The first time, the last time, the last time.

If nothing unexpected happens, this segment of the program will be on the top of the hot search again.

Qiao Sheng has already thought of the hot search title.

"Death Knight lost full votes."

"523 votes! Didn't you see the guest's mistake just now? Just think of Death Knight as full votes!"

Qian Guang's ridicule made the female guest embarrassed.

"Such a high number of votes shows that everyone loves 'Death Knight'." Qian Guang said loudly.

After laughing at the guest's blunder, the audience burst into warm applause again.

This is undoubtedly the best recognition of "Death Knight" and the song "Nameless Man".

In the barrage, netizens also typed one after another.


"I want to vote too. Please open online voting for the show!"

"I can't wait to see the final episode of 'Death Knight' unveiling!"

"Why do you think he can stay until the end? But you think the same as me."

After the excitement, "Death Knight" bowed slightly to the audience again.

He was flattered by the full vote. The cheers were deafening. He felt unreal and nervous.

When I unveil my face, they should still support me like this, right?

They will definitely!

"Death Knight" did not leave the stage immediately. The guests had not asked questions yet.

"Next, let's move on to the questioning session. Do you have any questions for 'Death Knight'?"

From left to right, the first guest shook his head, indicating that he had nothing to ask.

The second, third, and last guest all said they did not want to ask questions.

"This is difficult. According to the rules, you must ask questions, otherwise the audience will say that our program has inside information."

"Cut this part and let's start again. Do you have any questions?"

Qian Guang's helpless voice made everyone laugh.

The first guest thought for a while and asked, "Death Knight, are you a male or female singer?"

The whole audience was in an uproar.

What kind of question is this?

Just say that you don't want to guess the identity of "Death Knight".

Qian Guang was stunned for a moment. "Death Knight" was obviously also confused and said, "It should be a male singer."

The first guest who asked the question provided a new idea for the next questioner. The second guest couldn't wait to ask, "How tall are you, 'Death Knight'?"

Liao Feng had already reacted at this time and felt very warmed by the support of the guests. He said, "Now I am more than 1.8 meters tall, but I haven't measured it specifically."

There is nothing wrong with what he said. Liao Feng was originally 1.78 meters tall. With the height of the props and costumes, he is more than 1.8 meters tall.

The third guest also asked, "Are you single?"

The slowest audience members had already reacted at this time. What's the difference between asking this question and not asking it?

Everyone looked at "Death Knight" with interest, looking forward to his answer.



Many female audience members screamed.

"Stop, stop, stop, let me remind you, this is a singing show, not a dating show." Qian Guang quickly stopped, "The last guest can't ask this kind of question again."

The fourth guest was a young and beautiful female guest. She made an OK gesture to Qian Guang and asked, "Is your boss single?"

Her question once again caused screams from the audience.

"Uh, no, he has a girlfriend."


Liao Feng's answer turned the screams from the audience into regretful sighs.

In the end, with the help of the four guests, "Death Knight" successfully did not reveal any information.

It can be considered that there is some, at least everyone knows that his boss is not single, which dispels the restlessness in many people's hearts.

Qiao Sheng, who was watching the show, felt his phone vibrate, picked it up and saw that it was a message from Bai Shu.

Bai Shu: Don't doubt it, you are my unpolished gem.

It seems that she just saw the part where "Death Knight" just finished singing.

Bai Shu's words made him feel very warm, and he immediately typed a reply: Then please, carve me carefully.

Bai Shu: Aren't you afraid that I will carve you into a pig?

Qiao Sheng laughed out loud.

Qiao Sheng: Pigs are good, just right to push your juicy cabbage.

Bai Shu: Okay, okay, you have set your sights on me.

Bai Shu: I will help you post on Weibo later, and you can help me write the copy.

Qiao Sheng smiled

, typed a reply: Shouldn't you come in person to show your sincerity in this matter?

Bai Shu: I don't care, you have a lot of reasons, and you can definitely write better than me. Do you want to write it?

Qiao Sheng: Okay, okay, I'll send it to you when I get back.

Bai Shu sent a coquettish "humph" in voice, and then ignored Qiao Sheng.

In the evening, Qiao Sheng sent the edited copy to Bai Shu, and the two of them stayed together for a long time before saying good night to each other.

After a while, Qiao Sheng saw Bai Shu posted a Weibo, this time it was not a photo, but a direct repost of the video of "Death Knight" singing live.

There was no change in the accompanying text.

"The world is still undecided, you and I are both dark horses. Whether we are unpolished jade or not, we must carefully carve ourselves before the stone coat is opened. In this way, even if the final result is not satisfactory, you will not regret not having worked hard for it. Salute to all the unknown people who are climbing on the road of life. PS: The boss's song is so well written, it made me cry."

Everyone thought that Bai Shu's last sentence was just to admire the boss's talent, and there was no trace of the pride in her words praising her man.

As expected, the third episode of "Masked Singer" once again exploded. Xie Haoran was delighted again when he saw the long string of numbers on the online platform the next day.

"Old Qiao, you are my god!"

Qiao Sheng could not hear Xie Haoran's silent cry in his heart.

It has only been three episodes since the start of the show, and the performance of "Masked Singer" so far has left the variety shows of the same period far behind.

The TV ratings of Shonan TV soar every Friday. From the data, it is completely suppressing other TV stations.

The senior executives of the station are quite satisfied with this result.

At the senior executive meeting after the third episode was broadcast, when Xie Haoran proposed to increase investment in next year's talent show again, everyone agreed happily.

After the third episode was broadcast, the hot discussion among netizens began to shift from speculation about the identity of "Death Knight" to "Boss".

The entertainment industry is big, and there are countless practitioners, but it is also small.

There are not many famous entertainment companies, and the identities of the company bosses are publicly available.

Netizens can feel from the praise of the boss between the lines of "Death Knight" and the song he wrote for "Death Knight" that this boss seems to be different from the boss in the public impression.

After the good-natured netizens empathized with the boss's song, they vowed to find him out.

You have sung our thoughts out, and you still want to hide?

No, you come out and do business! We want to follow you!

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