The last time they saw each other, they were so excited.

Lin Yixiang and Lin Dong finally walked off the stage amid the thunderous applause of the audience.

After the two left, Qian Guang shouted with excitement on his face:

"We still have one last singer to be unveiled. I know everyone can't wait, let's welcome them with the warmest voice..."

"'Death Knight'!"

Amid the loud shouts of the audience, a figure wearing a suit and a "Death Knight" hood walked out of the passage.

In order to facilitate the unveiling, the director team specially arranged for Liao Feng to change back into casual clothes.

"Death Knight" walked to the center of the stage with vigorous steps, bowed to all sides, raised the microphone and said: "Hello everyone, I am 'Death Knight'."

Liao Feng's voice was not processed, and everyone heard the real voice coming from the speaker.

As we all know, when people sing and talk normally, their voices will be slightly different.

As soon as "Death Knight" opened his mouth, many people said in the barrage that they felt familiar.

"Hey~ This voice sounds so familiar to me?"

"I must have heard this voice somewhere! Absolutely!"

"I know! I know who it is! But I can't remember what it is all of a sudden!"

"The voice is quite magnetic, and the figure is also good. It's worthy of the man I like."

Just when the barrage was still discussing the voice of "Death Knight", the background music had already sounded.

When everyone saw the song information on the big screen, they couldn't help but exclaimed.

The reason is that under the song name. The name of the composer is an old acquaintance.

Old Joe!

"Death Knight" will sing Lao Qiao's songs alone on the last stage of the glory unveiling!

Some smart audiences reacted the moment they saw Lao Qiao's name.

All the songs before "Death Knight" were written by Lao Qiao!

Then they had another idea.

No wonder it sounds so good!

It was the last unveiling moment, and the program team no longer hid and directly released the true identity of the songwriter and composer.

Everyone understood why the program team had always used the name of "Boss" to hide Lao Qiao.

Because from Lao Qiao's first song, except for one song written for Wei Qin, all the other songs were only written for singers of Snowball Entertainment!

For this reason, many singers in the circle were very angry. Why did he only write for people from Snowball Entertainment? We couldn't get any songs when we went there!

Lao Qiao's style of doing things would certainly be fine in other programs, but in "Masked Singer", he could only add a code name.

Otherwise, as soon as they saw the songwriter and composer Lao Qiao, anyone with a brain would know that "Death Knight" is a singer from Snowball Entertainment.

After further investigation, the identity was confirmed. Not to mention the finals, Liao Feng probably couldn't even last three episodes.

The appearance of Lao Qiao's name made many people forget to look at the name, until the music accompaniment sounded, and many people in the barrage asked: "What is the name of the song?"

The name of the song began to scroll quickly on the barrage.

"You are my eyes."

The singing of "Death Knight" rang out in the audience.

"If I can see,

I can easily distinguish between day and night,

I can accurately hold your hand in the crowd.

If I can see,

I can drive you around everywhere,

I can give you a hug from behind with surprise."

Blind man!

He sings about blind people!

This is the only thought in everyone's mind after hearing the song.

In fact, the songwriter of this song on earth is a blind man.

He is an artist from Taiwan Province - Xiao Huangqi.

He was born blind because of congenital cataracts.

At the age of four, he regained his sight through surgery. Although it was only amblyopia, it also allowed him to see the blue sky and white clouds.

At the age of fifteen, he became blind again.

After regaining his sight, he did not complain or become depressed.

Instead, he continued to create and wrote many songs.

"You Are My Eyes" is one of his representative works.

And the most well-known version of this song is actually Lin Youjia's cover.

However, Qiao Sheng prefers Xiao Huangqi's interpretation for only one reason - Xiao Huangqi is blind, and he can really sing the emotions that this song wants to express.

"The black in front of my eyes is not black,

What white you are talking about is white,

The blue sky people say is,

It is the blue sky behind the white clouds in my memory."

Lao Qian is a blind man,

To be exact, he has been blind for forty years, five months and seven days since birth.

He is blind, his wife has a disability in her legs and feet, but fortunately his daughter is healthy.

Due to physical reasons, the couple has been absent from their daughter's daily activities since she was young.

Watching TV has become one of the few family activities they can accompany their daughter.

On weekdays, the daughter has to study and do homework, and only on weekends can she relax and watch TV.

Weekends have also become a regular variety show for the whole family.

This is also the happiest time of his week.

His daughter and wife can see the stars in the show, while he can only "listen".

Then listen to his daughter vividly describe to him how handsome a male star is and how funny a female star is.

Because of his congenital blindness, Lao Qian has no concept of the words handsome and beautiful.

But it does not prevent him from listening with relish.

The couple's favorite variety show type is music programs.

The daughter is also very sensible and will specifically choose this type of program to watch with her parents.

At this time, they were listening to "Masked Singer" with their daughter.

The couple were deeply moved when they heard the singing of "Death Knight".

Blind people will really have different feelings when listening to this song.

Lao Qian's hands touched his side for a long time, and finally held one palm tightly.

"Wife, you have worked hard for so many years."

"Dad, that's my hand!"

"Ah?! When did you sit here..."

"I was just massaging my mother's legs here!"

Lao Qian made a big mistake, his old face turned red, and his wife and daughter laughed out loud when they saw him like this.

And there are thousands of blind people like Lao Qian in the country.

From today on, they decided to support one person, that is "Death Knight."

This society is not friendly to many disabled people.

It is especially difficult for blind people.

When many cities lay paving tiles on the sidewalks, there will be a road with raised patterns in the middle.

That's called a blind road.

As the name implies, it is a road specially designed for the blind without affecting normal pedestrians.

The original intention of this design is very good, and it does bring convenience to the blind.

But what about the reality?

Some people covered their eyes and tried the blind paths in many places.

Some blind paths will suddenly hit the electric poles while walking.

Some blind paths will suddenly turn into the flower beds while walking.

Some blind paths are filled with sundries by street shops.

Some blind paths have a big pit every few steps.

The blind paths have become real "blind paths".

If you have not experienced the pain of being deprived of vision, it is actually difficult to empathize with the blind.

Fortunately, many enthusiastic people will provide help to the blind when they see them.

According to the census data of China last year, the number of blind people in the country exceeded 17.3 million.

Rounding off. It is equivalent to one blind person in less than a hundred people.

The song "Death Knight" touches the hearts of blind people from another perspective.

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