Su Wuhen raised his head, his eyes revealing doubt and expectation, and he listened quietly to Ye Mochen's words.

""My disciple! Do you know why you lost all your cultivation?"

Ye Mochen's sharp eyes stared at Su Wuhen, as if he wanted to see through his appearance to his inner heart.

Facing the question of his master, Su Wuhen shook his head gently, indicating that he did not know the reason.

""I really don't understand, Master, please explain it to me."

However, at this moment, Su Wuhen's doubts became more and more serious.

Ye Mochen frowned slightly and said

"In fact, there is a mysterious thing hidden in your body"

"It absorbs the spiritual energy you have cultivated day and night, and over time, you will naturally become no different from ordinary people."

These words were like a bolt from the blue, hitting Su Wuhen's heart hard.

He was so shocked that he couldn't even say a word.

Although he has lost all his cultivation now, he still works hard every day.

Who would have thought that his efforts for so long would be in vain?

It turned out that there was an unidentified object secretly stealing his own achievements!

He couldn't figure it out. He had been practicing diligently and wholeheartedly, but why did he end up like this in the end?

Thinking back to the past days, every time he felt that his cultivation had improved.

That joy didn't last long before it quickly shattered like a bubble.

Now it seems that everything has finally found an explanation-it is because of that weird existence!

It concerns himself, how dare Su Wuhen take it lightly, and said anxiously

"Master! Do you have any solution?"

"Don’t be anxious, disciple. Since your master can see it, he naturally has a way to solve it. It’s just that the process is extremely painful. Can you endure it?"

"Master, no matter how painful the process is, I am not afraid!"

"I have been a waste for seven years, and have been ridiculed. This is my chance to change my fate."

"No matter how painful the process is, the disciple will persevere!"

Su Wuhen said firmly, recalling the ridicule and humiliation he had suffered in the past seven years.

He longed to get rid of his identity as a waste, longed to gain the respect of others, and longed to win back his dignity!

In the past seven years, he didn't care much in front of Su Aoyu.

He laughed and laughed, as if becoming a waste was no big deal.

But what Su Wuhen didn't know was that how could Su Aoyu not know the illusion his son showed in front of him.

Whenever he saw Su Wuhen practicing alone until late at night, he saw it in his eyes and felt pain in his heart.

Su Aoyu knew that Su Wuhen was a strong child, so he didn't ask, let alone expose Su Wuhen's poor acting skills.

Ye Mochen looked at Su Wuhen's firm eyes and was very relieved.

""Disciple, please come forward and meditate."

Su Wuhen walked to the side of the cushion with excitement in his eyes and sat cross-legged.

Ye Mochen slowly came behind Su Wuhen.

""Hold on, the master is about to take action."

Su Wuhen gritted his teeth, but the pain he imagined did not come.

Ye Mochen put one hand on Su Wuhen's back, as if looking for something.

Ye Mochen invested his spiritual consciousness in Su Wuhen's sea of consciousness, only to see that the sea of consciousness had already dried up, without any spiritual energy.

Ye Mochen looked around and saw a palm-sized tortoise shell lying on the ground in the center of the dry sea of consciousness.

Its existence seemed to be a witness of time, witnessing the passage of time and the reincarnation of life.

Looking closely, the tortoise shell was covered with spider-web-like cracks.

These cracks crisscrossed, as if they were deep marks left on the tortoise shell by the years.

Each crack seemed to tell the vicissitudes and changes that the tortoise shell had experienced, making people sigh at the ruthlessness of time and the tenacity of life.

""I found you!" Ye Mochen smiled faintly.

He raised his hand and released a strong suction force towards the tortoise shell.


At this moment, Su Wuhen suddenly felt a sharp pain.

It was as if thousands of ants were gnawing at the deepest part of his heart, and every bit of it was filled with unspeakable suffering.

It was a kind of pain that seemed to penetrate from the bone marrow, following him like a shadow, lingering.

Ye Mochen knew that this was Su Wuhen's scream, and he could not stop the transmission of pain.

After all, forcibly taking something from a person's sea of consciousness must be extremely painful. It is better to suffer a short pain than a long one, so Ye Mochen slightly increased his strength.

Suddenly, the tortoise shell shook back and forth a few times as if it was frightened, and it actually pulled against Ye Mochen's strength.

Ye Mochen was a little surprised.

"Oh? Still alive?"

He couldn't help but increase the strength in his hands.

Su Wuhen was enduring the severe pain at this moment, her face was pale, and beads of sweat rolled down her forehead like raindrops, soaking a few strands of her hair.

"Who the hell is disturbing Master Turtle here?"

A burst of curses came from within the sea of consciousness.

"Haha, it can actually talk."

Ye Mochen looked at the tortoise shell with interest, but he was not in a hurry to make a move!

Suddenly, a tortoise head stretched out from the tortoise shell, staring at Ye Mochen with anger in its eyes.

"You are the one who disturbed my sleep? Who are you?"

Ye Mochen said nothing, looking at the turtle with a smile.

The turtle was even more angry. He had never been so angry in his life.

"Get out of here if you know what's best for you! Otherwise, I'll make you pay!"

"If you know what's best for you, leave here. I don't want to do anything." Ye Mochen looked at the turtle and said calmly.

"Yo! You were born to be a cucumber, right? You deserve a pat!"

"If Grandpa Turtle doesn't teach you a lesson today, you won't know why the flowers are so red!"

