After singing the song, Zhou Cong was relaxed and didn't feel embarrassed at all. Instead, he showed his true colors after seeing the smiles on the mentors' faces.

"Do you think I'm good at dancing because I'm wearing this ethnic costume?"

"I didn't expect it, I can't at all!"

Zhou Cong's funny performance amused all the mentors.

Wang Liang asked about the meaning of the previous song.

Zhou Cong changed his nervousness when he first came on stage, and talked about the origin of his own nation and the current poverty alleviation of their poor mountainous areas by the country, and almost shed tears on the stage.

Seeing Zhou Cong on the stage from nervous to not stage fright, several mentors gave him a thumbs up.

Then let him get off the stage quickly.

Xie Haoran was also very happy after watching this scene. This contrast is the first highlight of the first stage.

At that time, the promotional video will only edit his starting action and the final big talk, which will raise the expectations of all the audience!

Xie Haoran's old problem came back again, and he began to prepare to be a nobody again.

In the end, Zhou Cong received a C-level evaluation with his beautiful singing and poor dancing.

Before leaving, Bai Shu said to Zhou Cong a little embarrassedly: "I'm sorry, I didn't know you couldn't dance. If I hadn't asked you to dance, with your singing skills, you would definitely have no problem with a B-level evaluation."

Zhou Cong waved his hand nonchalantly and said: "It's okay, even if you don't cue me, I will take the initiative to ask to dance. I have learned it. If I don't perform, I always feel that I have wasted the 500 tuition fees I paid online."

Zhou Cong's words made everyone laugh.

Zhou Cong returned to his seat and relaxed, and started chatting with Yao Tian.

"How is it, Yao Tian, ​​is my performance impressive?"

Yao Tian is the trainee sitting in position 98.

He was more nervous than Zhou Cong before. He sat there with his lips pursed, his face a little pale, and he kept taking deep breaths to relieve his nervousness.

He turned his head and glanced at Zhou Cong, forcing a smile on his face: "Yeah, very impressive."

No one knew how he felt at this moment, he just wanted to cry.

Unlike Qiao Sheng and Zhou Cong, he knew his strength very well. Except for his slightly impressive rap, he had nothing else to offer.

After choosing the stickers, he chose F very self-awarely, and chose a position very far back.

He originally wanted to choose position 100, but it was unfortunately picked by Qiao Sheng, who was calm and composed. Number 99 was actually OK, but it was also picked by Zhou Cong first.

In the end, he could only choose number 98.

After Zhou Cong performed on stage, he was even more desperate.

You sing so well, why did you choose number 99?

Looking at Qiao Sheng again, from the beginning to now, I have never seen any nervousness on his face. Obviously, he is also a hidden boss.

The two of you are like this, which will make people think that those of us who choose the bottom position are all capable and overly modest.

What should I do when I go on stage later?

Zhou Cong saw that Yao Tian started to mutter after he finished speaking, obviously sharpening his sword before the battle, so he stopped disturbing him and turned back to ask Qiao Sheng, but saw that he was looking at the direction of the instructor without blinking, ignoring his questions.

Well, Brother Sheng is daydreaming again, and I can only be a beautiful man of a different race quietly.

But he is a character who can't calm down after all. When a trainee comes on stage, he is the first to stand up and applaud wildly.

When others see this, they also applaud.

Xie Haoran, who was watching the recording situation, saw this and clapped his hands, thinking that Zhou Cong was right to call. With him, there is no need for the on-site director to guide, and the atmosphere will be brought up by itself.

"Pay attention, give more shots to Zhou Cong later."

When Zhou Cong gets more shots, Qiao Sheng will naturally be brought to the screen.

He also saw that Qiao Sheng looked bored and lazy, and couldn't help but laugh and scold: "Hey, look at this kid in a daze."

The staff also found Qiao Sheng and asked: "Director, do you want to zoom in a little so that you can't bring this trainee to the screen."

Xie Haoran smiled and said: "No, just like that, you focus on these two people, and remember to give more shots when you scan the whole audience."

The staff was a little puzzled by Xie Haoran's order, but didn't ask much.

Qiao Sheng's behavior and expression obviously did not conform to the principle of giving more shots. He didn't know what Xie Haoran was up to, but he was just a social animal, so he just listened to Director Xie and did what he said.

But this trainee

, how come they don't look nervous at all.

One after another, trainees went on stage to perform. With Zhou Cong's dance foundation, some people gained confidence in themselves and began to relax.

Their idea was simple. Even if they sang poorly, they still had dance foundation.

But after several groups of people went on stage to perform, they were severely criticized by vocal instructor Ji Chen, and some people couldn't laugh anymore.

After another trainee was rated F because of out-of-tune, although his dance skills were very good, Ji Chen couldn't help but turn his head and said to everyone seriously: "If you think you can rely on dance to get a B or above, I advise you to put away this little thought."

Yu Tong also echoed: "Although I am not a member of a mixed boy group, based on your performance, none of you can reach the passing line of a boy group member in my mind for the time being."

As a member of the girl group, Huang Yushu also nodded in agreement.

The atmosphere in the whole hall suddenly became solemn.

The trainees began to realize that the instructors' judging standards might be much higher than they imagined.

Judging from the more than 20 people who have performed, the ratings are generally below C level.

After the criticism from the mentors, the people who were going to perform next put away their thoughts.

In the dull atmosphere, another hour passed.

Bai Shu picked up the microphone again and continued: "Please welcome the next trainee..."

When he saw the name on the paper, Bai Shu was stunned for a moment, and then he smiled.

"Qin Sheng!"

Bai Shu read out the name, and then turned to look in the direction of Qiao Sheng.

Qiao Sheng looked at her, smiled and stood up and walked to the stage.

"Hello, mentors, I am Qiao... Qin Sheng from Snowball Entertainment Co., Ltd."

The previous self-introduction was for the camera and other trainees, but this time it was for the mentors.

And Qiao Sheng once again used an extremely brief self-introduction to make several mentors look at each other in bewilderment.

Ji Chen heard Qiao Sheng's slip of the tongue and spoke first: "Maybe he was too nervous. This contestant didn't even say what he was going to perform."

The trainees laughed kindly.

Am I nervous?

Qiao Sheng also asked himself in his heart.

If it was him in the past, this question would be redundant. He must be so nervous that his legs were shaking.

Now, facing the camera and a group of people looking at him, Qiao Sheng didn't feel anything.

Maybe it was the confidence given to him by the music library of the entire earth, or it might be the confidence given to him by his rich wealth.

In short, Qiao Sheng was not nervous at all.

Seeing that Qiao Sheng didn't respond, Ji Chen continued: "Qin Sheng?"

Qiao Sheng came back to his senses and said embarrassedly: "Sorry, I was distracted."

"The performance I'm going to bring is playing and singing by myself."

"The song is called, "Nanshan Nan"."

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