"If you are not satisfied with the sword I gave you before, you can go to the Treasure Pavilion and choose a weapon of your choice."

"You can go around and learn more about the situation in the sect," Ye Mochen said

""Disciple understands!" Su Wuhen nodded seriously.

Then he began to examine the first peak, only to see that the mountain was surrounded by fog. Looking closely, he found that the fog was actually transformed by rich spiritual energy.

There are many magnificent buildings on the first peak, such as palaces, pavilions, courtyards, etc.

These buildings are made of extremely precious materials and are beautifully decorated, showing the powerful strength and profound heritage of the sect.

There is a special place for cultivation on the side, such as a training ground, a training room, etc.

Everything is available. Su Wuhen was shocked and a little curious at the same time.

He found that since he entered the sect, all the facilities of the sect were available.

But the more this happened, the more confused he became.

Such a large sect was empty. After careful recollection, he confirmed that he had never seen anyone except his master.

""Master, why is there no one in the sect? Where are the brothers and elders?" Su Wuhen asked in confusion.

Ye Mochen felt overwhelmed when he heard it.

How could there be anyone in this sect? When he first came to Tianxuan Sect, there was no one there. The current Tianxuan Sect was just generated by the system. Where could he find brothers and elders for him?

"That...disciple, the Tianxuan Sect is indeed a top-notch sect with a very deep foundation. I believe you have a deep understanding of this."

Ye Mochen began to think about how to tell Su Wuhen.

Su Wuhen nodded, indicating that he knew the sect was powerful and had a deep understanding of it.

Ye Mochen suddenly had an idea and continued

"Our sect is so powerful, it must have many branches and vassal sects under it."

Those disciples and elders have been sent to various branches and vassal sects."

"This sect was re-established by the master himself a hundred years ago, and none of the sect's disciples have returned yet."

"Because of this, this huge sect seems so deserted."

Ye Mochen said slowly to Su Wuhen

"So that's how it is. Then, Master, when will all the brothers and sisters come back?"Su Wuhen continued to ask.

Ye Mochen's face was dark, thinking about how to start. In between breaths, Ye Mochen answered

"As for when the disciples and elders will return, I don't know. Perhaps they won't come back. Most of them have already established roots in other branches."

"But you don't have to worry, there are still many elders who are just out on missions, maybe they will come back in a while."

"You are the first disciple of our sect. When I start to recruit disciples, you will be the eldest senior brother."

Su Wuhen was a little sad when he first heard that the disciples and elders of the sect might not come back. But when he heard that he was the first disciple of the master and the eldest senior brother of the sect, he couldn't help but feel happy.

"Master, I understand!" Su Wuhen bowed to Ye Mochen.

"In this case, you should practice hard. I have some important matters to attend to, so I will leave now."

"Farewell, Master."

With a whoosh, Ye Mochen disappeared, leaving Su Wuhen secretly sighing that his master really came and went without a trace.

After leaving the first peak, Ye Mochen came to the main peak, which was even better than the first peak.

The spiritual energy was much richer than that of the first peak, and the scale of the buildings was even larger.

Ye Mochen looked at the quaint pavilion on the side. In that piece of heaven and earth, the quiet pond was like a green mirror. On the smooth water surface, the lotus leaves swayed in the wind, like green waves rising and falling. The pink and white lotus flowers are dotted in between, some are in bud, shy and about to bloom, and some are already in full bloom.

Like fairies dancing, they exude bursts of elegant fragrance.

Beside the pond, a unique pavilion stands quietly, with its eaves and corners like a bird about to fly.

It is like a silent guardian, witnessing the passage of time.

The mottled marks on the pavilion pillars tell the story of time.

The pavilion is surrounded by a trace of fairy air, which is as light as a tulle, and sparkles with a dreamy light under the sunlight.

The breeze blew by, and the lotus leaves and lotus flowers swayed gently, causing ripples in the pond.

The circles of ripples slowly spread toward the pavilion, as if to draw the pavilion into this quiet artistic conception.

The sun shone through the gaps in the lotus leaves, casting dots of golden light on the water surface, interweaving with the reflection of the pavilion, creating a dreamlike, quiet and beautiful atmosphere. It makes people's hearts become clear and peaceful at this moment.

Ye Mochen walked slowly towards the pavilion, sat in the pavilion, and admired everything around him.

Ye Mochen raised his hand and stretched it into the void beside him. As he stretched it out, a cry of surprise rang out!

"Holy shit! Such a rich spiritual energy, has Grandpa Turtle reached the fairyland?"

"No! There is no such rich spiritual energy in the fairyland!"

The source of the voice came from Kameda's mouth.

"This is my sect, the Tianxuan Sect."Ye Mochen looked at the Kameda in his hand.

"Tianxuan Sect? Never heard of it."Kameta curled his lips.

As soon as he finished speaking, he felt that the world around him seemed to be spinning.

No! It seemed to be me who was spinning!


A pleasant sound of falling into the water came, and Kameda found that he had fallen into the water.

