"Sir, save me!"

After Huoyun Tonglei Sanqian shouted a cry that made everyone present despise him.

A figure in the sky exploded like a thunder, with a sharp and piercing sound of breaking through the air, and rushed towards this vast and empty land at a speed faster than the speed of thunder.

The sound was fleeting, and in the blink of an eye, a figure had floated over and landed on this empty and boundless land.

Everyone looked carefully and saw that the person who came was an old man in a white robe with a fairy-like appearance. His temperament was outstanding and awe-inspiring.

However, the old man's face was shrouded in a haze because of anger, making his expression look particularly gloomy.

Just as everyone was full of doubts and speculating on the identity of the old man who suddenly came, the purple shadow had already walked calmly and walked towards the old man step by step.

But seeing the purple shadow standing solemnly with a solemn expression on his face, he clasped his fists and saluted to the old man, showing his respect.

"Ziying greets the great elder!"

Seeing Ziying being so respectful, everyone became even more curious about the identity of the old man.

"Who is this person?"

"Why is the Master of Ziwei Pavilion so respectful to him?"

The old man stared at Ziying, anger burning in his chest. He asked without hesitation.

"Ziying! Who on earth killed my Feng'er? I will chop this man into pieces!"

After hearing this, everyone knew the old man's identity and started to whisper and discuss quietly.

"He is Lin Feng's father! ? The Grand Elder of Lingyun Sect!"

"Now that Lin Feng has been killed by people from the Tianxuan Sect, he must be here to take revenge!"

"I heard that the Grand Elder of Lingyun Sect has already entered the realm of the Supreme! He had a son in his old age and doted on Lin Feng in every way! Tianxuan Sect is having a hard time!"

"I just don't know if the Tianxuan Sect can compete with the giant Lingyun Sect."

Han Ruoxue and Huoyun Tonglei Sanqian were all deeply surprised after seeing the Grand Elder of Lingyun Sect.

Ziying deeply felt the majestic power of the Grand Elder, and a chill instantly penetrated his spine, causing him to sweat profusely.

He spoke hurriedly, with a hint of nervousness and awe in his voice that was difficult to conceal.

"Great...Great Elder, my beloved disciple and your beloved son were both killed by the people of Tianxuan Sect!"

Ziying pointed directly at Ye Mochen while speaking, and then continued:

"This saintly inheritance has also fallen into the hands of the Tianxuan Sect!"

Ziying has learned about Lin Feng's death from the disciples of Ziwei Pavilion. Liu Ruyan and Lin Feng died at the same time, which was witnessed by all the disciples.

When the elder heard this, he immediately shot his eyes at Ye Mochen as sharp as a knife, exuding an incomparable momentum, and shouted angrily:

"Hand over the inheritance of the saint to me, you and all the people in your sect, kneel down and kowtow, and then end your life by yourselves to apologize!"

The disciples of Tianxuan Sect were almost out of breath under the pressure of the great elder's majestic aura, but their eyes still flashed with unwavering light.

Facing the strong coercion of the great elder of Lingyun Sect, Huoyun and Lei Sanqian couldn't help but feel nervous and worried.

They knew that Ye Mochen's strength was extraordinary and they were full of confidence in him.

However, when they felt the pressure from the great elder at this moment, they couldn't help but sweat for Ye Mochen, and they couldn't help but feel a little worried.

Even Han Ruoxue looked at Ye Mochen with some expectations.

Seeing this scene, Xiong Da couldn't hold back his temper and wanted to rush up, but Xiong Er on the side held Xiong Da tightly and said anxiously:

"Why are you so excited! The Sect Master hasn't spoken yet!"

Ye Mochen gently raised his arm and instantly built an invisible barrier for all the disciples, skillfully blocking the fierce momentum and pressure of the Lingyun Sect's Great Elder.

Ye Mochen only heard a faint word from his mouth.

"Elder Xiong, I don't want to hear this person barking again!"

As soon as Ye Mochen finished speaking, Xiong Da immediately broke free from Xiong Er's restraints and rushed towards the Lingyun Sect's Great Elder without waiting for Xiong Er to let go!

At the moment when Xiong Da broke free, Xiong Er suddenly realized, am I not Elder Xiong!?

Xiong Er was anxious and rushed out at lightning speed, fearing that if he was a little slow, Xiong Da would take the credit.

Seeing the two men rushing towards him aggressively, the Lingyun Sect's Great Elder snorted coldly, with a trace of disdain and contempt in his eyes.

"Humph, you lowly people from the lower sect dare to offend the upper sect and offend this old man! You all must die!"

After the great elder said this, he suddenly swung a palm towards Xiong Da and the other two. This palm, with a terrifying power that could destroy the world, went straight to the two of them!

Everyone's heartbeat accelerated, and they concentrated and held their breath, staring at the place where the palm shadow was galloping.

The air seemed to be torn apart by an invisible force, and a sharp whistling sound followed, like an evil ghost howling wildly in the middle of the night, which was creepy.

However, everyone saw that Xiong Da, who was in the lead, just raised his hand slightly, and the terrifying palm was immediately dispersed like smoke!


Seeing this scene, everyone present was dumbfounded and shocked.

The Great Elder of Lingyun Sect had a look of confusion on his face, and his eyes were focused on Xiong Da.

However, before he had time to think deeply, Xiong Da had quickly raised his huge fist and swung it towards the Great Elder mercilessly.

In the eyes of everyone, Xiong Da's punch seemed simple and pure, without any gorgeous fancy techniques.

This heavy punch hit the Great Elder's abdomen mercilessly, but surprisingly, the Great Elder did not seem to be affected at all.

Xiong Er behind him saw that Xiong Da's punch had already been thrown, and shook his head helplessly.

Alas, it's still a step too late after all.

The Great Elder was delighted to see that he was unharmed, and a smile broke out on his face, and his laughter could not help but come out.

""Hahahaha! Are you trying to scare me?"

Just as everyone was puzzled by Xiong Da's behavior, Xiong Da slowly retracted his fist.

As Xiong Da's fist was retracted, the elder's body suddenly began to fall apart. The cracks spread from his abdomen to his whole body, making crackling sounds.

The elder looked at his own changes with horror. He wanted to speak, but he couldn't make a sound.


A loud noise was heard, and the great elder also turned into a blood mist in the sky, drifting away with the wind!

The great elder of Lingyun Sect, dead!

Everyone was deeply shocked, and millions of people seemed to be shrouded by an invisible force, and all fell into a silent atmosphere.

Ziying's body trembled slightly in the breeze, his eyes widened, full of incredible astonishment.

He simply couldn't believe that the great elder of Lingyun Sect, who was at the imperial level, had fallen so easily.

He recalled the arrogant remarks he made to Ye Mochen before, and his heart was instantly swallowed by endless fear, as if he had fallen into a bottomless abyss.

The fear surged like a tide, surrounding him tightly, making it extremely difficult for him to even breathe, and every breath he took was like fighting against a heavy burden.

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