After explaining everything, Ye Mochen returned to the main peak. Once he arrived at the main peak, Ye Mochen opened the system panel to check

「Host: Ye Mochen.

Sect: Tianxuan Sect.

Cultivation: Great Perfection of the Ninth Layer of the Saint Realm.

Apprentices: Su Wuhen, Zhongli Xue.

Weapon: God-Slaying Sword. Constitution: Innate Saint Body. Mount: Polar Ice Bear (with ancient bloodline) Black Shadow Turtle (divine beast bloodline). Special skills: God-level alchemy level, cultivation speed. System mission: Develop Tianxuan Sect into the first sect in the border area!

"Oh? The system tasks have been updated?"

"Develop Tianxuan Sect into the first sect in the border area?"

Ye Mochen couldn't help but ponder.

How big is this border area?

It seems that I should learn more about what forces there are in this border area when I have time.

Although I now have a great emperor, it is still not my own strength!

The most urgent task is to improve my own strength first. It happens that I have both the Nine Sun Flower and the Dragon Pattern Grass, so I should enter the Saint King realm first.


Inside the Ziwei Pavilion, a majestic hall stood in front of the room.

In the hall, an old man of high moral character was sitting on the first seat.

"Is this true? ?"

The old man was staring at the woman sitting below with a puzzled look on his face, and his face suddenly darkened.

"The Great Elder! That Su Wuhen, relying on this man's support, actually let this man kill the Seventh Elder and the Ninth Elder."

The woman spoke angrily, her tone filled with uncontrollable anger, and she seemed extremely excited.

"Ruyan, you didn't tell that person where you came from."

The elder's eyes seemed to be burning with anger, revealing deep displeasure.

"I have told that person that we are from Ziwei Pavilion, but he said that Ziwei Pavilion……"

Liu Ruyan paused, as if she didn't dare to speak.

"Keep talking!"The great elder's deep voice sounded.

Liu Ruyan swallowed her saliva and continued:

"He was talking about Ziwei Pavilion, he... he had never heard of it, or he said that our Ziwei Pavilion was a small sect from somewhere!"

"How can this be possible!"

The elder's aura burst out instantly, and his majestic momentum surged like a tide. He suddenly slapped the table next to him.

The palm wind was sharp, as fierce as a storm, and instantly blasted the table into a mess, with countless fragments flying everywhere, and the scene was extremely spectacular.

"This person not only killed the elder of my Ziwei Pavilion! He also spoke rudely and looked down on my small sect, Ziwei Pavilion!"

"If we don't kill this man, how can we save the reputation of Ziwei Pavilion!"

Liu Ruyan saw the angry elder with a ferocious face. Although she was terrified, she still mustered up the courage to step forward.

""Great elder, I think that man should be quite powerful. Even the seventh elder, who is at the seventh level of the Dao Realm, cannot defeat him! Why don't you inform Master about this?"

The great elder snorted contemptuously, his expression revealing obvious disdain.

"Humph! There is no need to inform the Pavilion Master. Besides, our Ziwei Pavilion is now under the protection of the Supreme Sect. The Pavilion Master is in seclusion at a critical moment and must not be disturbed."

"From what you said, this person has only achieved the initial stage of enlightenment, but I was fortunate enough to receive the Good Fortune Pill from the Supreme Sect, and now I have achieved the third level of enlightenment!"

"Just the initial stage of enlightenment! I alone am enough!"

When Liu Ruyan heard this, a cunning and evil arc appeared on the corner of her mouth, revealing a heart-shaking sneer.

"Great Elder, Su Wuhen has already taken this man as his master, and now we don’t know where to find him. Why don’t we start with the Su family?"

"This is exactly what I meant!" The elder sneered and said in a low voice

"Gather the sect disciples and follow me! Make sure to surround the Su family and don't let anyone escape!"


Su Family Courtyard!

Su Aoyu was holding a delicate hairpin in his hand, his eyes deep in thought.

This normally strong man showed an indescribable sadness at this moment, which moved people.

Su Aoyu was deeply trapped in the vortex of memories at this moment, and a picture slowly emerged and unfolded in his mind, as if to pull him back to that distant time.


Nineteen years ago.

It was a snowy night.

A man and a woman were fleeing in panic in the snow, leaving a series of footprints of varying depths on the snow.

Upon closer inspection, the man's face was surprisingly similar to Su Wuhen.

He seemed to have suffered quite serious injuries at the moment, but he didn't care at all, completely ignoring his own pain and safety. He just held the woman's hand tightly and ran hard in the snow, fleeing from the unknown danger.

Looking closely at the woman, her face was elegant and beautiful, but her eyebrows revealed panic and tension that were difficult to conceal.

And she seemed to be holding something tightly in her arms, as if it was extremely important to her.

The woman looked back at the snow behind her, only to see a series of bloodstains on the snow, which looked shocking.

She seemed to have made up her mind, and suddenly stopped, and said resolutely

""Brother Yu! Give up! We can't escape!"

The man was Su Aoyu.

At this moment, Su Aoyu's face was pale, and he looked at the woman in shock or disbelief.

"Yan'er! We can escape! We can escape!"

