As the ranking of the core disciples was settled, the next step was the exciting challenge of the direct disciples.

Hundreds of core disciples cast their sharp eyes on Luo Heng who was talking with Su Wuhen and Zhong Lixue.

Luo Heng felt the gazes of the disciples and couldn't help but smile bitterly. Has it finally come to this?

"Hehe, Junior Brother, it seems that the junior brothers and sisters are not very convinced of your identity as a direct disciple."Zhong Lixue suddenly looked at Luo Heng and said jokingly

"Alas, I don't know why my fellow apprentices are so hostile to me."Luo Heng said helplessly

"Junior brother, although the junior brothers are quite dissatisfied with you, I believe that after this battle, you will definitely be recognized by the junior brothers!"Su Wuhen encouraged Luo Heng

"Great Elder, I want to challenge my direct disciple, Luo Heng!"

"I also want to challenge the third disciple!"

"I want to challenge him too!"

Many core disciples made requests to Jiuyou, including Yan Bin and Lei Xiao.

"What on earth did this disciple of Tianxuan Sect do to have so many core disciples challenge him!"An elder of a faction asked in confusion

"It may be that the Tianxuan Sect disciples are dissatisfied with him. After all, none of the other two disciples challenged him!"

The elders of various forces were discussing, confused by this sudden scene, and didn't know how Luo Heng should respond.

Jiuyou saw that the core disciples were in high spirits and was about to arrange a one-on-one battle, but Luo Heng suddenly stood up.

"I have just become Master's disciple, and I am not very familiar with Tianxuan Sect. Since you want to challenge me, I naturally cannot avoid fighting and lose Master's face."

Just when everyone was sighing at Luo Heng's heroic spirit, which was admirable, Luo Heng's next words were like thunder in the sky, which stunned everyone present.

"Since you want to challenge me, then come together!" As soon as these words came out, all the disciples were in disbelief and indignant.


Come together!?


Really crazy!

Even Yan Bin and Lei Xiao frowned and looked at Luo Heng with a little confusion in their eyes.

Senior brother, do you think we are not serious?

""Brother, are you kidding me?" A disciple looked at Luo Heng with an uncertain tone.

"I'm not joking with you junior brothers!" Luo Heng said seriously.

He has not been idle during this period. When he knew that the disciples of Tianxuan Sect were slightly dissatisfied with him, he had been practicing hard in the peak. Now he has reached the third level of the emperor!

Luo Heng had expected this situation, and facing his junior brothers, he had no choice but to prove himself with his strength, so he made this move.

"Is this guy crazy? I can't defeat any one of these core disciples, but he actually threatened to let everyone attack together?"An elder of a faction said puzzledly

"He is too arrogant! I have never seen such an arrogant person in my life! Doesn't he know the strength of these core disciples?"

"If this person is not arrogant, he must be extremely confident in his own strength!"

"Is this person really the master's disciple?" Huoyun looked puzzled and asked in surprise.

"Senior's disciples are naturally not arrogant, so we should just watch carefully."Lei Sanqian frowned, although he also didn't understand.

Han Ruoxue frowned and looked at Luo Heng.

This disciple is quite courageous, worthy of being his disciple.

Miao Lingyi looked at Luo Heng with a little annoyance.

This man is so arrogant!

""Great Elder! This person actually doesn't take us seriously. I request to go into battle first!" a disciple said indignantly

""Great Elder! This guy is really too arrogant! Please let me go first!"

Several top-ranked disciples argued. They just thought it was a joke that Luo Heng wanted everyone to fight together.

Before Jiuyou could speak, Luo Heng's hearty laughter suddenly came.

"Hahaha, fellow disciples, there is no need to do this, all of you come together!"

Upon hearing this, the disciples' eyes seemed to spit out flames.

"this……"Jiuyou couldn't make up his mind and slowly looked at Ye Mochen.

"Hahaha, in that case, all the core members, fight Luo Heng together!" Ye Mochen's voice spread to the ears of everyone present.


"The sect leader actually agreed!"

"We, the core members, are actually looked down upon by others!"

"Damn it, I can tolerate my uncle but I can’t tolerate my aunt. Brothers, let’s get him!"

"I can't stand it anymore. If I don't teach this person a lesson, my Dao heart will be severely damaged!"

When all the disciples were filled with righteous indignation, Jiuyou said in a deep voice

"All core disciples fight against Luo Heng, the disciple, and it will begin immediately!"

As soon as Jiuyou finished speaking, a group of core disciples rushed to Luo Heng in the center of the square, with overwhelming momentum, and released an overwhelming attack towards Luo Heng.

Luo Heng was calm and unhurried, facing all the feelings of the hard fight. Everyone saw that all the attacks hit Luo Heng, making a burst of explosions.

Luo Heng was instantly trapped in a sea of attacks, and the field suddenly rose up with dust that covered the sky and the sun, making it impossible to see what was going on inside.

""Brothers! Charge!" A disciple roared.

Yan Bin and Lei Xiao, who were rushing in front, suddenly stopped and stopped the disciples.

""Junior brothers! Calm down!" Yan Bin shouted hurriedly.

After hearing this, everyone stopped and looked at the dusty area, feeling a little anxious.

"It’s over! Will he be beaten to death?"

"What should I do! This guy was too crazy just now, I didn't hold back at all!"

"What's the point of saying so much now! After all, he is our senior brother, we shouldn't be so impulsive! Alas!"

"Brother Luo! I'm sorry I waited for you!"

""Brother Luo! Have a safe journey!"

Just when the disciples thought Luo Heng was dead, a sword beam suddenly shot out from the smoke and dust.

Yan Bin and Lei Xiao were quick to avoid it, but the disciples behind them were not so lucky. The sword beam quickly rushed into the crowd.

Dozens of disciples were blown away in an instant, fell to the ground, and foamed at the mouth.

The smoke and dust gradually dissipated, and Luo Heng's figure gradually became clear. He looked calm as if nothing had happened just now, and there was no sign of injury on his body.

""Shit! Senior Brother Luo is not dead? That's great!" a disciple suddenly shouted

"Damn it! Senior Brother Luo is not dead, and we are going to die soon! Can't you see that Senior Brother Luo has already entered the realm of the Supreme Realm?"

While the two were talking, many core disciples had already stared at Luo Heng with serious expressions.

"It seems that Senior Brother is not just bragging. Junior brothers, we have to cooperate with each other!" Lei Xiao stared at Luo Heng and said seriously.

Luo Heng's aura surged out instantly, and his body was filled with a mighty power like a strong wind and huge waves, which made people feel awe.

He gently raised the long sword in his hand, and then swung it again, launching a powerful attack.

The disciples had been prepared and avoided it, but a few disciples were still affected by the sword light and fell to the ground seriously injured.

Seeing this, Yan Bin shouted:

"Junior brothers, we can't let Senior Brother continue to attack. You guys launch an offensive to hold him back, while Lei Xiao and I will attack from the left and right!"

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