After all, Qiao Sheng's expectations were not realized.

After starting running and singing training with Zhou Cong, he found that Zhou Cong was almost the same when he was jogging as when he was standing and singing.

Qiao Sheng turned his head and looked at Zhou Cong in confusion, and Zhou Cong also looked back at him with a puzzled look.

The meaning seemed to be, what are you looking at?


When he was distracted, Qiao Sheng's buttocks suffered physical pain again.

"Don't be distracted, continue!"

Lin Yixiang's stern voice came from behind.

Half an hour later, Qiao Sheng sat on the ground, his chest heaving like a bellows, while Zhou Cong was just breathing slightly.

Even Lin Yixiang looked much better than Qiao Sheng.

He knew that Lin Yixiang often exercised, but Zhou Cong, what's wrong with you?

Qiao Sheng asked the question in his heart, Zhou Cong smiled shyly and began to explain.

It turned out that the school he went to when he was a child was far away from the village where he lived.

He had to climb several mountains every day to go to school.

Because the journey was long, in order to arrive on time and not be late, he often ran all the way to school.

After living in the school dormitory in junior high school, he has always maintained the habit of running every day.

Mountain running and flat road running are completely different things. Zhou Cong has been running in the mountains for six years, and Qiao Sheng claims that he can't compare.

As for singing, it's even more interesting.

Zhou Cong didn't go to school alone, there were children from the same village.

Several children didn't dare to delay time to play on the way to and from school.

If you delay on the road in the morning, it's easy to be late. If you delay on the road in the evening, it might be dark when you go back, which is dangerous.

In order to save time, you can play. In addition to chasing and playing with each other, singing has become their best way to pass the time.

After listening to Zhou Cong's words, Qiao Sheng finally understood why many ethnic minorities living in the mountains always have amazing native singers.

It seems that you all practiced breathing like this when you were young.

Lin Yixiang was very satisfied with Zhou Cong's performance and deliberately praised him in front of Qiao Sheng.

"Uncle Lin, your provocation is useless. Zhou Cong and I are in the same dormitory. I don't know his breath and lung capacity."

To be honest, he really didn't know. He thought Zhou Cong just had the talent bonus of ethnic minorities at first.

But he wouldn't tell Lin Yixiang.

When Lin Yixiang heard Qiao Sheng's words, his eyes narrowed slightly and he walked towards Qiao Sheng with a bamboo stick.

Qiao Sheng got up and ran, and Zhou Cong quickly caught up.

The three of them started a new round of training.

In the following time, Qiao Sheng's time was completely dominated by Lin Yixiang.

Except for eating, sleeping and going to the toilet, he had almost no free time.

Especially for those creative courses, Lin Yixiang directly asked for leave from the program group for Qiao Sheng and gave him a private lesson.

So there were several classes where the professional teacher didn't see Qiao Sheng.

The trainees in Class A were surprised. Qin Sheng looked tall and strong, but why did he take sick leave every other day, and he chose the creative class to take sick leave?

The professional teacher who taught Class A was also a senior producer in the industry.

Today he walked into the classroom and saw that there were still only 8 people, so he asked the others: "Where is this Qin Sheng?"

The eight people looked at each other, not knowing how to answer.

"He took sick leave again?" The producer teacher asked the staff next to him.

Seeing the staff nod, the producer teacher "slapped" the prepared materials on the table.

"He took sick leave as soon as my class started. I have to ask Director Xie if this Qin Sheng really despises me!"

After saying this, he slammed the door and left.

The trainees left in the practice room looked at each other, very surprised.

Rong Yijiang laughed out loud with gloating, and only stopped talking after being pulled by Dai Youjing.

Xie Haoran certainly knew what Lin Yixiang and Qiao Sheng were doing, but he couldn't say it out loud, but he had already thought of the reason for them.

"You know Qin Sheng is from Xueqiu Entertainment, right? His creative class teacher is the company's producer, so he didn't go to your class."

The teacher who originally came to inquire became even more angry after hearing Xie Haoran's words.

He questioned: "The producer of their company is the producer, but I am not! Or does he think I am not as good as the producer of their company?!"

Xie Haoran has known this teacher for a long time. Facing his anger, Xie Haoran just smiled calmly and said: "The producer who teaches Qin Sheng is called Lao Qiao."


"Old Qiao?"

The producer teacher suddenly wilted like an eggplant hit by frost.

Oh, it's Old Qiao, that's fine.

Then, he made a request that made Xie Haoran laugh and cry: "Director Xie, look, next time they have a class, can I go and sit in on it?"

After getting Xie Haoran's promise, he left happily.

As for notifying him, Old Qiao is basically Qiao Sheng, how can you let me notify you?

Seeing that the producer teacher slammed the door and returned to the classroom in less than half an hour, the eight trainees were a little surprised.

Because his face no longer had the previous anger, but was full of smugness.

The problem is that Qin Sheng didn't come back.

"Teacher, where is Qin Sheng?" Rong Yijiang couldn't help but ask out loud because of his curiosity.

"He is different from you, he doesn't need me to teach him to create. You just need to take care of yourself and don't ask about other people's business! ”

After being reprimanded, Rong Yijiang shut up and said nothing more.

This producer teacher is usually very strict in class. Although he has a smile on his face now, it doesn’t mean that he will be good-tempered to others.

The little episode in the creative class did not affect Lin Yixiang and Qiao Sheng, but in the subsequent classes, the eyes of other trainees looked at Qiao Sheng a little differently.

The difference in the producer teacher’s attitude before and after that day cast a veil of mystery over Qiao Sheng’s identity.

The news soon spread to the trainees in other classes.

Some people were jealous and wondered why he could take leave so frequently.

Some people didn’t understand. There were senior creators in the circle teaching you, but you still tried every means to skip classes?

Is there something wrong?

Some people found it incredible , you know, the content of the class will also be filmed and edited into the program, he actually gave up these shots?

Only Zhou Cong knew what Qiao Sheng was doing.

Ever since he caught Qiao Sheng and Lin Yixiang's one-on-one teaching that day, Qiao Sheng began to pull him to accept Lin Yixiang's guidance.

Zhou Cong felt embarrassed at first and wanted to refuse, but Qiao Sheng still pulled him in.

Since you are here, help me share some of the "care" from Lao Lin.

Time flies when you are busy.

Under the full schedule of dance and vocal training, Qiao Sheng is like a sponge, madly absorbing the knowledge and experience given by professional teachers and Lin Yixiang.

In this atmosphere, everyone welcomed the broadcast of the first performance stage.

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