The sound of continuous muffled thunder exploded again. Although it lacked the thrilling momentum of the previous one, its coverage area was more than ten times larger than the previous time.

A moment later, tens of thousands of figures gathered and crowded in front of Ye Mochen.

It was like a huge team, standing in a neat and uniform manner, waiting for his order.

Ye Mochen's sight fell on the mighty team in front of him. More than ten thousand figures were neatly arranged. Among these Saint Kings, there were old and strong, men and women, with different faces.

The aura emanating from them was strong and majestic, as if an invisible pressure was blowing in his face, making him feel suffocated.

More than ten thousand Saint Kings knelt on one knee in unison, facing Ye Mochen, and spoke respectfully.

"Subordinate, meet the master!!!"

Ye Mochen stared at this huge team, and couldn't help but feel an inexplicable shock in his heart.

Then he heard Ye Mochen say:

"You are all members of my Xuantian Sect! You are also the elders of my sect."

"When you see me, you don’t have to call me master, just call me patriarch! Do you understand?"

""Reply to the Sect Master! I understand!"

Ye Mochen's eyes swept over the tens of thousands of Saint Kings and Jiuyou, and a domineering aura rose from the bottom of his heart and spread around him.

With these tens of thousands of Saint Kings, I'm afraid he can walk sideways in the entire Dongzhou.

""You all follow me back to the sect!" Ye Mochen said.

In an instant, a large group of figures rose into the air and followed Ye Mochen back to Tianxuan Sect.

In Tianxuan Sect, many disciples saw the figures in the sky rushing like a tide.

They flew towards Tianxuan Sect in an overwhelming manner, and the scene was extremely chaotic for a while.

"This... this is someone knocking on the door.!?"One of the disciples shouted in horror.

Then, the crowd began to get restless and a lot of noise came out.

"It's over! It's over! I didn't expect that we would have to go through a big battle as soon as we arrived at Tianxuan Sect.!"

"The aura of these people gives people a very powerful feeling!"

"What should I do? Should I inform the clan leader?"

"Quick! Quick! Let's go inform the master!"

At this time, a disciple's voice sounded in the crowd, and it sounded like he had seen something incredible.

"Look! That... that's the leader.!?"

"What are you talking about!? Hurry up and inform the master!"

"Eh? No! Look, that... that really seems to be the clan leader?"

"Really the lord!"

"Why is the clan leader with the people on the opposite side?"

"Could it be... Could it be that the leader was held hostage?!!?"

The disciples were all worried and terrified. They didn't know who had said the words that made them uneasy.

"No! It doesn't look like it!" At this time, a reddish-haired disciple in the crowd said very calmly.

"If you say it's not the case, then it's not the case! What if the master is really held hostage?" Another disciple retorted.

At this time, a disciple in a dark blue robe said:

"Look, the people coming are led by the Sect Master, and look at the Sect Master's expression, is there any panic?"

After hearing this, all the disciples looked at the crowd in the sky. The leader was Ye Mochen, and behind him was a middle-aged man.

Seeing Ye Mochen's calm demeanor, without any panic, he didn't look like a person who was held hostage.

"The leader does not look like he is being held hostage.!"

""Why is the sect leader with those people?"

The disciples speculated one after another, and couldn't help but look at the two disciples who had been calm and composed before, as if they wanted to get the answer from them. The disciple with slightly red hair saw everyone's eyes and said hurriedly:"I don't know who those are?"

"I do not know either!?"The blue-robed disciple followed closely.

Although everyone was very curious, they stopped speculating as long as they were not enemies.

Many disciples calmed down. One of the disciples saw the two disciples who spoke differently earlier and asked:

"May I know your names, brothers?"

The red-haired disciple:"I am Yan Bin."

The blue-robed disciple:"I am Lei Xiao."

The disciple who asked the question smiled and said:

"It turned out to be Senior Brother Yan Bin and Senior Brother Lei Xiao."

Several disciples on the side said in surprise:

"You don't even know Yan Bin? He is the Holy Son of the Holy Fire Sect.!!"

Before everyone could be surprised, another disciple stepped forward and said:

"Lei Xiao is the Holy Son of my Thunder Palace!"

""What!? It's actually Brothers Yan Bin and Lei Xiao!"

Many disciples started to discuss again.

However, when they saw Ye Mochen approaching, they stopped talking.

From a distance, Ye Mochen saw a group of disciples laughing and talking happily.

Seeing this, Ye Mochen couldn't help but smile knowingly. This was exactly the harmonious atmosphere he wanted.

Ye Mochen came to the Tianxuan Sect Square and ordered more than 10,000 Saint King elders to wait there.

Then Ye Mochen looked at the disciples and asked them to gather in the square.

After a few moments, two groups of people stood separately in the square and stood solemnly.

Behind Ye Mochen stood Su Wuhen and Zhong Lixue, followed by Jiuyou.

Ye Mochen looked at the crowd and spoke slowly.

"Disciples! Behind you are more than 10,000 elders of our Tianxuan Sect!"

