Lingyun Sect.

An old man seemed to be touched. He stretched out his hands tremblingly and carefully took out a life card that had been broken into several pieces from his storage ring.

The old man's face, which was originally as calm as an ancient well, suddenly widened his eyes and stared at the life card in his hand with an expression of disbelief.

Suddenly, the old man wailed in pain, and his skinny hands were trying their best to piece the broken life cards back to their original state bit by bit.

"Feng'er! My Feng'er! Nothing can happen to you! Nothing can happen to you! This is fake! This is all fake!"

It was as if the old man's painful wail penetrated the silent door and attracted the disciples waiting outside. The disciple moved quickly, pushed open the heavy door, and cast his eyes eagerly at the kneeling old man.

""Great Elder! What happened?"

The disciple pushed open the door and saw the old man kneeling on the ground with a hunched body, his face full of deep panic and anxiety.

His hands kept shaking, as if he was piecing together some scattered objects, but he couldn't restore them anyway.

From time to time, a few unclear mutterings came out of the old man's mouth, the voice was low but full of endless worries.

"This... this can't be true!"

"Impossible, how could Feng'er……!"

"No, no."

Perhaps because the distance was too far, the disciple could not clearly hear the old man's whispers. He mustered up his courage and walked towards the old man.

In his memory, he had never seen the old man show such a panicked look.

The disciple slowly approached the elder, with a bit of awe and curiosity in his eyes. He spoke carefully, his voice slightly nervous.

""Great...Great Elder, what...what happened?"

The Great Elder heard the voice and suddenly turned his head to look at his disciple.

The disciple couldn't help but shudder, and his whole body was shaken.

In the moment of being stunned, he was able to look carefully. The Great Elder's face looked so helpless, and his expression was full of pain, as if he was a weathered, lonely and helpless old man, which made people feel pity.

"My... my precious Feng'er, my pride and hope, Feng'er... he actually left me, left me forever.……"

"What!!...Grand Elder...Big Brother, what happened to him?!"

The disciple's voice revealed disbelief and astonishment. At the same time, a bad thought quietly arose in his mind.

The Grand Elder raised the broken life card in his hand and showed it to the disciple with trembling hands.

"This... this is the life card of the eldest senior brother! ? The eldest senior brother... he is dead! ?"

When the old man heard this, a gloomy and cruel look suddenly emerged in his eyes, and a powerful aura suddenly burst out from his body.

He raised his bony hand, and his five fingers were like hooks, and instantly pierced the chest of the disciple. Blood splattered everywhere, and the scene was shocking.

The disciple stared at the face of the elder with disbelief. Until the last moment of his life, he could not understand why the elder would kill him.

The elder withdrew his palm quickly, and the disciple's body immediately collapsed like broken porcelain, turning into a pile of extremely thick blood.

"You are talking nonsense! How could my Feng'er die! He won't die!"

"Who on earth dares to attack my Feng'er? I will make you live a life worse than death!"

The elder suddenly realized something.

"Saint's Secret Realm!"

His eyes instantly became cold and fierce, and then he moved, rushing out of the door like a flash of lightning, and flew in a specific direction at an astonishing speed.

"Everyone in the Saint's Secret Realm, you will all be buried with Feng'er!"


After both of them crossed the boundary of the realm of enlightenment, Su Wuhen and Zhong Lixue stood side by side, leading a large number of disciples from the Tianxuan Sect, steadily moving towards the light column that was already close at hand.

Behind the disciples of the Tianxuan Sect followed the disciples of the Thunder Palace and the Holy Fire Sect. Since most of the disciples of the Tianxuan Sect came from the two sects, they were quite well taken care of. And behind the Holy Fire Sect and the Thunder Palace, a group of cultivators followed in a mighty manner.

Ever since they witnessed the amazing strength of the disciples of the Tianxuan Sect with their own eyes, they were all deeply shocked and filled with awe.

They knew very well how terrifying the disciples of the Tianxuan Sect were, so they kept a sufficient distance along the way, not daring to slack off for fear of angering these powerful beings.

Zhong Lixue cast his gaze on Su Wuhen, with a smile on his face, and said jokingly:

"Senior brother, you are really good. You even used destruction. Liu Ruyan is really a clown. It's all her fault!"

Faced with the teasing of his junior sister, Su Wuhen did not show any anger.

After dealing with Liu Ruyan, he felt that the heavy burden in his heart was finally unloaded, and he became more open-minded and calm.

"Hahaha, Junior Sister, what are you talking about? How can Senior Brother compare with you? If Senior Brother remembers correctly, you used an emperor-level technique in the last attack."

Zhong Lixue's face instantly turned a little embarrassed when she heard this, and she couldn't help but start to defend herself in a panic.

"Senior Brother, that Lin Feng has attained the ninth level of enlightenment! He has also burned his soul. If I hadn’t used the emperor-level technique, I’m afraid you wouldn’t be able to see me right now."

Su Wuhen stopped joking after hearing this, and gave Zhonglixue a warm smile. Seeing

Su Wuhen's appearance, Zhonglixue couldn't help but stamp her feet hard on the spot, and then hurriedly quickened her pace to catch up.

Behind him followed a group of disciples from the Tianxuan Sect, who listened quietly to the conversation between the two without showing any strangeness or discomfort on their faces. After appreciating the martial arts in the sect's Sutra Pavilion, which were filled with a solemn aura and contained unfathomable power. When they faced the emperor-level martial arts mentioned by the two, they did not show any surprise on their faces.

They themselves practiced the saint's martial arts, and it was nothing to be surprised that their disciples practiced the emperor-level martial arts. They knew that after their strength was improved, they could practice the emperor-level martial arts.

Lei Xiao walked slowly towards the Frost Gate with steady and firm steps in the bustling crowd.

Seeing Lei Xiao approaching step by step, the female disciples of the Frost Gate couldn't help but whisper to each other, guessing his intentions.

"Look, the disciples of Tianxuan Sect are coming over!"

"What is this person doing here?"

"Is he coming to drive us away?"

"If he really drives us away, we will definitely not be able to defeat him!"

"Now that the sect's Frost Sword is lost, we are even less likely to be his opponent!"

Miao Lingyi also looked at Lei Xiao with a little caution, and couldn't help but wonder in her heart why Lei Xiao suddenly visited the Frost Sect. She was full of curiosity and vigilance. Seeing

Lei Xiao's firm steps and walking towards Miao Lingyi without hesitation, the female disciples shut their mouths and stopped making any comments. The atmosphere suddenly became solemn.

Lei Xiao walked to Miao Lingyi's side with steady steps. He took out an item from the space ring, and then handed it to Miao Lingyi with the utmost courtesy.

When Miao Lingyi saw this thing, she immediately widened her eyes, full of confusion. She looked at Lei Xiao puzzledly, trying to find the answer from it.

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