After hearing what Qiao Sheng said, the other trainees all turned their heads to look over.

Zhou Cong was also very shocked, and looked at Qiao Sheng in disbelief and said, "Brother Sheng, you said that you wrote this song specifically for me?"

Qiao Sheng smiled and said, "Yes, after watching your first stage performance, I think you are particularly suitable for singing this song."


Before Zhou Cong came back to his senses, Qiao Sheng looked at him very seriously and said, "Ah, what? Can you do it? If not, we can change the C position."

"No, I..." Zhou Cong opened his mouth, but was interrupted by Qiao Sheng before he finished speaking.

"Then you can't sing it?" Qiao Sheng raised his eyebrows.

"No, I can do it." Zhou Cong's voice was a little low, and he looked unconfident.

"Louder, I can't hear you, can you do it?" Qiao Sheng almost scolded him.


"Louder, can you do it?!"

"I can do it!" Zhou Cong shouted loudly: "I can do it! I can sing!"

Seeing Zhou Cong's neck veins popping out as he shouted, Qiao Sheng nodded with relief.

"This is the Zhou Cong I know, show your social terrorist side!"

Zhou Cong scared himself with his voice, and scratched his head embarrassedly and agreed.

With Qiao Sheng, the original author's "dictatorship", everything went smoothly. After the lyrics were divided, everyone practiced separately.

They had to be familiar with the whole song first, and only after singing the whole song could they know which part was most suitable for them.

The break time after lunch was only more than an hour, and they had to go to class in the afternoon, so they had to race against time.

Qiao Sheng's encouragement seemed to have turned on a switch in Zhou Cong, making him very hardworking. He even read the lyrics while eating.

And there are many trainees like him.

In recent days, if you walk on the road of the "Star Factory", you will see people walking in front of you suddenly start to dance on the spot.

Late at night, push open the door of the dormitory building's safety passage, and you will immediately hear loud singing echoing in the stairwell.

The news that people will be eliminated after the performance really puts them under great pressure.

Qiao Sheng is naturally not idle. Whether it is singing or dancing, except for the necessary rest time, he maintains twelve points of concentration in practice.

It's just that there are a few days, because of the sleepiness that swept over from getting up early to run with Bai Shu, he would be distracted for a while.

Seeing that Qiao Sheng has become hardworking, Bai Shu also taught him a way to practice breathing, that is, singing while running.

Qiao Sheng has heard of this method.

Coco Lee, a superstar on Earth, has the habit of practicing her breath and lung capacity by running.

At first, Qiao Sheng found it difficult to get used to it. After a few days of adaptation, he was able to sing while running, but he couldn't stick to the whole process.

During this week, several celebrity mentors came to teach a few classes, and the rest of the time was taught by professional teachers.

In addition to Bai Shu's guidance, Qiao Sheng also asked professional teachers for advice on the problems he found during his self-taught singing.

He used to be completely behind closed doors, and he didn't know who to ask for many questions.

Now there are free professionals to ask, Qiao Sheng will not waste this opportunity.

In just a few days, Qiao Sheng's singing level has improved greatly.

Dancing has also improved rapidly. While adapting to his body's dance memory, he is also trying to review all the dance moves.

Rong Yijiang, who was once defeated by Qiao Sheng, has been secretly competing with Qiao Sheng since entering Class A.

Whether it is the homework assigned by professional teachers or the singing and dancing exercises of the theme song, he strives to surpass Qiao Sheng.

Unfortunately, he was just acting for the blind.

Except for the time when Qiao Sheng saw him when he entered the class, he never paid attention to Rong Yijiang again.

His mind was only on daily classes and team training.

Because the team members came from different classes, they could not gather together for classes during the day, and could only rehearse at noon and in the evening, so Qiao Sheng would hang around during the break.

From time to time, he would lie on the window of a classroom to look inside.

Qiao Sheng was not peeking at Huang Yushu dancing. If Huang Yushu really danced in the classroom, he would not have a window seat.

He went to supervise the training of several members of Class D and Class F.

In Qiao Sheng's opinion, the singing skills of these people were really a bit of a drag, and he could only supervise them to work harder during the break.

Qiao Sheng felt that if he

If they don't work hard, they will become his and Zhou Cong's pendants. Not to mention the hope of performing well on the first performance stage, they might even be directly eliminated.

After a few days, several pendant teammates did well. Anyway, every time Qiao Sheng looked in from the window, they were practicing hard and their expressions were serious.

He didn't know that Qiao Sheng's behavior of peeping at the supervision from the window made them see the shadow of his class teacher when he was in school.

It's really too similar, especially the stern face, it's exactly the same!

After the team rehearsal that day, Qiao Sheng went back a little late, and when he pushed the door, he heard Zhou Cong on the phone.

"Xiao Qian, really, the performance will be soon, yes, it's the first stage."

Seeing Qiao Sheng coming back, Zhou Cong pointed to the phone in his hand embarrassedly, and Qiao Sheng waved his hand to indicate that it was okay.

Zhou Cong continued to talk to the person on the other end of the phone: "Do you want to come and see? Can I ask the program team for a spot on site? Oh, okay, then do you want to come to the second performance? Oh, okay."

Qiao Sheng was collecting clothes on the balcony and could hear the disappointment in Zhou Cong's words.

Judging from the name, it should be a girl, so Zhou Cong was pursuing a girl and asked this girl named Xiaoqian to come and see his performance?

"Oh, by the way, have you used up your living expenses this month? I have more than 300 here, I will transfer them to you? Okay."

Another deep disappointment.

Hearing this, Qiao Sheng felt something was wrong. He was cautious. On the way to the bathroom, he pretended to close the door, but actually leaned on the door and listened, wanting to understand.

After listening for a few minutes, Qiao Sheng felt more and more strange. Zhou Cong was talking almost all the time, one sentence after another, leaving almost no time for the other party to finish a sentence.

After washing up, Qiao Sheng came out and wiped his hair, pretending to be curious and asked: "Cong, are you really on the phone? Why do I only hear you talking when I'm taking a shower?"

Zhou Cong smiled embarrassedly and said: "I was on the phone, but Xiaoqian doesn't like to talk much."

"Oh, that's it."

But the picture Qiao Sheng imagined was that there was a big man on the other side of the phone, using a voice-changing software to pretend to be a soft girl, smoking with his toes, with leftover instant noodles in front of him, and using a tone of reluctance to defraud Zhou Cong of his money.

Three hundred was too little, he wanted Zhou Cong to feel guilty, to make Zhou Cong feel angry, and when Zhou Cong had enough money on hand, he would forgive him after Zhou Cong transferred the money.

This is what is shown in fraud warning education films!

"Cong, you call Xiaoqian so intimately, is she your girlfriend?" Qiao Sheng pretended to be curious, but in fact he was carefully inquiring.

"No." Zhou Cong's words made Qiao Sheng feel a little relieved. It was good that she was not his girlfriend yet. He was just at the beginning stage, which meant that he had not been deceived much.

"Xiao Qian is not my girlfriend, she is my wife."

Zhou Cong smiled brightly.

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