The disciples turned their heads and looked back. Wherever they looked, the elders were tall and majestic, and they were so imposing that no one dared to underestimate them.

"The elders are not only your teachers, but also your respected seniors."

"From now on, you must treat your elders with courtesy, humility and politeness, and never say or do anything offensive or rebellious."

"The elders will personally give you one-on-one careful instruction to help you take a step further on the path of cultivation."

Hearing this, the disciples exclaimed that it was heaven-defying. The surprise in their hearts was beyond words. It turned out to be a one-on-one careful instruction!

"You all immediately line up and go to the elders!" As soon as

Ye Mochen finished speaking, more than 10,000 disciples entered the elders' team in an orderly manner.

The reason why Ye Mochen insisted on allocating them according to the queue, instead of letting everyone search on their own, was to avoid some elders and disciples being alone, which would cause unnecessary embarrassment and disputes.

When the elders saw the disciples coming, they suppressed their breath to the extreme, fearing that they would hurt these disciples.

In an instant, the crowd began to make noise, and the endless noisy sounds came one after another, which was very lively.

The disciples looked at the elders around them and greeted them politely.

"Student XXX, met the instructor!"

"Met the instructor!"


Because of their status, Yan Bin and Lei Xiao were at the front of the queue. They began to calculate which elder they would be assigned to.

As Yan Bin stepped to the side of the elder, Lei Xiao followed closely behind him and stood behind his elder.

"Student Yan Bin!"

"Student Lei Xiao!"

"Met the instructor!!"The two said in unison.

The two middle-aged elders looked at Yan Bin and Lei Xiao with a smile on their faces, and then looked at each other.

It seemed that they had been assigned better students than other elders. Some elders looked at the two with envy.

The disciples seemed to be completely unaware of the little thoughts between the elders.

Yan Bin's mentor looked at Yan Bin and smiled:

"Hahaha, Yan boy, you will be my student from now on, and I will definitely make you the most outstanding one among this group of people!"

Yan Bin was filled with joy when he heard this, and his emotions seemed particularly high. He clasped his fists and said:

"The student thanks the instructor and hopes for more guidance in the future."

Lei Xiao's instructor showed obvious contempt and disdain on his face, and pointed at Yan Bin beside him, and then said:

"Lei boy, are you confident that you can defeat him?"

Lei Xiao would not let his mentor lose momentum. He knew the importance of maintaining the dignity and authority of his mentor.

"Students have confidence!" Lei Xiao said seriously.

Teacher Lei Xiao nodded with satisfaction, then looked at Teacher Yan Bin and raised his head slightly.

Seeing this, Teacher Yan Bin was not angry, and immediately smiled and retorted:

"Xiong Er, you must not mislead the students, or you will cause endless harm.

Lei Xiao's mentor Xiong Er showed displeasure.

"Xiong Da, who is misleading the disciples?"

A similar scene was quietly playing out between the disciples and the elders, which was quite lively.

Ye Mochen watched all this quietly without interfering too much.

After all, there will be competition only when there is comparison, and competition is the driving force that drives the disciples to grow continuously.

Only when the disciples become stronger can the sect prosper and continue to grow.

Although there is a hidden competitive spirit among the elders, they can all abide by the limits and maintain a proper balance.

Ye Mochen knew all this very well, and he firmly believed that these elders would obey his orders unconditionally.

The obedience and loyalty between them have long been deeply rooted and cannot be shaken.

After a moment, at the signal of Ye Mochen's hand, all the disciples and elders quieted down.

Ye Mochen looked at Jiuyou behind him, and then���Introducing to the disciples and elders:

"This one is the sect deacon, Yi is the chief elder!"

""All matters of the sect, big or small, will be managed by the Great Elder!"

Jiuyou took a steady step forward, and inadvertently released a deep and powerful aura.

This aura slowly spread out like a trickle, and wherever it went, the disciples of the sect felt an indescribable sense of oppression, as if the whole world was trembling at this moment.

There was only one thought in the minds of all the disciples.


Incomparably strong!!!!

Unimaginably strong!!!

Jiuyou's deep voice sounded

"I am Jiuyou! The sect's great elder!!"

All the disciples and elders clasped their fists and saluted, saying in unison:

"I'm waiting to see the elder!"

""Disciple greets the Great Elder!"

Jiuyou nodded and retreated behind Ye Mochen.

Then, Ye Mochen cast a subtle look at Su Wuhen and Zhong Lixue, and the two immediately understood and stood beside Ye Mochen without hesitation. At this time, Su Wuhen's expression was extremely solemn, and his eyes flashed with a firm and focused light, as if he wanted to focus all his attention on this moment.

His face was tense, revealing an unquestionable seriousness that made people dare not slack off.

Zhong Lixue was a different scene. Her face was as cold as frost, as if she could freeze all the air around her.

Her eyes revealed a sharpness and determination that made people dare not look directly at her.

Her existence was like an iceberg. Although it was silent, it exuded a heart-pounding chill.

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