After the Tianxuan Sect returned to the sect, the disciples, having witnessed the power of the elders, consciously began to practice hard.

Not long after the Tianxuan Sect disciples returned to the sect, Xiaobai led the tiger beasts and Ji Batian to the mountain gate of the Tianxuan Sect.

Ji Batian quietly looked at the magnificent Tianxuan Sect mountain gate in front of him, and an indescribable shock emerged from the depths of his heart.

The scale of this mountain gate is so magnificent!

Even the holy land is probably difficult to compare with this!

This is worthy of being the sect of Mr. Turtle!

The sect competition is approaching, and all the disciples are engaged in intense practice and have no time to be distracted.

Therefore, the responsibility of guarding the mountain gate fell on the shoulders of the two respected Saint King elders.

An elder accidentally discovered Xiaobai, and a familiar memory suddenly emerged in his heart.

He suddenly realized that this was Ye Mochen's mount.

Whenever he had free time, Ye Mochen would ride on Xiaobai and wander around the sect at ease.

Although the two men's cultivation was far superior to Xiaobai, they still treated Xiaobai with great respect and did not dare to neglect him in the slightest.

The reason for this was that Xiaobai, as Ye Mochen's mount, had a special identity and status.

When the two respected elders saw Xiaobai, a warm smile suddenly appeared on their faces, and they walked towards it lightly.

Just as the two Saint King elders approached steadily, Ji Batian's heart was already in turmoil, and the shock was beyond words.

Although he had just been reborn and was only at the level of entering the Saint, his vision had long been extremely sharp after countless years of precipitation.

At a glance, he keenly saw the strength of the two elders, which was unfathomable and far beyond what he could compete with at his peak in the past.

Ji Batian has always been full of confidence. At his peak, he could fight against a high-level saint without fear.

However, facing the two elders in front of him, an irresistible fear surged in his heart, and he dared not have the slightest resistance.

A powerful Saint King!


It turned out to be a Saint King!

The fear in Ji Batian's heart surged like a tide. He tried hard to hide it, but the fear followed him like a shadow, making him unable to feel at ease.

He was afraid that the slightest careless move would arouse the anger of the two elders and make them dissatisfied with him.

In this tense atmosphere, he had to remain vigilant at all times, fearing that his slightest negligence would lead to irreversible consequences.

However, the words of the two elders surprised Ji Batian.

The two elders walked calmly and slowly to Xiaobai. They bowed slightly and saluted Xiaobai with an extremely respectful attitude.

""Greetings, Lord Bai!"

Witnessing this scene, Ji Batian stared at Xiaobai with his eyes wide open. His heart was like a raging storm, surging and difficult to calm down.

The two Saint Kings were so respectful to Brother Bai!

Although the four tiger beasts had no way of identifying the strength of the two elders, they knew that they must have extraordinary strength.

After all, this is the sect of Lord Bai's master, that lord!

Now seeing the two elders respect their own king, they couldn't help but feel an indescribable sense of pride in their hearts, as if they were also respected and honored with this respect.

When everyone's thoughts were flying, they suddenly heard Xiaobai's slightly anxious voice.

""Two elders, I want to see the master, it's urgent!"

The two Saint King elders saw that Xiao Bai looked a little anxious, and hurriedly let him pass.

Just when Ji Batian breathed a sigh of relief, glad that he no longer had to bear the pressure brought by the powerful aura of the two Saint King elders. As soon as he raised his foot and stepped into the mountain gate, an extremely strong spiritual energy came towards him, as if to drown him in it.

Am I in the Immortal Sect?

What a strong spiritual energy!

What a terrifying existence is Turtle Master's sect!

Even the gatekeeper elder is a Saint King!

The spiritual energy in the sect is so strong!

Ji Batian followed Xiao Bai's light footsteps into the sect square, and his eyes were full of In the place where Ji Batian came from, he saw many disciples scattered in an orderly manner.

Ji Batian suddenly felt that the faces of these disciples in front of him were extremely familiar. After a little thought, he quickly recalled the bits and pieces that happened in his secret realm.

These are the more than 6,000 disciples in the Dao Realm! ?

I was wondering why there were suddenly so many geniuses in the border area. It turns out that they are all disciples of Master Turtle!

Because Ji Batian was reborn, his face was rejuvenated and his appearance was very different from the past.

This made the disciples of Tianxuan Sect cast puzzled glances, wondering why a stranger suddenly visited Tianxuan Sect.

Within Ji Batian's sight, a The figure of the elder suddenly walked slowly by, which made him tremble violently in his heart, almost unable to control himself.

A powerful Saint King!

Another powerful Saint King!

Just as Ji Batian was shocked, two elders suddenly passed by.

Another... Two more Saint Kings!

Suddenly, elders from all directions emerged from everywhere...

Holy shit!

Saint King!

Another Saint King!

All of them are Saint Kings!

Ji Batian saw these elders either carrying their own students or holding up heavy chains, with great momentum and full of murderous aura.

Seeing this scene, Ji Batian's legs trembled, his body softened, and he was about to fall to the ground!

A powerful hand suddenly It stretched out from behind Ji Batian, firmly and steadily supporting his back.

Ji Batian hurriedly steadied his body, and quickly turned back to look at the person who came. At this sight, he suddenly felt a monstrous murderous aura coming towards him. The originally trembling body was about to collapse on the ground again.

The figure raised his hand slightly, and a gentle spiritual power immediately lifted up Ji Batian's body.

Ji Batian stared at the figure in front of him, but found that he could not even peek into its depth.

In his perception, this mysterious existence was even more frightening than those Saint Kings, and seemed to hide an even more unfathomable terrifying power.

At this moment, Xiaobai's voice revealed���He said softly, somewhat respectfully.

"Xiaobai, meet the Great Elder!"

Jiuyou cast his gaze towards Xiaobai, and then spoke softly:

"Sir Bai, there is no need to do this! Sir Bai is going to look for the Sect Master! ?"

Xiao Bai nodded solemnly.

"Great elder, we have something urgent to discuss with the master!"

After hearing this, Jiuyou did not delay the others any longer, and politely said goodbye, then left slowly and calmly.

After seeing the attitude of the elders of the sect towards Xiaobai, Ji Batian did not dare to be arrogant, and asked with a fist:

"Master Bai, who exactly was that elder just now?"

Xiao Bai looked at Ji Batian solemnly and said in a deep voice:

"That person is none other than our Tianxuan Sect's renowned steward, Great Elder Jiuyou! His strength is unfathomable, far beyond what you and I can fathom."

After hearing this, Jiuyou couldn't help but shudder, as if being pierced by a cold wind. He quickly restrained his words and wisely chose to remain silent.

In his heart, he couldn't help but have more expectations and fears for the master of Tianxuan Sect, the master of Gui Lu and Xiao Bai.

Even someone as powerful as Master Gui actually has a master! How powerful must Master Gui's master be!

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