The light that enveloped Qiao Sheng dimmed, and when it lit up again, it was Zhou Cong's figure.

"The pagoda, several floors were broken,

Whose soul was broken.

Pain ran straight, a broken lamp,

The collapsed mountain gate.

Let me wait a little longer, history turns around,

Wait for the wine to be mellow, wait for you to play a piece of guzheng."

On the big screen on the stage, the young monk was still meditating and chanting in the hall.

And Miss Xiu had been there with him all the time.

Sometimes she held her chin in a daze, sometimes she flipped through the scriptures, and sometimes she sat on the cushion and dozed, her head nodding.

The young monk would always quietly open his eyes when Miss Xiu wasn't paying attention, watching her walk around the hall from time to time, and wipe away the saliva left by her when she was sleeping.

Every time this happened, the expression on the young monk's face was both gentle and a bit tangled and struggling.

As spring went by and autumn came, Miss Xiu changed her clothes one after another, but the young monk always wore the plain white monk robe, and his figure had always been sitting on the cushion.

The lights dimmed.

On the stage, the old monk and the young monk appeared again.

The young monk pushed the old monk: "Master, Master, why are you distracted?"

The old monk smiled and said: "Nothing, I'm just old, and it's easy to think of some past events, so I'm distracted."

The young monk asked curiously: "Master, did you remember any Buddhist stories? Can you tell me?"

"Then I'll tell you the story of the Three Refuges..."

The old monk raised his head, and the smile on his face squeezed the wrinkles together, but it seemed to contain all the desolation in this world.

The lights dimmed again, and Miss Xiu and the young monk appeared on the big screen.

The two sat in the pavilion, with a broom and a dustpan placed beside them.

"Miss Xiu, it's been so long, and you haven't told me the story of the Four Refuges."

The young monk was thinking about the Buddhist stories, and Miss Xiu looked at him tenderly.

"Ah, you said the Four Refuges. Stretch out your hand and I'll tell you."

The young monk obediently stretched out his hand, and Miss Xiu began to write stroke by stroke on his palm, reciting as she wrote.

"Refuge in the Buddha~"

"Refuge in the Buddha."

Miss Xiu recited a sentence, and the young monk followed it.

"Refuge in the Dharma~"

"Refuge in the Dharma."

"Refuge in the Sangha~"

"Refuge in the Sangha."

"Refuge..." Miss Xiu paused, looked up at the young monk: "Refuge Miss Xiu!"

"Refuge... huh?" The young monk's expression froze instantly, staring at Miss Xiu blankly, his mouth moving slightly, but he couldn't say a word.

Miss Xiu saw this and smiled and said: "This is the Four Refuges I mentioned, you can recite it. Refuge... Miss Xiu."

The young monk's face turned red, and he hurriedly grabbed the broom beside him and ran away without looking back.

Only his shy and angry voice floated in the wind: "Little monk... Little monk still has to sweep the courtyard."

Miss Xiu laughed so hard in the pavilion.

The chorus of the first paragraph also ended here.

The daily life of Miss Xiu and the young monk appeared on the screen again.

After parting with Miss Xiu again, the young monk began to sweep the courtyard.

As he swept, a smile appeared on his face for some reason, and he kept muttering while sweeping:

"Take refuge in the Buddha."

"Take refuge in the Dharma."

"Take refuge in the monks."

"Take refuge..."

"Disciple!" An old monk walked out of the hall and interrupted the young monk's mumbling with a call! "

"Master!" The young monk seemed to have been caught in something, and he saluted the old monk in a panic, and his broom fell to the side.

"Did the female donor leave?" the old monk asked.

"Ah, well, as usual, she left after I explained the Buddhist principles to her. ”

The young monk put his hands together and bowed his head to answer.

“Alas.” The old monk could not see the young monk’s expression, but just sighed heavily: “After you sweep the courtyard, go to the Buddha to chant. Amitabha!”

The old monk left, and the young monk raised his head. The fallen leaves around him were just like his mood.

No more peace.

Everyone at the scene, including the mentor, thought it was a love story after hearing the last sentence of the chorus "It is our fate to take root" and seeing the conversation between the old monk and the young monk.

Anyone with a discerning eye could see that the young monk and Miss Xiu had already had a secret love affair.

They were also guessing the next plot, which should be that the young monk would fall in love with Miss Xiu after all.

, and then return to secular life and start a family with her.

"But this seems too simple." Huang Yushu said to himself in the tutor's seat.

Many people also felt that if it was just like this, the story seemed a little bland.

Soon, after the interlude ended, with the singing on the stage, the story began to develop in another direction.

For several days in a row, the young monk did not see Miss Xiu.

"Namo Amitabha Namo Amitabha Namo Amitabha Namo Amitabha..."

He was sitting alone on the cushion, still chanting.

But he kept saying Namo Amitabha.

His mind was already in chaos, and no matter what sutra he chanted, it would end up with these words.

He chanted too quickly and too quickly, and the rosary in his hand broke, scattered all at once, and rolled all over the floor.

The young monk looked at the mess on the ground and sighed deeply.

Amid the singing, the big screen slowly dimmed, and the lights on the stage lit up.

The young monk and Miss Xiu appeared on the stage.

When Miss Xiu came to the temple again, the young monk finally showed a long-lost smile on his face.

"Miss Xiu, you are here."

"Little monk, I came here this time to tell you something." Miss Xiu looked at the face of the young monk and smiled casually.

"Little monk, I will leave here in two days." Before the young monk answered, Miss Xiu said it to herself.

"Ah? Oh." The young monk smiled: "I don't know where Miss Xiu is going?"

"I... I... My father found a marriage for me... Little monk, you, you, you..."

Miss Xiu's voice gradually became lighter, and her head gradually drooped. Suddenly, she raised her head again, and there seemed to be a light flashing in her eyes.

"Little monk, please don't forget me!"

The young monk didn't speak or nod, but just stared at Miss Xiu.

"Little monk, I'm leaving. In the future, I, I won't come again." Miss Xiu bit her lip and said, "Do you have anything to say to me?"

"I..." The young monk paused, and the words that were on his lips turned into: "Miss Xiu, you are a good girl, you will definitely marry a good family and be happy forever."

Miss Xiu just kept looking at the young monk, her eyes flickering, and no one could read them.

After a while, Miss Xiu shrugged her shoulders and said with a smile: "Then I'll go."

The young monk didn't say anything. He waited until Miss Xiu's thin figure was about to disappear at the temple gate. Then he opened his lips slightly and whispered what was in his heart: "Miss Xiu, I will remember the four refuges."

"Refuge in Buddha."

"Refuge in Dharma."

"Refuge in Sangha."

"Refuge... Miss Xiu."

After he finished speaking, two lines of tears slid down the young monk's cheeks.

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