Since Qingmu Hall was officially incorporated into Tianxuan Sect, many Qingmu Hall disciples have chosen to focus on the path of alchemy practice, and have been committed to the pursuit of excellence and sublimation of alchemy. The remaining disciples have also actively integrated into the vast number of disciples of Tianxuan Sect, jointly creating a strong atmosphere of practice, encouraging each other, and growing together.

After learning about the upcoming sect competition, the newly joined disciples were full of excitement and anticipation.

They all wanted to show their strength and style in the grand event of the sect competition, in order to show their skills in front of their brothers and win glory and respect.

On this day, Ji Batian, who was guarding the mountain gate, suddenly saw a large number of figures flying quickly towards the mountain gate of Tianxuan Sect.

At first, Ji Batian mistakenly thought that the visitor was an elder or disciple from Tianxuan Sect, so he prepared to greet him with a warm smile and show his friendliness and kindness.

However, he soon discovered that the visitor was aggressive and did not seem to be a member of Tianxuan Sect.

Soon, a group of people flew to the mountain gate. Behind them, a large group of people stopped far away, and the sound of discussion was endless.

"What do you think Xingyu Pavilion was thinking? How dare they go after Tianxuan Sect? They must know that Lingyun Sect was destroyed by Tianxuan Sect, right?"

"It is said that the elder of Xingyu Pavilion has been living in seclusion for a long time, concentrating on practicing in seclusion, hoping to achieve a breakthrough in cultivation before his lifespan runs out."

"Therefore, he has always turned a deaf ear to the changes in the outside world and has never paid any attention to it."

"So that's the case. Then it's understandable that the Grand Elder of Xingyu Pavilion didn't know about it."

"The Great Elder of Xingyu Pavilion has no chance to avenge his disciple Bai Yu."

"This has nothing to do with us. We just need to watch the battle."

"But if we watch the battle here, will it anger the people of Tianxuan Sect?"

"There shouldn't be any problem. This distance won't attract the attention of the Tianxuan Sect. Besides, we're just passing by, so what's there to be afraid of?"

"Yes, we are just passing by!"

The monk who spoke cast his eyes around, and wherever he looked, there were dense crowds of tens of thousands of people.

The monk couldn't help but secretly thought, there are too many people passing by!

An old man led a large group of people and walked steadily towards the gate of Tianxuan Sect, completely forgetting the existence of Ji Batian, as if he didn't see him.

Ji Batian was quick-witted and appeared in front of the old man in a flash, blocking his way.

Before Ji Batian could speak, the old man spoke first, in an angry tone

"You dare to stop me!"

Many people watching the battle shook their heads and sighed when they saw this scene.

"Why is this gatekeeper blocking the road? He has no sense at all! Can't you see that the person coming is obviously not someone you can handle?"

"That's right, don't you look at your own identity? As a servant, even if you are a member of the Tianxuan Sect, are you going to stop anyone?"

"Why do you think this person likes to do stupid things? Is it because life is not good?"

"This gatekeeper is gone. I say, no one can save him unless the elders of Tianxuan Sect come out!"

"He just hoped that the death of this servant would anger the people of Tianxuan Sect. Then, he would not lose out if he had an emperor-level strongman to accompany him on his journey."

""Look, the Great Elder of Xingyu Pavilion has taken action!"

While everyone was discussing, the Great Elder of Xingyu Pavilion did not give Ji Batian any chance to speak.

He raised his hand without hesitation, and the power gathered in his palm suddenly slapped out, heading straight for Ji Batian.

Seeing this, Ji Batian lightly moved to the side, and cleverly avoided the powerful palm of the Great Elder of Xingyu Pavilion like a leaf falling in the wind.

However, Ji Batian's extreme dodge did seem to be so safe in the eyes of everyone.

"This gatekeeper was so lucky that he actually dodged it!"

"That chapter almost passed by the guard's body, but he actually dodged it."

"He was able to dodge a palm strike from the Great Elder of Xingyu Pavilion. Even if he died, it would be enough for him to brag about it for a long time."

"I was lucky this time, but I won't be so lucky next time."

After Ji Batian dodged a palm strike, his voice was chilling, and he said coldly:

"Are you here to cause trouble?"

After hearing this, the elder of Xingyu Pavilion burst into disdainful laughter, which echoed throughout the space.

"Hahahaha! Just because you dodged my attack, you think you’re such a big shot? How dare you, a janitor, talk to me like that!"

"Well, I will kill you first! Then I will destroy the Tianxuan Sect! To avenge my beloved disciple Bai Yu!"

As soon as the Great Elder of Xingyu Pavilion finished speaking, he raised his hand without hesitation, with a flash of determination in his eyes, intending to kill Ji Batian on the spot.

When Ji Batian heard the horrifying words"destroy the Tianxuan Sect", his pupils suddenly shrank, as if he was pulled by an invisible force, and cold sweat instantly surged onto his forehead, soaking his clothes.

This is something he can say!

An ant in the Emperor Realm dared to say such a thing!

What if the sect master knew about this!

Everyone witnessed Ji Batian's demeanor at the moment, and they all thought that he was frightened to death by the thundering blow of the Great Elder of Xingyu Pavilion, so that his body was stiff and unable to move.

When the thundering attack of the Great Elder of Xingyu Pavilion was about to fall on Ji Batian's head, Ji Batian suddenly burst out with an amazing momentum, instantly shocking the whole audience.

This ant actually dared to insult the Tianxuan Sect. Today this person must even... Not even a scum can be left behind!

Ji Batian's eyes were as cold as frost as he cast them at the Great Elder of Xingyu Pavilion. He mobilized all his cultivation in an instant and launched an earth-shattering attack, sweeping towards the Great Elder like an overwhelming force. The Great Elder still maintained his attacking posture at this moment, staring with horror at Ji Batian, whose cultivation suddenly skyrocketed.

Without waiting for the Great Elder's blow to fall, Ji Batian's blow was almost fleeting, instantly submerging the Great Elder of Xingyu Pavilion and the people of Xingyu Pavilion behind him.

And when that blow engulfed everyone in Xingyu Pavilion, its power did not diminish, and it still blasted towards the crowd of onlookers with unparalleled power.

Thanks to this rather long distance, everyone was able to escape danger and successfully avoid this terrifying blow.

As everyone dodged the fierce attack, the power rushed straight into the distance without any hindrance until it hit a towering mountain hard.

""Boom! Boom!"

A deafening roar suddenly came to everyone's ears, and then they saw the towering mountain being razed to the ground in an instant, with earth and rocks flying everywhere. The scene was extremely shocking!



"This this……"

" scary!"

"I almost died!"

"This guy is a janitor! ?"

"A janitor is so powerful!"

"This Tianxuan Sect is too outrageous!"

"Even a gatekeeper is so strong!"

Everyone turned their heads to look at the front of the Tianxuan Sect mountain gate, and the people of Xingyu Pavilion disappeared in the air like smoke, as if they had evaporated from the earth without a trace, not even a trace of dust was left.

It was as if they had never been to Tianxuan Sect...

It was at this moment that Ji Batian swept his eyes across the crowd with an extremely sharp look. When everyone saw this, they immediately fled in panic, fearing that if they were a little later, Ji Batian would come with a fierce murderous intent and kill everyone in one fell swoop.

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