Three days before the door to the secret realm was about to open, Gui Lu had already led many spirit beasts on a journey to find fine wine.

After searching for many ordinary wines in the world, Gui Lu always felt that the taste was too bland and difficult to drink.

After that, Gui Lu accidentally heard people talking about the legendary secret realm of the saints that was about to be revealed to the world.

Gui Lu's mind turned, and he suddenly realized that in this secret realm of the saints, there must be rare fine wines in the world.

Therefore, he resolutely led many beasts and embarked on a journey to the secret realm of the saints.

Gui Lu led several strange beasts into the secret realm, only to see that the crowd here was bustling and lively, and the noise of people was like a surging tide.

So, he led many beasts silently, avoiding everyone's eyes and ears, and quietly arrived at the back of the hall.

The light curtain in the secret realm was just a barrier that Gui Lu could easily break through.

It gently waved its claws, and the seemingly indestructible light curtain cracked like a fragile piece of paper.

Gui Lu led the monsters and poured into the hall. As soon as they stepped into this space, a majestic force of rules rushed towards them, as if to suppress them all.

It knew that this was the force of rules carefully set by the owner of the secret realm to resist those intruders who exceeded the age limit.

The Xuanwu clan are all ancient creatures that have experienced the frost and baptism of time. Gui Lu is naturally over the age limit.

Although Xiaobai and the four beasts have a shorter lifespan than Gui Lu, the four monsters in the realm of enlightenment have obviously crossed the limit.

Not to mention Xiaobai, it is even more of an anomaly. Its mysterious strength is undoubtedly worth living for tens of thousands of years.

Gui Lu ignored the restraint of this force of rules. He led several monsters calmly and walked into the hall calmly.

Then several monsters entered this world. As soon as they set foot here, they felt the heat waves rolling and the scorching heat was unbearable.

When Gui Lu arrived here and looked at the light column, he immediately knew that this was a sinking world.

Saints can open up a world on their own, and the sinking world is mostly the waste of the main world.

Just like in the process of carving a piece of wood, there will inevitably be some scraps.

These seemingly useless wastes are the inevitable derivatives of wood processing.

And this sinking world, like these abandoned wastes, is actually a derivative world of the main world.

Some saints may turn a deaf ear to these sinking worlds and treat them indifferently.

However, other saints will regard them as precious resources, use them skillfully, and use them as a trial field for inheritance and assessment.

Usually, the ladder that looks like a light column is the one that travels back and forth between the main world and the sinking world.

Gui Lu conveyed all the information to the beasts in detail. As long as they can pass through the cloud ladder that goes straight into the sky, they will be able to step into the main world smoothly.

By then, there will be all kinds of fine wines waiting for them to drink and enjoy.

After hearing the news, the beasts were delighted and nodded in agreement. They all felt that the place they chose for this trip was really the right place.

So after a day of walking, Gui Lu felt very sleepy and exhausted, and a strong sense of sleepiness surged in his heart.

Therefore, there was such a touching picture: four strong beasts carried a huge monster and a turtle shoulder to shoulder and walked forward steadily.


""Brother, how do we get up this ladder?" Xiaobai looked up, his eyes full of desire and curiosity for the bright beam of light.

Hearing this, Guiluo rolled his eyes and said:

"How do we get up there? They call it climbing the cloud ladder, so of course we have to climb up there."

Xiao Bai was puzzled, not knowing what Gui Ling meant, and continued to ask:

""Brother, how do we get up there?"

The four tiger beasts were also full of doubts, and their eyes were all focused on Gui Lu.

Gui Lu glanced at the beasts and said in a calm and steady tone:

"You may not know this, but this ladder has a world-wide pressure."

When you carried Xiaobai and me in it, you would feel a little bit of pressure.

"But don't worry, you just need to adjust your pace slightly."

"Just step your left foot lightly on your right foot and use this force skillfully to climb up smoothly."

After hearing this, Hu Pi showed some fatigue and said in a rather strange tone:

""Master Turtle, do we still need to carry you to fly?"

Turtle's eyes shone, and he looked at Tiger Pi.

"You don't want to?"

Hu Pi shuddered involuntarily and spoke quickly, his tone revealing an anxious

"Yes! I really want to!"

"Let's go!"

After saying that, the four beasts immediately carried Gui Ling and Xiao Bai and stepped into the cloud ladder.


After a long journey of several hours, Zhongli Xue finally saw the outline of a human figure in the distance.

Zhongli Xue was quietly surprised that she could meet a human being in such a barren and hot place. It was like meeting an old friend again.

""Fellow Daoist! Please stay!"

Zhongli Xue shouted from afar, her voice was loud and clear.

The figure seemed to be deaf to all the sounds from the outside world, and walked forward on its own, revealing an indescribable weirdness in his steps. Seeing that the figure did not turn back, Zhongli Xue hurriedly urged her spiritual power and walked away quickly.

When Zhongli Xue got a little closer, she was finally able to see the figure clearly.

The man was wearing a tattered black robe, as if covered by the dust of the years, giving people an ancient and mysterious feeling.

There was a strange black aura around him, like a ghost in the dark night.

Zhongli Xue suddenly felt alert and his expression became solemn.

The figure slowly turned his head, as if he had noticed Zhongli Xue's presence, and was willing to reveal a little of his face.

Zhongli Xue held his breath and carefully moved closer. , wanting to observe this mysterious figure more closely.

Under the deep black robe, there was a creepy skull.

This skull looked extremely pale, as if it had experienced countless years of erosion, and every bone looked extremely fragile, as if it would shatter with a slight touch.

The eye sockets were sunken, and the dark eye sockets seemed to hide endless darkness and terror, which made people shudder.

The skeleton turned its gaze to Zhong Lixue, and then burst into a low, powerful and hoarse roar.

Without waiting for Zhong Lixue to move, the skeleton rushed towards Zhong Lixue.

Seeing that the skeleton was about to approach, Zhong Lixue's heart tightened, and he quickly raised his palm and swung out a fierce palm wind.

The skeleton instantly disintegrated into countless fragments, scattered all over the ground, and turned into a pile of eerie white bones.

"Alas, it turned out to be a dead bone demon. I thought it was a human."Zhong Lixue sighed and complained.



Before Zhongli Xue could relax, strange and piercing noises suddenly came from the sand around her.

Then, Zhongli Xue saw an incredible scene.

In the depths of the vast sea of sand, countless dead bone monsters quietly broke out of the sand.

They were like demons in the depths of the desert awakened by mysterious forces, gradually revealing their hideous and terrifying faces, which made people shudder.

Looking far away, there was only a deep darkness, stretching endlessly, as if it would never end!

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