The evil army came at full speed, as fierce as wolves and tigers, and was extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, they had already forced their way under the city wall.

They were like hungry wolves breaking into a flock of sheep, rushing into the crowd of more than 300,000 people recklessly, leaving behind only shriveled corpses wherever they passed.

In the front of the evil army, an old man suddenly appeared, exuding a strange majesty, and followed by several prominent evil cultivators.

They were suspended in the air together, as if they had merged with the world. Through a layer of light golden barrier, they confronted the young man from a distance.

The old man in the lead suddenly had a strange smile on his face and said:

"Hehehe, Luo Heng! Your Tianbei Empire has become a beast in a cage. Struggling is useless."

"If you can understand the current situation, take the initiative to give up resistance, and remove this insignificant barrier, I can still remember your merits and grant you a distinguished position and spare your life."After hearing this, Luo Heng raised his mouth slightly, revealing a sneer of disdain.

"You evil people, you also want this general to surrender, what wishful thinking!"

The old man did not show any anger when he heard this. He raised his arm slightly, and a powerful force instantly condensed and blasted directly at the barrier.

The moment the barrier was attacked fiercely, it made a low roar.

Many soldiers witnessed this scene, and they couldn't help but feel anxious.

Luo Heng tightly grasped the long sword, and with a swing of his arm, the sharp sword light pierced the sky like a meteor, broke through the air, passed through the barrier, and pierced directly into the vital point in front of the old man.

The old man raised his arm lightly, easily resolved the sharp attack of the sword light, and then a wicked smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Hehehe, at such a young age, he has already entered the realm of the emperor. He is truly a rare genius."

"When I break through this barrier, not only will you be in danger, but even the Tianbei Empire you love will not be spared and will be washed away by blood."

"It's a pity that you have such an outstanding talent, but I have no choice but to kill you here."

After the old man finished speaking, he signaled everyone behind him to attack together, and suddenly an overwhelming attack swept towards the barrier.

Luo Heng would naturally not sit and wait for death, and led a group of soldiers to launch waves of terrifying attacks on the old man.

The people in the Shadow Hall resisted the surging offensive and continued to attack to try to break the solid barrier.

However, under the double pressure, their movements became slow and the speed slowed down significantly.

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from behind Luo Heng.

""Royal brother!"

Hearing this, Luo Heng quickly turned around and saw a graceful girl walking towards him. He immediately raised his voice and shouted:

"Go back! What are you doing here?"

The girl's face was solemn, her eyes sparkling with crystal tears, and she said in a trembling but firm voice:

"My brother! Father and his men have just been defeated! Now they are seriously injured and in a critical condition. I'm afraid they can't hold on for much longer!"

"My father specially sent me here, saying that there is something urgent that needs to be explained to you in person, and I hope you can return quickly." When

Luo Heng heard this, his face suddenly showed an eagerness that was difficult to conceal.

Then, he realized that if he chose to retreat, this barrier might not be able to be maintained for a long time, so he made up his mind decisively and said loudly:


Luo Heng's eyes welled up with tears, and he immediately added:

"You go back to the palace first! Tell my father that I feel so unfilial that I cannot see him before his death!"

After Luo Heng said this, he resolutely turned around and faced the people in the Shadow Palace who were fiercely attacking the barrier. He once again launched a new round of fierce offensive.

"Royal brother!"

"No need to say more! Hurry back!"

The girl's eyes were filled with tears, and she seemed to want to say something else, but was interrupted by Luo Heng's cold shout.

At this moment, a crack suddenly appeared in the barrier. Seeing this, the Shadow Palace instantly launched a more fierce attack.

""Hehehe! Is it finally going to break?" The old man in the lead laughed loudly, and at the same time, he condensed a powerful attack in his hand and quickly slapped it towards the barrier.

Luo Heng watched the old man launch this attack, and wanted to intervene anxiously in his heart, but the opportunity had been missed and he was powerless to save the situation.


A crisp sound was heard, and the barrier suddenly broke into pieces and dissipated into the air.

""The formation has been broken!" a soldier shouted loudly.

The old man who was the leader of the Shadow Palace rushed to Luo Heng without hesitation, raised his hand and slapped him fiercely.

Luo Heng raised his hand to resist, and shouted loudly:

"Protect the princess! Escort the princess back! I'm here!"

""Brother! I won't leave!" The princess' eyes showed a firm look.

However, she was firmly held by several soldiers with profound cultivation, and quickly left and disappeared from sight.

Luo Heng was still at the beginning of the imperial stage, so he could not be compared with the powerful old man of the imperial high-level Shadow Palace, let alone fight against him.

Under his leadership, the brave soldiers of the Tianbei Empire and the masters of the Shadow Palace launched a fierce battle. After a while, they were all seriously injured and retreated step by step.

In a blink of an eye, the defeat of the Tianbei Empire was obvious, and Luo Heng and many brave soldiers fell into the control of the Shadow Palace.

The old man headed by the Shadow Palace slowly walked towards Luo Heng, a gloomy smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said in a low and gloomy voice:

"Hehehe, I'm afraid that at this moment, the emperor of the Tianbei Empire is already in danger."

"Under the joint siege of many powerful emperors in my Shadow Palace, he was able to struggle. He can be regarded as a rare master."

"However, no matter how he struggles, he can't escape this disaster. Today is the day when your Tianbei Empire will be destroyed!"

Luo Heng was firmly controlled by several masters from the Shadow Palace, but in the depths of his eyes, a hint of determination and unyielding light was faintly revealed.

The old man of the Shadow Palace caught a glimpse of Luo Heng's appearance at this moment and couldn't help but chuckled.

"Hehehe, Luo Heng, I see that you have extraordinary talents, so I will give you a chance to make a new choice."

"If you are willing to submit to my Shadow Palace, I will do my best to train you and help you reach a higher level."

"However, if you are stubborn and insist on doing what you want, then the only way waiting for you is death! Think about it before answering!"

Upon hearing this, Luo Heng immediately laughed contemptuously, his voice full of disdain.

"Hahahaha, if you want to kill me, then kill me! How can a man from Tianbei be a coward who is afraid of death!"

The old man did not get angry, but cast his eyes on Luo Heng and let out a faint sigh.

"Alas, what a pity, I can only send you off first, and then kill all your people one by one!"

"You are so bold!" Luo Heng shouted angrily.

The old man ignored Luo Heng and turned around to face the army of the Shadow Palace and issued a command majestically.

"Quickly absorb the blood and qi of all living beings outside the city, speed up the process and head towards the imperial city! There are millions of people waiting for me there!"

At this moment, whether it is the people in the city or the living beings in the city, everyone's face shows deep despair, which cannot be concealed.

"It's over! The evil cultivator has broken the formation!"

"Are we going to die!"

""Woo! I don't want to die yet!"

The old man suddenly turned around, his eyes locked on Luo Heng, and then a powerful force gathered in his palm, turning into a heart-pounding palm strike, and slapped Luo Heng.

Luo Heng still didn't blink, his eyes firmly staring at the terrifying palm that was about to come towards him.

He was not afraid of death!

But deep in his heart, he hid many unspeakable regrets!

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