The Practical Pagoda and the Hall of Time instantly became the focus of heated discussion among the disciples, triggering widespread attention and discussion.

In the sect, if you are not ranked in the top ten thousand in the Practical Pagoda, you are embarrassed to call yourself an old disciple!

After many disciples passed the first level, they came to the conclusion that the first level cannot be passed without reaching the realm of Taoism.

Only after successfully passing the first level will the ranking of the disciples be displayed on the leaderboard.

Even if two disciples successfully pass the first level and enter the second level, the ranking list will rank the disciples according to the time they stay on the second level and their performance.

The Practical Pagoda and the Hall of Time are now crowded with people, and the long queues are like a giant dragon winding and circling.

The disciples talked a lot, and the heated discussions were endless. They exchanged their expectations and curiosity about the mysterious world in the pagoda.

""Brother! Which floor have you reached?" A disciple in the team asked the disciple who had just been teleported out.

""Hahaha, I made it through the second floor! But I was killed instantly as soon as I stepped into the third floor!" The disciple who was teleported out laughed heartily.

As soon as this was said, all the disciples were shocked and turned their eyes to the ranking list. They saw that the ranking on the ranking list had changed slightly.

The one that was originally ranked 2,392 suddenly jumped and reappeared on the 1,097th place. It was written on it:

1097. Li Zhong, the third floor!

Everyone looked at the disciple who had just come out in surprise! He said:

"So Senior Brother Li has successfully broken through the realm of discussing the Tao and entered the realm of proving the Tao! ?"

Li Zhong hurriedly said:"Although I have successfully stepped into the realm of proving the Tao, there are still many senior brothers who are stronger than me! I have to hurry up and go to the Time Hall for another wave!"

After speaking, everyone saw him hurriedly running to the long dragon-like team in the Time Hall and lined up.

The disciples were shocked when they saw this scene, and secretly vowed to work hard to practice and strive to be at the top of the list.

At this moment, another disciple was teleported out of the actual combat pagoda, and everyone hurriedly turned their eyes to the list.

I saw a person ranked more than one hundred quickly jumping and instantly jumped to the top of the list. Everyone couldn't help but widen their eyes, wanting to see which senior brother it was who was so perverted!

I saw that the top of the list was:

1. Luo Kaiyu, the third level!

Everyone hurriedly turned their eyes to the person who was teleported out, and congratulated him one after another.

"Congratulations to Brother Luo for successfully reaching the top of the list!"

"Senior Brother Luo is so amazing. I guess he has been in the realm of enlightenment for a long time, right?"

Luo Kaiyu quickly replied with a humble attitude:

""My fellow brothers and sisters, I just stayed in the Time Hall for a few more days, and I was lucky enough to get the top spot. There are many brothers who are stronger than me. I won't be able to keep this ranking for long. I won't say more. I will go to the Time Hall to queue up!"

After Luo Kaiyu finished speaking, he hurried to the Time Hall, stood behind Li Chong, and lined up in a long line.

Seeing this scene, the disciples sighed again.

It's so damn competitive!

At once, many disciples rushed into the Time Hall team and lined up in a long line, fearing that they would lose their ranking!

At this moment, the crowd exclaimed!

"Look! Isn't that Senior Brother Yan Bin and Senior Brother Lei Xiao! ?"

Everyone turned their eyes to the direction pointed by the person who spoke. It was indeed Yan Bin and Lei Xiao.

"It’s really Senior Brothers Yan Bin and Lei Xiao!"

"Could it be that the two brothers are also here to challenge this practical pagoda? ?"

"It is very likely, after all, the two brothers have not yet been ranked!"

Yan Bin and Lei Xiao looked at the long line of people outside the actual combat pagoda, smiled bitterly at each other, and were about to walk to the back of the line.

Seeing the two of them preparing to line up, everyone couldn't help but speak up.

"Brothers, you go in first! It's okay for me to wait a little longer!"

"That’s right, two senior brothers, please come in quickly!"

"Senior Brother, you guys go in first!"

Seeing everyone so enthusiastic, Yan Bin and Lei Xiao immediately clasped their fists and said to everyone:

"Haha, since the junior brothers and sisters are so enthusiastic, then we will respectfully obey your orders."

After the two of them finished speaking, they no longer hesitated, handed over the spirit stones, and walked straight into the actual combat pagoda.

Some disciples who were originally behind the two of them were not in a hurry to enter the pagoda, and they all waited.

""Who do you think will be the first between Brother Yan Bin and Brother Lei Xiao?" a disciple asked.

"It's really hard to say. The two brothers were already at the ninth level of the Dao before entering the secret realm! Now many brothers in the sect have entered the Dao realm, so the cultivation of the two brothers will naturally be higher!"

"The strength of the two brothers should be similar, but I am still more optimistic about Brother Yan Bin, not for anything else, but because he is my former Holy Fire Sect's Holy Son!"

"If you say so, then I am more optimistic about Senior Brother Lei Xiao, he is also my former Holy Son of Thunder Palace!"

Just as the disciples were arguing and holding their own opinions, suddenly a disciple shouted loudly

""Fuck! Aren't those the two direct disciples, Senior Brother Su and Senior Sister Zhong?"

Upon hearing this, everyone stopped arguing and turned their attention to the past.

"Holy shit! This is really a personal teaching! Could it be that Senior Brother Su and Senior Sister Zhong are also here to challenge this practical pagoda? ?"

"Look, the two of them are heading straight over here! Aren’t they here to break into the tower?"

"Oh my god! Even the direct disciple has come to challenge the tower. Senior Brother Yan and Senior Brother Lei are in danger!"

While everyone was discussing, Su Wuhen and Zhong Lixue had already walked in front of everyone.

Everyone hurriedly clasped their fists and saluted, and then asked

"Senior Brother Su, Senior Sister Zhong, are you here to challenge this practical pagoda as well?"

Su Wuhen's eyes swept across the disciples present, a generous smile bloomed on his face, and he said softly:

"Haha, I heard that the sect has added new training facilities, so my junior sister and I naturally want to experience them."

"Hehe, fellow disciples, you better work hard! We’ll go in first." Zhong Lixue smiled sweetly, and immediately charmed many male disciples. After the two finished talking, they walked straight into the actual combat pagoda.

Direct disciples and core disciples do not need to pay spirit stones to queue up, while inner disciples only need to pay half of the spirit stones to enter.

This is the privilege of the disciple’s identity. If you want to obtain the privilege, you must practice hard and rely on your strength to get everything you deserve.

Although many disciples have successfully reached the qualifications of inner disciples, due to the fact that the sect competition has not yet begun, many people can only line up for the time being.

After a while, two figures were teleported out, and everyone hurriedly looked over. It was Yan Bin and Lei Xiao.

Everyone hurriedly looked at the rankings, only to see that Luo Kaiyu, who was originally at the top of the list, instantly came to third place.

1. Lei Xiao, third floor!

2. Yan Bin, third floor!

3. Luo Kaiyu, third floor!


"Senior Brother Lei Xiao is actually at the top of the list!"

"Senior Brother Yan Bin is second!"

Everyone said in surprise.

Yan Bin looked at Lei Xiao depressed and said unconvinced:

"How come we both came out at almost the same time, and you are the first one!"

Lei Xiao laughed:

"Haha, sorry, I can’t influence this ranking."

A disciple suddenly shook his head and said:

"My two brothers, I'm afraid you won't be able to keep your ranking."

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