Under the eager and expectant gazes of many disciples of Tianxuan Sect, Lei Xiao spread his arms, soared into the sky, and flew towards where Lin Feng and others were at a very fast speed.

But in a moment, Lei Xiao's figure had already appeared in front of Lin Feng.

He did not say a word, and quickly offered a long sword with a cold glow in his hand.

"Is this person crazy?"

"He actually wants to fight with Lin Feng! ?"

"Lin Feng had already reached the realm of Taoism sixty years ago, and now his strength is even more unfathomable and difficult to estimate. Isn't this man courting his own death! ?"

"He is the leader of the Tianxuan Sect, so he might be quite powerful."

"I admit that the people of Tianxuan Sect have some strength, but how can they be compared with Lin Feng?"

While everyone was discussing, Lei Xiao had already held a sharp sword, and his figure flashed, and he flew out like lightning.

Seeing this, Lin Feng threw the Miao Lingyi in his hand towards Lei Xiao without hesitation.

This move was beyond Lei Xiao's expectations. He really didn't expect that this person would be so despicable.

His original forward figure came to an abrupt stop, and then he quickly stretched out his arm and took Miao Lingyi into his arms.

Miao Lingyi just broke free from the edge of suffocation and greedily breathed in fresh air.

Lei Xiao carefully placed Miao Lingyi on the ground, and then stepped forward again without hesitation and started a fierce battle with Lin Feng.

The figures of the two were intertwined, indistinguishable, and dazzling like a phantom.

Liu Ruyan was full of surprise. She really didn't expect that there would be someone in this world who could fight with Lin Feng to this extent and be on par with him. The people below.

All the cultivators were stunned by this scene, their mouths opened wide, as if even their breathing had stopped.

As time passed, everyone realized that Lin Feng was actually falling into a disadvantage.

Miao Lingyi saw this scene, and her mouth opened slightly, with an unbelievable look in her eyes.

Liu Ruyan's expression seemed extremely anxious, and she couldn't help but sigh in her heart. She never thought that Lin Feng would be so unbearable. He was really a useless person.

She originally hoped that through Lin Feng's power, she could find the trace of Su Wuhen in this secret realm.

But she never expected that Lin Feng's strength would be inferior to that of an unknown and unknown sect disciple. This undoubtedly cast a thick shadow on her plan.

Although Lin Feng gradually showed a disadvantage, in this contest, he and his opponent were still inseparable, and the outcome was not yet clear.

""Junior brother! Hand this man over to me!"

Suddenly, a voice came from the depths of the night. Lei Xiao heard the voice and immediately stopped what he was doing. His eyes were focused on the deep night.

Two figures slowly walked out of the night. They were Su Wuhen and Zhong Lixue.

Behind them, thousands of figures followed closely, like a surging river, advancing mightily.

Looking at these thousands of figures, they were all disciples of Tianxuan Sect.

Lei Xiao did not even turn his head to look at Lin Feng, and he hurriedly evacuated, his figure rushing towards Su Wuhen and Zhong Lixue like lightning.

""Senior Brother! Senior Sister!"

Lei Xiao quickly clasped his fists and saluted.

The Tianxuan Sect disciples who followed Lei Xiao also flew over and joined the team of thousands of people.

"Su Wuhen!!!"

A heart-shaking cry, like thunder, broke through the silent night sky, echoing in this desolate and boundless land, making people's hearts palpitate.

Su Wuhen took a leisurely step and walked leisurely towards Liu Ruyan.

However, Zhong Lixue walked firmly towards Lin Feng.

"Xue'er, I didn't expect your figure is still so graceful and charming."

Lin Feng looked at Zhongli Xue, not hiding the lustful look in his eyes. When thousands of Tianxuan Sect disciples heard this, it was like a bolt from the blue. They were furious and wanted to rush out immediately to cut Lin Feng into pieces.

Zhongli Xue raised her jade hand lightly, gracefully and firmly stopped the disciples of Tianxuan Sect, and said slowly:

"Fellow disciples, don't be impulsive. This is just a personal grudge between him and me. You don't need to interfere. I will handle this matter properly. Please rest assured."

After hearing this, the disciples reluctantly stopped, but they were still angry and dissatisfied.

"Senior sister! Kill him!"

"How dare this bastard insult our senior sister? He must be tired of living!"

"Senior sister! Kill him!"

Zhong Lixue walked steadily to Lin Feng and said softly:

"Lin Feng, you are still so disgusting! It makes me want to vomit!"

Zhong Lixue did not give Lin Feng any chance to speak, and the two of them immediately started fighting.

Su Wuhen calmly walked in front of Liu Ruyan and said leisurely:

"Liu Ruyan, no need to say more! Let's end the grudges between you and me today."

"Hehe, Su Wuhen, what can a loser like you use to settle the matter with me! ?"

"Now that I have entered the realm of Taoism, what can you use to fight me! ?"

A cold light flashed in Liu Ruyan's eyes, and she approached Su Wuhen as fast as the wind, and then suddenly struck out with a fierce palm.

Su Wuhen was calm and steady, he raised his arm leisurely, and then swung out a punch seemingly casually.

Liu Ruyan only felt a powerful and majestic force sweeping over like a hurricane, hitting her abdomen directly.

She opened her red lips slightly, spitting out a touch of bright red, her eyes widened, her face full of disbelief, her eyes fixed on Su Wuhen

"How...how is this possible!?"

"You... you are in the realm of Taoism! ?"

Liu Ruyan originally guessed that Su Wuhen might have embarked on the path of cultivation.

However, what she never expected was that he had actually leaped into the realm of Taoism.���Her achievements far exceeded her original imagination

"This is impossible!!"

"You are just a waste!"

"You can only look up to me!"

"How dare you enter the realm of Taoism!"

Liu Ruyan almost fell into madness, and shouted with a ferocious face

"I said, no need to say more!" Su Wuhen said coldly

"Hehe, even if you step into the realm of Taoism, so what?"

After Liu Ruyan finished speaking, she already grasped a long sword in her hand. The sword body shone with a deep purple light, as if it contained endless mysterious power.

Su Wuhen's eyes fell on the long sword in Liu Ruyan's hand, revealing a little surprise, but this surprise did not last too long, and he soon calmed down.

"Hehe, even if you and I are both in the Dao realm, so what if you are a little stronger than me? With this mid-level imperial magic weapon in your hand, what can you use to fight me!"


""Since you are so confident, then come at me!" Su Wuhen said calmly.

Liu Ruyan turned her wrist steadily, and as she swung the long sword in her hand, a dazzling sword light suddenly burst out, just like a meteor across the sky, carrying an unparalleled momentum, and rushed towards Su Wuhen rapidly.

"Hehehe, Su Wuhen! I originally wanted to torture you severely and then let you die, but now I'll just let you have it."

"Is that so?"

While Su Wuhen was speaking, he quickly threw a punch, aiming directly at the sharp sword light.

Shockingly, he actually used his own strength to break up the extremely terrifying sword light and turned it into nothingness.

Liu Ruyan's eyes widened, with deep fear on her face.

"How is this possible?"

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