The two of them were very close.

"Brother Sheng, Brother Sheng, what were you talking about with Bai Shu just now?"

As soon as Bai Shu left, Zhou Cong immediately sat down opposite Qiao Sheng.

"Nothing." Qiao Sheng said lightly: "I told her a wise saying, she thought it made sense and thanked me."

"Just brag." Zhou Cong obviously didn't believe it, but still asked curiously: "What wise saying did you say?"

Qiao Sheng repeated what he just said, and Zhou Cong was amazed: "I'll write this sentence down when I go back."

Qiao Sheng saw that he was so excited, so he didn't plan to tell him the second half of the sentence, because he was afraid that Zhou Cong couldn't bear the blow.

"But that one percent of talent is the most important, even more important than the ninety-nine percent of sweat."

Zhou Cong is very talented in singing, with a good voice, a wide range of voice, and no high or low notes are difficult for him.

The only thing that makes him difficult is dancing.

After three days of practice, he can indeed perform all the dance moves, but there is a sense of disobedience no matter how you look at it.

Zhou Cong thinks it must be because he has not practiced enough, so he got up early in the morning to practice again.

Qiao Sheng did not intend to tell him the second half of the sentence. In fact, he thought too much. With Zhou Cong's personality, if he knew the second half of the sentence, he would only say: "Well, you are right, I have one percent of talent, but what I lack is the ninety-nine percent of sweat!"

The dance assessment in the afternoon was in a large dance studio.

One hundred trainees sat on the steps against the wall, opposite to a huge mirror and several cameras.

According to the order called by the staff, the trainees will go up one by one to perform in front of the camera.

Several mentors, in another room, evaluated and scored the trainees' three-day efforts through real-time playback of images.

There are four cameras in total. If you want to take the initiative to go on stage for the assessment, you can stand next to a trainee after the staff calls him to take the assessment together.

When Qiao Sheng heard this rule, he immediately knew that this was another "shrimp and pig heart" idea of ​​Xie Haoran.

He clearly deliberately gave the trainees a chance to go up for revenge.

It's okay to dance and sing alone. As long as the basic skills are passed, good and bad are not so intuitive.

But if there is someone next to you singing and dancing with you, the contrast will be very obvious.

Xie Haoran is indeed an inhuman director.

While Qiao Sheng was complaining, he turned his head to look at Rong Yijiang. Sure enough, Rong Yijiang was looking at him with expectant eyes.

What a sin.

Qiao Sheng could only complain silently in his heart.

Soon, the first trainee from Class A was called up.

As the music started, he sang and danced the theme song neatly.

Several mentors in another room also nodded in praise.

"It was done well."

"The breath was also stable."

"It's just that there are a few places where the expression is not well controlled, a little hideous."

Except for Bai Shu, several mentors expressed their opinions and wrote down the evaluation level on the paper in front of them.

The first person made a good start, and the people behind were a little uncomfortable.

In this kind of assessment, after the first person performs, he will leave an impression in the minds of the mentors.

After that, each performer will basically be scored based on the performance of the first person.

People with confidence are still confident, while people without confidence, like Zhou Cong, twist and turn in their seats as if they have a sore on their buttocks.

Nervous, unable to sit still.

When Qiao Sheng was called, the director of the program group asked as usual if anyone wanted to join.

In a flash, Rong Yijiang stood up.

This was expected, but.

Qiao Sheng looked up at Zhou Cong in confusion, and the meaning in his eyes was very clear.

What do you mean by standing up?

Zhou Cong said with a sincere smile: "Brother Sheng, we share the hardship, I will accompany you!"

Qiao Sheng was speechless.

The two had practiced dancing together in the dormitory corridor before.

Because the dormitory corridor was very narrow, Qiao Sheng had long arms and legs, so he couldn't let go at all. He could only shrink his arms and legs to memorize the movements and get familiar with the dance feeling.

The dance was naturally not good-looking.

In Zhou Cong's opinion, he was a bad dancer like him, and he wanted to dance with him so that he wouldn't look so abrupt.

You are really a little angel who loves to die.

Qiao Sheng looked at Zhou Cong who was sandwiched between Rong Yijiang and himself, and couldn't help but mourn for him.

When the music started and the three of them started dancing together, Zhou Cong was attracted by Qiao Sheng's smooth dance.

The charming movements scared him.

While he was stunned, he also made several mistakes.

With Zhou Cong, the lively guy in the middle, the dance of Qiao Sheng and Rong Yijiang looked beautiful.

It can be regarded as helping Qiao Sheng on another level.

He brought joy to the mentors and successfully retained his C-level evaluation again.

Qiao Sheng and Rong Yijiang both received A evaluations.

In front of the camera, Zhou Cong looked at Qiao Sheng with tears in his eyes, and Qiao Sheng could only give him a helpless look.

After the main theme song singing and dancing evaluation, all the trainees went through another class division.

What Bai Shu said in Class A on the first day was fulfilled here.

Don't think that you can rest assured if you stand high.

After the changes in the trainees in each class, the team division began in the evening.

The empty recording hall seemed a bit crowded after more than a hundred people squeezed in.

After all the trainees had gathered, more than ten minutes passed before several mentors finally arrived.

Huang Yushu was still dressed like a normal girl group, but today she was wearing a pleated skirt with a white shirt, which showed off her long legs and had a strong youthful vibe.

There was nothing much to say about the other male mentors. When the four groups of mentors came in together, almost everyone's eyes were on Huang Yushu.

Bai Shu had to miss the recording of this session because he had work in the evening.

The representative of the Raptors was Wang Liang, who made a rock gesture to all the trainees as soon as he entered the door, as a greeting to the trainees.

During the three days of teaching, the four tough guys of the Raptors not only taught them to sing, but also guided them to practice various musical instruments. They were also very easy-going and got along with almost everyone. Their popularity among the five groups of mentors was second only to Huang Yushu.

As soon as he greeted them, he immediately received a warm response from the trainees.

He also took on the role of host of this session, holding the microphone and saying to everyone: "Good evening, handsome guys."

The audience responded enthusiastically to Wang Liang again.

"After yesterday's assessment test, each class has made personnel changes. There must be many people who feel that they did not show their true strength in this test, right?"


"Well, your chance has come. Next, you will usher in the first performance stage of "Star of Tomorrow"!"

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