He wanted to float to the surface, but before he could make any move, he felt a strong sense of comfort. He closed his eyes and looked very happy.

After a few breaths, Kameda slowly floated to the surface, his back facing down, his paws resting on the back of his head, his legs crossed, looking very happy, and a comfortable moan came.

"Ah~ Oh~……"

"So comfortable~ Hehehe."

Ye Mochen looked at Kameda who was enjoying himself, with a black line on his face, speechless.

""Kameta!" Ye Mochen suppressed his anger and shouted.

When Kameda heard the voice, he trembled all over. He didn't look like he was enjoying it at all. He quickly swam under Ye Mochen in the pavilion.

"Hehehe, Master, you called me?" Kameda looked at Ye Mochen with a flattering look on his face.

"Enjoy it, huh? I haven't had turtle soup for a long time."

Ye Mochen looked at Kameda with a wicked smile.

Kameda saw Ye Mochen's expression and thought to himself that it was not good.

"Master, my flesh is bitter."Kameta wanted to cry but had no tears.

"Whether it is bitter or not, I will taste it myself."Ye Mochen's expression remained unchanged.

"No, Master."

"Oh my, Master, you are the embodiment of wisdom. Every decision you make is like a shining light, guiding me in the direction of progress. You must be able to see that the meat of the little turtle is not delicious."

"Master, your temperament and demeanor are simply unmatched. You can overshadow everyone else when you walk on the street!"

"Oh? Master, I didn't realize before that your outfit today is a perfect combination of fashion and nobility. It's so stylish!"



Listening to Kameda's words, Ye Mochen felt much happier, and couldn't help but sigh that Kameda's flattery skills were at the pinnacle.

Every word was as sweet as honey, and every word could accurately scratch the other person's itch, making the other person feel flattered.

His flattery seemed to be innate, and he could flatter people with an artistic sense.

"That's all." Ye Mochen said.

"Master, you are like that light.……"

Kameda was flattering Ye Mochen nonstop, and when he saw that Ye Mochen was unmoved, he felt uneasy.

When Ye Mochen interrupted him, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

This ancestor is really getting harder and harder to deal with. Previously, he had used all his life's knowledge for thousands of years. He almost pushed himself to his limit.

"What do you think of this pond?"Ye Mochen looked at Kameda and said

"Master, the water in this pond is actually a liquid condensed from extremely rich spiritual energy!"

"The water in this pond can be said to be a pond of spiritual fluid!"Kameta came back to his senses and was greatly shocked.

"Staying here might help you recover?" Ye Mochen said with a faint smile.

"Yes! It's absolutely possible! There is no place more suitable than here! Here, within a few years, I will definitely be able to recover to my peak!"Kameda said hurriedly

"You will stay here from now on." Ye Mochen smiled faintly.

"Hehe, thank you, Master."After saying that, Kameda immediately dove into the pond and continued to enjoy his spiritual liquid bath.

Ye Mochen immediately stepped out of the pond and walked towards the alchemy pavilion at the other end of the main peak. He had not yet tested the god-level alchemy level he had obtained before, so now was the right time to test it.

Ye Mochen looked at the alchemy furnace and thought slowly. Judging from his current state of perfection in the Saint Realm, he could not refine pills that were too advanced at the moment, but he could barely refine the emperor-level pills.

However, it seemed a bit inappropriate to make it difficult for himself right from the start.

"Sigh, let's start with the low-level pills."

Ye Mochen sighed slightly.

He immediately began to search for pill recipes in his mind.

""It's him!"

He put the herbs that exuded strange fragrance into the furnace one by one, his movements were precise and skillful, as if he was born with it.

The order of putting each herb in was not messed up at all. As he put them in, he chanted something.

"That's right, why does it feel like there is no difficulty at all?"

Ye Mochen now has a god-level alchemy level. God-level alchemy level is not just talk.

All the tedious processes in the eyes of others are so simple in his eyes.

As time passed, Ye Mochen stared at the alchemy furnace, yawned, and slowly adjusted the size and temperature of the spiritual fire.

"It's been several hours, why isn't it ready yet? I'm almost asleep." Ye Mochen stretched out of boredom.

Suddenly, the light in the alchemy furnace became bright, as if some magical changes were happening.

Ye Mochen perked up slightly and looked at the alchemy furnace. The alchemy furnace was shaking violently, the light was as dazzling as the sun at noon, and wisps of mysterious aura lingered around.

There seemed to be a powerful force surging in the furnace, about to burst out.

The outline of the pill gradually became clear, and the surface was shining with a strange brilliance, as if it contained endless mysteries.

The air around him seemed to solidify, and Ye Mochen watched nervously and expectantly, his heart pounding.

""It's done!" Ye Mochen was delighted.

He opened the furnace with great anticipation, and a strong medicinal fragrance came like a clear spring, refreshing and refreshing.

In the furnace, several round and shiny pills were lying quietly like sleeping babies. This was the result of his hard work, like a bunch of bright pearls, emitting an attractive light.

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