The woman's eyes were red and swollen, filled with deep despair and sadness.

Her tears flowed freely like pearls from a broken string, silently crossing her pale and fragile cheeks, looking very sad and beautiful.

""Brother Yu! Give up! Otherwise you will die!" The woman said with tears in her eyes and a trembling voice.

""Yan'er! I won't give up. Even if it costs my life! I won't let them take you away!" Su Aoyu shouted excitedly.

At this dark moment, five men in black robes emerged silently from the night.

They were like ghosts in the shadows, walking lightly on the snow-covered ground, but they did not leave any traces on the white snow.

Su Aoyu saw the people coming and looked panicked. He hurriedly protected the woman behind him, fearing that she would be hurt.

""Miss, please come back with us." One of the black-robed people said in a very low voice.

Before Su Aoyu could speak, the woman spoke first:

"I can go back with you!"

"Yan'er, don't do that!"Su Aoyu was very anxious.

The woman looked at Su Aoyu and saw blood dripping from his body. She felt distressed and then she showed a resolute

"I can go back with you! But you can't hurt his life!"

The black-robed man heard this and said with a gloomy face:

"We have been ordered to kill this man and take the young lady back. Please forgive me for not being able to obey your order!"

Upon hearing this, the woman held a package in one hand and a dagger popped out from the other hand, pointing it at her fair neck.

The five men in black robes were very anxious and wanted to step forward to stop her.


The woman stared at the five people with cold eyes.

"I'm not ordering you around!"

"If you dare to take a step forward, I will kill myself immediately!"

Su Aoyu felt heartbroken when he saw this scene.

"Yan'er! No!".

The woman tried her best to restrain herself after hearing this, and no longer turned to look at Su Aoyu, but continued:

"I'll go with you! Let him go, or you can only take my body back with you!"

The man in black looked at the resolute woman, not knowing what to do for a moment.

The woman saw the hesitation on the man's face, and then she slowly stabbed the tender neck with the dagger in her hand.

Then, a streak of dazzling red quietly slid down from her white jade neck, like a red ribbon dancing lightly on the skin.

In the quiet and silent air, this streak of blood dripped quietly, like a pearl in the middle of the night, quietly blooming, and like a sad and beautiful elegy, echoing in the air.

"Miss! No!"

""Yan'er! No!"

Two anxious voices sounded one after another, which seemed particularly tense and anxious.

The woman heard the voices, still without any hesitation, and the dagger immediately sank into her neck a little more.

Seeing this scene, the man in black robe was instantly shrouded in an indescribable fear, and hurriedly shouted:

"Miss! I promise you! Stop it now!"

The woman stopped after hearing this, threw the dagger on the ground, looked at Su Aoyu in despair, and said:

"Brother Yu! I'm sorry! I can't be with you until old age."

The woman said as she handed the thing in her arms to Su Aoyu.

Su Aoyu stretched out his trembling hands to take it. The thing in his hand seemed to feel something at this moment and cried out.

Then, the woman's face, which was originally full of sadness and beauty, gradually revealed a gentle expression, and her eyes gently cast towards the crying thing.

""Hen'er, you must listen to your father in the future and don't make him sad. Mother... woo woo."

As the woman spoke, her emotions suddenly lost control and tears fell like rain. The smile she had tried so hard to force out was now soaked by tears and turned into a sea of sorrow. She had already cried like a tearful person.

"Wuuuuuu… Mother… Wuuuuu… Mother can’t… Wuuuuuu… Mother can’t… watch you… grow up."

The woman tried to finish her words, as if she could no longer control her emotions. She hugged Su Aoyu tightly and sobbed loudly.

Su Aoyu’s tears had already surged, and the pain in his heart was like a sharp blade, cutting his heart again and again.

A man and a woman hugged each other tightly, with the young Su Wuhen in their arms, and five mysterious figures in black robes stood behind them.

In the sky, heavy snow fluttered down, and every snowflake seemed to carry a trace of sorrow, dancing silently in the air, as if telling an unknown sad story.

After a moment, a man in a black robe stepped forward, his voice deep and magnetic, and whispered:

""Miss, it's time to go."

The woman slowly let go of the man and walked to the black-robed man with reluctance.

Su Aoyu didn't want the woman to leave, so he put the crying Su Wuhen on the snow.

He stood up and rushed to the black-robed man and shouted:

"Yan'er! Don't go!"


Before Su Aoyu could get close, the black-robed man slammed out with his palm, and Su Aoyu was immediately slapped away, spitting out a mouthful of bright red!

The woman felt extremely distressed when she saw this scene, and wanted to rush over, but was stopped by the black-robed man.

"He's fine." The black-robed man's voice slowly sounded.

At this moment, Su Aoyu wanted to struggle and get up again, but he didn't have any strength at all at this moment, and watched the woman leave.

"Brother Yu, when Hen'er grows up, tell him that his mother is dead."

"Don't come to me, don't tell Hen'er the truth, live a good life with Hen'er."

The voice disappeared, and the woman's figure disappeared with it, as if she had never been there.

Only the flying snow and a life full of hope were left.

The loud cry sounded in the snow, breaking the silence of the snowy night...

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