Su Aoyu's eyes were fixed on the terrifying blow that was about to come. A firm belief surged in his heart, and he was ready to do his best to resist this fatal blow.

Everyone stared at Su Aoyu intently, and saw that he had no room to escape and was completely swallowed by the heavy blow.

At this critical moment, a man in black robes suddenly appeared from the void, without attracting anyone's attention.

The man in black robes wanted to stretch out his hand to resist the terrifying blow.


Before the man in black robes could make a move. Something unexpected happened again.

When the purple-robed old man's blow swallowed Su Aoyu, he first smashed something in front of Su Aoyu's chest.

The object broke instantly, and a terrifying breath that made people's heart palpitate suddenly swept out.

This breath gradually gathered and slowly condensed into a vague figure, whose face was difficult to see.

He gently raised his hand and waved it, and the purple-robed old man's powerful blow was like a dream bubble, instantly dissipated and became invisible.

Everyone didn't know what happened.

They only saw the purple-robed old man swallow Su Aoyu with his blow and then disappeared in an instant.

"What happened?"

"I don’t know, why did that palm disappear?"

"Look! The master is still alive! ?"

"Great, the head of the family is really still alive!"

"Look who is that person next to the master of the house?"

"This person is so strange, I can't see his face!"

Liu Ruyan was confused by the sudden change in front of her, and her heart was full of confusion and doubt.

Her laughter stopped abruptly, and she looked at the purple-robed old man with doubts and said:

""Great elder! What happened?"

However, the great elder did not answer him, but stared at the figure whose face he could not see clearly.

The figure was looming, wearing a flawless white robe, as pure and flawless as a snowflake.

His whole figure seemed to be shrouded by a mysterious rule, making it difficult for people to see his true appearance.

It was as if an invisible veil covered his face, adding a bit of mystery and haziness.

The great elder felt a palpitation and felt an extremely terrifying breath in front of the white-robed figure.

The breath did not leak out at all. The great elder felt the overwhelming pressure just by his senses. He knew that this person was extremely dangerous! The great elder was frightened, and then he thought of the support of the upper sect behind Ziwei Pavilion, and the palpitation was slightly relieved.

He stepped forward and clasped his fists and said:

"May I ask who you are! Why are you interfering in the affairs of my Ziwei Pavilion?"

However, the figure never looked at the Great Elder from beginning to end, but turned his gaze to Su Aoyu, slowly raised his left hand and extended two fingers to him.

Everyone was confused, wondering what the figure's move meant, and their hearts were full of doubts and curiosity.

"What does it mean when that person holds up two fingers to the owner of the house?"

"I do not know either"

"As long as this person doesn't attack my Su family, it'll be fine."

"Let's see how the head of the family responds."

Su Aoyu hadn't recovered from the shock of escaping death when he saw the white-robed figure making this move towards him.

When he was overwhelmed by the blow of the elder, he seemed to feel that something in his chest was shattered.

When he came to his senses, he remembered that it was the talisman that Ye Mochen gave him. He carefully carried the talisman with him. He also thought of using the talisman when facing Ziwei Pavilion.

But the elder's aura was much stronger than when Ye Mochen appeared in his Su family. The aura of Ye Mochen is even stronger!

He subconsciously thought that the talisman was just a gift from Ye Mochen, and even if he took it out, it would definitely not be able to defeat the Great Elder.

But now it seems that this is not the case.

Su Aoyu looked at the two fingers extended by the figure transformed by the talisman and was also confused. He didn't know what this powerful figure meant. He thought that although he couldn't communicate, he should be able to express his meaning with body movements.

When Su Aoyu thought of this, he took a breath, restrained his emotions, and nodded to the figure.

The figure saw Su Aoyu nod It seemed that he had received some kind of affirmative answer.

The figure slowly turned around, raised his hand and extended his index finger towards the Great Elder, pointing at the Great Elder.

The Great Elder didn't know what this meant at first, but thought of the way Su Aoyu communicated with this figure.

He imitated Su Aoyu's previous behavior, nodded heavily at the figure, and thought to himself.

This should be right, right?

Just nod, that's it.

Well, what's wrong with this person's finger?

This terrifying power...

Before the Great Elder could figure it out, the figure had already pointed and pointed.

As soon as it pointed, the air around seemed to suddenly solidify, and the heavy sense of oppression made people breathless.

The power surged like a storm, which made people feel awe.

The Great Elder and some Ziwei Pavilion disciples behind him seemed to evaporate in an instant under this finger.

Disappeared without a trace, leaving only an empty and silent space.

Ziwei Pavilion disciples, Su family disciples, Liu Ruyan, Su Aoyu.

Everyone present was deeply shocked, as if time had suddenly stopped at this moment, and everyone's expressions froze and there was silence.


After a moment, the silence was broken by the sound of someone swallowing.

"The...the great dead?"

"The Great Elder is dead!"

"Run! Run!"



