As the two leaders were annihilated, everyone felt their hearts tighten and their breathing became rapid.

Although they did not know what realm the two were in, they must have extraordinary strength to be the last resort of Shadow.

However, such a person was easily killed by the elder of Tianxuan Sect with a wave of his hand, as if he was eating or drinking water, without any effort.

Just when everyone was sighing, Ye Mochen's voice came out again.

""Let's wipe out the Shadow Gate as well!"

At the moment when Ye Mochen's voice came out, Xiong Da had already torn a wide crack in the space with great speed, which was wide enough for people to pass through.

Everyone could clearly see that the scene on the other side of the crack was the sky above the Shadow Gate, and many disciples of the Shadow Gate were practicing on the square.

Xiong Da raised his leg and stepped into it, and the space crack slowly healed at this time.

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, Xiong Da hovered in the air above the Shadow Gate like a god. He slowly raised his arm, and a powerful force gradually gathered in his palm, ready to strike a heavy punch that would shake the world.

And it happened that at this moment, the space crack was completely closed, and no one knew what happened to the Shadow Gate.

"What do you think will happen to the Shadow Gate in the end?"A monk in the crowd asked in confusion.

"It should be destroyed like Lingyun Sect!"

"Alas, it's a pity that we can't witness such a shocking scene with our own eyes."

Before everyone could say a few words, the space where Xiong Da was originally located was torn apart again.

Xiong Da raised his legs and walked out of it, slowly leaving the crack and walking towards Ye Mochen to report.

The moment Xiong Da left the crack, the scene in the space was immediately revealed to everyone.

What everyone saw was that the once huge and boundless Shadow Gate had completely disappeared without a trace.

In its place, only an extremely large deep pit was left. Its shape was like a huge fist mark, deeply imprinted on the earth, like a shocking scene caused by a huge blow.


"Daoist friend, do you think the Shadow Gate is in this deep pit?" a monk said tremblingly.

"Most likely!"

"Isn't this huge deep pit just a fist mark? Do you think the Shadow Gate was destroyed by the elder of Tianxuan Sect with one punch?"

Everyone looked at the scene in the slowly repairing space crack in disbelief.

"How terrifying! Another punch!"

"The five evil cultivators who had entered the Saint Realm were all evaporated with one punch! The two evil cultivators who appeared later were also destroyed with a random blow! And now, the destruction of the Shadow Gate was also done with one punch!"

"The current Tianxuan Sect only needs one punch to destroy the Shang Sect, and it is so efficient! It's outrageous! This Tianxuan Sect is simply outrageous!"

"It’s a pity that we didn’t get to witness with our own eyes how the Shadow Gate was destroyed!"

"Come on, if we were there, we would probably be lying in that deep pit right now!"

"No matter what! I must pass the sect test today! I want to become a member of the Tianxuan Sect!"

"Another group of people came out of the tower! Quick! Charge! Don't miss the chance!"A monk pointed at the actual combat tower and shouted.

After witnessing the powerful elders of Tianxuan Sect one after another, everyone became more determined to join Tianxuan Sect.

At this moment, they rushed towards the actual combat tower like crazy.

The group of people who had just been teleported out were either disappointed or excited.

Before they had time to catch their breath, they saw a large group of people with golden eyes rushing towards them quickly.

""Shit! Are these people crazy? Get out of the way!"

The monks who had just come out were confused by the crowd and quickly dispersed.

""Fellow Daoist! Are these people crazy?" A cultivator who had just been teleported out walked into the crowd and asked.

Seeing that it was not their turn to be tested in the next batch, everyone explained the whole process in detail.

Several cultivators who had just been teleported out were stunned. After learning the whole story, some of them danced with excitement, while others were as sad as if their loved ones had died.

Ye Mochen carefully examined them for a long time, but did not find another talented disciple among this group of people. He could not help but feel a little disappointed, and finally decided to give up observation.

Ye Mochen looked at Jiuyou and said softly:"Is it possible to track down the location of this Shadow Palace?"

Jiuyou shook his head slowly and said:"Sect Master, the people in the Shadow Palace should be hiding in the small world they opened up, so they cannot be found."

"The space turbulence does not know the exact location, even the emperor may get lost in it, that's all! The Shadow Palace is not to be feared!"

Ye Mochen then turned his gaze to Luo Heng and said to comfort him:"Disciple, the Shadow Palace is hard to find. When there is a clue, the master will do his best to help you flatten the Shadow Palace!"

Luo Heng clasped his fists and said respectfully:"Disciple thanks the master! Disciple knows that his cultivation is still shallow and his strength is not enough to compete with the Shadow Palace, so he is not in a hurry for a momentary success."

Su Wuhen and Zhong Lixue knew a lot about the hatred between Luo Heng and the Shadow Palace.

Zhong Lixue hurriedly comforted him:"Junior brother! Your enemy is the enemy of my senior brothers and sisters! When there is a chance in the future, we will definitely go forward without hesitation!"

Luo Heng gazed at Su Wuhen and Zhong Lixue with gratitude. Being in the Tianxuan Sect, he once again deeply felt the warmth and affection of home.

I don't know how my father and the others are doing!

I'll go back and see after a while!


Shadow Palace Headquarters.

The commander-in-chief looked grim at the moment, tightly holding the communication card in his hand, with an extremely solemn expression.

"How could there be a Saint King in the Tianxuan Sect!"The commander-in-chief held the token tightly in his hand in disbelief and said in a deep voice

""Big brother! The second and third brothers said they are on their way back. Should we wait for them to come back before making a long-term plan?" The second commander asked

"There is no need to wait for them. They can't come back. They are within the perception range of the Saint King. They have nowhere to escape! They are probably dead by now!" The commander frowned. The second commander was a little surprised by the death of the two commanders, but he did not show any sadness. He asked hurriedly:

"Brother! What should we do now?"

"The Tianxuan Sect has a powerful Saint King in charge, which is beyond our ability to deal with! It seems that we have to make other plans to resurrect the Holy Lord!"The commander-in-chief said seriously.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up, as if he had thought of something, and then he said:

"A powerful Saint King! A powerful Saint King! Isn't there one in our Shadow Palace?"

The commander-in-chief said as he turned his gaze to a noisy palace.

"Big brother, you mean!" The second commander's eyes lit up and he understood instantly

"That's right! But I'm waiting to find a way to ask that gentleman to take action." The first commander fell into thought. The second commander thought for a moment and hurriedly said,"Brother, do you still remember why that gentleman came to my Shadow Palace originally?"

""Hahahaha! How could I have forgotten about this!" The commander-in-chief suddenly understood.

The second commander frowned and said,"But that lord shouldn't do anything for just a few jars of Supreme Wine, right?"

"The Supreme Wine should not be able to invite that lord, but didn't the Holy Lord reward us with a few jars of Emperor Wine?" The commander-in-chief said solemnly

"Brother! This……"The second commander smiled bitterly with some reluctance on his face.

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