The two of them were very close, and the two sides were very close.

It is said that among the fifty-six ethnic groups in China, fifty-five can sing and dance well.

When Qiao Sheng saw Zhou Cong put on his national costume in the dormitory, he was still looking forward to his performance.

Xie Haoran, who saw Zhou Cong at this time, had the same idea as Qiao Sheng.

Especially when Zhou Cong faced him, his words were sincere and neither humble nor arrogant. He was not as submissive as the previous trainees, which made him feel a little good about Zhou Cong.

Qiao Sheng's mentality was very good. He also thought last night that since he was here, he should make the best of it and do it at a normal level.

Soon, all 100 trainees were assembled.

After more people came, Xie Haoran put on a serious expression, pacing and observing among the trainees, and walked in front of each contestant.

The trainees stood straight, all like military training, looking forward and not daring to look sideways.

Just such a small scene, it highlights the psychological quality of some people.

Some trainees dared not breathe when Xie Haoran passed by.

Some were too nervous, their fists were shaking.

Some were forcing a smile, wanting to leave a handsome image in front of the camera.

Even Zhou Cong, the club cow, was very tense under the pressure of the tense atmosphere.

Because it was the first stage, everyone else was dressed up carefully, even if the weather was cold, they all wore a little thin for a handsome image.

Only Qiao Sheng was wearing casual clothes and a thick down jacket on the outside.

No makeup, no hair tidying, the only thing he did was to wash his head, face and shave in the morning.

This is already the highest standard for an ordinary boy to attend an event.

As a result, almost everyone at the scene put on makeup to look good on camera.

He was really unprepared and was acting in his true colors. Not to mention makeup, he even wore the clothes that Bai Shu helped him match through video last night.

Bai Shu's vision was naturally good, and the whole set of clothes and pants was also very good-looking, but he still looked particularly abrupt among a group of carefully dressed trainees.

After Xie Haoran left, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

The few times Qiao Sheng and Xie Haoran met were all in private.

Not only did he not feel the temperament of a variety show boss in Xie Haoran, but he thought Xie Haoran was a bit funny.

Today, Xie Haoran showed Qiao Sheng a completely different side of him in front of so many people, and finally let Qiao Sheng know what a variety show director is.

There were still ten minutes before the official recording, and the relaxed trainees began to chat.

There were a hundred trainees at the scene, although they came from all over the country, but many of them knew each other.

Needless to say, the trainees of the same company naturally talked and laughed with each other because they had participated in some offline programs together.

At this time, Qiao Sheng and Zhou Cong seemed a little out of place.

However, Zhou Cong was blessed with national costumes, and soon the trainees around him came up to talk to him.

When there were many people, Qiao Sheng seemed a little absent-minded, while Zhou Cong was like a fish in water, and he had become one with others in a few minutes.

The break time was fleeting. Under the organization and leadership of the staff, the trainees entered the recording hall in the order called by the staff before.

In the recording hall, the seats of one hundred trainees have been arranged in the shape of a pyramid.

Like the trainee talent show on Earth, "Tomorrow's Star" also set up 9 positions for the debut of the group.

The 9 positions marked with numbers 1 to 9 are at the top of the pyramid.

Especially the position marked with the huge number "1", which is above the top of the pyramid.

Sitting in the No. 1 position will give you a bird's-eye view of the entire venue, highlighting the uniqueness of this position.

As soon as you enter the venue, everyone's attention will be attracted by these 9 positions, especially the No. 1 position, which has golden lighting effects around it, which is completely different from other seats without lights.

Today is the first scoring stage, and now we are recording the trainee self-evaluation session.

After entering the recording hall, these numbered positions can be chosen at will.

If you are ambitious enough and have enough confidence in your own ability, you can directly sit in the No. 1 position.

The No. 1 seat is above all other seats. As long as someone sits on it, it will immediately become the focus of the audience. This is also one of the biggest highlights of the first episode.

Sitting on it means that this trainee thinks that he or she is

I am the best one among the 100 people.

Qiao Sheng and the program team went through these rules one by one, so he is naturally familiar with them.

The entire stage is designed according to his ideas, and there is no novelty for him.

But others have not seen it. Every trainee who came out of the backstage couldn't help but sigh in front of the pyramid-like seats.

From the waiting area to the recording hall, every trainee has to pass through a room.

The room is filled with stickers representing self-evaluation, with ABCD and F printed on the stickers, representing the rating from high to low.

In this room, the trainees have to choose stickers based on their self-evaluation and stick them on their bodies, and then tell the camera why they chose this English letter.

In the subsequent evaluation stage, the four groups of mentors and initiators will give them new ratings based on their performance.

Here, there will be trainees who chose AB before and were judged as CD due to poor performance, and there will also be trainees who chose F and jumped to A or B because of their outstanding strength.

When the trainees made boasts in front of the camera when choosing stickers, there was a big gap.

This is also one of the highlights of the first episode.

One by one, the trainees passed through the room excitedly or nervously and entered the recording hall.

Soon, it was Qiao Sheng's turn.

As an individual trainee, Qiao Sheng could only go on stage alone.

The door to the hall opened and Qiao Sheng stepped out.

The bright lights dazzled Qiao Sheng a little. He couldn't help squinting his eyes, and then he saw the huge pyramid.

There was also a seat for the mentor in front of the pyramid.

Thinking that he would be treated as a student and perform in front of the Raptors Band as a teacher, Qiao Sheng couldn't help rolling his eyes in his heart.

But he still kept a smile on his face and took the microphone to prepare to introduce himself.

"Hello everyone, my name is Qin Sheng, and I am a producer from Snowball Entertainment... Bah, I am a trainee from Snowball Entertainment."

And then it was gone.

No personal information appeared on the screen in this recording. The trainees who appeared in the hall could only get to know each other through self-introduction.

Originally, the director team did not set up a self-introduction session. It was mainly because the second group of trainees who entered immediately introduced themselves after seeing the camera.

1, 2, 3, hello everyone, we are sc boys. . . . . . .

After that, each trainee who entered began to introduce themselves.

After the other trainees came up, they all started to talk about their specialties after introducing themselves.

In order to get more shots, everyone wanted to talk about what awards they had won in elementary school.

Some people even rapped directly.

When it came to Qiao Sheng, he was concise and clear, and ended with one sentence.

He didn't want to say this part at first, but he was afraid that he would be called too arrogant, so he could only go with the flow.

Qiao Sheng's self-introduction, which was obviously not prepared too much, stunned all the trainees.

Then, someone realized it.

Yes! Why didn't I think of that? Everyone's self-introduction must be very long. If someone suddenly comes and does the opposite, wouldn't it leave a deep impression on everyone?

In the eyes of these people, Qiao Sheng has been equated with a scheming bitch.

No, the female is called a scheming bitch, and the male should be called a scheming dick!

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