The second episode ended soon after the "Knight of Death" stepped down.

Two singers were eliminated in this episode.

In fact, in the last episode, these two were almost guessed, but because of the disruption of "Lao Lin", they stayed for one more episode.

The audience always likes to watch the fun, and they think it is interesting to let the champion of "Singer" go through one round in the "Masked Singer" program, so they voted.

This time, after Qian Guang's reminder, the audience learned their lesson. The hard-to-guess and good-singing ones were put aside first, and we eliminated the easy-to-guess ones first.

After no one was eliminated in the first round, the program team was very considerate to give two elimination spots.

The audience thought, "Oh, since the program team is so pampering us, we won't be polite."

The guests also went all out, and some even called out the singer's name after he finished singing.

The elimination of the two singers was another kind of well-deserved.

After the show, everyone from Snowball Entertainment left the Japanese restaurant after having a good meal and a good drink.

After washing up, Bai Shu saw that Rona hadn't come back yet, so he called Qiao Sheng directly.

"Hello, hello, Death Knight said his song was written by his boss, what's going on?"

Bai Shu wanted to ask this question in the last episode, but he forgot it for a while. This time he finally remembered it and chased Qiao Sheng to ask.

Qiao Sheng lay on the bed, pretending to regret: "Alas, I thought you would ask last time, I prepared three pages of speech for nothing."

Bai Shu smiled and cooperated: "Then go and get your speech and read it."

Qiao Sheng pushed and pulled the drawers of the desk, making a loud rummaging sound, pretending to be quite real.

"I found it, fortunately I didn't throw it away." He cleared his throat and said: "Then I have to start reading it?"

"Please start your performance."

Qiao Sheng said to the phone in a very serious tone: "I am his boss."

Bai Shu thought he really had a long speech and was waiting to listen, but he stopped abruptly after one sentence.

"No more?"

"No more."

"You only have one sentence in your three-page speech?"

"Yes, let me read it to you again. The first page says 'I am', the second page says 'his', and the third page says 'boss'."

Bai Shu asked speechlessly: "The boss of Snowball Entertainment is obviously Lin Moxue, how come it became you?"

Qiao Sheng smiled and said: "You don't know this, Lin Moxue gave me 15% of the shares, rounded up, I am now the boss of the company."

Bai Shu on the opposite side seemed to be shocked and didn't speak for a while.

After she recovered, she said in a very surprised tone: "She actually gave you shares?! Why?"

Qiao Sheng told Bai Shu everything that happened before, and Bai Shu didn't speak for a long time.

"Hey, hey, hey, are you fainted? Do you need a handsome little milk dog to give you artificial respiration?"

Bai Shu said angrily: "Wow, Yaoyaoling, someone here is using the name of artificial respiration to touch me."

Both of them were amused by each other.

Amidst the laughter of the two, Bai Shu finally accepted the news that Qiao Sheng became a shareholder of the company.

"Alas. What a pity." Bai Shu sighed.

"What's wrong?"

"You may not believe it." Bai Shu smiled and said, "I was thinking about asking the company boss to poach you, and I was even prepared to pay a sky-high penalty. Now it seems impossible."

"Why do you suddenly have such an idea?" Qiao Sheng asked in confusion.

"It's not for you." Bai Shu scolded, "Snowball Entertainment is too small to display your talents. Joining a big company is a good choice for you."

"Chengtian Entertainment has focused on the film and television sector in recent years, and its performance in the music industry has been declining, but it is still one of the entertainment giants in China. If you join at this time and lead the music department to overcome difficulties, you will definitely be able to get a high-level position."

"When the time comes..."

Speaking of this, Bai Shu seemed a little embarrassed, and paused before continuing, "When the time comes, we will be together, and no one can say no."

After listening to Bai Shu's words, Qiao Sheng felt warm in his heart.

She was completely considering Qiao Sheng from his perspective and for their future.

Qiao Sheng pretended to be angry and asked back: "Just because I don't have a high-level position, can't I be with you?"

Bai Shu thought Qiao Sheng was unhappy and said in a panic: "Oh, you know that's not what I mean. What I mean is... that is...

. . . Anyway, I didn't mean that! "

Seeing Bai Shu was so anxious that he was almost incoherent, Qiao Sheng quickly comforted him: "I know, I know, you are afraid that after our relationship is exposed, it will bring me a lot of criticism. But don't worry, I am confident that even if everyone knows about us, no one will think that I am not worthy of you. "

"Does being a shareholder of the company make you so confident?"

Qiao Sheng smiled and said: "It's not the identity of a shareholder that makes me confident, but I have confidence in myself, just wait and see. When netizens say that you are not worthy of me, don't cry."

After listening to Qiao Sheng's words, Bai Shu's tone suddenly became gentle: "Qiao Sheng, it's okay, we are fine now, don't push yourself too hard. As you said, other people's opinions are not important."

Bai Shu touched the soft spot in Qiao Sheng's heart, and he said softly: "Don't worry, I don't care what others think at all, I just want everyone to know that you, Bai Shu, have a good eye for scripts and a first-class eye for husbands. ”

“Pah.” Bai Shu said coquettishly, “Who picked the husband!”

Qiao Sheng’s words dispelled Bai Shu’s long-accumulated worries, and she became lively.

Qiao Sheng struck while the iron was hot and asked, “Is that so? Then should I check the company’s mailbox to see if there is any female singer with good taste who has invited me to write a song?”

“No!” Bai Shu was furious, “You haven’t given me the song you promised to write for me yet! You are not allowed to write songs for other women!”

Qiao Sheng laughed and said, “Oh, your deposit hasn’t been paid yet, I have no motivation.”

Hearing Qiao Sheng’s teasing, Bai Shu remembered the embarrassing scene when they chatted last time, and her heartbeat accelerated wildly.

She asked tentatively, “Just... . . . . . . Just kiss? "

Qiao Sheng was stunned for a moment, then ecstatic, but still pretended to be calm and said: "Anyway, we have kissed, it's just a kiss, this deposit is very simple, right?"

There was no sound from the other end for a long time. I don't know how long it took, Qiao Sheng heard a "mua" sound from the phone.

He was stunned for a moment, and his heartbeat soared. At this moment, he felt that Bai Shu was really too cute.

So Bai Shu thought that the kiss was this!

Qiao Sheng laughed dumbly, and then felt very warm.

"The deposit has been received, the contract is established, and it's my turn to stamp the contract. ”


Qiao Sheng also kissed back, and it was very loud.

In fact, many girls are like this. Even if they have held hands, hugged and kissed in real life, it is still difficult to let go on the phone.

Bai Shu belongs to this type.

This is a small step taken by Bai Shu, but it is a big step for the two people's relationship to warm up.

Qiao Sheng wanted to chat with Bai Shu for a while, but after Bai Shu kissed him, she shyly wanted to end the call.

After hanging up the phone, Bai Shu blushed like a ripe red apple.

When she thought of her actions just now, she buried her head in the quilt, leaving only a perfectly curved buttocks exposed.

When Luo Na came back, she saw such a sexy scene.

If it was Qiao Sheng who opened the door at this moment, I am afraid he would not be able to resist trying the shock absorption effect of the RV.

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