As the three approached, Qiao Sheng felt a youthful and lively breath coming towards him.

Among the three, any one of them would be the focus of all men's attention.

Now that three of them appeared at once, the power increased exponentially.

Unfortunately, the few men in the gym were blind.

Not to mention that Qiao Sheng only had room for Bai Shu.

Just looking at the other three members of the Raptors who didn't even raise their heads, they were really determined in Taoism and born bachelors.

When Wang Liang saw someone coming, he just looked up and continued to lift weights without paying any attention.

He wanted to take a closer look, because Shi Jing was staring at him.

Qiao Sheng thought the three beauties were guests of the hotel, and after taking a look at them, he just focused on his own exercise.

So what if they are pretty? Can they be as pretty as Bai Shu?

Her figure is indeed good, but it is a pity that she is still several letters away from Bai Shu.

Qiao Sheng and his friends did not react, but when the beauties saw the Raptors, they suddenly shouted.

"Ah! It's the Raptors! What a coincidence!"

Wang Liang thought he met a fan and had no choice but to put down the equipment in his hand.

When he was about to greet them with a smile, Fan Tang, who had already seen the three people clearly, spoke first: "Star Girls?! What a coincidence. Are you staying in this hotel too?"

Star Girls?

Qiao Sheng felt that the name sounded a little familiar, as if it was a girl group from Chengtian Entertainment.

The Raptors had seen the Star Girls at a previous event, and they were friends who knew each other but were not familiar with each other.

Wang Liang came over with a smile and said, "Oh, I didn't expect it was you guys. I couldn't recognize you without makeup."

It would have been fine if he didn't speak, but when he did, he said something very straight and unemotional, which made the three beauties embarrassed and didn't know how to answer.

Shi Jing pushed Wang Liang away and said with a smile, "What he meant was that he didn't expect you to look so good without makeup."

Wang Liang also realized that he had said the wrong thing, and quickly made up for it, "Yes, yes, yes, that's what I meant. You can go without makeup next time, and don't need to wear makeup at all."

Shi Jing rolled her eyes to the sky, sighed, and smiled at the starlight girl, "Give me ten seconds."

She turned around and yelled at Wang Liang, "Shut up! If you can't speak, just pretend to be dumb on the side."

Then Shi Jing squeezed Wang Liang out of the chat circle and took the three people to chat on the other side.

Fan Tang and the others were immune to beautiful women when they were exercising, and continued to lift weights after Shi Jing pulled the three people away.

In their hearts, women are the demons of muscle growth, and the more beautiful women, the deeper their skills!

You mean Bai Shu?

That's a fairy, different.

It's not just men who like beautiful women, for women, beautiful women are also very attractive.

Shi Jing was very happy, it was rare for girls she knew to come and exercise together, and they were three fresh and delicious... beautiful and tall girls.

The three Starlight Girls liked the Raptors Band very much, but they were fans of Shi Jing, and had nothing to do with the other four blind people.

When they met at the event before, they had a special chat with Shi Jing.

When they met in the hotel gym today, they seemed to be best friends who hadn't seen each other for a long time, and they got together to chat while warming up.

When the two sides asked each other, they didn't expect that they were all here to record the talent show.

The Raptors Band knows everything, and they were invited to be comprehensive instructors.

They only teach three things.

Singing, musical instruments, and - fitness!

Starlight Girls are not so complicated.

Except for the captain Huang Yushu who will continue to stay here, the other two will return to the company in two days.

The three of them had come together to record another variety show on Shonan TV, which just ended the day before yesterday.

The other two were afraid that Huang Yushu would be too bored staying here alone, so they stayed with her for two more days since they had nothing to do.

The captain, Huang Yushu, was the tallest and had the longest legs among the three.

The other two were named Tian Tian and Song Leyi.

Starlight Girls is a popular girl group under the domestic entertainment giant Panhai Entertainment. As soon as they debuted, they attracted countless fans with their youthful and beautiful appearance.

As the first idol group launched by Panhai Entertainment two years ago, the three members of Starlight Girls are good at singing and dancing, and they are not the kind of girl group that only has face but no strength.

This time, the captain Huang Yushu accepted Xie Haoran's invitation to act as a dance instructor in the show.

In fact, when Qiao Sheng knew that the three were a girl group and were staying in this hotel, he roughly guessed why they were here.

The talent show planning proposal he provided to Shonan TV

, after several discussions and revisions, it has already changed beyond recognition.

His previous idea was to have a single-person talent show similar to Super Goddess, after all, this is the pioneer of talent shows.

However, after some discussions, Qiao Sheng also realized that with the development of society, people's aesthetics have also changed.

A program that was popular all over the country 20 years ago may not be suitable for 20 years later.

Finally, under the leadership of Qiao Sheng, and with the efforts of several directors, the program plan has undergone a major change in content.

The entire program content has changed from a single-person talent show at the beginning to a boy group talent show.

In recent years, the popularity of Korean boy and girl groups has skyrocketed in China, and major companies are launching newcomers in the form of groups.

Qiao Sheng proposed this idea, and after several discussions (quarrels) with the leaders of Shonan TV, they also felt that it would be more interesting to conduct a talent show in the form of a boy group.

Finally, the program team set a quota of 100 male trainees and began registration and screening across the country.

The term "trainee" was also borrowed from South Korea.

It mainly refers to people who are still practicing and training in the company and have not yet debuted as an artist.

After the program team opened the registration channel, they received resumes from all over the country.

Among them, except for individual trainees who have not signed a contract with a company, almost all domestic entertainment companies are included.

The registration website received nearly 20,000 profiles with personal introduction videos on the first day.

Xie Haoran did not expect so many people to sign up at first.

With so many people, it is inevitable that all kinds of monsters and demons will appear.

In order to avoid some malicious people who deliberately come to the program to disgust people, Xie Haoran also increased the review efforts in addition to the surprise.

This made the staff who reviewed the registration very worried.

In the end, even after the initial screening, there were still tens of thousands of people who met the registration requirements.

Xie Haoran's golden signboard is hanging there, and the program has the support of a well-funded sponsor like "Eat BBQ Tonight".

Young people who dream of becoming stars, as long as they meet the requirements, will naturally flock to this program.

Especially after the insider news broke that Shonan TV had built a separate filming base for this program, the number of people who submitted resumes was even greater.

After layers of screening, the last 100 trainees are of great value.

However, up to now, the director team has not announced the candidates for several mentors, but only posted a black silhouette poster on Weibo.

While netizens scolded Xie Haoran for playing tricks, they were also very curious about who the people in the silhouette were.

Among them, the figures holding musical instruments are easier to guess. At first glance, they are stars or bands who are proficient in musical instruments.

Then their burly and sturdy figures were quickly revealed by netizens to be the Raptors Band.

The program team also knew that it would be difficult for the Raptors Band to hide it. The day after the silhouette poster was released, it announced the news that the Raptors Band joined as mentors.

The silhouette poster also clearly shows the appearance of the Raptors Band.

As for the remaining few people, it was really confusing. We could only guess whether they were male or female from the silhouettes, and we didn’t know anything else.

Xie Haoran played the masked routine again, and even the Raptors didn’t know who the other celebrity mentors were.

I met the Star Girls at the gym today, and only then did I know that one of the silhouettes was Huang Yushu.

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