As the disciples of various sects poured into the main world, the disciples of various sects could be seen everywhere in the palaces and attics in the world.

They formed teams and went deep into the pavilions and palaces to explore the mysteries.

In the process, shouts came one after another, and the fierce fighting was continuous, which was dazzling.

Under the active exploration of many monks, those rare and precious treasures, precious herbs and powerful weapons were all swept away.

Among them, the disciples of Tianxuan Sect had a great harvest and returned with a full load.

In contrast, although those super forces also reaped a lot, they were far behind Tianxuan Sect.

After an in-depth exploration of the palaces and pavilions, everyone walked out of them, gradually gathered, and came to a wide square.

The disciples of Xingyu Pavilion and Shadow Sect gathered on the square. Each of them had a face full of anger, and their eyes were sharp as torches, scanning everyone present.

Before the two sects could make any move, an old shadow suddenly appeared out of thin air above the square.

This old shadow, which seemed to have been precipitated by years, gave everyone a feeling of depth and mystery as if from another world.

Everyone focused their curious eyes on the old man's looming shadow, secretly speculating on the identity of this mysterious person.

"I am the master of the secret realm! Ji Batian!"Just as everyone was puzzled, Ji Batian's voice suddenly rang out.

"What! Ji Batian!"

"Wasn’t Ji Batian a powerful saint in my border area a million years ago?"

"The various legends about Ji Batian have long been widely circulated in my border area, and everyone knows it."

"It is said that Ji Batian became famous after countless battles. He was named"Batian" because of his domineering and decisive actions. He conquered the enemies with his strength and domineering power and became a respected existence in the border area. His name is still remembered after millions of years."

"Therefore, within my borders, there has long been a saying circulating: 'Ask the world who dares to be the leader, only Ji Ba is the only one who is proud of the sky!’"

"But everyone knows that Ji Batian had died long ago, so why would he appear here!"

"He just said that he was the master of the secret realm. Could it be that this saintly inheritance was passed down to Ji Batian?"

"My God! It turned out to be the inheritance of the Tyrant Ancestor!"

Seeing the people talking one after another, Ji Batian couldn't help but cough lightly to attract everyone's expectant gaze, and then slowly said:

"I know that you all have many doubts in your hearts. I am now just a remnant of my soul, and I have been lingering on until now, just to find a suitable successor to inherit my Taoism."

"Since you have successfully crossed the sinking world and arrived here, it is enough to prove that each of you is qualified to obtain this inheritance."When everyone heard this, their eyes suddenly sparkled, and they turned to Ji Batian with joy, looking forward to his next move.

"All the skills I have created, the wealth I have accumulated, and the insights I have gained through my life-long efforts have been treasured in this inheritance ring."

In Ji Batian's palm, a space ring shining with mysterious light suddenly appeared. He raised his head leisurely, his eyes wandered among the crowd, and the corners of his mouth outlined an unfathomable smile.

"Each of you has the qualifications to inherit the legacy, but there is only one copy, and it is now in my hands. Anyone who comes to me and obtains the inheritance ring will be the inheritor!"

"If you want the successor, come and get it yourself!"

After Ji Batian finished speaking, everyone present looked at each other in bewilderment.

"Is it that simple? Just walk up and you can get the inheritance?"

"It shouldn't be that simple, after all, this is the inheritance of a saint!"

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded

""Hahaha, the inheritance of the saint is mine!"

Everyone focused their attention on the source of the voice, and saw a monk rushing towards Ji Batian at an astonishing speed, obviously intending to seize the legendary inheritance ring.

Just as the monk rushed towards Ji Batian's range, the monk's body actually began to deform and twist from the head in a strange and slow way, and finally turned into a meat pie. The scene was weird and shocking.

Everyone present was terrified by this sudden change, and secretly thanked themselves for not trying it first.

At this moment, Ji Batian looked at everyone and smiled.

"Oh, there is one more thing I forgot to tell you. There is an invisible force of law spreading around me for hundreds of meters."

"As for how far you can explore within this range, it depends entirely on your own strength and realm."

"Generally speaking, the more profound one's cultivation is, the more one can tolerate the power of the law."

"You don't need to worry too much. If you really feel overwhelmed, just evacuate this place quickly to keep yourself safe."

"At this point, whether or not you can win the favor of the inheritance ring depends entirely on your own luck."

As soon as Ji Batian finished speaking, everyone started to move. They took firm steps and stepped into the range of the law one by one.

As soon as they stepped into it, they immediately felt a heavy force of the law rushing towards them. The pressure surged like a huge wave, forcing everyone to immediately mobilize the collective power of cultivation to resist.

Everyone walked with difficulty, and every step forward seemed extremely difficult.

They looked at Ji Batian who was hundreds of meters away, and they couldn't help but feel an indescribable sense of powerlessness in their hearts. They felt that the distance seemed out of reach and daunting.

""Brother, why don't we go in together?" Zhong Lixue suddenly turned to look at Su Wuhen and asked softly.

Su Wuhen looked at the disciples of Tianxuan Sect. They all looked at Su Wuhen with expectation.

Su Wuhen looked at the disciples and said:

"My fellow junior brothers and sisters, please keep this in mind. Once you enter that mysterious place, if you feel that you are not up to the task, you must withdraw immediately. Do not be stubborn and insist on being strong."

"If the spiritual power is exhausted during the evacuation, it may be ruthlessly crushed by the power of the law, leading to danger. Therefore, you must stay awake and decisive to protect yourself."

While Su Wuhen was speaking, some people who could not hold on within the scope of the law turned into meat patties in a hurry to retreat.

Everyone present saw this scene, and their hearts and courage broke. Many cultivators who were new to the edge of the law were even more panicked and retreated in a hurry.

However, even those who were perseverant and deeply involved in it could not help but have a trace of retreat in their hearts, and began to hesitate whether to continue to walk firmly.

The disciples of Tianxuan Sect witnessed this scene, and they couldn't help but feel amazed and took a breath of cold air.

They knew the profound meaning and wisdom contained in Su Wuhen's words, and their gratitude to him was beyond words.

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