In a towering palace, six monsters of different shapes were gathered together. They drank heartily, swallowing the wine in their cups in big gulps.

Beside them, there was a shadow standing. The shadow seemed to be trembling, as if it would disappear at any time, giving people an illusory and ethereal feeling.

In the hands of the shadow, there was a jar of wine.

There was a trace of panic in his eyes, and he carefully observed the six mighty and mysterious monsters, fearing that the slightest mistake would disturb them.


A sudden sound came without warning, startling the ethereal shadow instantly, causing it to tremble slightly.

At this moment, a turtle stretched out a claw and pointed at the porcelain bowl on the stone table. It spoke in a dazed voice, as if it was still immersed in a dream, and said slowly:

""Hic~ Little chicken...fill up Grandpa Turtle's glass! Hiccup~"

Among the six beasts, the two divine beasts, Gui Ling and Xiao Bai, are Ye Mochen's capable mounts, and the other four beasts are their capable assistants, and they all regard them as their masters and are loyal to them.

As for the ethereal shadow, it was the master of the secret realm, the saintly and powerful man who was famous all over the world ten thousand years ago, Ji Batian! When Ji

Batian heard this, he immediately put on a smiling face, bowed and walked to Gui Ling, and filled his glass with wine diligently.

""Master Turtle, I'll fill it up for you." Ji Batian said with a flattering smile.

Gui Ling slowly lifted up the porcelain bowl, took a sip, and savored the sweet taste.



The wine seemed to have become a stubborn stone in the mouth, making it difficult for Gui Ling to swallow. He could only spurt out the wine in his mouth, spraying it directly into Ji Batian's face.

Gui Ling's eyes became sharp and angry. He suddenly raised his claws and threw the porcelain bowl in his hand fiercely at Ji Batian, and shouted:

"Ji Batian! What the hell is this wine!"

Looking at Gui Ling at this moment, Ji Batian was shocked. With trembling hands, he carefully wiped the wine off his face bit by bit.

"Turtle... Master Turtle, I don't know what's wrong with this wine?"

Seeing this, Xiaobai and the other beasts were a little confused by Turtle's behavior at the moment. They couldn't help but come forward and curiously asked Turtle.

"Brother, what happened?"

"Master Turtle, what happened?"

Gui Ling looked at Xiao Bai and the other beasts, pointed at Ji Batian and said angrily:

"I don't know what kind of wine this bastard gave me, it's so damn unpalatable!"

Ji Batian took a sip of the wine, a bit of doubt appeared on his face, and then he spoke carefully:

"Turtle... Master Turtle, this wine is fine."

Xiaobai and the other beasts also stepped forward to taste a few sips. After tasting it, Xiaobai turned around and said to Turtle:

""Brother, this wine is indeed fine."

After receiving the younger brother's affirmation, Gui Ling suddenly showed some doubts.

Did I drink something dirty?

Xiao Bai seemed to deliberately want to ease the tense atmosphere and said with a relaxed smile:

"Hahaha, brother, why get angry? If you want to know what kind of wine this is, why don’t we take a look at it together?"

After that, Xiaobai, Guiliang and several beasts slowly came to Ji Batian's side.

Ji Batian slowly turned the wine jar over, and a piece of red rice paper appeared in front of everyone, and the words on the rice paper, when several people looked at it... the air seemed to solidify suddenly, and everyone present held their breath in an instant, as if they were tightly bound by an invisible force, and a suffocating tension filled the air.

Ji Batian turned his head mechanically and looked at Guiliang.

At this time, Guiliang's eyes were like burning flames, shining with blazing flames, and his whole body was trembling slightly, as if swallowed by endless flames of anger.

Guiliang rushed towards Ji Batian in an instant, and then there was a heart-wrenching scream.

The wine jar in Ji Batian's hand fell out of his hand the moment Guiliang rushed out, and the wine jar hit the ground with a crisp sound.

The black characters on the red rice paper were gradually soaked in the wine and gradually became blurred. It was vaguely visible that the three big characters on it were written

‘Turtle Whip Wine!

Ji Batian faced the fierce and ruthless attack of Gui Ling, which was like a storm. He endured it silently, thinking of the scene a day ago.

A day ago, Gui Ling and other strange beasts stepped onto the cloud ladder and came to this solemn palace.

Ji Batian was quite surprised at first. What kind of peerless genius could so quickly cross layers of obstacles and reach the depths of this palace.

But when he appeared, he was dumbfounded. It was indeed here, but it was not a human.

Before Ji Batian could ask, a turtle took the lead and shouted arrogantly, ordering him to take out all the fine wine here.

Ji Batian was immediately furious and burning. As a saintly and powerful man who was feared by all, how could he allow these monsters to insult him so wantonly.

So, Ji Batian raised his arm without hesitation, intending to kill the other party in one fell swoop.

Who knew that in Ji Batian's eyes, the turtle just spit at him, however, this insignificant spit.

However, Ji Batian instantly felt a tsunami-like force rushing towards him.

Ji Batian's phantom was hit hard by the spit and was instantly pierced, and his phantom itself had to dim a bit because of this blow!

Ji Batian was immediately shocked and immediately concluded that he was facing a peerless monster that was powerful in all directions.

Not to mention that he was only a remnant soul now and his power was not as good as before, even if he was at the peak of his life, he would never be able to compete with this turtle.

Under the instructions of the turtle, Ji Batian saw that several monsters behind him suddenly launched a fierce attack on him.

Especially the white bear, it made him unforgettable, because it was so cruel that it was simply to the point of being frightening.

What was even more amazing was that this white bear had actually reached the level of entering the saint realm, which was undoubtedly a huge threat to Ji Batian, who was only a remnant soul of a saint.

The terrifying turtle was watching the battle from the side, which made Ji Batian feel extremely pressured.

Under this double threat, Ji Batian knew very well that he must not fight back.

Therefore, he could only choose to silently endure all the attacks.

After suffering a severe beating, Ji Batian finally surrendered to Gui Ling and explained everything about himself.

Ji Batian solemnly told the beasts the truth that he was just a wandering soul.

The reason why he stayed here was to wait for the destined person who could comprehend and inherit his lifelong heritage.

Gui Ling did not interfere too much, but directly told it to take out all the good wine.

Ji Batian naturally did not dare to refuse. After taking out all the good wine, Gui Ling and the beasts drank for a whole day and night.


""Master Turtle, stop fighting! Stop fighting! I'll take you to get some good wine! There's more good wine!"

After hearing this, Turtle stopped attacking slowly. He turned his head slowly and looked at Ji Batian. A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth and he said:

"Grandpa Turtle will go with you to get it! If it's not good wine, Grandpa Turtle will kill you!"

"Mr. Turtle, this wine is in the inheritance place, I will take you there now!"

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