Ye Mochen laughed in anger. He didn't expect that the turtle was so clever. However, the turtle did make Ye Mochen feel a little familiar.

After saying that, the little turtle jumped into the air, raised a short claw, and rushed straight towards Ye Mochen with great momentum.

Maybe the distance was too far, or the little turtle didn't estimate the distance well.

When the whole turtle was still several meters away from Ye Mochen, it suddenly fell to the ground.

It rolled several times and rolled to Ye Mochen's feet.

The little turtle, the turtle - head drooped, eyes were full of stars, and white foam came out of the mouth. It looked very funny.

"Hahahaha" Ye Mochen couldn't help laughing.

After the little turtle took a breath, it stared at Ye Mochen angrily and said

"Laugh, laugh, laugh as much as you want!"

"Hahaha, sorry, I don't usually laugh easily unless I can't help it."

Ye Mochen teased while opening the system panel and looking at the little turtle

「Name: Black Shadow Turtle. (Eternal Thing)

Cultivation: Unknown.

Bloodline: Bloodline of a Divine Beast.

Introduction: Black Shadow Turtle, descendant of the ancient beast Xuanwu, contains pure bloodline of a divine beast.

Because of its almost infinite lifespan, it is also called an eternal thing, and it contains a magnificent vitality.

So far, no one has ever seen the Xuanwu lineage die.

Because it was framed tens of millions of years ago, it was kept in captivity day and night to extract its vitality for alchemy.

It escaped ten thousand years ago, and because of the loss of vitality, it was seriously injured, running around, and barely surviving.

Seven years ago, it met Su Wuhen by chance, and seeing his extraordinary talent, it quietly drilled into Su Wuhen's sea of consciousness, absorbed Su Wuhen's cultivation and spiritual power, and repaired itself."

Ye Mochen looked at the information on the system panel, and couldn't help but be surprised in his heart.

He really didn't expect that this unprepossessing little turtle in front of him would be a descendant of the beast Xuanwu, and also possessed such a strong vitality.

"It turns out that he is the descendant of the mythical beast Xuanwu, no wonder he is so extraordinary."Ye Mochen couldn't help but mutter to himself.

When the little turtle heard Ye Mochen's words, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, but he quickly regained his composure. He looked at Ye Mochen coldly and said

"Since you know Mr. Turtle's identity, then leave here quickly. Mr. Turtle will not bully the weak."

While speaking, he clenched his short tortoise claws and raised them in front of Ye Mochen.

Ye Mochen smiled and said

"What if I don't leave?"

The little turtle taunted.

"I have to say that your stupidity is like the brightest star in the night sky, illuminating your ignorance."

The little turtle jumped up again and was about to attack.

Ye Mochen didn't want to waste time talking to him. He raised his hand and a suction force several times stronger than before fell on the little turtle.

The little turtle wanted to resist, but found that he couldn't resist at all. He watched himself fly into Ye Mochen's hands.

Ye Mochen squeezed his hand hard.

"Ugh! I'm dead."

The little turtle's eyes rolled back and its tongue stuck out. If you didn't know, you would think it was a dead turtle.

Ye Mochen shook his head helplessly. He was not interested in the little turtle's poor acting skills. He increased the strength in his hand. With a click, the crack on the little turtle's shell deepened.

"No, no, no! Brother, I was wrong. I was wrong."

"My home is gone! My home is gone! Stop pinching me!"

The little turtle was secretly frightened. His shell was���But even ordinary holy weapons may not be able to break it.

And the person in front of him was almost crushed. It was really terrifying!

Ye Mochen smiled slightly and said

"I know your current situation. You are seriously injured and need a lot of spiritual energy to repair yourself."

"The reason you stayed in this boy's sea of consciousness was to absorb his cultivation so as to repair yourself."

The little turtle's face changed when he heard this, but soon returned to normal.

"This kid is extremely talented. I am staying in his sea of consciousness for his own good. When I regain my strength, I will naturally leave here."

Ye Mochen's eyes turned cold and he said

"Humph! For his own good? Not to mention that the little spiritual energy you absorbed will take time to recover."

"You keep stealing other people's spiritual energy, causing them to spend years practicing hard just to serve you. How can I keep you if you are so selfish?"

"Now I give you a chance. If you accept me as your master and leave here, I can help you recover your cultivation quickly. Otherwise, you will die!"

"Recognize...recognize the master?"

The little turtle was stunned, as if it was unbelievable.

Someone actually dared to let him recognize the master, but his strength has not yet recovered, and he can't beat the person in front of him. He agreed to it for the time being. After his cultivation is restored, who knows who will recognize who as the master. The little turtle hesitated for a moment and said:"If I recognize you as the master, can you really help me recover quickly?"

Ye Mochen nodded and said

"Of course, I don't want to see a descendant of a mythical beast like you die here."

The little turtle thought for a moment and said,

"Okay, I believe you. But I have one condition."

Ye Mochen frowned and said

"What conditions?"

"I want you to swear that you will take good care of this kid and not let him get hurt."

Ye Mochen was slightly stunned, quite surprised.

He didn't expect the little turtle to make such a condition. Ye Mochen pretended to be casual and said


"Alas, this boy is a good seedling. Although I entered his sea of consciousness and absorbed his cultivation, I never touched his foundation, let alone absorbed any of his vitality."

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