The tour route arranged by Xiao Lu was from inside to outside.

At the innermost part, there were two dormitory buildings.

One for boys and one for girls.

Many trainees have moved into the boys' building, and the staff of the program group also live here. Although the whole building does not look very lively, there are people coming in and out occasionally.

Xiao Lu only took a few people to walk around the first floor, looked at the room a few times and left.

They did not dare to go upstairs. The trainees upstairs had already poked their heads out and screamed when they saw the Raptors getting off the shuttle bus.

If they went up, they would not be able to come down in a short time.

Not far from the dormitory building was the canteen building, which had three floors in total.

The first floor is the gym, the second floor is the cafeteria, and the third floor is the leisure area, which has game consoles, billiards and other entertainment facilities.

Next, Xiao Lu took them to visit the main recording studio, training building and other buildings.

Qiao Sheng couldn't think of any other words to describe it except that he was impressed by the wealth of Xiangnan TV.

But along the way, Qiao Sheng always felt that the whole base was missing something.

It was not until he left the shooting base by car that Qiao Sheng realized that he had never seen any materials of the name of this program in the whole base.

He asked Xiao Lu about his doubts.

Xiao Lu thought for a while, suddenly shouted and stepped on the brakes, almost throwing Qiao Sheng out of the car.

"Fuck, I said something was missing! The materials for the program haven't been arranged yet!"

Xiao Lu parked the car on the side of the road, took out the phone in a panic and dialed a number, and started to report to the leader after the call was connected.

A few minutes later, Xiao Lu wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and thanked Qiao Sheng repeatedly: "Thank you so much for your reminder, otherwise the leaders of the station will come to inspect in two days. Our entire department will be in trouble."

After all the calculations, he still suffered from empiricism. The main reason for the problem was still lack of experience.

All the programs of Shonan TV were recorded in the studio of the TV station before.

The staff of the program team did not have much experience in shooting outside.

In addition, they were too busy recently, which resulted in the various materials prepared for the program being placed in the warehouse of the TV station to gather dust.

A few days before the recording of the program, Qiao Sheng and the Raptors moved into the recording base.

At this time, the promotional posters of the program could be seen everywhere in the base.

The name of the program is "Tomorrow's Star", abbreviated as "Star".

This name has great expectations for the contestants who have not yet debuted.

It is also because of the name "Tomorrow's Star" that the shooting base is privately called the star-making factory.

After all kinds of posters and slogans were hung up, the entire star-making factory finally looked like a variety show base.

On the night of moving in, Qiao Sheng met Xie Haoran in the conference room of the dormitory building.

Xie Haoran came with a contract and a plan.

There were several clauses in the contract that needed to be revised, so Xie Haoran simply came to them with the revised contract.

By the way, he also wanted Qiao Sheng to see the program plan that had been greatly revised.

Qiao Sheng took advantage of the gap when the Raptors Band signed the contract and took the detailed program process from Xie Haoran and read it.

Qiao Sheng also participated in the discussion in the WeChat group about the part that needed to be revised, but he didn't know some of the details.

In total, this was the first time Xie Haoran met the planner of the program.

When Xie Haoran knew that Qiao Sheng was the writer of the plan, he was very surprised.

When he met Qiao Sheng before, Qiao Sheng was still standing next to Lin Yixiang as an assistant.

Now, he was sitting opposite him as a chief planner.

Although he was surprised, he didn't show any sign on his face, nor did he look down on him. Instead, he kept praising Qiao Sheng for his youth and potential since they met.

He had been in the industry for half his life and had seen everything.

Qiao Sheng just changed from an assistant to a planner. He had also seen people change from an assistant to a secretary, and then from a secretary to a boss's wife.

If this really happened, he would want to be the boss's wife when he thought of the outstanding conditions of Lin Moxue, the boss of Snowball Entertainment.

Unfortunately, he was just a bald middle-aged man.

Alas, if I were so handsome, why would I be a director? I would just participate in my own show and debut as a group.

Xie Haoran sighed at Qiao Sheng's external conditions again, and finally could only touch the few hairs on his Mediterranean head and feel sad.

The detailed process of the program,

The planning proposal given by Qiao Sheng was modified and expanded, and the content filled in was very detailed, and he could not find any faults.

As a TV station that can stand out among so many local stations, Qiao Sheng is still very confident about the strength of Xiangnan TV in variety shows.

He gave a thumbs up to the planners of the program team in his heart.

The time for the program recording is getting closer and closer. In the past few days, trainees from all over the country have begun to arrive one after another.

The sound of boys laughing happily can be heard in the dormitory building every day, which makes Qiao Sheng feel like he is back on campus.

One day before the program recording begins, the program team announced the identities of the remaining two mentors.

Ji Chen, a well-known first-line singer, serves as a singing mentor.

Yu Tong, a Sichuan and Chongqing rapper, serves as a rap mentor.

After the identities of the four mentors were all announced on Weibo, only the initiator standing in the front was still a black silhouette.

When all the mentor information was announced, Qiao Sheng was watching the rehearsal of the Raptors.

At the beginning of the first episode, each group of mentors will appear on stage in the form of a stage performance.

First, it is to show the strength of the mentors to the trainees, and second, it is to let the trainees know which mentor they can ask for advice if they are lacking in certain aspects.

Since they are called mentors, they must fulfill their responsibilities as mentors.

It is stated in the contract of the program group that several mentors must stay here to accompany the trainees throughout the whole process.

It is not like on Earth, where they occasionally come to instruct the trainees when they are free, and then specially record some shots of the mentors teaching the trainees.

For this reason, the four groups of mentors must stay here permanently.

The schedule of the Raptors Band in the past few months has been here.

During the rehearsal, the Raptors Band also took out their mobile phones to discuss with Qiao Sheng who the last initiator who has not appeared is.

Judging from the silhouette, it should be a female star, but this is the only clue.

Just when everyone was thinking about whether to ask Xie Haoran, the devil came and Xie Haoran pushed the door in.

The recording will start tomorrow, and he came in advance to see the status of several mentors.

It would have been better if he hadn't come. As soon as he came, he was surrounded by Wang Liang and others, asking who the last person was.

Xie Haoran is indeed the one who has been occupying the throne of the number one variety show director that the audience wants to beat up for many years. The recording will start tomorrow, but he is still so tight-lipped.

He talked about this and that, but refused to reveal anything.

After talking for a long time, an assistant director suddenly pushed the door in hurriedly.

"Director Xie, it's bad! Two trainees were injured and sent to the hospital!"

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