Many Ziwei Pavilion disciples saw this scene, all panicked and fled in all directions.

Liu Ruyan also showed panic. At this moment, she clearly realized that the shadow of death was quietly approaching, so she did not hesitate to follow the Ziwei Pavilion disciples and flee the scene. The

Su family disciples were all excited at this moment, and their excitement was beyond words. They danced and cheered one after another, resounding through the sky.

"Great, we won!"

"Ziwei Pavilion is defeated, hahahaha."

The crowd did not cheer for long before they saw the figure who had made the move again.

After killing the great elder of Ziwei Pavilion, the figure turned his head and looked at the void.

At this moment, the black-robed man hidden in the depths of the endless void suddenly changed his face, showing a solemn and anxious look.


It's been discovered!

Before it could react, the terrifying white-robed figure turned around and pointed a finger at Su Aoyu.

Su Aoyu initially thought that the white-robed figure wanted to attack him, and he was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat.

Then he saw that the white-robed figure had no intention of attacking him, and looked like he was asking.

Su Aoyu thought to himself.


Just nod!

Just like before!

The black-robed man hidden in the void seemed to be wondering what the white-robed figure's action meant. Before he could figure it out, he saw Su Aoyu slowly nodding at the white-robed figure.

The white-robed figure seemed to have received an affirmative answer, and then slowly looked into the void, and then slowly raised his hand and pointed at the void.

The black-robed man was immediately horrified. At this moment, how could he not know what the white-robed figure's action meant.

It was basically a question!

The white-robed figure had two chances to act. The first time he killed the Grand Elder of Ziwei Pavilion!

And this second time!...

The black-robed figure immediately cursed in the void.

"Su Aoyu!!!"

"You don't know what others mean! Why are you nodding your head!!!"

There was no time to think about it. The terrifying finger had already attacked the black-robed man!

The black-robed man immediately resisted with all his strength! He used his own magic weapon! He sacrificed several terrifying magic weapons in a row and barely resisted the terrifying finger.

Although he resisted the terrifying finger, he was also seriously injured! A mouthful of blood spurted out.

The black-robed man no longer hesitated, and immediately tore the space and fled, barely saving his life.

As for what happened, everyone didn't know.

When Su Aoyu saw the white-robed figure pointing a finger at him, he nodded, and the white-robed figure pointed the terrifying finger into the void again.

Then the white-robed figure shook his head slowly, as if he was not satisfied with the power of that finger.

Then everyone saw the white-robed figure shook his head and slowly dissipated.

It seemed that he had never appeared, leaving only rune fragments on the ground.

Su Aoyu looked at the rune fragments and fell into thought.

This rune is so terrifying! What kind of person is Hen'er's master!


Deep in the secret realm that looked like a dreamland, there was a majestic and simple palace, whose solemn and elegant atmosphere was beyond words.

At this moment, a woman was standing quietly in front of the window, looking up at the boundless sky.

She seemed to be thinking about something, and fell into deep thought.

At this time, the woman whispered to herself:

"Brother Yu, Hen'er, are you all right?"

This woman is Zhao Yan'er!

Su Wuhen's mother!

Su Aoyu's wife!

At this time, the space behind Zhao Yan'er slowly fluctuated, as if something was about to break through the air.

Zhao Yan'er noticed something strange, and instantly gathered her thoughts. Her face turned cold, and she looked like two different people.

A crack suddenly appeared in the fluctuating space, and a man in a black robe walked out of the space.

He looked a little embarrassed, as if he had suffered a lot of injuries.

The man in the black robe showed a look of pain on his face, insisted on getting up, and said to Zhao Yan'er:

"This old slave pays respect to the mistress!"

Zhao Yaner looked at the man in black robe with a slightly surprised expression, and then said:

"Where did your injury come from?"

The black-robed man asked:

"It is related to the matter that the mistress asked me to investigate."

Zhao Yan'er's face changed when she heard this, and she said quickly:

"Speak quickly!"

"The old servant was ordered by the mistress to investigate the young master and learned that the Su family had already established a foothold around Lanying City."

"And the young master has already become my disciple!"

Zhao Yaner was confused when she heard this.

"Who is Hen'er's master?"

The man in black robe asked:

"I have secretly investigated this person, but found nothing!"

"What on earth is going on!?"

"Madam, this matter has to start with the Liu family's breaking off of the engagement."


After Zhao Yaner learned the whole story, she felt deeply sad.

"My poor Hen'er, this daughter of the Liu family actually humiliated me like this!"

"Why don't you kill them!?"

The black-robed elder said with a wry smile:

"Madam, the young master's master, I cannot see through him, so I dare not act rashly."

"This time, the Su family is in crisis, and Su Aoyu is at the brink of life and death. The old slave is about to rescue him."

"I don't know what Su Aoyu used to summon an extremely terrifying existence, and this old slave's injuries are also caused by it."

Zhao Yan'er's face changed drastically when she heard this!

"Do you know what that is?"

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