this night, he couldn’t understand Huo Zheng’s unexplained emotional changes no matter what.

Especially the way Huo Zheng looked at him as if he was pitying something, it was so soft and sappy…

He Yunzhou felt an uncomfortable layer of goosebumps suddenly emerge on the back of his neck. He was faintly uneasy with Huo Zheng like this, and with such a pair of soft eyes. After all, it was impossible to look at him with this kind of gaze when Guaji was still alive.

At this moment, Huo Zheng suddenly became very… human.


Moreover, He Yunzhou also really didn’t understand Huo Zheng’s thoughts.

He hadn’t forgotten that not long ago, it was the same person who told him in an extraordinarily unhappy tone that he had already eaten and just went down to give him a box of truffles in passing.

But now it seems that Huo Zheng has forgotten what he said before.

“I saw that you roasted shrimp in the oven.”

Huo Zheng unnaturally turned his head on the side and didn’t look at He Yunzhou.

Immediately afterwards, he went around He Yunzhou, who was full of questions marks and put the wine on the table heavily.

“… Then I suddenly remembered that I have a bottle of wine that’s suitable for seafood.” He added.

He Yunzhou: “Uh…”

The author has something to say:

He Yunzhou: Don’t look at me like that, you don’t look like a cat when you look at me like that. (Scum declaration)

Today’s most tragic role was given to Nangua. Humans messed with the Shura Field7Field is a Buddhist language that refers to the pit of death between Shura. Shura/Sura Field used to describe a tragic battlefield, which was extended to mean “a person who is fighting to the death in a difficult situation”but it was (the snacks) injured every time.


1wooden and slow of speech2physical body3no room to advance or to retreat4”that person” in this context can also mean ‘the person you’ve been looking for’ or ‘Mr. Right’.5I just added their names in case it’s confusing, hehe.6both mentally and physically exhausted7Field is a Buddhist language that refers to the pit of death between Shura. Shura/Sura Field used to describe a tragic battlefield, which was extended to mean “a person who is fighting to the death in a difficult situation”

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