After the performance, the band left the stage.

On the stage, the Raptors played some tricks and then left. The mentors began to comment on the performance of Qiao Sheng's group.

Yu Tong, who was the most excited just now, was the first to speak: "Great, your song is great. You know, when I listened to this song, a lot of inspiration came out of my mind. I felt like I was going crazy! Great!"

Yu Tong obviously liked this song very much, and used three "great" to praise it.

"I want to thank you, Qin Sheng. The song you wrote gave me so many surprises. I can't wait to go back and write songs now!"

"Don't be so excited first." Ji Chen smiled and patted Yu Tong's shoulder, and explained to everyone.

"Yu Tong is currently working on the title song for his new album. The mood he wants is very similar to the song Qin Sheng's team just performed, so he is so excited."

Ji Chen's words made the audience suddenly realize that this is the case.

Bai Shu looked at Yu Tong's appearance and felt a little regretful. It was a pity that the first episode was not broadcast, and the audience did not know Yu Tong's comments on Qiao Sheng's original folk songs.

Otherwise, it would have been very interesting.

Alas, we can only wait until this episode is broadcast to see how the barrage complains about Yu Tong.

But Bai Shu has already thought of the barrage he wants to post, which is called "Yu Tong is finally impressed by Qin Sheng's talent."

After helping Yu Tong out, Ji Chen also praised the performance of Qiao Sheng's team, but the focus was on Qiao Sheng and Zhou Cong.

"Qin Sheng, to be honest, your song has amazed me in terms of style and lyrics. Your originality and singing skills make you a top singer."

"And Zhou Cong, your performance today is much better than your first stage performance. Before, your voice had a natural feeling without any decoration, and it had the vastness of the mountains."

"After this period of study, your level has improved a lot. What's more valuable is that your voice is very plastic. It feels like you can sing anything. I am looking forward to your next performance."

"In the whole team, you two also performed the best. Compared with you, the performance of the others was a little disappointing."

The criticized trainees looked a little ugly, with a slightly embarrassed smile on their faces.

Qiao Sheng smiled and said, "Teacher, the main reason is that this song is difficult and not suitable for them. They didn't perform well, and there was also my problem."

Ji Chen smiled and didn't say much. He just nodded at Qiao Sheng and said, "You are a qualified captain."

Since Qiao Sheng was willing to take the blame, he didn't say anything else.

Several trainees cast grateful eyes at Qiao Sheng. Qiao Sheng is indeed a great captain. He is willing to split the votes equally and will stand up to criticism for his teammates.

It would be better if they could relax a little during practice.

When it was Huang Yushu's turn to comment, she first praised the entire team, then changed the subject and frowned, saying, "Qin Sheng, your song reminds me of someone - Lao Qiao."

"Although the song "Loyalty to the Country" you created is completely different from Lao Qiao's "Men Should Be Self-reliant" and "The Great Wall Will Never Fall" in terms of lyrics and melody, it always gives me a familiar feeling."

Huang Yushu's words made Qiao Sheng's heart skip a beat. Did she guess it?

Qiao Sheng did intend to announce his identity, but not now, and not here.

He reacted quickly, raised the microphone and explained: "I wrote this song, actually inspired by those two songs. You feel familiar, maybe because these three songs have the same patriotic sentiments."

Huang Yushu heard Qiao Sheng's explanation and nodded: "What you said makes sense, I think so too. Your song is well written, I hope you can become the second Lao Qiao."

Qiao Sheng smiled and thanked: "Thank you, but I don't want to be the second Lao Qiao, I just want to be myself."

Hearing Qiao Sheng's words, Huang Yushu was stunned for a moment and didn't speak. For a while, the atmosphere in the mentor seat was a little awkward.

Ji Chen hurriedly tried to smooth things over and said: "Young people are awesome, young people are awesome."

In the waiting room, Rong Yijiang couldn't hold back his anger and whispered: "Arrogant!"

Dai Youjing, who was sitting next to him, heard it and gently poked him with his elbow.

Rong Yijiang quickly restrained his expression and returned to his sunny and handsome appearance.

Dai Youjing was a little glad that he was not in his team. But thinking about being his team leader in the company, I felt a little tired.

Qiao Sheng's words

In some people's eyes, he is indeed arrogant.

Huang Yushu originally intended to praise him with Lao Qiao, but he said directly, "Don't compare me with him, I am me."

There is a hint of disdain in his words for Lao Qiao.

Of course, more people think he has personality, which can be seen from the enthusiastic cheers from the audience.

Bai Shu took over Ji Chen's words and said to Qiao Sheng on the stage: "You are right. Each of us is unique. We don't need to be anyone, nor do we need to be second to anyone."

"What Huang Yushu meant is that I hope you can come out of nowhere like Lao Qiao and sweep the charts, instead of learning from him."

Huang Yushu looked at Bai Shu and said, then smiled and nodded.

Bai Shu did not encourage anyone in particular, nor did she criticize anyone in particular.

After she resolved the embarrassment for Qiao Sheng and Huang Yushu, she basically praised the performance of the entire team.

After praising, Shi Jing was reaching out to take the microphone, and suddenly a big hand appeared and took the microphone away.

It's Wang Liang!

The four members of the Raptors have changed their clothes and reappeared on the stage.

"Hahahaha, this group's performance is great, especially the four accompaniment players, who directly raised the whole song to a higher level."

Wang Liang picked up the microphone and began to brag about himself, which attracted boos from the audience. He smiled and waved to the audience.

"Zhou Cong!"

After commenting on the performance of the Qiaosheng team, Wang Liang suddenly called Zhou Cong's name loudly.

"Here!" Zhou Cong responded reflexively.

"You must cherish the opportunity now." Wang Liang said earnestly.

"Yes, teacher, I will cherish it!" Zhou Cong answered decisively.

Wang Liang saw that Zhou Cong answered so quickly, knowing that he didn't understand what he meant, he could only put down the microphone with a smile.

After the mentors finished commenting on the Qiaosheng team, the other eight groups returned to the stage.

Because the next step is to announce the final ranking of this performance.

Bai Shu took the envelope handed over by the staff, opened it and read out loud: "In the first performance, the team ranked first is - Qiao Sheng team!"

The audience cheered, and they used their shouts to prove that Qiao Sheng team deserved the title.

Dai Youjing's face was a little ugly, and Rong Yijiang had the same name as his, so his face froze.

Qiao Sheng looked back at the number of votes on the big screen and just noticed the change in Rong Yijiang's expression.

He was a little amused.

They were all in the same class, and he could also find that Rong Yijiang was always competing with him.

He laughed because he thought that if he kept winning in the back, and Rong Yijiang's face was so stiff every time, would netizens call him "Rong Yijiang"?

In the eyes of other trainees, Qiao Sheng had a winner's smile on his face.

Looking at the cheering teammates around him, they were even more jealous.

I really want to have a captain like Qin Sheng, who doesn't have to do anything and can win by lying down.

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