At this moment, how could everyone not know what Ziwei Pavilion's previous actions meant?

Everyone was in despair. Being surrounded was already a losing situation, and now it was even worse. The number of dead bone monsters increased by more than double, and the situation became more serious.

Chen Hong sighed. Although he was also deeply indignant about Ziwei Pavilion's actions, he knew that this was not the time to talk about it.

His eyes suddenly became cold, and the long sword in his hand kept waving like a storm.

"Since we are going to die anyway, why not give it a try! Fellow Taoists, fight them!"

Chen Hong's loud shout resounded through the sky, and the long sword in his hand swung even faster.

However, no matter how desperately everyone fought, the endless dead bone monsters seemed to be endless and could never be completely killed.

The size of their group was shrinking rapidly at an alarming rate.

Chen Hong watched the figures around him fall one by one. When he was distracted for a moment, a dead bone monster unexpectedly stretched out its claws and tore a piece of blood from him.���

Chen Hong instantly felt a sharp pain spread throughout his body, and cold sweat poured out like a waterfall, soaking his clothes.

He stared angrily at the hideous dead bone monster, his eyes flashing with blazing anger.

Then, he tightly grasped the long sword in his hand, swung it violently, the sword light cut through the air, and slashed fiercely at the dead bone monster.

However, the dead bone monster only shed a small piece of broken bone lightly.

Chen Hong knew very well that he was already powerless at the moment. After continuous fierce fighting, his spiritual energy and physical strength were dissipating at an alarming rate and exhausted.

At this moment, not far away from Chen Hong and others.

A group of monks in white clothes were gathered together, counting the spoils with laughter and joking with each other about each other's gains.

"Haha, my fellow brothers and sisters have gained a lot!"

"I’m fine too, I just got a few imperial-level medicinal herbs!"

"Holy shit! Are you telling me that the Imperial Realm Great Medicine is OK?"

"how about you?"

"I only have seven or eight!"

"Seven or eight plants of what?"

"Imperial Realm Great Medicine"

"Holy crap!!!"

"Alas, this is nothing, I just wonder what Senior Brother Yan Bin gained this time?"

Several monks in white robes turned to the man in the lead, with doubts and questions in their eyes.

The man noticed that everyone's eyes were focused on him, so he could only smile bitterly and then slowly said:

"Junior brothers, I have only harvested more than 20 great imperial medicines and a few broken divine weapons."

Everyone was a little surprised when they heard this.

"Senior Brother, which dead bone monster did you rob?"

"Which great imperial medicine doesn't have a hundred or eighty dead bone monsters guarding it? Are you robbing the dead bone monsters?"

"Ha ha ha ha!"


Everyone was talking and laughing, and the atmosphere seemed very harmonious.

While they were talking, they easily dealt with the dead bone monsters that had just emerged from the sand.

Before these dead bone monsters could even roar, they turned into broken bones.

If these dead bone monsters had not appeared, people who didn't know about it might have mistaken them for tourists who came to this secret place to enjoy the spring scenery.

These people were exactly the disciples of Tianxuan Sect. They traveled along the way, and whenever they met other cultivators, they ignored them.

However, once they happened to When they meet fellow disciples from the same clan, they will immediately put on a smile, approach them enthusiastically, have a good chat, and walk together.

Along the way, they always move forward with a crushing momentum. Even if they encounter a large number of dead bone monsters, even if they are outnumbered and the power gap is huge, they are not afraid.

If they are really unmatched, they also have a plan to deal with it. After all, running away is not a shameful thing. On the contrary, sometimes it is a wise choice to save lives and avoid unnecessary sacrifices.

They fought all the way and finally gathered together with many disciples from the same clan and Yan Bin, and together they created the current team of hundreds of people.

"Hey, there seems to be some movement ahead, Senior Brother?" A disciple suddenly asked in surprise.

"It's a group of dead bone monsters, there seem to be quite a few of them, and they seem to be fighting with others." Another disciple said

""Hahaha! I wonder where this unlucky guy comes from!" A disciple laughed.

Yan Bin then said:

""Brothers and sisters, let's go and take a look."

Yan Bin gave an order, and all the disciples followed him without hesitation.

When they got close to a distance, they could see clearly that this group of dead bone monsters were besieging some human monks.

However, these human monks seemed to be reaching their limit and could no longer resist the powerful force. Their numbers were decreasing.

Seeing this scene, the disciples of Tianxuan Sect had no intention of taking action. After all, they were strangers to these people.

Several disciples turned their eyes to the crowd fighting with the dead bone monsters, and found that the clothes of several of them were quite familiar.

""Ah? Are those people my Holy Fire Sect disciples?" a former Holy Fire Sect disciple asked in surprise.

"Alas, it seems to be true! The style of their robes is exactly the same as that of my Holy Fire Sect!"

"There are also several disciples from my Thunder Palace among them!" said a former disciple of the Thunder Palace.

Yan Bin rushed out without hesitation.

""Save people!"

As a disciple of the Yuan Sect, he naturally could not stand by and watch the death. As Yan Bin set off, a group of Tianxuan Sect disciples immediately followed.

At this moment, Chen Hong and others were engaged in a thrilling contest with the dead bone monster. However, they were already in a desperate situation, with their lives hanging by a thread.

As the battle continued, the scars on their bodies became more and more shocking, and each wound seemed to tell of their despair and helplessness.

Suddenly, a cry broke out from the crowd.

"Look, there's another one coming!"

Everyone focused their attention on the area surrounding the Bone Demon.

"Is someone really coming?"

"Will they take action?"

"Alas, it's probably just someone passing by."

"Look, they are coming!"

"Are you really here to rescue us?"

"Look, they are all dressed in white. Are they white-robed monks?"

"It seems to be true!"

While talking, Yan Bin took the lead and rushed to the edge of the dead bone monster like a gust of wind. He held the long sword tightly and swung it fiercely. The sword light flashed and cut through the darkness.

The sword light was extremely sharp and invincible. Wherever it touched, the originally dense groups of dead bone monsters appeared.

A large empty vacuum zone appeared. The terrifying power was fully demonstrated, which was chilling and frightening. The group of monks who were trapped in the encirclement were all dumbfounded and shocked when they saw this scene.

While they were struggling to resist the endless influx of dead bone monsters, they couldn't help but exclaim and shout.

"Holy crap!!"

"What a terrifying sword!"

"So strong!"

"Just one sword! So many dead bone monsters are gone! ?"

Before everyone could even marvel for a moment, more sword beams and magic spells came pouring down like a violent storm!

The fierce and overwhelming attack instantly illuminated the dark sky as bright as day, and its brilliance almost lit up the endless desert.

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